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Br J Ophthalmol 2001;85:397–402 397

The a-wave of the dark adapted electroretinogram

in glaucomas: are photoreceptors aVected?

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.85.4.397 on 1 April 2001. Downloaded from on March 21, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Isabel M Velten, Matthias Korth, Folkert K Horn

Abstract The a-wave of the dark adapted ERG arising

Aims—To evaluate whether the a-wave of mainly from the rods,7 8 can be regarded as a
the dark adapted flash electroretinogram suitable measure of the photoreceptor func-
(ERG) is aVected by glaucomatous dam- tion. In contrast with previous investigations,
age. the present study examined the a-wave of the
Methods—ERGs were recorded in 20 pa- dark adapted ERG using a light intensity func-
tients (age 33–65 years) with advanced tion. The a-wave’s amplitude was followed
glaucomas (primary and secondary open from its threshold up to high intensities lying
angle and low tension glaucomas) and 20 above the intensity of the ISCEV standard9
normals using a ganzfeld stimulus. After bright flash. The peak amplitude of the a-wave
30 minutes of dark adaptation and pupil has long been recognised as being contami-
dilatation to at least 7.5 mm in diameter, nated by the intrusion of the b-wave. This may
luminance response functions were ob- be of varying influence depending on the
tained presenting white flashes of increas- stimulus conditions and the nature of the proc-
ing scotopic luminance (the highest flash ess aVecting retinal sensitivity.7 We thus used as
intensity being 9.4 cd/s/m2, the lowest a measure of photoreceptor function in this
being 5.75 log units below it) with an study the a-wave’s amplitude measured at fixed
interflash interval of 5 seconds. For each times of 10, 11, and 12 ms, before interference
scotopic luminance, the responses of four with the b-wave can occur. Normals show a
flashes were averaged. The a-wave’s am- high interindividual variability in ERG re-
plitude was measured at 10, 11, and 12 ms. sponses. Thus, in this study, additionally to the
Within the glaucoma group, correlations comparison between the normal and glaucoma
between the interocular diVerences of the group, the interocular diVerences of the
a-wave’s amplitude and the mean devia- a-wave’s amplitude were correlated with the
tion of a static perimetry (Octopus 500 interocular diVerences of the mean deviation
perimeter, program G1) were computed (MD) of a static perimetry. Neglecting the
for all flash intensities. Between normals interindividual variability, this intraindividual
and glaucomas, the a-wave’s amplitude interocular comparison allows a better answer
was compared for all flash intensities to the question of whether a relation exists
(paired t test). between the stage of glaucoma damage and the
Results—Within the glaucoma group, the impairment of the a-wave. The study was
interocular diVerences of the a-wave’s planned to evaluate whether diVerences in
amplitudes correlated significantly with visual fields between the two eyes of one
the diVerences of the MD for flash patient are likewise accompanied by changes in
intensities of 9.4, 5.3, 1.7, and 0.5 cd/s/m2. the ERG response, especially in the a-wave’s
The a-wave’s amplitude was significantly amplitude. As some studies with patients with
lower in the glaucoma compared with the beginning or moderate open angle glaucomas
normal group (p <0.005) for flash intensi- did not reveal any changes in photoreceptor
ties of 9.4 and 5.3 cd/s/m2. function3 4 or in photoreceptor count,1 this
Conclusion—These electrophysiological study only concentrated on patients with
results imply that also the outer retinal advanced, long standing glaucomas.
Department of structures, especially the photoreceptors, Earlier studies3 4 found flash ERGs to be
Ophthalmology and may be aVected by glaucomatous damage. inappropriate for adequate glaucoma diagno-
University Eye (Br J Ophthalmol 2001;85:397–402) sis, while the pattern ERG which arises mainly
Hospital, University of from the inner retinal layers, especially the reti-
Erlangen-Nürnberg, nal nerve fibre layer where glaucomatous
Schwabachanlage 6, Histological studies revealed diVerent results1 2
D-91054 Erlangen,
changes occur first, was favoured for glaucoma
regarding the question whether glaucomatous diagnosis.10–13
I M Velten damage also leads to damage of the outer reti- Thus, this study was not planned to contrib-
M Korth nal layers, especially the photoreceptors, or ute to ways of glaucoma diagnosis, rather it was
F K Horn whether the glaucomatous damage remains the aim of this study to contribute from the
strictly limited to the inner retinal layers. A electrophysiological point of view to the
Correspondence to: number of electrophysiological studies3–6 have
Dr Isabel M Velten, question of whether photoreceptors are in-
Augenklinik mit Poliklinik been performed to answer the question cluded in advanced glaucomatous damage.
der Universität whether the a-wave and b-wave of the flash
Erlangen-Nürnberg, electroretinogram (ERG) are aVected by glau-
Schwabachanlage 6,
D-91054 Erlangen, Germany comatous damage. While some of these Methods
isabel.velten@ studies3 4 could not find any significant change EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN in ERG responses related to glaucomas, After 30 minutes of dark adaptation, flash
Accepted for publication others5 6 found significant changes in either the ERGs were recorded from both eyes simulta-
18 October 2000 a-wave or the b-wave in glaucomas. neously in a ganzfeld (Nicolet GS 2000) using
398 Velten, Korth, Horn

white flashes of a xenon discharge lamp. Pupils SUBJECTS

were dilated to at least 7.5 mm in diameter Subjects were recruited from our glaucoma

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.85.4.397 on 1 April 2001. Downloaded from on March 21, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
with 1% tropicamide and 5% phenylephrine. service and from hospital staV. Informed
There was no significant diVerence in pupil consent was obtained from each individual
diameter between the normals and the glau- after explanation of the nature and possible
coma group. Additionally, eye drops for local consequences of the study according to the
anaesthesia (oxybuprocaine hydrochloride guidelines set by the institutional review board.
0.25%) and 2% methylcellulose lubrication In all, 40 subjects were tested who were
were used before inserting a Henkes electrode divided into two groups: the glaucoma group
(clear 20 mm, art no MW 1300, Medical included 20 patients with advanced, asymmet-
Workshop bv, Netherlands). The ipsilateral ric primary and secondary open angle and low
earlobe served as reference and the forehead tension glaucomas. The control group in-
was grounded. The white flashes were pre- cluded 20 normals. The mean age of the glau-
sented with increasing intensity with an coma group was 56.9 (SD 9.1) versus 43.4
interflash interval of 5 seconds the highest flash (11.5) years in the normal group (unpaired t
intensity being 9.4 cd/s/m2, the lowest being test: p = 0.014). All individuals satisfied the
5.75 log units below it). The lowest flash inten- following criteria: refractive errors less than 9
sity was below the a-wave’s threshold and dioptres (myopic or hyperopic), no previous
above the b-wave’s threshold in most subjects. cataract surgery, clear optic media, open ante-
Neutral density filters were used to achieve the rior chamber angle, no systemic illnesses possi-
adequate flash intensity. Each flash intensity bly influencing the eye such as diabetes
was presented four times. An artefact rejection mellitus, vascular, or rheumatic diseases. The
algorithm prevented unwanted signals like eye participants were between 33 and 65 years old.
movements from being averaged. After amplifi- All subjects underwent a full ophthalmologi-
cation (2 seconds–500 Hz, 500 µV/V), four cal examination confirming a normal eye or
sweeps (300 ms length) were averaged (500 Hz excluding any ophthalmological diseases other
sampling rate) using a personal computer. than glaucoma. For both eyes in each subject,
Steps of 0.5 and 0.25 log units were used the following examinations were conducted:
between two following flash intensities. best refracted visual acuity, perimetry with a
The a-wave’s amplitude was measured from computerised static projection perimeter (Oc-
the baseline at fixed times of 10, 11, and 12 ms topus 500 EZ, program G1, two or three
after the onset of the light stimulus (see Fig 1). phases), slit lamp examination, gonioscopy,
These amplitudes were chosen instead of the applanation tonometry, and dilated fundus
a-wave’s peak amplitude to avoid contamina- examination.
tion of the b-wave which might influence the At the time of testing, the IOP was <21 mm
estimation of photoreceptor function. For this Hg in all eyes included. As a measure for glau-
purpose, the times of 10, 11, and 12 ms were coma damage, the static projection perimetry
short enough in all subjects. was used. The visual field indices described by
Within the glaucoma group, the interocular Flammer et al14 are calculated routinely by the
diVerences of the a-wave’s amplitudes between program G1 of the Octopus 500 EZ. Subjects
both fellow eyes of one patient were correlated performing in visual field testing with false
with the interocular diVerences of the MD of positive and false negative responses of >12%
the static perimetry (Octopus 500 perimeter, were excluded. Normal visual fields were
program G1, two or three phases, see below) accepted even if the test was the first one for
for all flash intensities. Additionally, the the subject. Abnormal fields (mean defect
a-wave’s amplitudes were compared between (MD) >2.8 dB, at least three contiguous test
the normal and the glaucoma group. points 5 dB or more below the age corrected
normal threshold) were accepted only if the
subject had had at least two examinations with
Amplitude (µV)

the Octopus 500-G1 perimeter.
400 Only patients with asymmetric or unilateral
200 0.2 cd/s/m
2 glaucomas were included in the glaucoma
group. The diVerence in the MD had to be
0 0.5 cd/s/m
more than 1.5 dB between the less and the
1.7 cd/s/m
2 more aVected eye.
For the comparison between the glaucoma
5.3 cd/s/m and the normal group, only one eye of each
9.4 cd/s/m
2 individual was included. For the glaucoma
patients, the eye with the more advanced glau-
coma damage was chosen. For the normal
group, the eye included was chosen randomly.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
Time (ms) Within the glaucoma group, the interocular
Figure 1 ERG responses of one normal subject for flash diVerences of the a-wave’s amplitudes between
intensities of 0.2, 0.5, 1.7, 5.3, and 9.4 cd/s/m2. The broken both fellow eyes of each patient were correlated
line marks the time of 11 ms at which the response
magnitudes were measured. This time was short enough to with the interocular diVerences of the MD
avoid interference of the a-wave with the b-wave. using Pearson’s correlation coeYcient.
The a-wave of the dark adapted electroretinogram in glaucomas 399

Table 1 Correlation between the interocular diVerences of the a-wave’s amplitude and the Results

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.85.4.397 on 1 April 2001. Downloaded from on March 21, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Correlation coeYcient p Value
Table 1 shows the results of Pearson’s correla-
Time at which the response magnitudes were measured tion the interocular diVerences of the a-wave’s
Flash intensity 10 ms 11 ms 12 ms 10 ms 11 ms 12 ms amplitudes and the interocular diVerences of
the MD between both fellow eyes of each
9.4 cd/s/m 0.730 0743 0.758 0.001 0.001 0.001 patient. The correlation was significant for
5.3 cd/s/m2 0.663 0.660 0.668 0.005 0.005 0.005
1.7 cd/s/m2 0.768 0.764 0.753 0.001 0.001 0.001 flash intensities of 9.4 cd/s/m2, 5.3, 1.7, and 0.5
0.5 cd/s/m2 0.546 0.593 0.628 0.03 0.016 0.009 cd/s/m2. The scatter plots in Figure 2 show the
0.2 cd/s/m2 0.236 0.287 0.368 ns ns ns correlation between the interocular diVerences
0.005 cd/s/m2 0.240 0.273 0.188 ns ns ns
of the a-wave’s amplitude and the MD for flash
Within the glaucoma group the correlation between the interocular diVerences of the a-wave’s intensities of 9.4, 5.3, 1.7, 0.5, and 0.2 cd/s/m2.
amplitude and the MD between both fellow eyes of each patient was significant for flash intensi-
ties of 0.5, 1.7, 5.3, and 9.4 cd/s/m2. For lower luminances, the correlation was not significant. The
table shows Pearson’s correlation coeYcient and the p value (ns = not significant) of the correla-
tion for each flash intensity and the a-wave’s amplitudes for the three times of 10, 11, and 12 ms GLAUCOMA GROUP
at which the response magnitudes were measured. The results of the unpaired t test comparing
For all flash intensities, the a-wave’s ampli- the a-wave’s amplitude for all flash intensities
between the normal and the glaucoma group
tudes were compared between the normal and
are listed in Table 2 and Figure 3. For flash
the glaucoma group using the unpaired t test. intensities of 9.4 cd/s/m2 and 5.3 cd/s/m2, the
Intraocular difference of amplitudes (µV)

Intraocular difference of amplitudes (µV)

150 2 150 2
Flash intensity: 9.4 cd/s/m Flash intensity: 5.3 cd/s/m
125 Correlation coefficient: 0.743 125 Correlation coefficient: 0.660
100 p = 0.001 100 p = 0.005
75 75
50 50
25 25
0 0
–25 –25
–50 –50
–75 –75
–100 –100
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20
Difference of perimetric defects (dB) Difference of perimetric defects (dB)
Intraocular difference of amplitudes (µV)

Intraocular difference of amplitudes (µV)

150 2 150 2
Flash intensity: 1.7 cd/s/m Flash intensity: 0.5 cd/s/m
125 Correlation coefficient: 0.764 125 Correlation coefficient: 0.593
100 p = 0.001 100 p = 0.016
75 75
50 50
25 25
0 0
–25 –25
–50 –50
–75 –75
–100 –100
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20
Difference of perimetric defects (dB) Difference of perimetric defects (dB)
Intraocular difference of amplitudes (µV)

150 2
Flash intensity: 0.2 cd/s/m
125 Correlation coefficient: 0.287
100 p = ns
25 Figure 2 (A–E) Scatter plots for the correlation between
0 the interocular diVerences of the a-wave’s amplitudes
–25 measured at a fixed time of 11 ms and the interocular
diVerences of the MD between both fellow eyes of one
–50 patient within the glaucoma group for flash intensities of
–75 9.4 cd/s/m2 (A), 5.3 cd/s/m2 (B), 1.7 cd/s/m2 (C, 0.5
cd/s/m2 (D), and 0.2 cd/s/m5 (E). Pearson’s correlation was
–100 significant for luminance times of 9.4, 1.7, and 0.5 cd/s/m2
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20
with correlation coeYcients of 0.743, 0.660, 0.764, and
Difference of perimetric defects (dB) 0.593, respectively (compare Table 2).
400 Velten, Korth, Horn

Table 2 Comparison of the a-wave’s amplitude at 10, 11, and 12 ms between the normal and the glaucoma group

Normal group a-wave’s amplitude (µV) Glaucoma group a-wave’s amplitude

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.85.4.397 on 1 April 2001. Downloaded from on March 21, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
(mean and (SD)) (µV) (mean and (SD)) p Value

Time at which the response magnitudes were measured (ms)

Flash intensity
(cd/s/m2) 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12

9.4 299 (58) 331 (61) 352 (61) 235 (87) 255 (88) 165 (67) 0.006 0.005 0.004
5.3 238 (42) 273 (47) 302 (51) 165 (67) 191 (74) 214 (79) 0.004 0.004 0.004
1.7 79 (23) 95 (27) 112 (32) 64 (28) 78 (34) 92 (40) ns ns ns
0.5 35 (12) 44 (14) 52 (17) 26 (12) 31 (14) 37 (16) ns ns ns
0.2 23 (16) 28 (18) 34 (21) 11 (6) 14 (8) 17 (9) ns ns ns

Comparing the normal and the glaucoma group, the a-wave’s amplitude showed a significant diVerence for flash intensities of 5.3
and 9.4 cd/s/m2, but not for lower luminances. The table shows the mean a-wave’s amplitudes with standard deviations (SD) and
the results of the unpaired t test for each flash intenity and for the three fixed times of 10, 11, and 12 ms at which the response mag-
nitudes were measured.

450 in all patients to avoid interference of the

Glaucomas a-wave with the b-wave. Thus, one can assume
400 Normals that the responses obtained can be taken as
measure of photoreceptor function.7 8 Unfortu-
nately, the range of intensities available with
300 the equipment used in the present study was
Amplitude (µV)

not large enough to allow an analysis of the

250 entire amplitude response function of the
a-wave including stimulus levels leading to a
saturation of response amplitudes around 11
150 ms. This would have enabled the fit of
Naka-Rushton functions for a more complete
100 description of the a-wave’s behaviour using the
diVerent parameters of the equation. The
significant correlation of the interocular diVer-
0 ences of the a-wave’s amplitude with the
0.2 0.5 1.7 5.3 9.4
2 interocular diVerences of the MD between
Flash intensity (cd/s/m ) both fellow eyes of one patient within the glau-
Figure 3 The a-wave’s amplitudes measured at 11 ms for coma group suggests that the extent of psycho-
all subjects in the glaucoma and the normal group for flash physically measurable glaucomatous damage is
intensities of 0.2, 0.5, 1.7, 5.3, and 9.4 cd/s/m2. For flash
intensities of 9.4 and 5.3 cd/s/m2, the a-wave’s amplitudes correlated with the extent of electrophysiologi-
diVered significantly between the two study groups (p cally measurable damage of photoreceptor
<0.006, compare Table 2) function in advanced, long standing glauco-
mas. The significant diVerence of the a-wave’s
a-wave’s amplitudes diVered significantly be-
amplitude between the normal and the glau-
tween the two groups (p <0.006). For all other
coma group implies that in advanced primary
flash intensities, there was no significant diVer-
and secondary open angle glaucomas not only
ence between the normal and the glaucoma
the retinal ganglion cell layer, but also other
retinal structures, especially the photorecep-
The mean age in the glaucoma group was
tors can be involved.
56.9 (9.1) versus 43.4 (11.5) years in the nor-
There was a significant diVerence in age
mal group (unpaired t test: p = 0.014). In our
between the normal and the glaucoma group,
study with subjects between age 33 and 65, the
the glaucoma patients being significantly older
normal group did not show a significant corre-
than the normals. This significant diVerence
lation of the a-wave’s amplitude with age. We
could weaken the result of the comparison of
thus did not perform a correction for age
the a-wave’s amplitude between the normals
although the normal and the glaucoma group
and glaucomas. But no significant correlation
showed a significant diVerence in age.
between the a-wave’s amplitude and age was
found in this study including normals from 33
Discussion to 65 years. Some parameters of the ganzfeld
Within the glaucoma group, the interocular evoked electroretinogram have been appreci-
diVerences of the a-wave’s amplitudes corre- ated to be age dependent in the literature.15 But
lated significantly with the interocular diVer- Weleber15 did not find any significant age
ences of the MD for the four highest flash correlation for dark adapted cone a-wave
intensities measured. Additionally, the a-wave’s amplitude and scotopic a-wave amplitude from
amplitudes showed a significant diVerence mixed rod and cone responses to bright
between the normal and the glaucoma group stimuli. He suggested that for patient evalua-
for flash intensities of 9.4 cd/s/m2 and 5.3 cd/s/ tion of the a-wave’s amplitude, normal ranges
m2. derived from mean and standard deviation
To exclude the influence of the b-wave, the should be used in contrast with the b-wave
a-wave’s amplitude was measured at fixed which shows an age dependence and therefore
times of 10, 11, and 12 ms for all flash intensi- needs an age correction. We thus assume that
ties instead of using the a-wave’s peak ampli- the significant diVerence in age between
tude. These times at which the response normals and glaucomas in our study should
magnitudes were measured were short enough not significantly influence the result of the
The a-wave of the dark adapted electroretinogram in glaucomas 401

comparison between the normal and the glau- perfusion with secondary photoreceptor dys-
coma group. function in long standing glaucomas could be

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.85.4.397 on 1 April 2001. Downloaded from on March 21, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
In contrast with previous investigations, this one explanation for the ERG changes, espe-
study used a light intensity function following cially changes of the a-wave as reported in this
the a-wave from low intensities below the study. Glaucoma induced horizontal cell al-
a-wave’s threshold up to high intensities lying terations in human retinas were described by
above the intensity of the ISCEV9 standard Janssen et al.20
bright flash. Thus, the a-wave’s behaviour in Several electrophysiological studies have
normals and glaucomas could be followed over focused on the question whether outer retinal
a wide range of flash intensities. In this study, layers are aVected by glaucomatous damage or
correlation between the interocular diVerences not. MehaVey et al21 found significant electro-
of the a-wave’s amplitude and the interocular oculogram changes in patients with ocular
diVerences of the MD was significant for the hypertension and primary open angle glau-
four highest flash intensities measured (0.5– coma suggesting changes of the retinal pigment
9.4 cd/s/m2), but not for lower luminance epithelium due to long standing glaucomas or
levels. The normal group diVered significantly long term elevations in intraocular pressure.
from the glaucoma group for flash intensities of Investigations with flash ERGs in glaucomas
5.3 and 9.4 cd/s/m2, but not for lower performed so far have led to contradictory
intensities. A relatively higher variability in the results. The retinal responses from flash ERGs
a-wave’s amplitudes for lower intensities (see are known to originate mainly from the outer
Table 2) might be the reason. retinal layers, while the oscillatory potentials
The electrophysiologically measured pho- originate from the inner plexiform layer, and
toreceptor damage could be due to either loss the scotopic b-wave from the on-bipolar cells.
of photoreceptors or only to functional impair- The a-wave of the human dark adapted
electroretinogram was found to originate
ment of the photoreceptors. A diVerentiation
almost exclusively from the cones and rods.7 8 22
between these two possibilities can be made
The first major study of flash electroretino-
only histologically.
grams in glaucomas was performed by Leyd-
Histological studies revealed diVerent results
hecker in 1950.3 He investigated patients with
regarding the question whether glaucomas can
primary open angle and angle closure glauco-
aVect the outer retinal layers including the
mas and did not find any correlation between
photoreceptors or not. visual function and ERG responses. The tech-
Kendell and coworkers1 did not detect a sig- nique used was a white light flash of 20 lux and
nificant loss or change of photoreceptors in 0.04 second duration after dark adaptation of
primary open angle glaucoma compared with a the patient for 5 minutes. Francois4 found nor-
normal control group. They did not find a mal flash ERG responses in open angle glauco-
detectable association between photoreceptor mas except those patients with accompanying
number and severity of glaucoma, visual field, retinal alterations such as in some secondary
and optic nerve fibre loss. Their study group open angle glaucomas. Fazio et al5 detected sig-
included 14 eyes with primary open angle nificant changes in a group of 14 patients with
glaucomas, classified into four groups: four advanced primary open angle glaucomas with
eyes with normal neural area of the optic nerve, a normal group in several ERG parameters. In
four eyes with mild damage, and three eyes general, implicit times were longer and ampli-
each with moderate and severe damage of the tudes were smaller in the glaucoma group (sig-
neural area of the optic nerve. nificant diVerences for photopic a-wave im-
Studying the photoreceptors and retinal pig- plicit time, dark adapted bright flash a-wave
ment epithelial cells in human eyes with only amplitude, and dark adapted bright flash
secondary angle closure glaucoma, Panda and a-wave and b-wave implicit times). Vaegan et
Jonas2 found a significantly lower photorecep- al6 23 investigated flash ERG changes in pa-
tor count in the glaucomatous compared with tients with simple optic atrophy (anterior
the normal eyes. Count of retinal pigment epi- ischaemic optic neuropathy, trauma, and he-
thelial cells did not diVer significantly between reditary optic atrophy) and glaucomas. In
the two groups. Although the pathogenesis is patients younger than 55 years they found sig-
markedly diVerent from open angle glaucomas, nificant glaucomatous ERG changes such as
barotraumatically induced changes observed in reduction of oscillatory potentials, delayed
angle closure glaucomas may also occur in eyes implicit times, and reduced amplitude of the
with open angle glaucomas. Thus, findings in a-wave and b-wave which increased with
angle closure glaucomas could be consistent disease severity. Compared with changes from
with findings in open angle glaucomas. Two simple optic atrophy, the glaucomatous
possible mechanisms may lead to a photore- changes were significantly larger.
ceptor damage or loss: (1) intraocular pressure Changes in the oscillatory potentials in glau-
acting directly on the receptors, (2) diminished comas also were described by Gur et al.24 A
blood supply to the photoreceptors. decreased scotopic b-wave was found by Korth
A decreased choroidal thickness in eyes with et al25 indicating glaucomatous changes of the
secondary angle closure glaucoma was de- on-bipolar cells. The scotopic and photopic
scribed by Kubota et al.16 This suggests a flash electroretinograms of the macaque after
reduced choroidal perfusion, an observation retinal ganglion cell loss from experimental
consistent with a lack of autoregulation of the glaucoma were investigated by Frishman et al
choroidal blood circulation in glaucomas as and Viswanathan et al26 27 who used red flashes
already reported.17–19 This reduced choroidal projected on a blue background. In scotopic
402 Velten, Korth, Horn

ERGs, they found a sensitive negative compo- 11 Korth M, Horn F, Storck B, et al. The pattern-evoked elec-
troretinogram (PERG): age related alterations and changes
nent to be reduced or absent in eyes with in glaucoma. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1992;227:

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age. etry. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1985;26:176–80.
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between the ERG changes and the subtype of innervation in normal and glaucomatous eyes. Invest Oph-
glaucoma. These answers could contribute to thalmol Vis Sci 1994;35 (Suppl):2272 (Abstract).
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the understanding of glaucomas. retinal and choroidal hemodynamics in patients with
primary open-angle glaucoma and normal pressure glau-
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