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OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (STA pp0-19 fe choices and events ife events © Vico: Planning the future | Real English: Uses of get Strategy: Language immersion | without traveling p.20-29 7). Live by the rules! * Daily life | make and do | © Vios: Extra chores | "Real English: be allowed to tice and review A Exam Extra communication A > * Relationships * Relationship expressions © Viog: Just friends? Real English: Talking about ongoing situations + TV shows’and movies * Describing movies © Viog: Screen dreams Real English: Passive: interrogative form Strategy: Thinking of different ways to express things Exam practice and review B lll Extra communication B > Xe ‘Parts of the body (1) * Accidents © Viog: Ouch! Real English: Parts of the body (2) Ty imaginatio pp.2-S1 in «The environment * Environment © Viog: Go green Real English: Present perfect progressive (2) Strategy: Word families and suffixes Exam practice id review C Extra communication C >, Art ‘Adjectives of opinion © Viog: Art in New York Real English: Modals of deduction: past Cue pp.82-101 Review Workbool * Vacations and travel « Travel: collocations and easily confused words © Viog: The worst trip ever! wish + simple past BB exam practice and review D IM Extra communication DY COREE) pp0s-09 | NAGASE po. n0-u7 we-wis [REEY pp. COMPETENCES (ere Tee ee Cee ie © Agreeing and disagreeing ‘Strategy: Stressing key words ‘© What are your choices? Culture focus: Choices in your country O Sports at AS.U. Strategy: Matching * The generation game * A text about three generations © Asking for, giving, and refusing permission Strategy: Indirect questions ‘© American laws Culture focus: Minimum ages Strategy: Predicting | « The land of the free? | « Atext about laws for teenagers in the US. Strategy: Personal opinion essay © Responding to news Strategy: Using intonation to ‘+ Prom night in the U.S. Culture focus: Prom * Friend or frenemy? * A text about bad and good types respond Strategy: Synonyms of friends | Strategy: Matching information ese aes © Discussing movies '* Welcome to Bollywood! * Positive roles? Strategy: Using adverts | before adjectives to emphasize Culture focus: The movie industry © The city in the movies * A text about gender balance in movies Strategy: Group discussions; A review opinions Strategy: Predicting question OA the doctor's | + Aztec and Maya culture * Should you or shouldn't you? Strategy: Adding variety to Culture focus: Early cultures © Atext about health advice ‘speaking © Our genes and DNA Strategy: Open questions | Strategy: Listening for details © Discussing issues and persuading Strategy: Using questions | © Giving opinions and adding amphasis Strategy: Intensifies Se © Making recommendations | Strategy: Reacting positively | | ppile-121 Environmental issues in Canada Culture focus: Environmental issues in your country Strategy: Numbers * Montevideo: city of literature Culture focus: Famous writers from your country Strategy: Making connections * Aloha Wanderwell Culture Focus: Famous explorers © Tourism in Australia Strategy: Reading while listening pp.l24 * Change your food, change the world? © A text about giving up animal products © Preserve or change? © A text about preserving historic buildings Strategy: Expanding answers; Letters Take nothing but photos? © Atext about the impact of tourists taking photos My name is Maddie. I'm 17 and tive in Seattle in the U.S. *V'm writing this post because | want to tell you more about me and this blog. . What do | do on this blog? Well, | show you the latest video games and give you tips on how to play better! My favorite games are usually fantasy games, but this week “I'm testing some new action games, too—just for you! | always reply to your questions and comments, but that sometimes takes a few days. | go to school every day and | do homework every night—just like you! “I usually write this blog three times a week, but I'm studying hard right now because I'm taking some exams next month. Don't worry if my blog goes quiet for a while! ‘What do | do when I'm not playing video games? | love reading fantasy books, and | enjoy playing soccer, too. People are always telling me that these are hobbies for boys! Why do they / believe that? It's really annoying! | also love listening to music, and I take guitar lessons twice “m_ aWeek. And yes, | sometimes go outdoors! Talk about the present 1 Qo EEACETELEEM what is Maddie's blog about? 2 Find and correct the mistakes. 1 Maddie is 16. 4. She's taking exams next week. 2. Her favorite games are action games. 5 She believes that soccer is a hobby for boys. 3. She goes to work every day. 6 She doesn’t play a musical instrument. Free-time ac' Vocabulary Complete the phrases with the verbs in the box. Ask and answer about wl activities you like doing. playing going listening playing cooking watching “going playing Grawing -reeding See Aes = ee toc 7 _____tothe gym AGL sy 2 books 8 movies (soccer Ys, love plying soccer. 3 pictures 9 to the mall 4 the guitar 10 video games 5 Mexican food 6 to rmusie (100%) * $$ Choose the correct alternatives. * We use might (not) and may (not) + base form to talk about future situations that are possible but not certain / that are not possible and not certain, + We use will/won't + base form to talk about future situations that we think are *certain / uncertain, + We dont usually use may / might to ask about possibility Do you think life wil be easier in the Future? NOT Might-Hfe-be-easiern-the-future? Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box and the words in parentheses. notgo move do say share 1. That college course seems really interesting. 1 it next year. (may) Ana to marry him. 2 Lucas is going to as epee e tae 9 Match the words in the box with the different rol (mi It "ol (might) meanings of get (ad) in exercise 8. 3 Mathew lives in L.A. I a house Tica a Fi SERS EGE UA ae re a qualification divorced sandwich a bus ticket th puna eo acre ere ay ‘aphone call tothe party angry. tothe airport 4. Ben has alot of homework, so he some good news to Madison’s party. (might) Sy Myjed bes sey jobiive to 10 EEIRTIEVAsk and answer questions using get and Mexicol (might) may / might / will. Use the prompts. 1 you /anew cell phone 3 you/a drive’ license Choose the correct alternatives. 2. yous married 4 you /ajob will enjoy it. 3 We'll / may probably be late! 4 You'll / might definitely pass your test! else do you think will happen in the next century? Thnk abut fod free time sports, and fashion. Make Discuss what you might do predictions and find out who agrees with you in the clas. next summer. ae eel Make a list of all the schoo! subjects you can remember. Which ones will you have an exam for at the end of this year? SuTree When we stress something in writing, we use an exclamation point (). In speech we usually stress the key wordls). For example: Study, study, study ‘and then exams! It's really unfair that a few exams can decide our whole future! m Zac and Isela are starting 11" grade. What topic are they talking about? Zac _'m really not enjoying this year. Study, study, study ... and then exams! Isela_ You're right. But it might not be like that all year. | think we'll still have time to have fun. Zac Vm not sure that's true. | really need to get Because you always do really well in them! Why can’t the teachers give us marks based ‘on our work through the year? Well, | suppose some people might copy their work from the Internet—or they might get a lot a good grades. of help from their parents. : Isela Me too. It'll probably get a bit stressful Zac That's a good point, but it doesn’t help me much! ae this summer .. Isela You just need to get organized. I! help you. e Zac. | agree. Its really unfair that a few exams You'll be fine. ge can decide our whole future! Zac Thanks. You might be right. We'll know Isela I'm afraid | don’t agree with you. | think by the end of the year. e exams are a good system, Isela That's true. Come on—time for Geography! 1 Zac My favorite P Read the Speaking strategy. Practice the dialogue in exercise 2. m Complete the phrases from the dialogue. Then listen, check, and repeat. Agreeing Disagreeing a Vm not that’s true. Neutral __agree with you That’s a good but __ be right. Choose an agreeing ©, neutral ©, or disagreeing @ reaction to the statements. “Copying work from the Internet is wrong.” ““if you want to make progress, you need to study every night.” “Science is an interesting subject.” “Teenagers get too much homework.” 5 “Girls do better in exams than boys.” aune TEEPE in what situations is copying fine? When would you consider it stealing? Practice a similar dialogue with a partner. and see if you agree. Give reasons for your opinions. 1 Schools won't exist in the future. 2. Exams are a good way of testing a student's ability. 3. Subjects such as Art are a waste of time. 4 Schools need to spend more time on subjects such as Coding. 5 Being happy is more important than earning money. c | agree with number 1. think that in the j future everyone will have classes online.) (You might be right, but | think people = wil still want to learn together in groups, ao % iscuss these statements PETA Ts Ts "] In pairs, in three minutes think of five to ten other topics like those in exercise 6. Add them to the barometer. People under 16 shouldn't be allowed social media accounts, eople aged 16 should be able tovote. “ ¢ Ae Write 3 or 4 statements for the topics in the Beat the clock activity. Your partner must respond by disagreeing or agreeing. Remember to use phrases from al Real English. Take turns to read your statements. ohh Crees (Social media is a common way of communicating and people of any age should be able to use it. People aged 16 should have the __ vote because government decisions have a major effect on them. GOEC ITT TG RT TEL Give defining information 3. Complete the chart with the fig/HlIGHEGH words in the text. 1 Do you ever use words or expressions that De co Your parents or teachers do not understand? Defining relative clauses come after a noun or some ‘Write three or four expressions you use, pronouns. They identify which person, place, or thing we are talking about. Use: 2 Om Choose the best /that for people. alternative title for the text. 1 for things. a Teenagers and adults: speaking a for places. different language? b Why parents hate teenage slang € An older person's guide to the Internet to indicate possession. You can omit the relative pronoun when it refers to the object of the relative clause Teen slang is transforming the language (which / that) people use every day. Teen slang decoded itis has always existed, but today settle to anyone with an Internet connection. se 4 Complete the sentences with where, which, who, or whose. if no pronoun is necessary. ‘and teen slang, in particular, is transforming 1. He's the guy friend isa singer. tthe language people use every day. Adults 2 That’ the hospital Wit was born: “often have difficulty understanding teen —— ords or expressions, and for our parents, 3 Thisis the book old you about. the Internet is a place Where teenagers 4 He's the teacher gave me a bad grade. speak an entirely different language. 5 Is this the place you did your apprenticeship? So, help your parents out by steve Fe 6 Thisis the same car. my dad bought. Senneaeeyenwinmtsat | + mrciony. anime 8 The business she started didn’t make much money. 9 James got engaged to a gil he met in college. squad These are the people Eff you hang out with. {Tm going to see my squad tonight. fam Your fam are the friends (JB are closest to youor just one of those friends. Thanks for the help, fam! ‘on fleek This describes something that is perfect. Your makeup’s looking on fleek today! fall A ailis something HURIGH goes very, very wrong. That movie was a fail! 5. Rewrite these sentences as a single sentence. Use the correct relative pronoun. That's the college. | study there. Thats the college where |study. | watched the movie. Jack recommended it. I met a girl. Her brother isin your class. Those are the children. They live next door. That's the church. Sue got married there. This is my cousin. She's from Spain. 6 | got some new shoes. My dad bought them for me. wawne 6 EEINTI write three examples from your life in each circle. Then ask and answer questions about them. > 6” Who is Mrs. Belmonte? swag This word can describe someone {WHERE appearance or behavior is cool. ‘She looks 50 swag in those shoes. ship Thisis short for relationship. Use itas a verb to say that you approve of a relationship between two people you like—even ifit doesn’t exist yet. | ship Ellie and Ben. They'd be so cute together! as een BC chair) = I What are your choices? | What are the different options for people after high school in your country? a=Sicpiew 2 Qs Listen to a careers advisor and number the topics in the order she speaks about them. Volunteering Community college Apprenticeships 3 Qs Listen again. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1 You can work while studying at community 4. The average starting salary after an apprenticeship is college under $50,000 2 You can transfer credits from community college 5. AmeriCorps is for high school children. toa higher college. 3 There are many apprenticeship courses. anGicp2ew 4 @ilis Read the Listening strategy. Then listen to four teenagers and match them with their choices ad. 6 AmeriCorps focuses on environmental issues. Zz Matching Read the information that you | need to match before you listen | to the audio. Try to predict 1 Alex a. wants to volunteer in another country. ceivmerna ne 2 Luz b_ wants to get an apprenticeship and work with computers. J speakers might use to express 3 Ollie € wants to go to community college and work with food. dae formato 4 Emily _ wants to focus on her grades to get into a good college. and choose the correct alternatives. 1 Alex knows / doesn’t know what he wants to be, 2 Luz wants / doesn’t want to go to college. 3 Students can / can’t study French at Luz’s high school. 4 Ollie wants to study music at college / go to theater school. 5. Emily is interested in doing an internship / earning money. acpi 6 (UIMIEAETTA Ask and answer the questions. 7 Make a video or a presentation 1. At what age can you leave school and get a job in about the different choices that young your country? people in your country can make after 2. What different options are there after high school? they finish high school. 3. What grades do you need to get into college? + Design a diagram showing the different 4 Do all your friends know what they are going to do next year? Cn Ae et 5 Do young people in your country do Internships before + Explain each different choice in more detail. they leave school? + Use text and pictures, or interview relevant people about their choices. azz Es Trending topics als D people, espe A Your parents * They were born around 1965-1982, * They can remember a time when no one had a computer, but they were the first teens to use the Internet! * They enjoyed partying, but they still went to work the next day. * They lived in @ world which had some stability. * They took risks and started their own businesses, but earning money wasn't the most important thing, * They cared/about politics and went on demonstrations and protests. * Their music: grunge. * Their technology: CDs, video cassettes. You were born around 2000-2010. You're “digital natives.” You can't remember a time when the Internet and social media didn't exist. Parties and girlfriends / boyfriends can wait! They aren't as important as studying, You live in a world where political higos and money problems are normal You don’t want to take risks. You need to get a jab that will pay all your Bills Your idea of saving the world is doing volunteer work and raising money for good causes. Your music: you don't put labels on it! Your technology: smartphones atic Did you know that there’s a name for people who were born at the same time as you? Marketing and advertising companies love putting latiels on lly their ities toward work and money, Here are the Reading and writing competences Te y 2 ee ze ca Generation Alpha are the generation that will come after you. They were born after 2010. Theyre only young children right Now, 50 it isn’t so easy to define them, But that hasn't stopped marketing people from making the following predictions. They'll do everything with their cell phones. Computers will become old-fashioned. They'll get most of their KReWIEdgS from the Internet. They might not go to college. They be more interested in starting a business and earning money. They might even start businesses before they leave school They won't be so obsessed with technology because living their life online will be normal. 4 Match the highlighted words from the text ” with the definitions ag. 1 Look at the pictures. Which picture do you 1 labels 5 chaos think represents your generation? Sa ae 6 bale — om 3 partying 7 knowledge ___ : 4 cared about to enjoy yourself, especially by eating, drinking, and dancing b documents that show how much you owe somebody for goods or services © words or phrases that are used to describe somebody / something in a way that seems too general, unfair, or not correct d the ways that you think and feel about somebody / something € to feel that something is important and worth. worrying about f the information, understanding, and skills that you gain through education or experience 4g astate of complete confusion and a lack of order 5 GEYMEIE Ask and answer the questions. 1. Which parts of the definition of Generation Z do you agree with? 2 Are there any parts that you disagree with? 3. The name and the identity of Generation Z was created by people who work in marketing and advertising. How do you feel about this? 4 Why do you think marketing people need to define groups of people like this? 5. What do you think makes you different from your parents’ generation? 6 In groups, make a list of the things that you think make your generation unique. Then decide on your own name for your generation! Have a class vote on the best name. 2 Read the article. When were these groups born? 1. Generation X 7 You saw this notice in an English-language 2 Generation Z magazine. Write an article answering the questions. 3. Generation Alpha 3 Which generation might say these things? Mien DO isonet: Write X, Z, or A (Alpha). oe — 1 “Ican't come to the music festival this weekend because | have a test next week.” MY GENERATION! 2 “I don’t lke this politician's ideas Sas peeeeeerr |_| © What defines your generation (who you 3 “Ihave so much debt it's crazy!” aie ato kei whetrou dv? 4. “My cell phone isn’t distraction. | use it for eveything lta ‘© What don't older people understand ee about your generation? 5 “I started my frst business at 14." 6 “Idon’t know why young people are so obsessed © What do you think people of your ere ey generation might be like in the future? with money.” 7 “really need a job, but so many people are We will publish the most interesting unemployed right now!” _ articles in our next magazine. 8 “I'll go out with my friends tonight; then stay up all night to study for my test.” ak about daly eB ask for, give, and refuse | opinion essay © write a personal opinior permission 1 EXE Make a list of rooms in the house. 4 GEIREE Ask and answer about how Which rooms do you clean the most? often you do each chore in exercise 2. Then compare your scores. Which of 2 @016 Match the words with the pictures. you is more heipful around the house? Then listen, check, and repeat. es a ___ walk the dog ___ do the grocery shopping Cees ____ babysit your ltt sister / brother ” (emu ____ tidy up / tidy your room __do your homework recycle. What's the point? ____ sweep the floor ____ put the vacuum cleaner away ___ sort the recycling ___ water the plants 1 ___ unload the groceries. __ make breakfast -Anmra____ chop vegetables __ charge your phone ‘Around 70 percent of American parents look for your keys ___ check your mail give their children an allowance. Many do chores for their allowance. The most common chore is tidying their bedroom, and the average weekly allowance is around $12! How often do you do these chores? Key language make and do 5 @0i7 Read the Vocabulary strategy and complete the mind map. Then listen, check, and repeat. your homework money amistake a plan thehousework apizza noise some exercise acupoftea adecision friends your best karate ‘Can you add any other words or phrases to the mind map? make and do In general, we use doto talk about tasks and activities, and make to mean “produce” or “create There are some standard expressions which dont folow this general rule (eg, make. mistake, make 2 decision, do your best 6 Choose the correct alternatives. 1. I'm going to make / do the grocery shopping, Jeff makes / does his bed every morning. Sam made / did a lot of friends at summer camp. IF you want to get in shape, you need to make / do some exercise. Frances didn’t make / do her Math homework Dad made / did breakfast this morning. Please don’t make / do any noise. Don’t worry. I'll make / do the dishes. 7 GEERT Ask and answer the questions. ‘Which of the chores in exercise you hate doing? 2 Which chores don’t you mind doing? Are there any that you like doing? 3. Who does most of the housework in your house? 4 Which chores do you think robots will do in the future? BwN evan Which of the chores in exercise 2 Read the Fun fact. Now make a "price list” for doing the chores in exercise 2. What is a fair price for doing, ‘each chore? 1 Do you do any chores at home? How often do you do them? =Sxp2eay 2 © Ole CATT why is Mayra doing a lot of chores right now? 3 © GBB Answer the questions. 1. What other chore is Mayra going to do today? 2. What two chores is she going to do on Saturday? 3. Where do Mayra and her friends want to go on vacation? 4 What dish can Mayra cook well? 5 Why doesn’t she want to become too good at cooking? Step 34 4 DERI Ask and answer the questions. 1. Do your parents ever ask you to do extra chores in return fora special privilege? 2. Do your parents pay you to do chores? 3 Is ita good idea for parents to pay their children to do chores? Why? /Why not? 4 Can you cook? Do you ever make meals for your family? z= Ta ATT ‘Check the meaning of these phrases. How come ..? Just kidding! {im in really big trouble. It's something else! Workbook p.WW10 Do you have to come home earlier than your friends? Does your younger sibling have to do fewer chores than you? Are you allowed to stay up late, or do you have to go to bed at a certain time? Don’t sTeP Hl: Don't ask if you can go to Miami with your friends, have a party, and get « dog all at the same time! No adult is going to say yes to all those things. You have to focus on the thing you want the most. ‘STEP Mi: Think of some benefits for the adult. For example, remind your mom that every time you sleep at a friend's house, she gets o quiet evening and she doesn't havelle pick you up late at night. complain—try negotiating! ‘sTeP i: Talk to adults when they are calm and relaxed. If you cask them when they are stressed or busy, they won't say yes to anything ‘sTeP Bi: You probably think it’s cool that your friend is allowed to stay out late, but adults might take a different view. (And your friend probably has't6 do lots of stuf that you don't, too!) STEP i: Ifthe answer is “no,” accept it If you ask your teacher | | } | | In the week before you make your request, make sure you do all your homework. If you have to do chores ‘at home, do some extra ones! Show that you're mature for an extra two days for a project and she gives you cone day, just say “thank you." Leave adults in a good mood* and you might be successful the next time you cand responsible | | | | | ‘ak for something! * in.a good mood = feeling happy Talk about rules 1 Complete the sentences with the correct simple present form of have. | usually have dinner at 7 p.m. 1 She always a cup of black coffee in the morning, 2 We (not) breakfast together. 3 What time Ea (you) a snack? 2 Doyou ever negotiate with the adults in your life? When? Why?/Why not? 3 Qo [LAMENT which step in the text (1-6) do these sentences summarize? a Don’t compare your situation to other people's. Don’t react badly if you don’t get what you want. Make your idea attractive to the adult. Decide on one thing to ask for. Talk to the adult ata quiet time. Give a good impression before you ask a favor. se ane (EINTEEY What do you think of the tips in the text? Is this good or bad advice? Why? do chores. Be | 1/ you / we / you / they he / she /it Yes,1/ you /we/you/ they | No, 1/ you/ we / you / do. they don't. Yes, he / she /it does. No, hie /she / it doesn't. + Weuse!___+ base form to say that it is obligatory to do something, + Weuse?___+ base form to say that itis not obligatory or not necessary to do something. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form (affirmative, negative, interrogative) of have to. Tel set the table because Dad 2 What time (you) go for your interview? 3. Rob’s really lucky. He do any chores. Oa tnasiitisn YT OT this weekend? 7 Qi Listen to Ashley. Check (7) who has to do these things—Ashley or her brother Tyler. ____— Say 1 chop vegetables 2_ sort the recycling 3 feed the dog 4 do homework every night 5 6 take the bus to school ‘get up at 6:30 8 [EINE Complete the “You” column in exercise 7. Then ask and answer questions. 9 Rewrite the sentences using (not) be allowed to. 1. Lauren can have parties at her house. 2 I can’t go on vacation with my friends. 3. The students can use their dictionaries during the English exam, 4. My little brother can’t have a social media profile. 5 They can’t stay out after ten o'clock 6 Sorry—you can’t take pictures here. Complete the email with the correct form of (not) have to or (not) be allowed to. Hi Lauren! How are you? I'm OK. I ust finished my first week at. boarding school. tis a little strang ‘The days are really long, Classes finish at four o'clook, and then we * have some free time. But at five thirty we ® {go to the library and do homework for an hour! If you don't have any homework, you*___read a book. ‘They sometimes have activities in the evenings, but we + do them it we don't want to. Normally, we ® have classes every ‘Saturday morning, but six times a year school finishes early, at lunchtime on Friday, and we ‘ go home for the weekend, We? wear a uniform during the schoo! day, of course, but ® wear it in the evenings—we can wear what we want. The worst thing is 1° {go to bed at ten o'olock and 1, ‘take my phone with me! How's your new school? Write soon, Ryan 11 EINE write five questions with have to and be allowed to about rules at home. Then ask and answer the questions. Whose house is stricter? aa = Let’s talk about ... Work with a partner. When was the last time you asked for permission to do something? Who did you ask? Did they agree? Why? /Why not? SMITE When asking permission to do something, we lften don't ask the question directly, but use Phrases such as Could I possibly... or! was wondering if OF Which three requests about work does Zac make to his boss, Jenny? Does she say yes or no? ‘And | was wondering if | could miss a couple of Saturdays in August so I can go on vacation, Yes, of course, but you must choose the dates and write them on the calendar as soon as possible. h, | already looked at the calendar. Do you mind if | take the same week as Harry? Hmm. That's a bit of a problem, I'm afraid. You can’t take the same vacation as another person. We won't have enough people here, so no, I'm sorry, you can’t. Oh, OK then. I'll think about a different week. Great! Right—Iet’s clean this up, then. Jenny How's it going today, Zac? Zac Zac Oh, not too bad, thanks, Jenny. It was busy this morning! Jenny Jenny I know! | haven't sat down yet today! Zac Now that it’s quieter, is it OK to ask you Zac a few things? Jenny Sure, go ahead. Jenny Zac Could | possibly leave an hour early next Saturday? | have to travel to Boston for a family party. Jenny Yes, no problem. We're never very busy Zac after four o'clock. Jenny Practice the dialogue in exer m Complete the phrases from the dialogue. Then listen, check, and repeat. Asking for permission ee Giving permission Yes,no problem. | se, go Yes, of course, but you_ (choose the dates) Refusing permission of a problem, I'm afraid. No, I'm you can’t Read the situations and write an appropriate request using the words in parentheses. 1. You want to go to a party tonight. (mind) You ask: = eee 2. You want to borrow your brother's scooter. (OK) You ask: 3 You want to have an extra day for your homework. (wondering) You ask: — 4 You want to open a window. (could) You ask: 2 @ & Take turns asking for permission and giving permission /refusing permission for the things in exercise 5. Give a reason for refusing. Student A: You are a teen. Ask for permission for the things below. Student B: You are an adult. Give or refuse permission. Give a reason. Then switch roles. 1. You want to get a pet snake. 2. You want to invite four friends to sleep over at your house. 3. You want to go on vacation abroad with your friends. 4 You want to go late night shopping at the mall Ee) See |. ama Seat the clock } : \Q]_ What other situations can schoo, hone REWOrg you think of where you might need to ask permission to do ‘something? In three minutes, write your ideas in the mind map for the different places. Gg nae Imagine you want to ask permission to do something at school. Use one of your ideas from the Beat the clock activity or one of the ideas listed below. Take turns being the teacher and student. Remember to use the phrases from Real English. 1 You want an extension on your essay. 2 You want to miss the class test because you were sick last week 3 You want to do extra homework because you love English! Reading and grammar Talk about obligation and prohibition 1 Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1. Where are the students? What are they doing? 2. Why do you think they are doing this? 3. What country do you think they are in? 2 0 [EEWENEEIET check your answers to exercise 1. Different schools around the Roo cue! Ce ee eee Se ea ad Pirie CLEANING All students must clean their ‘classrooms at the end of the ‘schoo! day. You must clean the floors, windows, and desks, and empty the trash ‘cans every day, but you don't have to clean the public areas of the school. BE ON TIME Students must not be late for school. Ifa student is regularly late for class, he ‘or she must come in earlier than the other students and do more cleaning. LUNCH Students and teachers all eat together in the . You don't have BEHAVIOR ‘classroom. Students must stand up to serve te food even at the start and end of the day—students take ‘doing that—but you must teacher, and Cee eat all the food given. bow. You must also do this ‘when another teacher enters ‘VACATIONS a classroom. ifyour teacher The schoo! will close for can't come to school, YOU ye weeks at the end of the must study quietly in class. APPEARANCE Al students must wear their ‘school uniform and they must not wear makeup or have unusual hairstyles. ‘year, but students must not forget to do their vacation homework. You don't have to come to schoo! during vacations, but lots of students do this. 3 Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1. Students clean their classrooms before classes. 2 Ifa teacher is sick, the students don’t have to come to school, 3. Students serve the food at lunchtime. Students can come to school in the summer break if they want. ® Workbook p. Pray 4 School trip rules PE ene Choose the correct alternatives. ‘Must and have to mean itis necessary to do something, but must not and not have to are different: ‘+ ‘must not / don't have to = It's prohibited. You can't do it. + %must not / don’t have to =It isn’t necessary. You can do it, but it isn’t necessary. Peas Choose the correct alternatives. 1. We must not / don’t have to use our phones in class, You must not / don’t have to drive on the left in Peru 3. Edward!’s lucky! He must not / doesn’t have to do much homework tonight. Normally students in the U.S. must not / don’t have to wear a schoo! uniform. You must not / don’t have to smoke here! Ie illegal (DM Listen to a teacher talking to a class about a school trip. Complete the rules using must, must not, or don’t have to. 4 Students be at schoo! | at 8 a.m. | 2 Students arrive late. 3 Students wear school uniform. 4 Students bring pens and a notebook. 5 Students bring expensive gadgets. 6 Students leave their phones at home. Kr 6 GENT A new student has come to your school from Japan. Write a list of your school rules for him/her usi ‘must, must not, don’t have to. Use the topics in the box. x hours appearance lunch homework exams cleaning behavior vacations must arriv by eight o'clock, Explain the rules for a game or sport you know well. Use have to, must not, and don't have to. American laws 1 Look at the pictures. What famous place is Who are the people? 2 QW Listen to a podcast on U.S. law, Choose the correct answers. 1 InAlasta, itis illegal to wake a__ to take a picture. a bear b grandparent baby 2 In Florida, f___ is left tied to a parking meter, a parking fee must be paid a ahorse b anelephant —_¢_adonkey 3. InHawaii,_ must not be placed inside someone's ear. a flowers b coins © pens 4 In Indiana, itis against the law to have a mustache if the person __a lot. a sneezes talks kisses 5 In Georgia, you can’t carry an ice cream in your back pocket on a_. a Sunday b_ Monday © Saturday 6 InUtah, it’ illegal to a drink milk — b notdrink milk ¢ drink milk it you're allergic 3 QW Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Where do new laws start? 3. Where is itllegal to walk a camel? 2. Doall states have the same laws? 44 Where can't you weara fake mustache? a=_Sizp2e Zz PSomo Predicting Before you listen to the audio, read the questions carefully. If possible. try to predict the answers based on "your knowledge or common sense 4 @I®5 Read the Listening strategy. Listen to two teens researching facts online. Write the age at which teens in the U.S. can do these things. 1 geta weekend job 2 ride a scooter 3 geta tattoo without parent's permission 4 geta tattoo with parent's permission 5 ls Listen again. Complete the sentences with the missing words. 1. Teenagers aren't allowed to work more than hours a day. 2. 1S-year-olds are allowed to work hours a week during schoo! time. 3. You don’t have to have a_ to ride a scooter. amaicpia 6 (RUMIEERIT Ask and answer the questions. 1 Do you know the minimum age in your country for + leaving school? * working? + getting married? + riding scooters/ driving cars?__* getting tattoos? 2. Do you think the minimum age is too young/too old / correct? 7 (QEEEIENM Research the minimum ages from exercise 6 in a country that interests you. Make an information poster for teenagers with the facts you discovered. Present your poster to the class. Trending topics The land of the PieeE i Leet ene Rt Rect catsss = Imagine a place where teenagers must legally be at home after 10 p.m. and where police officers search the streets for them at night. Imagine a place where the police can arrest teenagers or give them a fine for being on the streets, even if they aren’t breaking any other law, like drinking alcohol or committing vandalism. Does this sound like a science fiction movie about the future? It isn’t. It’s an American city in the 21* century. Here are some facts that might surprise you about life for teenagers in some states of the U.S. Since the 1990s, hundreds of large American Cities, including San Diego, New Orleans, and Chicago, have introduced legal curfews on their teenagers. A curfew means that young people under 18 have to be off the streets and at home after a certain time at night, which varies from 10 p.m. to midnight, depending on the city or day of the week. There are some exceptions. Teenagers are allowed to stay out at night with an adult, or if they are coming home from a job, or an activity at school or church, The curfew laws exist to BRBUBR crime, and to force parents to take more responsibilty for their children. ‘Some studies show that young people's crime has ‘gone down in the cities that have curfews, but other studies say the opposite. People who oppose the laws say that they diseriminatelagainst young people. ‘They also say that the laws oppose the American Constitution, which promises liberty to all its citizens. In a few states, the 6OUirfS have forced certain cities to feMOVe their teenage curfew laws. In the U.S, the legalage for driving in most states is 16, but some states ban anyone under the age of 18 or 21 from criving after a certain time at night, even though they have a driver's license. In South Carolina, which probably has the strictest driving curfew, under-18s must not drive after 6 p.m. in the winter, or 8 p.m. in the summer, unless they are with an adult who has a driver's license, In general, American teenagers aren't allowed to drive a car with more than one other teenage passenger unless the passengers related to them. The reason for these driving lawsiis that car accidents are the biggest Cause of death for teenagers, and two-thirds of teenage passengerdeaths happen in a car with a teenage diver. In Some states, people under the age of 21 have to put a red sticker on their. car license plates to show police thatithey are young drivers. 1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. Are these teenagers doing anything illegal? 2. How often do you ... * stay out after 10 p.m. at night? » travel in a car with a driver who is under the age of 21? miicpe Read the article. Answer the questions. 1 What is a curfew? 3. When did some cities introduce curfew laws? 2 How many cities in the U.S. have teenage 4. At what age can most Americans take their curfew laws? driver's test? Explain if these teenagers are breaking the law or not in the U.S. cities mentioned in the text. 1. Agroup of 16-year-old is talking on a street corner after they have been to a party. Its 10:30 p.m. 2. 17-year-old is walking home at 11 p.m. because he's just finished working in a restaurant. 3 A 16-year-old is driving to her grandparents’ house in South Carolina in December. She has a driver’ license. Its 7 p.m. 4 17-year-old is driving to the movie theater in the afternoon with his girlfriend of the same age. 5. 19-year-old is driving her younger brothers to school. She has a driver's license. Find the highligh words in the text and translate them into your own language. 1 fine 3 prevent 5 courts 7 sticker 2 committing 4 discriminate against 6 remove 8 license plates Read the opinions. Say which ones are arguing in favor of the laws and which ‘ones are arguing against them. The curfew laws in the U.S. are necessary because they prevent crime. Teenagers often drive dangerously, so society needs laws to stop them. The teenage driving Jaws are necessary because they save lives. Young people's freedom is more important than laws like these. Teenagers are nearly adults. They don't need laws like these. Teenagers usually cause trouble if adults don't control them. 6 In groups. Say if you agree or disagree with the opinions in exercise 5. Give reasons for your opinions. Then brainstorm some more arguments for each side of the discussion. Write a personal opinion essay. Choose one of these statements to begin the essay. Then write 100 words Personal opinion essay to support your argument. As walls ging ou opinion, remeber o : - se reference differing opinions in your essay and {think that 18 is the correct age to legally become an adult eres iden aoe es was hon + I think that 18 is too young to legally become an adult. + | think that 18 is too old to legally become an adutt. CT cate me ny Vocabulary 1 EDI complete the text. In many U.S. states, you can school when you're 16, but most people stay until they are 18. A lot of young people 2 to college, where they can 2 a variety of different courses. At college, many students ‘a house with their friends. College isa special time to meet new people. Some students even’ martied and § children with their college boyfriend or girlfriend. In the final year, students? ‘exams and then they start to apply for jobs—and hopefully they can now some money! 2 [2B Read the text and choose the correct answers. 1a have —b do © make 2a sit b babysit € look 3 a walk bb take © run 4a in b up © around Sa grocery b supermarket ¢ store 6 a undo b unload © unpack 3 Write the meaning of get (buy, obtain, arrive, become, receive) next to each sentence. [need to get a job. My sister got married last week. hope you get better soon! Ijust got my driver’ license! Did you get my text message? I got to work ten minutes late today. ‘What time did you get home after the party? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Can | get you a coffee? ED Grammar 4 Rewrite the sentences using might or might not. 1. Itwill possibly be sunny tomorrow. Pethaps you'll get good grades in your exams. Its possible that | won’t finish the book. Maybe Sarah will be at the party. Its possible that Jack will get a good job. 6 Perhaps they will get married. 2 3 4 s 5 Join the sentences together. Use a relative pronoun only if itis necessary. 1 That's the college 2 Who's the teacher 3. Where's the book 4 It's the type of song 5 She's the girl 6 Thisis the bag taught you last year? we found on the street. father is a famous actor. I studied Computer Science. stays in your memory. bought you for Christmas? se ance 6 Write sentences using the correct form of have to for obligation. we / tidy / our rooms. my sister / be home at ten o'clock. you / unload / the groceries? Robert / not make / dinner. Mom / work / today? not do / my homework. onan 7 (EM) Read the texts and choose the correct answers. 1 NO CALCULATORS [| Se Students must not bring calculators. b don't have to bring calculators. € might not bring calculators. isa, | Can't wait uni this weekend! @ Don't forget your sleeping bag! Tina i Lisa a. might take her sleeping bag. b has to take her sleeping bag, © could take her sleeping bag. R cen oz Peers) Pte eC A Communication 1 Qi? Complete the expressions for explaining a word you do not know. Use the words in the box. Then listen and check. something similar somebody opposite kind somewhere what 1 its who usually works with animals and grows food. 2 Its which you use to eat soup and cereal 3 Its where you can get a book without paying for it. 4 isa of animal that doesn’t have any legs and makes a “hiss” sound. 5 Itsthe of selfish. 6 Ws toa mountain, but it's much smaller. 7 Ws ‘you do when someone says something funny. Can you guess the words from the explanations? DB Listen. Choose the correct answers. 1. Santiago wants to spend the summer aon vacation. b volunteering, in summer camp. 2. Santiago wants to help aan environmental charity. b_ homeless people. € atayouth club. 3. Ana wants to travel around a Europe. b South America. ¢ the US. 4 Calwill probably work a asa delivery driver. b inastore. © asan engineer. 5 Maria wants to a geta job. b start her own business € goto college. 6 GENE Take turns summarizing the main points made by each speaker. 2 Write sentences describing the words. Use the phrases in exercise 1. a dentist: a cell phone: apologize: Pronunciation have to 3 @M@ The word to is usually in have to. Listen and repeat. have to haf to! 4 © Listen and repeat the sentences. 1. We have to leave soon. 2 Ihave to be there at eight. 3 They have to finish their work. 4. We have to go to the store. 5 Ihave to eat soon. 6 You have to call your mom. 0 Math 1 © watch the video about free time. Which activities do you see? What are the boys’ and girls’ interests? What do you do in your free time? 2 © Match the pictures with the words in the box. Then listen, check, and repeat. pie chart tally chart tally barchart angle 3 QO) PLETE Answer the questions. 1. What frequency does this tally show? 2. What are the names of the vertical and horizontal sides of a bar chart? 3. What type of data does each axis show? 4 How many degrees are there in a circle? 5. How do we calculate the angles in the pie chart? Imagine your teacher asks you to do a class survey and create graphs to Po hem RR OO LR ae Active Tally (ik med Tally chart _ ATI Tallying is @ good way to First, moke « tally chart for your MA lil count answers. You count data. When a student answers the : the data in groups of five question, make a tally mark next at instead of writing the to their favorite activity. You con a swords or numbers: now present the data in a chart. f Bar chart Bar charts show data A pie chat is a circle in vertical columns. The that shows the size of horizontal X axis shows each group. To find what type of data is in out the size of each each column. The vertical group, we calculate Y axis shows a value for the angle. To do that data. In the example, this, we divide each each column on the X frequency by the total oxis represents afee- 9 number of students time activity. The height cond multiply by 360, of the column on the Y coxis shows the number of students who prefer it c Playing music 4 [ZINTA Choose a topic to ask other students about or use the topics in the box. Write a question to ask other people in your class. (wats your fave ag 5 Create a tally chart of your answers and produce a bar or pie chart with your data. online activit social media site? ) Global skills We will ... acquire information interpret information rN Conduct a survey and produce an infographic What's up? 1 Tell your partner about your social media and Internet habits. think creatively Pact Get thinking 2. Match each infographic with a topic. 1. Teen communication 2 Teen screen time habits 3. What young people like doing online 4 Friendships in the digital age TIME TEENS SPEND ON = ere ACTIVITIES Gc in person I 49% tert messages I 33% social network sites | 7% coe roan) CN 3 Which infographic is your favorite? Why? VAigQgs er Pan = psa Bese Get involved 4 [BEINN Look at the topics in exercise 2 and choose one for your survey and infographic. 6 GEMENT Assign one question to each person in the group. Ask the question to all your " classmates. 5 Write survey questions for your topic, with five multiple-choice options for each one. @Gouunsa_ Hi there. /Excuse me Is it OK if| ask you a question about ..? How often do you ..? Decide how to present your data. Discuss your results and ideas with your group. + Each member of the group designs and creates one infographic for his/her question. + Make a poster with all your results, Display your posters in class. Look at the other How many hours a week do you ..? groups’ infographics. Decide which is your Which one ..? favorite and why. What's your favorite ..? Do you like ..? Write the statements into your notebook and score yourself from 1 to 5. can work well in groups. ® not very well very well @ I can express my ideas in an interesting and effective way. ® not very well very well @ Vocabulary Relationships 1 Look at the people in the picture story. How do you think they 3 CEUTA Retell the story. are feeling? Make a list of their emotions. Take turns to say sentences. 2 3 Match the expressions with the pictures. Then listen, The girl saw the boy. check, and repeat. She was attracted to him be interested in the same things date someone Ta share each other's things spend time together be attracted to someone take a break get to know someone enjoy his/her company WERTETANAD How do you usually ‘communicate well together react if someone disagrees with you a ert Aen ere C sy Relationship expressions 4 ©4 EESXETTIATS translate the expressions in bold into your own language. Pepcene kcal jealousguy Please help! [think my girfriend might be interested in my best friend. He often hangs out with the two of us and they're always laughing and joking together. I got angry with her and now | feel stupid. | know she'd never cheat on me, but I can’t stop worrying, him! If you're dating someone, you need to trust that person. It’s nice that your friend has ‘things in common with your girlfriend. You need to make up with her after your argument and chill! Don't stop being friends with him! 5 Complete the sentences with prepositions. 1. fm not angry. | made 2. Sam and Troy don’t hang now. They aren’t friends each other anymore. 3. Can you believe that Brad cheated Albany? 4 Ihave a lot in common doesn’t mean that I'm with Becca. Chris, but that love with him. 6 GEIRTIL Think about a friendship or a romantic relationship. Choose from the ideas in the box. your life a celebrity couple/ friendship a rlationship in a movie, book, or TV show Tell a partner ... + who the people are/were. + when and how the relationship started. + if things have always gone well or not. ‘Write the script for a scene from a soap opera fr movie where two characters are breaking up. 1 Do you have friends of the opposite sex, or are your friends all boys girls? Szp2ay 2 © OBS CAGE Find out who these people are: 1. Yasmin 2 Tom 3 Zoe © DBE choose the correct alternatives. Liam / Liam’s friend is attracted to a girl in his class. Liam’s friends are boys and girls / all boys. Zoe and Liam met at junior high / high school. Liam likes Zoe because she's similar / different tohim 5. Amy thinks that Liam is going out / wants to go out with Zoe, awN BStep 3 4G uss if you agree or disagree with these sentences. 1 It's important for friends to like the same things. 2 It's good to have friends of the opposite sex. 3 Boys and girls can never be “just friends.” 4. Areal friend is someone who you can sit with in silence, TR ACT _ Check the meaning of these phrases. Reading and grammar attract! How long have you known your best friend? If you've been friends since you were little, maybe you haven't noticed that you've grown in different ways over the years. But who cares? There's no reason why opposites can’t be good friends—as these famous friendships sho. ‘The two of you have been friends for a long ime, but a few years ago your friend started getting better grades than you at school, or he developed an amazing talent. But you aren't jealous of him. You've always admired your friend and you've had some great times together. You're sensible and practical, and your friend needs somebody lke that SB ancy tor sntrin ev ny ‘except your gender. This difference has never been important to you, but for some reason, it matters a lot to other people. Since you became ‘a couple, but you insist on dating other people. You're perfect together Opposites 2 You've had the same best friend since slementary school. Your friend is louder and more rebellious than you, so they get all the attention. You're quieter and a bit of a geek’. Your friend can get you into trouble and you sometimes get mad at each other, but nobody knows you like they do. And you've had a secret crush on their brother or sister for years! ‘OK, not literally, but sometimes it seems this way! You're very different, but something happened in the past that still connects you. You and your friend have shared a lot of experiences. ‘Sometimes you have arguments, but you always make up. Since you met this friend, you've learned a whole new way of communicating! Talk about the duration of ongoing situations ‘1 Which of these sentences is in the present perfect? a I've met Steve. b I'm meeting Steve, € I met Steve How do we form the present perfect? ee - ITE enter 7\J A survey has discovered that the average Facebook user has 155 “friends” but would only trust four of them to help ina criss. Eo 7 2 G6 CEVENTEINTT Match the headings a—d with the paragraphs 1-4 in the text. Then listen and check. a. Your friend is the opposite sex b Your friend is from another planet © Your friend is a genius Your friend is more outgoing than you [EINE Do you have a similar personality to your friends, or are you very different? What do you think about the idea that ‘opposites attract’? EEG Talking about ongoing situations Present perfect with for and since 4 Look at the RigBlIgHtEd sentences in the text. ‘Complete the rules with the words in the box. for have howlong since eke oe ed Use the present perfect (! __+ past participle) to talk about the duration of a situation which began in the past and continues in the present. Use the present perfect with |. to give the starting point of the situation. . to give the total period of time. 8 QB? Listen to the beginning of the radio show of to ask about the duration of BFF Challenge and answer the questions. a situation: 1. How long have Jack and Sophie been friends? We've lived here since 2005, NOT Wetive-here- 2 When did Jack and Sophie meet? From 2005. ee a 9 QBs Listen to the rest of the show and write Jack's answers. Then check (/) the answers he got right or write Sophie's answers if he got them wrong. 5 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses and for or since where necessary. How long has Sophie lived at her v4 ae i cl hone ee —_ How long has Sophie had her dog? 2 Jesse__(not study) English When did Sophie get her dog? ———_ lune. How long has Sophie played 3 You (be) at the market the guitar? eight o'clock. 4 We (be) vegetarian 10 EEIRNTIL Try to guess your partner's answers to ‘two years. the questions. Then ask and answer. How many 5. How long (your didyougetsight?, mother work) in a hospital? We 6 They ie aa How well do you kno estas. i your classmate? 6 Write the expressions in the box in the mind How long have you. map. Can you add any others? | known your best friend? May 1" six years 10 minutes my birthday | ‘been awake today? lunchtime ages along time half an hour a nine mfnths yesterday last summer | was a child lived in your town/city’ since lived in your house? been a student at this school? ‘ studied English? had long/ short hair? | nad your favorite possession? 7 Rewrite the sentences using the present perfect with for or since. 1 Jasmine started wearing glasses two years ago. My grandparents got married in 1968. 2 3. My sister got married in September. Tve known my best fiend, Stefano, 4. The last time we talked to Mauricio was Monday. since | was five years old/for ten years, 5 6 Kelly started liking Nick a few weeks ago. ‘They went on vacation a week ago. Z Ee Ae Let’s talk about ... Think about the last time someone gave you some news. How did you respond? LOuTaooa When responding to people's news, we can use a number of phrases, such as Thats great! and That's good news. When we react positively, the intonation tends to rise, e., That's great! When ‘we show concern or sympathy, e.9,,! sorry to : hear that, the intonation tends to fall. ws ‘What news has Isela received? Zac Hi Isela. What's up? You look worried. Isela__ About four or five months. Isela_ | just gota text from my mom. But my dad doesn’t really get along with him. Zac What's the matter? Zac Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. So where are they going Isela__ Oh, it's nothing serious. She's coming to visit to stay when they come here? next month. Isela_In Manhattan, My mom’s booked a hotel. She wants Zac That's great! You must be really happy. me to stay with them next weekend. Isela | am. But she’s bringing her new partner Zac So that’s good news! with her—Enrico. Isela_| suppose itis. 'm just sad about the Zac Oh. Don’t you like him? whole situation. Isela _Itisn’t that. 've only met him Zac Can! do anything? Do you want to talk about it? . a few times. Isela Thanks, Zac. Maybe after class. We're going to Zac How long have they been together? be late for Math. Practice the dialogue in exercise 2. to Complete the phrases from the dialogue. Then listen, check, and repeat. Asking about the situation What's 2 You (worried /happy). Responding to news That's (__ /terrible)! You be really (happy /upset). Oh. I'm (happy /sorry) to __ that. So that's (good / bad) an ido 2 Do you want to about it? LOE area ferries ’ *S] How many adjectives of feeling can you remember in three minutes? ‘Add them to the mind map below. =e 5. Write responses to these pieces of news. Use a different adjective for each sentence. 1 ’'ve just won a trip to Mexico in a competition! That's 1 You must be really — 2 Someone stole my bike. That's You must be really 3 I got 100% on the Math test! That's 1 You must be really 4 just broke up with my girlfriend That's You must be really 6 Practice a similar dialogue to the one in exercise 2. Choose one of these situations. ‘Your friend looks happy. They've just played in a sports game and his/her team won, b Your friend looks annoyed. Someone copied their homework and got a better grade for it. € Your friend looks upset. Their pet died yesterday. TT VT) A nn a ee ‘a How could you respond to the following statements? ‘Which of them could you respond both positively and negatively to? 4 My train is three hours late! My family are ‘moving to Spain. bb [URIS Tell your partner some news. Respond ‘to their news using phrases from Real 4 Cee Reading and grammar Use reflexive and reciprocal pronouns : 1. Qi LEVEMEAIEN what did the American experiment show? PRmBickonnccconre people we look like? 2 Complete the notes with the words in the box. 4 Complete the sentences with a reflexive pronoun. | personality are attracted to 1. Emily taught __to play the guitar. preferred faces similar look 2 You two are always talking about ! 3 We must think about other people, not ~ research shows that we often * just people who 2 he us 4 Ifell over and hurt, yesterday. Sa aes 5 People always take sefies of : faces thot Ta had elements of their own face Choose the correct alternative. Use each other when an action is reciprocal—a person does something to another, andthe other person does ‘the same thing / something different tothe first person. Sebastian and Louisa love each other = Sebastian loves Lovisa and Louisa loves Sebastian. They looked at each other (in the eyes) They looked at themselves (in the mirror) Rules p.W 3 Complete the chart with the HiGHIGHEEd reflexive pronetrs ianerere Choose the correct alternatives. 1. My dad and my teacher know themselves / Pee each other. They went to school together. Seeders Reflexive pronouns 2. Wow, did you and Jess really plan the party 7 feel yourselves / each other? 3. Katie and | always sit next to ourselves / each other ye ————— at lunch he himself 4 Kyle and Sonia text themselves / each other all she herself the time. it itself : - 6 GRIMM Ask and answer the questions. = —— 1. Do you know a couple in real life who look like each you yourselves other? How long have they known each other? they > 2. Do you and your friends look or dress like each other? SLE Tar Listening and speaking Prom night in the U.S. _ 1 Look at the pictures. What sort of event do you think it is? Have you ever seen any American movies or TV shows where the characters go to this type of event? 2 Qi Listen to a podcast about American proms. Put the questions into the correct order 1-6. What if you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend? ____ What does “prom” mean? Is the prom just an American tradition? Who are the prom king and queen? ____Is going to prom like going on a date? ‘What happens before the prom? 3 QB Listen again. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. 1. The word prom comes from a type of a dance. _ 4 You have to go to the prom as a couple. 2. Students come to the prom in different forms 5. The teachers choose the prom king and queen. _ of transportation. 6 Other countries had proms before the U.S. 3. A“promposal” is when students get engaged at the prom. 4 @108 Read the Listening strategy. Then listen to four teenagers Listening tasks often require you talking about their prom dates. Match the people with the descriptions. | te lsten for synonyms or words and 1 Mace 2. is going to the prom with someone they're already dating. | Phrases that express the same idea Bats Teeee Bikers "a be the prom date, | ima different way, For example, "going yler is going to ask someone new to be their prom date. Teg esi tee vee 3 lily € is going to the prom with a friend. listen, underline key words or phrases 4 Sam d is going to the prom with a group of friends. in the questions and tr to think of “different ways of saying them. 5 Ql Listen again and answer the questions. 1 How long has Macey been single? 4, How has Lily’s school broken a prom tradition? 2. What is Tyler's relationship to Sarah? 5. How long has Sam been with his girifriend? 3 Why are they going to the prom together? 6 How is he going to ask her to the prom in a special way? 6 in pairs, ask and answer the questions. 1. Would you like to go to a prom? Why?/Why not? 3 Do you like dressing formally or special occasions? 2. Are there any similar celebrations that take place in 4. What is your favorite celebration? Why? your school? 7 GESNIELEN A “coming of age” ceremony is a tradition in many cultures that celebrates teenagers becoming adults. Research a coming of age ceremony and present your findings to the group. MUUCH may yay Friend frenemy THREE SIGNS THAT YOU NEED TO BREAK UP WITH A FRIEND ... You don’t need enemies when you have “frenemies”—friends who aren‘! good for you Maybe you've been friends with someone for a couple of years, but things have changed cand you don’t get along with each other as well now. Or maybe you're starting to suspect that one of your friends might have a secret motive for the friendship? Is it time to break up with that frenemy? Here are some signs you should never ignore: Its “all take and no give” You have a friend who talks about herself all the time, but when you try to change the subject and talk about yourself, or your problems, she doesn't seem very interested. You get along well and she's a lot of fun, but you're starling to feel URB6RY about the relationship. She's had problems with her boyfriend for weeks, and you've always helped her when she’s needed you. She can be « bit f88A¥, and she calls you at all imes of the day. But when you're feeling upset, she's always foo busy to talk! Your friend always wants something You've been friends with someone for a few months. He's a cool guy and he's a lot of fun, but you've noticed recently that he only gels in touch when he wants something for himself. For example, you work on Saturdays at the local sports center, so your friend always texts you if he thinks that you might have some fi6® B@S8BS for the gym or the pool. Your mother has her own company that is really successful and you think he wants fo ry to get a good job there. He always wants to hang ‘out at your house if she’s there. You can’t remember the last time he messaged you without asking « favor. Your friend just wants to §688ip You met each other through @ hobby, and you've been good friends since then. AY first you thought that she was a really nice person, but things have been a bit strange between you for GIWhilé. You used to have a lot of things in common to talk about, but these days you usually just gossip a lot about the other people you know! You thought that she was loyal to you, but now you aren't sure you can trust her. Her constant gossiping feels childish and you would rather avoid her. Reading and writing competences s+ AND THREE FRIENDS TO KEEP FOREVER! 1 The wise counselor This friend always has the right advice for you. He isn’t afraid to be honest with you, even if t might hur. 2 The adventurer This friend pushes you cout of your comfort zone, but through her you've discovered a new side to yourself E 3 The friend-twin This person has known you forever, You can't hide anything from him, but he'll chways FSFGIVE you 1 Look at the picture. What do you think the relationship is between the people? How are they feeling? aaicoe 2 Read the Reading strategy. Then match these problems with the three “signs” in the text. 1 “Ithink my friend is using me to get things that he wants.” _ 2. “My friend doesn’t want to help me with my problems.” 3. “My friend says bad things to me about other people.” __ Matching information Ina matching exercise, the information in the text will not use exactly the same words as the information you have to find. It will be expressed in a different way, or you may have to just understand the general meaning, 3 For each of these people, write friend or frenemy, according to the text. 1. This person enjoys sharing his passions with me, 2. This person doesn’t think my problems are serious. 3. This person isn’t afraid to tell me what she really thinks. 4. This person doesn’t mind if | get annoyed with her. 5 This person just wants to say bad things about the people we know. 6 This person always asks me for money. 4 Match the IRE words from the text with the definitions a—h 1 enemies 5 gossip = _ 2 uneasy 6 awhile ___ 3. needy 7 loyal ce 4 free passes 8 forgive = _ people who are not confident and require lots of love and emotional support a period of time people who are against you or who try to hurt you staying faithful to someone and supporting them to stop feeling angry with somebody who has done something to harm, annoy, or upset you someone who feels nervous, worried, or upset about something g_ informal talk or stories about other people’ lives hy entrance to something that does not cost anything ean Ea 5 MEISE Read the e (a-c) and match it with the three problem friendships (1-3) in the text. Is it good advice? Why? /Why not? sat 4 Tell your friend that you aren't her psychotherapist! Look for new friends who care about you and what you are feeling bb Tell your friend that you don’t enjoy talking about other people all the time. If she doesn’t agree—i’s time to break up! € Tell your friend that you've left your job and that your mother isn’t in charge of hiring anymore, IF he sill wants to hang out with you, your suspicions were wrong! 6 EEIRIEIE Ask and answer the questions. Do you think it’s OK to... 1 ignore your phone when a friend is calling you? 2 talk about yourself and your problems when youre out with a friend? 3 invite a friend to an event because you don't want to go alone? warn your friend not to try somethingnew? stop being friends or have arguments with friends because they disagree with you? talk about one of your friends with another friend? feel jealous about something your friend has or has done? ou Oo arrange to meet a friend and then cancel it because you find something better to do? aScpiay 7 Write a blog post about a problem with a friend (real or invented). Follow the prompts. 1. Say who the friend is and how long you have known him or her. 2 Say why you became friends. 3 Describe what your relationship is usually like. 4. Describe what the problem is now, and ask for help. Write around 100 words. inn = 1 @0# Match the TV shows and movie types with the pictures. Then listen, check, and repeat. documentary ____ period drama thriller aartoon lice drama talk show reality shi the ne\ arthouse movie dystopian future movie superhero movie anime ence fiction 2 GEIREI Ask and answer the questions. 1 Can you thin type in exercise Vhich of the TV shows or movie types are usually name of a TV show or a movie for each ‘cary? funny? serious? violent? moving/ emotional? The ls \.are cartoons. ge movi documentary. CA nn) 7 3 Is there a type of TV show or movie that you never watch? Why ERTETANAL Are parents right to worry about the type of movies their children watch? ITT Fe lil The Marvel movie franchi fr of alltime. In th PCAC ery Describing movies 4 @0™5 Match the words in the box with the definitions. Then listen, check, and repeat. scene director script audience critic special effects soundtrack subtitles 1 the people who watch the movie in a movie theater 2. a person who writes a review of a movie 3. written words of the movie 4 the dialogue in written form, usually at the bottom, of the screen 5 all the music for the movie 6 the person who makes the decisions and supervises the people working on the movie 7 apart of the story that happens in one place 8 illusions created for a movie, often with a computer 5 (06 Listen. Match the phrases in bold with the sentences. The movie 'was directed by Patty Jenkins. Many scenes ‘were shot on location in Italy and the U.K. Gal Gadot “starred as Wonder Woman. The movie ‘was based on the famous comic book character. The original swas released in 2017, with a ‘sequel in 2019. Pe ecranec: She was the director. There's a continuation of the story. Itwas an adaptation. They were filmed in real places, nota studio, —_ Itcame outin 2017. ___ means 6 Make notes below about a movie you saw recently. Then describe it to a partner. When making notes, try to think of different ways to express the same thing. This will help to make your writing more interesting Write a proposal for an exciting new movie. Suggest the type of movie, ttle, director, and main actors, and give a brief description of the story, location, and characters. Mayra’s Vlog 1 Can you think of any popular movie franchises (a series with multiple sequels)? Are you a fan of any of them? Step 2 J 2 © OM CAME check (v) the movie types Mayra mentions. There are two extra ones. U fantasy CO period drama (1 science fiction — L] romcom documentary O musical 3 © DIB Answer the questions. Where is Mayra going to visit on her family vacation? What can you see there? ‘What movie series does Mark really like? Where does Mark wear a costume? What does Mayra like to do on Fridays? ‘What types of movie does she have to watch alone? Sepia 4 (QUIN Ask and answer the questions. 1 Is there a movie that you've seen many times? 2 Do you ever cry during movies? Do you prefer movies with happy or sad endings? 3. Do you prefer watching movies alone or with ‘others? At home or at the movie theater? 4, Would you like to be a movie star? Why? /Why not? auawne Ta RTT ‘Check the meaning of these words and phrases. ‘again and again _there’s nothing better than fangirl change their mind He's so into itt za 2 POET TTD Ree Tele c | Can you believe y } = these movie locations really exis Have you ever seen a fantastic place in a movie and asked yourself: Where was that filmed? These days it can be difficult to know if a movie location is real, or if it Was\6re@tEd in a studio or on ‘a computer with CGI. All the following places iN@f@1US8d without alteration as locations for some of the world’s most famous franchises, After a location is seen in a blockbuster’ movie, once-quiet places can become popular tourist attractions. Now some of these places Af@iWisitedIby thousands of fans every year. created for the Lord of the Rings and ‘The Hobbit movies. They are in Matamata, in New Zealand. Today, this location is called * and is a visitor attraction. 2 ‘These special “hobbit houses” were ‘These are the Iguazu Falls on the Brazilian and Argentinian border. The stunning waterfall scene in the Indiana Jones movie The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was shot here. You can hear the roaring sound of the water from miles away. of the future, and lots of key scenes were shot in the city. The Seventeenth Church of Christ was used in the first movie for the “choosing ceremony,’ where the 16-year-olds of the city are put into different groups for life, 4 The Divergent movies are set in a Chicago * blockbuster = having enormous commercial success Talk about facts 1 Look at the pictures. Can you guess the 3 Complete the sentences with the real names movies from the locations? Use the names of the places in the pictures. of the movies in the box. ' The Hobbit Divergent James Bond Indiana jones is a modern religious building 2 Anatea in 2 Qs EEEEEMEEIET which of the pictures which now has a name related to a movie. shows a place in .. 3 a the US? _ © Mexico? are located on the Argentinian and Brazilian border. b Argentina and d_ New Zealand? 4 Brazil? now has a parade like the one shown in the movie. 7B SSS se Real English bbe + subject + past participle? Passive: Simple present and simple past 4 Look at the highlighted phrases in the text. What tense are they? Complete the chart with the words in the box. was/were by past participle is/are rane ‘© The passive is formed using the correct form of the verb be +'_ © Use? (not) for the simple present passive and *__ / (not) for the simple past passive. ‘© When you want to say who does/did the action. (the agent), use “ 5. Underline other passive sentences in the text. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in parentheses. 1 Inthe past, movies and white. 2 The Sistine Chapel (not paint) by Leonardo da Vineit 3 Today, a lot of cars in Mexico. (shot) in black (produce) 4. The movie Mary Poppins (release) in 1964 5 Havaianas flip-flops in Braz 6 These days, top movie stars $20-30 million per moviel 7 In the past, special effects (not create) with a computer. (make) (pay) 7 Rewrite the sentences in the passive form. Use by + the agent only when it is necessary. 1 |.RR. Tolkien wrote The Hobbit. 2. Chris Hemsworth plays Thor. 3. They release blockbuster movies during the school vacations 4 The Americans didn’t build the Statue of Liberty. 5 Steven Spielberg didn’t direct those movies. 8 Are the sentences active or passive? Choose the correct alternatives. 1. Shakespeare wrote / was written Hamiet. 2. The movie based / is based on a true story. 3. The main character didn’t play / wasn’t played bya professional actor. 4 Apple and Samsung make / are made popular types of cell phone. 5. The movie doesn’t set / isn’t set in the present. 6 The composer wrote / was written the soundtrack. BLO Pairwork iit “Was the movie directed by Angelina Jolie?” "Yes, it was.” "Where is Jurassic World set?” *On a fictional island.” 9 Write the questions for the answers. Where is Mandarin spoken? Mandarin is spoken in China. 1. What time_ 2 In the hotel, breakfast is served from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. 2 What year The Old Man and the Sea was published in 1952. 3 How many _ Over a trillion plastic bags are used each year! 4 When 2 The Giza pyramids were built around 2500 BC. ia questions. Then try to guess the answers. I think the world’s first movie was made in France in 1895. Test your knowledge 1 When and where / the world's first movie / make? a. England, b France, © the US., 1888 1895 1901, 2 What / the first music video / play / on MTV? a. Thriller by Michael Jackson b Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles ¢ Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana 3 In which Californian city / The Big Bang Theory set? a LosAngeles b SanDiego ‘Pasadena 4 How many hours of video / post / on YouTube every minute? a5, b 150 © over 300 5 In which year / the first SpiderMan movie / release? a 2002 b 2004 © 2006 6 How many people / Nettlix / use by? a 40 million bh 400million © ‘billion : ‘about your favorite movies, TV shows, books, and songs and test your classmates. wee 0 ae el ae Discussing movies 1. Which friends have similar taste in movies to you? Which have very different tastes? Zz We can use adverbs before an adjective to mphasize our opinion. Stressing the adverb “adds extra emphasis. 2 © CAAT Do Isela and Zac have similar taste in movies? Isela Hi, Zac. Did you have a good weekend? Zac _Itwas al right. | went to see the new Star Wars movie. Isela So did il What did you think? Zac The trailer looked good, but the movie didn't live up to my expectations. Isela Seriously? | absolutely loved itt Zac _| wasn’t impressed. | thought the beginning was too slow. Isela But the rest of it was exciting—there were a lot of cliffhangers! My favorite part ‘was when the Jedi fought off all of those scary creatures, 3 Practice the dialogue in exercise 2. 4 Si EXEIETIE complete the phrases from the Giving positive opinions Zac Isela Zac Isela Well, they didn’t make me scared at all! | found it predictable. The Jedi won, again! Of course! And the ending was really moving, Itmade me cry Yeah, that was probably the best part. But horror ‘movies are so much better. 'm not a big fan of scifi Jam! I Tove it can’t wait until the next movie's released! Well, don’t ask me to come with you! I can't watch another Star Wars moviel Zac, cheer up Its Monday morning. What do you expect?! jalogue. Then listen, check, and repeat. The trailer Giving negative opinions - Use make + object + adjective/verb to say that “something eateistods or feel something. ‘It made me cry. as Sit make me me : ‘scared at all. men ge ace a a ante The___was really (moving /fantastic /shocking)! a Match the sentences halves. 1 The trailer a beginning was boring 2 Itdidn’t _— b looked great 3 I thought the predictable 4 The part liked d_ watch another period drama. 5 Theending was ___ fe. the most was when they kissed 6 Iean't possibly f live up to my expectations. Read the questions and think about your answers and reasons. Ask and answer the questions. Describe the best movie and the worst movie that you've ever seen. fpr "S] How many movie types can you remember in three minutes? Group them into ones you like and dislike in the mind map below. ___ a ___ —3 Using one of the movie types from the Beat the clock activity, try to explain the plot of a classic movie to your partner who has never seen it. Remember to use phrases from Real English. ET TRU Te TE Lg Talk about past habits 1 ts [RENIN Answer the questions. 1. According to the author, is binge watching a new way to watch TV? 2. Does the author think that binge watching is always bad for us? area around the couch is covered in plates and cups, but you still can't go to bed, Why not? Because you have to finish another episode of your favorite series. You're a binge watcher! Binge watching means watching episode after episode of aTV series. in the past, people used to {group together around the TV ata special time every ‘week to watch the latest episode of a series. A good episode always used to end on a cliffhanger, and it was ‘everyone's topic of conversation the next day. These days, we can stream what we like, when we lke, and ‘we don't have to watch lots of ads in between like we used to. We can watch an entire season of a series inone day! ‘Some recent research has shown that binge watching might be good for us—if we don't doit too often or too late at night. TV dramas didnt use tobe long and sophisticated, but most of today’s binge watchers enjoy series with complex plots and lot of characters. People can look down on* binge watching, but did anyone use to complain if you read a long book when you were a kid? When we watch a complicated drama, ‘our brain gets good exercise because i’ following ‘complicated stories and ideas and making connections. Binge watching also relaxes us, and it provides an ‘escape from stress. There's nothing wrong with getting lost ina good series fora few hours. “ook down on = thinkyou are beter ‘than someone of something 2 Match the sentence halves. 1 We can binge watch today because _ 2. Don't feel bad if you like to binge watch sometimes because 3. Watching a complicated story is good for you because _ 4. Getting lost in a good story is relaxing because your brain gets lots of exercise. ‘we can stream lots of episodes whenever we want. ithelps you to forget your problems. dit isn’t necessarily bad for you, 3 Complete the chart with the RigbIIGhd words in the text. aoe PT Beau an Bn Eran Yes, |/you/he/she/ No, |/you/he/she/ it/we/you/they did. it/we/yau/they didn't. %] Choose the correct alternative. Use used to to talk about past habits or situations that are / aren't true anymore. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verbs in the box. Eaeneeoe) 1. I don’t watch many drama series these days, but | lots of them. 2 She loves them now. 3 They stay athome a lot. more often? documentaries, but she (they) 5 GEEREIY How have your interests changed since you were a child? Write what you used to do in the past and what you do now. Then interview each other using used to. ___ TV series/watch? Favorite movie or book/be? music or bands/listen to? sports or games/ play? food or drink/like or dislike? other differences:

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