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Developer Tips Ron Fybish

Easy Steps

What is
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

A URL is like an address for

a website or web page
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

Just like a physical address describes where a

house is located, a URL provides the location
of a specific web page on the internet

Developer Tips Ron Fybish

In order to visit that web page, you

need to type in the URL into your
web browser's address bar.

web browser address bar

visit web page

Developer Tips Ron Fybish

The URL will tell your browser which

server it needs to connect to and what
file it should load from that server
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

URLs also contain search parameters that let

websites know how users found their pages,
such as through organic search engine
queries or paid advertisements
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

By analyzing these parameters, website

owners can track the performance of
their digital marketing campaigns and
make improvements accordingly
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

URLs also provide an easy way to share

webpages with others, simply by providing
them with the URL of the page

Developer Tips Ron Fybish

This makes it easy for people to quickly

access the content they're looking for
without having to search through a
website's menus or navigation bars.
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

Ron Fybish
Developer Advocate

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