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Ex.2:-Determine the percentage pressure at key points in Fig. shown below.

Also, determine the

exit gradient and plot the hydraulic gradient line for pond level on U/S and no flow on D/S.
Failure by Surface Flow / By scouring
The channel or river bed is scoured by the high velocities or the flood, then a large scour hole may develop gradually.
The scour depth (R) measured below the high floor level (HFL) corresponding to regime
width is called (regime scour depth) this depth is estimated by (Lacey's Formula ):-

Used if the actual width of the channel (B) is greater or equal to

𝑅 = 0.475
the regime width (𝐵 ) 𝐵≥𝐵

𝑞 Used if the actual width of the channel (B) is less than the
𝑅 = 1.35 regime width (𝐵 ) 𝐵<𝐵

𝑓 = 𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑡 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 = 1.76 𝑑 𝑚𝑚

𝐵 = 4.75 𝑄
Ex: Given: , High , High flood level=61.7m
pond level=60.6m, , silt factor (f)=1. Calculate:-
1) The depth of cut-off and elevation.
2) The percentage of pressure of key points
3) Plot the hydraulic gradient for pond level 𝑈/𝑆 & no water 𝐷/𝑆

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