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A Free English Learning Guide

55 common phrasal verbs for

everyday conversations
What are
phrasal verbs?
Welcome to our free guide which will help you
understand and remember 55 very common phrasal
verbs in English.

Phrasal verbs are a big part of everyday

communication in English. If you want to:
understand native speakers, films and TV series;
speak English in a natural way,
you need to master at least 300 English phrasal verbs.

What is a phrasal verb?

These are everyday verbs (get, go, take, bring, come,
look, put and others) used together with particles
(prepositions and adverbs: about, down, up, etc.)
Together they form new, more emotional, meanings.
Sometimes the meaning of a phrasal verb is very
different from its original verb.
So, forming phrasal verbs is a popular way to make up
new words in English.

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What is important to know

1. Who is this guide for?

This Guide is created for those who have already studied English before - not for
beginners. The optimum levels are A2-B2.
This Guide will be helpful if you:
want to expand your vocabulary;
have little knowledge of phrasal verbs;
want to understand natural English and use English in speaking.

2. Which phrasal verbs should I learn?

There are thousands phrasal verbs in English. It's very easy to get overwhelmed
by this huge amount of information. Don't panic!
You need to start from the most frequently used verbs. That's why I created this
Guide - to help you learn the most common phrasal verbs used in everyday

3. How can I remember these phrasal verbs?

Practise the verbs in small groups. Use good dictionaries to read as many
example sentences with these phrasal verbs as possible:
Oxford's Learner's Dictionary
Collins English Dictionary (the most complete dictionary online)
Link to flashcards in a free app Quizlet (use their games for memorising)

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Phrasal verb Definition Example

be ready to start doing I am about to go - speak faster. (=I am

be about to something ready to go now…)

I'll be back in an hour. (=I'll return in an

be back come back, return

bring smth start talking about a Why are you bringing it up now? (=Why
up topiс in conversation are you talking about it now?)

raise or take care of He was brought up by his aunt. (=His aunt

bring smb up a child raised him.)

bump into = meet somebody by She ran into her ex in the street. (=She
run into chance met her ex boyfriend by accident…)

phone somebody
I've got to call you back later. (=I'll phone
call back again or return the
you (again) later.)

become or help Calm down for a minute and listen to me.

calm down somebody become calm (=Stop being nervous…)

give money to buy or

Well, we should all chip in, I guess. (=We
chip in to pay for something
should all give some money…)
as a group

I bought a cheap suitcase, and its wheels

come off be able to be removed came off after a couple of weeks. (=its
wheels became detached…)

find or think of an Can you come up with a better idea?

come up with answer, an idea, etc. (=Can you think of a better idea?)

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Phrasal verb Definition Example

French fries and a cola come with the

go together with
come with something
burger. (=French fries and a cola are
get disconnected We got cut off during the conversation.
because of the
cut off problem with
(=We got disconnected during the
connection conversation.)

wear your best clothes

Look at you - all dressed up! (=...You wear
dress up for some special
such beautiful clothes!)

visit someone He dropped by my office this morning.

drop by informally (=He visited me in my office this morning.)

leave someone in a Can you drop me off here? (=I'll leave

drop off place your car here.)

If you don't know what you want, you

find yourself in a
might end up getting something you don't
end up situation you didn't
want. ( might get the result you
didn't plan)
It took me an hour to figure out how to
figure out understand turn it on. (=It took me an hour to
understand how to start it.)

get some
I found it out by accident - why didn't you
find out information about
tell me? (=I learnt about it by accident…)

My sister gets by on her little salary. (=My

manage to live or do
get by something
sister manages to live on very little

place yourself into / Driver, I'd like to get out at the next
get in / get
out of (cars, taxis, crossing, please. (=...I'd like to leave the
out of etc.) car at the next crossing, please.)

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Phrasal verb Definition Example

get on / get place yourself into / out Get off the bus right now! (=Leave the
off of (public transport) bus now!)

You can't get rid of me so easily - I am

be free of something
get rid of that you don't want
patient. (=You can't get free of me so

make contact with I tried calling a few times, but I couldn't

get through someone by phone get through. (=...I couldn't get connected)

meet with someone I thought we could get together and talk.

get together socially (=I thought we could meet and talk.)

Even if it's difficult, you shouldn't give up.

stop doing something,
give up stop trying
(=Even if it's difficult, you shouldn't stop

begin doing
You go ahead, say what you think. (=You
go ahead something (also as
do it, say what you think.)

check something Let's go over the plan again. (=Let's check

go over carefully the plan again.)

finish a phone
Don't hang up! We're not finished. (=Don't
hang up conversation by

receive a message, a
hear (back) I am afraid I never heard back from him.
letter, or an email from
from somebody
(=I am afraid he didn't contact me.)

delay or block the

You are holding everyone up! (=You are
hold up progress of
making everybody wait.)

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Phrasal verb Definition Example

Can you key your password in? (=Can you

key in type on the keyboard
type your password?)

I will look into your issue. (=I will

look into examine something
investigate your issue.)

look for information in You can look up who owns the company
look up the dictionary or using online. (=You can find the information on
the internet who owns the company online.)

I'm not making it up. It's true! (=I'm not

make up invent a story
inventing a story here. It's true!)

make up You can't make up your mind about

make a decision
your mind anything. (=You can't make any decision)

start doing or She ran this shop for ten years before
move on something new;
deciding to move on to something new.
change your life (=...before deciding to change her life)

The deadline was Friday but they moved

move to an earlier time
move up or date
it up to Thursday. (=...they changed it to
Thursday (one day earlier)

collect someone in a I will pick you up at ten - be ready. (=I will

pick up car come for you at ten…)

He went to plug in his phone for the

plug in connect to electricity night. (=He went to connect his phone to
electricity for the night)
My kids always put their toys away after
put something in the
they're finished playing. (=My kids always
put away place where it's kept
clean after themselves by putting their
or in storage
toys in their places…)

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Phrasal verb Definition Example

dress yourself in Maximo put on a pair of glasses.

put on / take something / remove
(=Maximo placed a pair of glasses on his
off your clothes, glasses,
accept something or I can't put up with his behaviour any
put up with behaviour without
longer. (=I can't tolerate his behaviour any
complaining longer.)

We are running out of envelopes - there

lf a supply of something
run out of runs out, it's finished
are only three left. (=There are almost no
more envelopes…)

Their concerts are always sold out.

sell out >
be all sold (=There are usually no available tickets to
sold out their concerts.)

be a guide for somebody You're new here. Let me show you

show around when they first visit a around. (=...Let me show you how
place everything is organised.)

Naomi was showing off her engagement

show off try to impress others ring. (=Naomi was showing her
engagement ring to everybody.)

arrive at a place where He never showed up at my party last

show up you have plans to do Saturday. (=He didn't come to my party
something last Saturday.)

sleep longer than On Sundays I like to sleep in. (=On

sleep in usual, enough Sundays I like to sleep a bit longer.)

be an abbreviation of ASAP stands for 'as soon as possible'.

stand for something, mean (=ASAP means 'as soon as possible'.)

I need to step out for a minute. (=I need

step out (Am) go out, leave
to leave for a minute.)

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Phrasal verb Definition Example

I like to stay up late and watch TV series.

stay up postpone going to bed (=I like to stay awake till late and watch
TV series.)

When the clock stopped, he took it apart

separate something
take apart into parts
and found what was wrong. (=...he took it
to pieces…)

consider something She said she needed time to think it over.

think over carefully before making (=She said she needed time to consider it
a decision carefully.)

Don't throw away this magazine. I haven't

put something to
throw away waste or into rubbish
read it yet. (=Don't put this magazine to

When you swim in the ocean, watch out

is used to warn
watch out somebody about danger
for sharks. (=When you swim in the
ocean, be careful about sharks.)

So, I'll wrap up here and meet you

wrap up complete something outside. (=So, I'll finish here and meet you

If you speak Russian, you can study these verbs with translation and more examples in a blog
post "55 полезных фразовых глаголов для общения"

Smart English Learning © 2022 www. stor dar. com.

This guide was made for you
by Daria Storozhilova
I created Smart English Learning online school in
2016. Since then, we have already helped over
3200 people to improve their English.

I make online courses which:

- help to understand casual English better
(regardless of the accent)
- help people with A2-B2 level of English improve
their listening skills, grammar, and vocabulary.

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