Principle of Business Management

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hncpleBusiness Harzaprpat
Submttd by
Name Laiba Ea Subqtud to
Ds Saurabh Bajpa
Yeaa/ sen 1"IP
Enacl no' 2loololl 25
#h is daid hat mangerent patlapal
axe nivessal ?
nples Magment are uaivérsal
Mancament inctps ar appitable to
allkind Ugoizalions buahess
Gpplicable to all lenel
Managemet Oocanizalion ust MaRe
pasibleuse the ude
manaaemen inaples
ce, h e Livesal oall
y t duic natulthuy an
lendineus LoCess Neuer encung Pteces-

managumead nchles haue bezn

ww.d hxeug ebservalin), Gnalds
tsperimendal stuclis Cencd Rersenal
eagehisgces t e anagak
kekig ahead nd Cend
02 Planming
xol oking bach lenmend?
Gundl. ntrell
Plaanung Oueking ahead

tag erkng bock hs statumnt

palia u
laming ap,cheloqucal ple
hwnkung ancl decading adLane abeut

uhad e done Gad s t

dee t aental actiut
hat gclucles decid he yeals ancd
Glso he achons hveuah huej he
Ato b atonplahed
Thouuh, Ylaanitg a uistie
Centpt budd à babed en past oclions
and eitncad arung lase lge Canot
Lrlo e
lehe plaa utctheut pzeptng lo
dinlardy, h euo Contollug tap/etus alief!
cat fast also Gn
peromandtit also Gims
a iprotny he Poonalt
takit he Acquied
tki Cosvectuut aclions
83- Cak-1
Vettech ndia lià ú Pmanulactaing LEO bulbs

to Sau elecbit, and utaung Lncly heou

losses To euu bon He leseb, he manageo

at heugh hnghe at a backuo

d 0ua whye laheu) i auailable aB a lo
Costhc tanaqnent also asked e ugknb o

laRas a achieving MisSion ulth-j a

Shoet period e ConpoA'y Slaxlid eanng pos

e nenagenent Qnd he ulrkus

honpad hejs Corrurn eak

Stte e paiacple NGncapnent dsoibd

te ahene para

oThe Cple oanagarjeat ddCubud i

he beut pata DCphne

Ducpluit i e cecdunct fo ogaailaliqnal

Suls Dacl Cnployent tojent Lhui

het onpiay uants to Connuai
Ca to he Socisl 2
)lenan the CAorieat

) Denclopneat bachuard JeaLons

ueslions1 lake-2
ikita and Seaia Canplatud heis 8 and
Startd Wekig a a nudu- pinal Cempany
a he a Jaul. Boh e lohsg had

and u ha4pdhuy enplayu nhita

ulas utullut but haau
preblun Lotelonlom
pluln Asinmeat wheuad Scajay uas
had WskBng bud had e habd backbdting
i dad uom rapating abat 4lkagu o inp
ses hi's bos he Crployeai Obgoni2ehs

sel, te Rapoxncn Snay on


me un Hhir boss, deciedd to Poom

stehng hang pmk , NUkk uill o ba
ahls to hondu he Conpliuchons of A hueh st
iscus who ull ptonotud to
hgkes polhon
Gnd u steling Yosties and
Agaluus q bh
Dikita ancl

0) udu -nauoal organy ulas 1t ollenq e

pualiptt o egiy as he anaae ptonoüd
ouncd thei anale uill
npt be able tohandle he Conhtcdtons o

Fayel a fncl tuarly Stated had the cnagns

Shele t fa anel ngalial wlle dahne
Subodunus hey shelt
dischioundluos) t als olast, oa or eig

o heincple eaua
guli Lnplhis hat e )
ciogent asitpd Erpleyecs i nil
epatha lt,

pulco bettey ha Scdrpn d the

boss hliddalga highed post

Valuts Such as, aed a, i t

tiaofuao Gnegoalo) aue

Sng the its Salnan hal e habit
batkbaling ancl Ahng josung ahent
elauts to y«d boss

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