M2T3 Detalo BSEM2 TCW

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Opening Guide Questions and Statements for discussions

1. Examine the interaction between the nation-state and civil society, differentiating
between local and global civil society;
- The country state and common society should support each other in issues
overseeing destitution to arrive at government assistance. Society endeavors to
understand the requirements of the general public by understanding their
neighborhood limit. Then again, the country state supports the general public by
giving them the offices and admittance to keep up with the customs and adjusting
them in the adaptable society.

2. Do civil society and INGOs strengthen or undermine the role of the nation-state in
international relations. Why or why not?
- NGOs and CSOs can fortify hierarchical constructions and cycles to arrive at a
shared objective, and one of those might be worldwide relations.
Numerous non-government associations are subsidiary with global associations
that work on shared objectives like the SDG. These connect particularly to
underdeveloped nations who might require subsidizing and specialized help
which the public authority may not offer. They may likewise give procedures or
practices that administration might embrace to work on current frameworks. As
they help each other, worldwide relations are reinforced.

3. Is the civil society truly separated from the market or not?

- I believe that the civil society and other organizations should not be separated to
the government actions and policies. All things being equal, the common society
and different associations should work inseparably or be joined with the public
authority activities and strategies other for a more grounded and moderate society
and the nation in general.


 Political Globalization: The effects of globalization in governments

- Traditionally politics has been undertaken within national political systems.
National governments have been ultimately responsible for
maintaining the security andeconomic welfare of their citizens, as well as
the protection of human rights and theenvironment within their borders.
With global ecological changes, an ever moreintegrated global economy,
and other global trends, political activity increasinglytakes place at the
global level.

 Global Civil Society and Civil Society

- "Global civil society" refers to the vast assemblage of groups operating across
borders and beyond the reach of governments. Whether such organizations
constitute a new, increasingly autonomous realm or are merely artifacts of
Western liberal society is widely debated. Civil society can be understood as the
"third sector" of society, distinct from government and business, and including the
family and the private sphere.

 Globalism

- Globalism alludes to different frameworks with scope past the only worldwide. It
is utilized by political specialists, like Joseph Nye, to depict "endeavors to see
every one of the interconnections of the advanced world—and to feature designs
that underlie them."

 Globalization: Its characteristics and its causes

- Globalization is Basically a 'Outlook' Usually, Globalization is viewed as one

more financial hypothesis to improve business and exchange. Globalization is an
Opportunity: It is frequently expected that the execution of Globalization will
open up our homegrown economy for unfamiliar rivalry, in this way imperiling
financial advancement and endurance of neighborhood firms. The main sources of
globalization vary among the three significant parts of worldwide market
incorporation: exchange, global creation, and worldwide money.

 International Nongovernmental Organization (INGOS)

- An international non-governmental organization is an organization which is

independent of government involvement and extends the concept of a non-
governmental organization to an international scope.

 The Nation-State

- A nation state is a political unit where the state and nation are congruent. It is a
more precise concept than "country", since a country does not need to have a
predominant ethnic group.
Guide Questions:

1. Examine the interaction between the nation-state and civil society, differentiating
between local and global civil society;
- The country state and common society should support each other in issues
overseeing destitution to arrive at government assistance. Society endeavors to
understand the requirements of the general public by understanding their
neighborhood limit. Then again, the country state supports the general public by
giving them the offices and admittance to keep up with the customs and adjusting
them in the adaptable society.

2. Do civil society and INGOs strengthen or undermine the role of the nation-state in
international relations. Why or why not?
- NGOs and CSOs can fortify hierarchical constructions and cycles to arrive at a
shared objective, and one of those might be worldwide relations.
Numerous non-government associations are subsidiary with global associations
that work on shared objectives like the SDG. These connect particularly to
underdeveloped nations who might require subsidizing and specialized help
which the public authority may not offer. They may likewise give procedures or
practices that administration might embrace to work on current frameworks. As
they help each other, worldwide relations are reinforced.

3. Is the civil society truly separated from the market or not?

- I believe that the civil society and other organizations should not be separated to
the government actions and policies. All things being equal, the common society
and different associations should work inseparably or be joined with the public
authority activities and strategies other for a more grounded and moderate society
and the nation in general.

Real Scenario Depiction Activity. Informationalism and Industrialism: contrasting? or


 Solving daily income of your business using microsoft excel versus manual calculator
versus manual pen and paper computation.


 A food factory of Canned Goods and manufacturing home-made jams and jellies


 Typewriters versus Electronic computers in thesis writing


 Sending my mail to my loved ones abroad the older way and the latest way (may use
concept of networks)


 Entering log in time as an employee of a company, the older way and the latest way;


Processing questions:

1. What was the activity about? How do you assess your understanding about the ideas

- It’s all about the differences between informatinalism and industrialism.

2. based on the depicted scenarios, how do you define informationalism? how about
industrialism? What is that common denominator or idea between the two?

- Informationalism refers to a technological paradigm that replaces and subsumes

the previous paradigm of industrialism (Castells 1996). From metallurgy to
transportation, industrialism was marked by a revolution in materials engineering
triggered by the Industrial Revolution.

3. Can you consider informationalism separable or inseparable from industrialism or in the

entire concept of globalization as a whole? justify your response.

- As far as I might be concerned, informationalism is indivisible from industrialism

or in the whole idea of globalization in general in light of the fact that the
Informationalism alludes to a mechanical worldview that replaces and subsumes
the past worldview of industrialism

4. In conclusion... Are informationalism and industrialism concepts contrasting or


- Informationalism is completely distinct from industrialism, since it is oriented

towards increasing levels of technological development, unlimited storage,
production and accumulation of knowledge, and consistently higher levels of
processing complexity.

MAJOR PERFORMANCE TASK: Writing a Position Paper

They will write a position paper concisely and coherently. They will choose any of the following
government agencies below to represent:

Department of Health

The Department of Health is the chief branch of the public authority of the Philippines liable for
guaranteeing admittance to fundamental general wellbeing administrations by all Filipinos
through the arrangement of value medical care, the guideline of all wellbeing administrations and

The Department of Health likes the respectable goal of all the above-named measures which try
to change and rebuild the extract charge on tobacco and liquor items. Subsequent to contrasting
and evaluating the said measures, the Department accepts that Senate Bill No. 3249 best
backings the twin objectives of (1) dissuading our comrades particularly the adolescent and the
poor from smoking and drinking liquor, subsequently shielding them from the lifetime results of
smoking and liquor misuse; and (2) financing a medical services for all program to further
develop openness to quality medical care.

Senate Bill No. 3249 maintains the fundamental highlights of the first Abaya Bill (House Bill
No. 5727) of a unitary duty for all cigarette and alcohol items, programmed indexation and the
expulsion of the value arrangement freeze on cigarettes since the current characterization
depends on a net retail value overview done in 1996.

Branch of Health assumes a vital part as an organization since it discusses wellbeing and a many
individuals benefit it, these days we're confronting an emergency and that respects wellbeing
however they give a valiant effort to beat it.

Let us Reflect

 What have I LEARNED this week that has helped me do all aspect of this better?

- I learned to managed my time in everything.

 What have I DONE this week that has made me better at doing all aspects of this?

- Managing time and do my assigned task on time.

 How can I IMPROVE at doing all aspects of this?

- Be more responsible and manageable

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