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Name: _________________________________________________________________________Score: ___________

Grade level and Section: ___________________________________________Date: ____________________________


Instruction: Circle the correct answer for each question

1. Which division of the nervous system controls involuntary actions such as breathing and digestion?

A. Central nervous system

B. Peripheral nervous system

C. Sympathetic nervous system

D. Autonomic nervous system

2. Which part of the brain is responsible for regulating balance and coordination?

A. Cerebrum

B. Brain Stem

C. Spinal Nerve

D. Cerebellum

3. Which part of the nervous system prepares the body for "fight or flight" response during stressful situations?

A. Sympathetic nervous system

B. Parasympathetic nervous system

C. Autonomic nervous system

D. Central nervous system

4. Which part of the nervous system controls voluntary actions?

A. Autonomic nervous system

B. Somatic nervous system

C. Sympathetic nervous system

D. Parasympathetic nervous system

5. Which part of the autonomic nervous system prepares the body for "rest and digest" response?

A. Sympathetic nervous system

B. Parasympathetic nervous system

C. Somatic nervous system

D. Central nervous system

6. What is the difference between the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS)?

A. The CNS is made up of nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord, while the PNS is made up of the brain and spinal

B. The CNS is responsible for voluntary actions, while the PNS is responsible for involuntary actions.

C. The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord, while the PNS consists of all other nerves in the body.

D. The CNS controls the senses, while the PNS controls movement.

7. Which part of the nervous system that connect the brain and body and also responsible for involuntary movement
such as reflex

A. Brain

B. Spinal Cord

C. Brain Stem

D. Spinal Nerve

8. Tom has just finished a strenuous workout and feels his heart rate increasing. Which part of the nervous system is
responsible for this increase in heart rate?

A. Central nervous system

B. Peripheral nervous system

C. Autonomic nervous system

D. Sympathetic nervous system

9. Emily has injured her spinal cord in a car accident and is now paralyzed from the waist down. Which part of the
nervous system is responsible for her paralysis?

A. Central nervous system

B. Peripheral nervous system

C. Autonomic nervous system

D. Parasympathetic nervous system

10. Mary is playing a video game that requires quick reflexes. Which part of the nervous system is responsible for
processing information and initiating a rapid response?

A. Central nervous system

B. Peripheral nervous system

C. Autonomic nervous system

D. Sympathetic nervous system

Instruction: Label the parts of a neuron in the figure





Instruction: Label the three main parts of the brain and write its function. (2 points each)
Answer Key:

1. D

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. C

7. B

8. D

9. A

10. A


A. Dendrites

B. Axon

C. Axon Terminal

D. Cell Body

15-20: Cerebrum- large, upper part of the brain which control the activity and thought
Cerebellum- part under the cerebrum which control the posture, balance and coordination
Brain stem – part which connects brain to the spinal cord and control automatic function such as breathing,
digestion, heart rate and blood pressure

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