Components of A Building PDF

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College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology

Architecture Department

Building Technology 2
Construction Drawings in Wood, Steel and Concrete (Single Storey Building)

Components of a Building/House
2 Main Components of the Building


Civil works comprise the foundation, Building services are the water and
walls, floors, roof and other electricity to make the building
decorations and finishes to make the habitable.
building aesthetically beautiful.
2 Main Parts of the Building Structure
• The part of the building that is constructed below the ground level
• It transfer the loads of the superstructure to the underlying soil
• It includes the footing and the plinth
• All the internal elements of a building above the ground level
• It serves the purpose of the structure’s intended use.
• It includes the columns, beams, slabs, doors and windows,
floorings and roofing.
Source: The Constructor
Structural Components of a Building
• Foundation – the lowest part of a structure below the ground level which is in
direct contact with the ground and transfer the loads to the soil on which the
structure rests. For residentials, the isolated footing is usually used for columns
while strip footing is used for walls.
• Plinth – the portion between the surface of the surrounding ground and surface
of the floor immediately above the ground.
• Walls – enclose or divide the floor space to provide security, privacy and give
protection against the sun, rain, cold and other adverse effects of weather.
Structural Components of a Building
• Columns – vertical members constructed to support any structural frame and
take the load coming from the slab above and transfer it safely to the foundation
• Floor – flat supporting structural component that provide a firm and dry
platform for people and other items such as furniture and equipment.
• Slab – used to create flat horizontal surfaces such as floors, decks and ceilings. It
is usually several inches thick and supported by beams, columns, walls or the
Structural Components of a Building
• Beam – a horizontal structural element spanning a distance between one or more
supports. They are where the slabs rest, and they transfer the load of the slab to
the beam.
• Roof – the uppermost component of a building whose function is to cover the
space below to protect it from rain, snow, sun, wind and others
• Staircase – consist of a number of steps connecting one floor to another.
• Lintel – provided above the door and window to safeguard them from excess
load coming from above.
Conventional Construction Methods

• Methods that have been traditionally used

and it has been that way for many years
• The foundations are made, then the walls
are built, the roofs are added and then the
building interiors are created.

Source: Google Images

Advantages and Disadvantages of Conventional
Construction Methods
Advantages Disadvantages
• The level of uniqueness is achieved • The process takes longer
for it embraces various building
• Requires more higher-skilled
designers and builders
• It can be easily modified on site
• Materials and labor costs are more
• It often results in sturdier home of expensive.
higher quality

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