Out of The Box Questions

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Out of the box questions

1. If in the future you are able to add one more hobby, what will it be?
In the future my hobby will be listening to music.
2. How it became your hobby?
Cricket became my hobby since I was a child. I use to play daily with my friends. Cricket made
me feel fresh and energetic and helped me when I was feeling stressed. Since childhood cricket
has been my hobby.
3. What is your strength?
My strengths are I easily connect with people, I enjoy challenging myself and help other people.

4. Give me an example of why do you feel this is your strength?

I feel this is my strength as I connect with people on a personal level and help them personally
and this makes people comfortable around me and can easily approach me.
5. What is your weakness?

My weakness is that I overthink.

6. What did you do to overcome your weakness?
To overcome overthinking, I try to distract myself by doing things I enjoy like playing cricket,
listening to music and watching movies. This helps me to overcome overthinking.
7. What is your personality?

I am caring, social and always eager to help. I am always ready to explore and experience
something new. I am reliable, honest and a trust worthy individual.
8. Can you tell me how you celebrated your last birthday?
I didn't have anything planned but my family all surprised me in the evening with a cake and a
nice meal out. I enjoyed my time spending with my loved ones and celebrating my birthday.
9. Share one of your childhood memory?
I remember when I first went on a trip from school to a Zoo. I really enjoyed myself with my
friends and enjoyed looking at all the animals for the first time.

10. Share one of the best memory with your family?

One of the best memories I have with my family is going on a few days trip with my extended
family. We visited the Taj Mahal, which was a beautiful scenery. We also visited New Delhi, we
had really enjoyed our time there. We then went to the holy place Ajmer Sharif. Which was so
peaceful and relaxing. In this trip I got to experience traveling in a plane for the first time.
11. What is success according to you?

The definition of success to me means doing something that makes me happy and something I
enjoy doing.
12. Have you been successful before?
I feel I have been successful as I have achieved my degree in pharmacy and also achieving to
find a job as a pharmacist.
13. What is bothering according to you?
Bothering is when you annoy someone or something and to annoy especially by petty

14. What bothers you the most?

Something that bothers me the most is loud sound and poor hygiene.
15. How do deal with them?
When I hear loud sounds I tend to move away from the place or will put head phones on and
listen to music.

16. Do you like your home town and why?

Yes, I like my home town because I have spent my whole life there. The people are very nice
and helpful. My home town is a very peaceful town.
17. What is the famous destination in your home town?

The famous place in my home town in the playing ground as everyone uses this the playing
ground. All the young men use the paying ground to play cricket daily.
18. What are the famous destinations in your country?
There are many famous destinations in my country, these are the few destinations, Taj mahal in
Agra, Goa, Juhu beach in Mumbai, Jama masjid in Delhi, Pink city in Jaipur and many more.
19. Definition of positive mindset according to you?
To me having a positive mindset, or a positive mental attitude means you are optimistic about
the world around you and you expect good things will happen to you.

20. What do you do in your spare time?

In my spare time I enjoy listening to music and watching cricket. I also spend time with my
famiy and friends.
21. Which is your favourite season? Why?

My Favourite season is winter because the days are shorter and the nights are longer so I get to
sleep more.
22. Which places do you like to visit? Why?
I like to visit holy places because I feel very peaceful and blessed.

23. What countries do you like?

I like malvi, bali and maldievs.
24. Mention the 2 kinds of food you like?
I enjoy eating seafood and chicken.

25. What is your to-do list?

My to do list for today is, to wake up at 8am, then to prepare for the interview, give interview,
pray my prayers and spend time with my family.
26. What is your personal mission statement?
• My mission statement is both for short- and long-term goals. My short-term goal is to
finish studying MSC health care leadership course. Mt long term goal is to work in a well
reputed healthcare company, where I can help patients and play a crucial part in public
• My personal mission statement is that I am interested in studying health care and
leadership because I would like a career that plays a crucial role in public health.
Healthcare and leadership will provide me the opportunity to work with patients and
help them with their illness and queries.
27. What level do you want to reach in your career?

I would like to reach a great level in my career where I can help patients and play a crucial part
in public health care and maybe open up my own pharmacy one day.
28. What would you like to change about yourself?
The one thing I would like to change about myslef is that I overthink a lot, which affects me
mentally and physically. I am working on this by doing meditation and by doing things I enjoy,
by doing this it is really helping me as I'm not overthinking much.
29. What famous person would you like to meet?
The one person I would really love to mee is Virat Kohli, he is an Indian cricketer.
30. What are two things you plan to do next year?
I would first like to complete my degree in MSC health care and leadership and the second is to
find a job in the health care sector. These are my two plans as of yet.

31. When was the last time you felt accomplished?

The last time I felt accomplished was when I got a job a pharmacy as a pharmacist.
32. What is motivation according to you?
Motivation according to me is what encourages us so behave a certain way, push ourselves to
accomplish targets and goals.
33. What motivates you and who motivates you?
My father is my motivation as he works hard and thrives to keep his family happy and meeting
our needs. This helps me to work hard for myself and achieve my goals and targets.

34. Describe a good work environment.

A good working environment is a space that promotes employees wellbeing, productivity and
growth. It is also having good working practices and a supportive atmosphere.

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