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DaRKIN ‘Sneaking through the shadows ofthe ever bustling city, a ‘woman steps into the shadows and reappears in the shadow of her target over 100 feet away: She sursmons a dark tendril todo her bidding, tearing the man apart. Running away from a mob that chases after him, the man clad in nothing but his britches jumps into a nearby alley. Here he pulls the shadows around himself and weaves a cloak of darkness. His not-cat friend telling him when the ‘mob eventually passes by Darkin are those who have found their home and strength, in the shadows, They are granted powers over the darkness, ith it as they associate themselves with a and become one Daemon of their own, ‘The Darkin class is influenced by Jay Kristof's The Nevernight Chronicle DAEMONS OF THE DARK Darkin are still a mystery to many, stories of their powers being blown out of proportion. There are tales told of their presence curdling milk and spoiling food as they draw near. Despite this, there is some truth tothe destructive power that, they wield, Darkin find their power through the shadows of the world and the darkness found within. Through the manipulation of shadows, they find the ability to move unseen, reach places previously unavailable, and even harness the darkness as a ‘weapon. Darkin are not alone in their journeys as they attract a Daemon which accompany them. These entities take the form of some sort of smal to medium animal which feed off of the fear oftheir darkin, Made of shadows, they have little effect over the physical plane, CREATING A DARKIN ‘When making a darkin, consider how your character would ‘make use of their Darkin abilities. Was this person previously religious and is in denial of what they are? Has your character decided to make use of their talents and use them to their advantage on the battlefield? Or do they sneak through the shadows and eliminate their enemies with no one knowing ny better. What form has your Daemon taken, when or how did they approach you, and what are they like? Quick Buty YOu can make a darkin quickly by following these ‘suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom, CLAss FEATURES Asa darkin, you gain the following class features. HrPots Hit Dice: 108 per darkin level Hit Points at let Level: 8 + Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 148 (or 5) + Constitution, modifier per darkin level after Ist PROFICIENCIES ‘Armor: Light ‘Weapons: Simple Weapons, Choice of 1 Martial Weapon, Hand Crossbows ‘Skills Choose one type of artisans’ tools Saving Throws: Dexterity and Wisdom Skilla: Choose two from: Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth. EQuipment You start with the following equipment, ination tothe equipment granted by your background: © Leather armor ‘+ (@) Two simple weapons or (6) a simple weapon and a ‘martial weapon ‘+ (@ Hand Crossbow and 20 bolts or (2) 20 Throwing Kaives + One artisan tool kit + (@)Addungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer's pack SPELLCASTING ‘The power you possess grants the abil darkness to do your bidding, As you level, you will gain access to.several spells and abilities which will call upon this power. y to call upon the CANTRIPS At Ist level you know Grasp of Darkness and Shadow Strike from the darkin spell lst. ‘SPELL SLots ‘The darkin table shows how many spel slots you have to cast ‘your spells of Ist level and higher. To cast one of these darkin spells, you must expend a slot of the spells level or higher. You reqain all expended spell slots when you finish a long, rest SPELLS KNOWN OF 2ND LeveL AND HIGHER ‘At 2nd level you learn how to call upon the shadows to use ‘more advanced techniques. You learn the following spells at these levels ‘+ Ind level - Shroud of Shadows ‘+ Ath level - Shadow Step ‘+ 6th level - Conjure Shadows ‘© Bth level Shadow Storm ‘SPELLCASTING ABILITY ‘Wisdom is your spelleasting ability for your darkin spells. You use your Wisdom whenever a spel refers to your spelleasting In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when. setting the saving throw DC for a darkin spell you cast and. when making an attack roll with one. ‘Spell Save DC =8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier Spell Attack modifier Wisdom modifier your proficiency bonus + your SPELLCASTING Focus ‘You require no spelleasting focus as you serve as the conduit to your darkin spells. THe DARKIN Proficiency us Level ast #2 Features Darkness, 2nd +2 3rd 2 4th 42 5th 8 6th 8 7th 8 8th 3 Sth +4 Toth +4 vith +4 Vath +4 13th 45 Vath + 15th + eth +5 1th +6 18th +6 19th +6 20th 16 Shroud of Shadows Schools of the Maw Extra Attack Spreading Darkness Ability Score Improvernent (One with the Dark Schools ofthe Maw Improvernent Midnight's Assailant Ability Score Improvement Conduit of the Dark Ability Score Improvement Extra Attack (3) ANTITHESIS OF FEAR Darkin attract to them a creature known Daemon are not well recieved by the majority of people, 50 they live in your shadow and avoid being sighted. Beginning at 1st level you gain a Daemon which offers the following: 1 Daemon. * ‘The Daemon takes the form of any small or medium sized beast. It oes not take their combat stats, and cannot fight ‘or be killed. Their personality often reflects the animal tendencies of the form chosen, but ths is up to Player or DM discretion. + The Daemon speaks common and 1 other language of your choice. + The Daemon has a movement speed equal to yours. + ‘The Daemon consumes the fear of whoevei resides in. This gives advantage to saving throws against nadow it intimidation, as well as any checks against fear or courage, + You may request for your Daemon to reside in another's shadow to grant the previously mentioned benefits to them, Spelicasting, Antithesis of Fear, Power in Enter the Daemon, Conjure Shadows ‘Schools of the Maw Improvernent Schools of the Maw Improvement Extra Attack (2), Sleeping Shadows Gantrips Spells Known Known — 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Sth Ability Score Improvernent, Shadow Step Ability Score Improvernent, Shadow Storm + You may request your Daemon to act as a messenger, At scout, oF sentry for you. It travels 45 miles per day unless: in Di they manage to secure quicker travel + Your Daemon will retreat from you ifyou take Radiant damage in combat, returning when combat is over. + Ifyour Daemon leaves you (to reside in another's shadow, asa command, or after taking Radiant damage} you lose all of these abilities and you roll at a disadvantage on any intimidation or fearrelated saving throws, POWER IN DARKNESS ‘Asa darkin, you find that you have better control aver your abilities when you are notin direct sunlight. As a result, your abilities have adcltional features when cast in dim light or darkness. Beginning at 1st level, the following abilities have additional features when cast in dim light or darkness: Grasp of Darkness Shadow Suike Conjure Shadows Shadow Step Shadow Storm SCHOOLS OF THE MAW At rd level, you have found a school within the Red Church ‘which you excel at, This includes the following schools: Songs, Secrets, Truths, and Mirrors. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, and 14th level Asriity SCORE IMPROVEMENT ‘When you reach 4th level and again at Sth, 12th, 16th, and 19th level you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2 or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1LAs normal you casi increase an ability score above 20 using this feature Exrra ATTACK Beginning at Sth level you can attack twice, instead of once, ‘whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. ‘The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 1th evel in this class and to four when you reach 20th level inthis class, ENTER THE DAEMON Beginning at 6th level, your Daemon now has a small influence over the material realm. It may now bring any small ‘or medium object equal tothe Daemon's size) with itinto the shadows, SPREADING DARKNESS Beginning at 9th level, you may order your Daemon to any unobstructed foot location within 150 feet that you can ‘see. This location becomes either dim light or darkness. SLEEPING SHADOWS Beginning at 11th level you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your darkin class level if you take a short rest in dim light or darkness. ONE WITH THE Dark Beginning at 13th level you gain Darkvision to a range of 60 feet. Ifyou already had Darkvision, this range is extended to 120 feet. Mupnicur's ASSAILANT Beginning at 15th level you may now enter into a state of ‘complete power over the dark. As a bonus action on your turn, you may enter into this state of power if you reside in darkness. This lasts until a minute passes or the darkin is damaged by Radiant damage. While inthis state, you gain ‘advantage on all spell attacks that you make, and enemies roll at disadvantage on all spel saving throws they make against your spells. In addition to this, all of your spells gain the effects of the Power in Darkness ability. (Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again Conpurr oF THE DARK ‘Beginning at 18th level you may now use your Daemon as a ‘conduit for your spellcasting. When your Daemon is within 150 feet of you, you can cast your spells through it. All of these spells will be cast as ifthey are being used in dim light or darkness. SCHOOLS OF THE MAW [Notaall darkin find themselves within the School of the Maw, Dut each seems to excel in one of the skills associated with the Schools of the Red Church, Each school will offer you different features allowing you to excel in different aspects, Scxoot oF Soncs ‘The School of Songs focuses on martial expertise and one's ably to best their opponent on the batlefield Those who focus on this school excel in battle using techniques gained through sparring and rigorous training Bonus PRoFIcieNCIEs When you join the School of Songs at 3rd level you gain proficiency with martial weapons, medium armor, and. shields, Ficatine Ste ‘Beginning at 3rd level you can seleota fighting style from the fighter class. These include: ARCHERY You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons, DeFeNse While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. DUELING When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. GREAT WEAPON FIGHTING When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee wespon that you are wielding with two hhands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll even. ifthe new rol isa 1 or 2 The weapon must have the two- hhanded or versatile property for you to gain this benefit PROTECTION When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to ‘impose disadvantage on the attack roll You must be wielding shield, Two-WEAPON FIGHTING When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack From THE SHADOWS Beginning at 7th level Shadow Step no longer imposes disadvantage on any of your attacks made the turn you cast it. ‘Improve CRITICAL Beginning at 10th level your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a rol of 19 or 20. ADDITIONAL FIGHTING STYLE Beginning at 4th level you can choose a second fighting, style from the Fighter clas. ScHOOL OF SECRETS ‘The School of Secrets focuses on the larcenous arts, Those ‘who find themselves exceting in Secrets find that they have ‘no problem sneaking into places that they should not be, or acquiring anything which does not belong to them. Bonus PROFICIENCIES ‘When you join the School of Secrets at 3rd level you gain proficiency with Thieves! Tools, the Forgery Kit, and Shortswords. Ifyou are already proficient with either of these, choose another too! proficiency for each proficiency you already have, Quick Freer Beginning at rd level you find that you are much more agile You can take bonus action on each tur in combat. This bonus action ean only be used to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. DODGE OF ANOTHER Beginning at 7th level, when an attacker that you can see hits you with an Attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you SPEED OF THE THIEF Beginning at 10th level your movement speed permanently increases by 10 feet. In addition to this, you no longer receive 1 penalty in movement speed while climbing. A THEFT OF THE SCHOOLS Beginning at 14th level you may gain any one ability granted from the School of Songs, Truths or Mirrors. ScHoot oF TRUTHS ‘The School of Truths focuses on the art of venomeraft. Those who find themselves exceling in Truths find that they have a talent in concocting venoms, poisons, and weirdglass, and ‘more importantly, making use of them, BONUS PROFICIENCIES ‘When you join the School of Truths at 3rd level you gain proficiency with the Poisoner's Kit and Herbalism Kit. Ifyou are already proficient with either of these, choose another tool proficiency for each proficiency you already have. ENVENOM WEAPON Beginning at 3rd level, you may use an action to apply a ‘venom onto your weapon or ammunition (x10) of your choice that remains there until an hour passes or itis emoved, Thi ‘venom deals Id4 Poison damage, increasing to 2d4 at Sth level 3d4 at 13th level and 4d4 at 15th level WEIRDGIASS Beginning at 7th level you learn how to craft Weirdglass. Only a darkin has the ability to use these alchemical items. ‘There are 3 variants of Weirdglass which you may craft, each requiring an hour and 5 gold of alchemical materials to prepare six. These are the following styles of Weitdglass: ‘+ Shadowglass: You may use an action to throw this small black sphere. The range is 60 feet. On impact, the ‘Shadowglass shatters releasing a cloud of smoke that is LO-feet in radius. The smoke sets the area to dim light ifit ‘was previously bright light, orto darkness ifit was previously dim light ‘+ Swoonglass: You may use an action to throw this small White sphere. The range is 60 feet. On impact, the ‘Swoonglass shatters releasing a cloud of swoon on a target. Any creature hit must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. They roll at advantage if they are Huge or larger. Any creature which fails is knocked unconscious for 1 minute, awoke by a loud noise or physical touch, or take any damage. ‘+ Fireglass: You may use an action to throw this small red sphere. The range is 60 feet. On impact, the Fireglass. shatters into a firey explosion that is Sfeetin radius. Any creatures caught in this explosion must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, Any creature who fails takes 346 Fire damage, Crestures take half damage ‘on succeeding this saving throw. RESISTANCE TRAINING Beginning at 10th level, you gain resistance against Poison damage and gain advantage on poison saving throws. MasTER ALCHEMIST Beginning at 14th level, you learn the secret properties of Potions of Healing. You may now spend 30 minutes and an amount of gold pieces to increase any healing potion tothe next respective stage of healing potion. The following costs ‘+ Potion of Greater Healing (4d4¥4)-25¢p ‘+ Potion of Superior Healing (8d4*8) - 100gp ‘+ Potion of Supreme Healing (10d4+20) - 300¢p Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again, ScHOOL oF Mirrors ‘The School of Mirrors focuses on the art of speech and. acting, Those who find themselves exceling in Mirrors find that they have no problem finding the perfect words to say or actions to perform in whatever situation they may bein Bonus PROFICIENCIES ‘When you join the School of Mirrors at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the Disguise Kit, Deception, and one other Charisma-based skill of your choice, Ifyou are already proficient with either ofthese, choose another skill or tool proficiency for each proficiency you already have. CHARM OF THE MIRROR ‘Beginning at 3rd level you gain access to the Charm Person spell Expert NEGOTIATOR Beginning at 7th level, you gain expertise on any Charisma based skills that you have. ‘Tae Sirver TONGUE Boginning at 10th level you may use an action to attempt to dissuade an enemy within 30 fect from attacking you, and redirect them to another target. The enemy must make an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC. On a fail the target will move their max movement speed towards this target and attempt to attack them. This ability can only be used on creatures that you share a language with and have an Intelligence score above 4 ‘Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again. FLESH WEAVING Beginning at 14th level you have managed to learn the basics of the Ashkalni magik of flesh weaving. You may now sculpt the skin and muscle of your body as if it were clay during @ Jong rest. You may make yourself appear up to 1 foot taller oF shorter than you are, change the appearance of your body ‘weight or physical appearance, and even appear as another race of the same size as you. However, this magik does not rive you the ability o create tails, horns, wings, or scales. ‘Your in game slatisties do not change after undergoing the Flesh Weaving. ‘MULTICLASSING Prerequisites: To qualify for multiclassing into the darkin class, you must meet these prerequisites: Dexterity of 13 and 1 Wisdom of 13 Proficiencies: When you multiclass into the darkin class, you gain the following Proficiencies: Light Armor, Choice of | Martial Weapon, Hand Crossbows, One Skill From the Class's Skill List DaRKIN SPELL List Cantrips (OLevet) Ist Levet Grasp of Darkness Conjure Shadows Shadow Strike Shadow Step Shadow Storm Shroud of Shadows DARKIN SPELLS Conyure SHADOWS Tscfevel illusion Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: S Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes (On your turn, you may use an action to alter the brightness ofa S-feet radius sphere. If this space was bright light, t ‘becomes dim light, and if t was dim light, it becomes darkness. This darkness spreads around corners. You may cast this at higher levels, granting the following effects: + 2nd level - This spell can now be cast on an object or person, and it moves as they do. It may move up to 100 eet away from the easter before it disperses. + 3rd level This spell can now be cast as a magical darkness, as well asthe previous effects. + 4ahlevel- This spell now basa 10-eet radius sphere, as well as the previous effects. + Sth level - Targets that you will donot see this darkness, as ‘well as the previous effects feast in dim light or darkness, Conjure Shadows no longer acts as a concentration spell and disperses after 10, minutes or when the caster wills it Grasp OF DARKNESS Conjuration cantrip Casting Time: Range: 30 feet ‘Components: S$ Duration: Concentration, upto 1 minute onus action Asa bonus action, you may target # medium or small. ‘creature and attempt to grasp it with shadows. The target ‘must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. Ifthe target fils, their movement speed becomes 0. The creatures can remake this spel save atthe end oftheir turn, This spell becomes more powerful as you level You may target two medium or small creatures, or one large creature at Sth level three medium or small creatures, or two large ‘creatures at Ith level: and 4 medium or small creatures, three large creatures, or a huge ereature at 17th level feast in dim light or darkness, the creatures affected will not be able to identify who is casting this spell Swapow SrzP Ist-level conjaration Casting Tim« Range: 60 feet ‘Components: S Duration: Instantaneous bonus action As a bonus action, you can step from one shadow to another. On your turh, you can teleport up to 60 feet to an ‘unoccupied space you can see that isin dim light or darkness. However, this causes your next attack this turn (0 have disadvantage. You may east this at higher levels, granting the folowing effects: ‘+ 2nd level - The range becomes 120 feet + 3rd level- The range becomes 150 fect, as well as the previous effects, + 4th level - Your next successful attack this turn adds your Dexterity modifier if itis a spell attack, or your Wisdom, modifier iFitis a weapon-based attack, as well as the previous effects. + 5th level - You may teleport with another willing ereature, as well as the previous effects [cast in dim light or darkness, Shadow Step grants a free disengage action for this turn SHanow STRIKE vocation cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: S Duration: I action ‘As an action, you summon the shadows to an enemy within range and make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 force damage. ‘This spells damage increases by 148 when you reach Sth level (248) 11th level (348), and 17th level (448). If cast in dim light or darkness, Shadow Strike adds the darkin's Wisdom modifier to the damage dealt. SHapow SrorM Istlevel evocation Casting Time: 1 action Duration: I action (On your turn, you may use an action to order the shadows toattack any creatures within a Sfoot radius cube. Any creature in this cube must make a Dexterity save. A creature takes 3d8 Force damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. You may cast this at higher levels, granting the following effects: + 2nd level - The damage is increased to 448 + 3rd level The damage is increased to 548 + Ath level - The damage is increased to 6d8 ‘+ 5th level- The damage is increased to 748 If cast in dim light or darkness, Shadow Storm adds your Wisdom modifier to the damage dealt. Suroun oF SHADOWS Istlevel illusion Casting Time: | action Range: 5 feet Components: S Duration: Concentration, upto 1 hour (On your turn, you may use an action to weave a cloak of shadows which conceals your position to all but che active searcher. As long as you are in dim light or darkness, you are considered invisible. However, if you are in bright light, an active searcher may use its action to examine the blur of your shroud If they are within 15 feet of you, they may make an Intelligence check against your spel save DC. Casting this spell puts you into a magical darkness that limits your vision to5 feet surrounding you. You may cast this at higher levels, ranting the following effects: + 2nd level - You may now include yourself and 1 medium sized creature in this spell as long as they remain within 5 feet of you. + 3rd level. You may now include 2 medium sized creatures ff 1 large sized creature, as well as the previous effects. + 4th level - Your vision ineresses to 15 feet surrounding you, as well as the previous effects + 5th level Your vision is no longer inhibited by Shroud of ‘Shadows and you may include up to 3 medium size creatures, or 2-medium sized creatures and 1 large sized creature, as well as the previous effects. Ieastin dim light or darkness, Shroud of Shadows requires for the creature examining your shadow to roll at disadvantage.

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