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(Brassica Chinensis L.)

Bautista John Loyyd I.

Soldevilla Cris Nino M.

Solmerano Norvie Jerson H.

Sumido Rejean E.

Urbina Jemaica L.

Upi Agricultural School

S. Y. 2021-2022

IMO is very easy to collect and important in the garden. IMO helps add micro
biology into the soil. This is important because plants naturally use microbes to eat.
Most essential soil minerals in your garden are in forms that are not available for
your plant to use. Microbes take these complex minerals and break them down into a
easily usable form. Without proper microbe numbers in the soil your plant can not
feed itself! IMO collections are also important for acclimating plants to certain areas.
IMO are going to be acclimated to the areas where they are collected, so collecting
IMO in an area of extreme temperature or drought and bringing it to your plants
could possibly add those traits to your plants.For example, an IMO collection of
microbes from an extremely cold area could add cold resistance to your plants. The
same could be said for IMO collected in a desert. So IMO is important for plant
feeding processes and immunity collecting IMO from your immediate area also helps
plants resist transplant shock and other environmental problems. IMO collection is
done simply at home using only under cooked rice and a cardboard box. IMO
collections from different areas beneficial to your garden because you are adding an
entourage of microbes to your soil that could have any number of effects on your
plants. Master Cho’s Global Natural Farming Handbook has simple detailed
instructions on how to collect IMO’s. We make IMO year round here for the garden.
We add IMO as well as other forms of microbes at least once per month. The effects
of using IMO in the garden can be seen within 24hrs of application.

Indigenous Microorganisms is applied in the eastern part of world for the

extraction of minerals, enhancement of agriculture and waste management.
Indigenous microorganisms are a group of innate microbial consortium that inhabits
the soil and the surfaces of all living things inside and outside which have the
potentiality in biodegradation, bioleaching, biocomposting, nitrogen fixation,
improving soil fertility and as well in the production of plant growth hormones.
Without these microbes, the life will be wretched and melancholic on this lively
planet for the survival of human race. That is why, environmental restoration and
safeguarding target via the indigenous microbes in a native manner to turn out the
good-for-nothing and useless waste into productive bioresources is the primary
concern of this review. Based on the collection sites, the process of collection and
isolation methods are different as they may vary from place to place. Ultimately, in
this way to a meaningful and significant extent, we can bridge the gap between the
horrifying environmental distress and the hostile activities that have been constantly
provoked by human kind-by getting these indigenous microorganisms into action.

Materials and Methods

Materials used are spoon which is equivalent to 50 ml of IMO. We used to

test about 3 plots consisting of 30 "Petchay" ( Brassica chinensis L.) each. To be fully
indicate, it has about 90 petchay for the treatment. Each of the plot lies at about the
same treatment. The only difference between each plot is the considered treatment in
every row of a plant to test if the treatment of IMO really works. In the first row of
each plot which consist of 10 "petchay" we use to apply only 3 Spoonful (50 ml) of
IMO.The second row has an application of 6 spoonful (100 ml) of IMO. Lastly, third
row has 9 spoonful (150 ml) of IMO. To measure the equivalence of the spoon, we
used an empty bottle of cologne consisting 50 ml to be exact. We made this
experiment at Upi Agricultural School specifically at the FTC.

Row Individual No. Equivalent Total Number Total Label of

Of Plant Extract of Plant IMO
Applied (ml)

1ST Row 1 50 ml 10 500 ml

2nd Row 1 100 ml 10 1000 ml

3rd Row 1 150 ml 10 1500 ml

Table 1. Shows the number of plant, label of IMO and equivalent extract
applied to be tested in every single plot.
Results and Discussion

Based on the intended results, it came up that the experiment are crossed since
it ended with different effect on the growth of plants basically in turn gives inter-
switched consequences since the first row that consists of 50 ml extract application
contains good outcome but chronologically becomes shorter in opposite to the second
row which has 100 ml application that relatively weak in terms of nutrient outbreak.
The third row on the other hand, which contains at about 150 ml of IMO extract
applied, gives good quality in terms of absorbing nutrients and growing strategies. It
is also capable of immunity which protects itself from infected and unusual plant
diseases. The results of the given treatment gives good idea to determine how high or
how much volume of IMO to be applied when using it as an organic fertilizer for
petchay (Brassica chinensis.L).

Individual plant in 1st Individual plant in 2nd Individual plant in 3rd

Row Row Row

Table 2: Shows the petchay plant that has different quality according the
treatment applied.

We, the researchers, therefore conclude that when using certain organic
fertilizer,specifically the IMO, to put at least 9 spoonful which is equal to 150 ml for
the good quality especially when absorbing nutrients and high value for the better
results. We also learn not to put less than 150 ml of IMO because it also contains
weak spot for plant resulting it to weak and basically affect its nutrient absorption.
Aside from that, it is also not to excessive or too much because it gradually cause the
plant to be drowned.




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