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SSCI-114. Understanding Self.

Historical Development of Philosophy:

• Philosophy concerns itself with acquisition of truth

• Basically, it is a search for meaning
• Because it focuses on the acquisition of truth, philosophy
therefore: - involves critical thinking.

It deals:
• With the systematic kind about the origin and nature of the
• The explanation of one’s knowledge and belief
• The manner of life
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:

I. The Pre-Socratic Philosophers (Ancient Philosophy)

• Primarily concerned with the nature and origin of the
• Early philosophers were “metaphysicians”
- Because their concern was the establishment of the nature
of existing beings as a whole.

During the Ancient Period:

• So concerned with the world of nature
• Inquired why things were the way they were
• Focused on the origin and nature of the universe.
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:

• The Ancient Philosophy is considered …

“COSMOCENTRIC” – centering on the (cosmos) or

SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:

II. Middle Ages Philosophers (Medieval Philosophy)

• Philosophy became religious in nature

• Philosophers began drawing on the metaphysics of Plato,
then on Aristotle’s in order to defend religious beliefs.
• “was also metaphysics”

• Medieval Philosophers like the ancient philosophers – were

also trying to formulate an answer as records the origin of
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
II. Middle Ages Philosophers (Medieval Philosophy)

- Material things as the origin of things.

- Beginning of everything must be something outside the
complexus of finite things.
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
II. Middle Ages Philosophers (Medieval Philosophy)

“ If the origin of things is within the complexus of finitude, the
question still stands as to where would this material thing have
come from.”
Beginning of everything must be something that has no
beginning and has no end but is the source of existence of all
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
II. Middle Ages Philosophers (Medieval Philosophy)

• whereas the classical was predominantly secular, medieval

mind was chiefly theological.
• Philosophy turn from the study of cosmos and the human
person thru: the sophists; the triumvirate of Socrates, Plato
and Aristotle to “other worldly” inquiries and the study of
• “Theocentric” focus of attention in the existence of God
and the Nature of His Being.
• Greek word – “Theos” - God
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
II. Middle Ages Philosophers (Medieval Philosophy)

During this Period:

• Philosophy endeavored to provide explanation on the
existence of God and the Nature of His Being.

• It is also identified as “The Christian Medieval Ages”

• Making the Act of Faith as the conclusion for logical

processes and negating the “supra-rational” character of
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
II. Middle Ages Philosophers (Medieval Philosophy)
Discovering the Truth:

• Reason and science

• Studied church doctrine
• Biblical theology in order to explain what God chose to
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
III. Modern Philosophy

• By 17th Century-development in modern science
• Combined with a decline in authority of a single (Roman
Catholic) church
• Signaled the end of the Medieval Era and the beginning of
= as the modern world view.

• In Philosophy – the result of these changes was a shift away

from metaphysics toward Epistemology.
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
III. Modern Philosophy

• This is actually in order to ratify and to accommodate to

religion the new development of natural science.
• This was spearheaded by:

1. Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626), more influentially by:

2. Rene Descartes (1596 -1650)
3. John Locke (1632-1704)
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
III. Modern Philosophy
Rene Descartes (1596 -1650)

• To study the process of thinking itself.

• “epistemological turn”
• A great shift in the characteristics of philosophy from
metaphysical inquiry towards epistemological reflections.
• “cogito ergo sum”- marked the beginning of a new trend in
• He was given the title to the “Father of Modern
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
III. Modern Philosophy

Earlier Philosophers.
• Sought knowledge about:
1. Good life
2. Nature
3. The soul
4. God
5. Ideal society and so forth
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
III. Modern Philosophy

Modern Philosophers.
• Relate forward
• Devoted to acquiring knowledge about KNOWLEDGE
• Focus on: acquisition of knowledge; capacity of the human
person to acquire the TRUTH.
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
III. Modern Philosophy

Modern Philosophers.
• Considered as “IDEOCENTRIC”
• It tried to focus on the certitude of human knowledge
• Prevailing question was:

Is the human mind capable of obtaining certitude?

SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
IV. Contemporary Philosophy
Focused on:
• Not on the human mind anymore but on the human person
• “ANTHROPOCENTRIC” (Greek word, “Anthropos”
means “man”
• Philosophers focused on the human person:
- Brought about by the person of the political and cultural
- Growing dissatisfaction of the masses
- Mid-Nineteenth Century – Europe lived in political
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
IV. Contemporary Philosophy
Focused on:
Mid-Nineteenth Century – Europe lived in political

• Looking for change

• Social reformations and economic improvements
• Industrial Revolution
- Inventions of new machines
- To speed up production and transportation
- Brought on the absence of social conscience
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
IV. Contemporary Philosophy

How to ground human value?

• Rediscovery of human dignity as the main goal of

• Philosophers tried to reflect on the mystery of human
• “wonder” – is the beginning, the starting point or the
origin of philosophy search for every individual.
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:
IV. Contemporary Philosophy

“philosophical wonder” – LED THE HUMAN PERSO TO:

• To search for the meaning of life

• To philosophize (queries on the nature and dignity of
human existence; constitute the philosophical awe)
• Innate desire to search for TRUTH AND MEANING
ACCORDINGLY, “this intellectual search is inevitable insofar
as man is alleges bewildered by the tremendous paradox of
human life”.
SSCI-114. Understanding Self.
Historical Development of Philosophy:

Branches of Philosophy:
1. Metaphysics
2. Epistemology
3. Ethics
4. Social Philosophy
5. Political Philosophy
6. Aesthetics
7. Logic

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