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1.1 Properties of Equality

Axiom 1.1: Closure Property of Real Numbers.

(a) The sum of two real numbers is a real number.
(b) The product of two real numbers is a real number.
Axiom 1.2: Commutative Property of Real Numbers.
(a) Changing the order of two addends doesn’t change the sum.
(b) Changing the order of two factors doesn’t change the product.
Axiom 1.3: Associative Property of Real Numbers.
(a) Rearranging the parenthesis in a group of addends doesn’t change the sum.
(b) Rearranging the parenthesis in a group of factors doesn’t change the product.
Axiom 1.4: Distributive Property of Real Numbers.
(a) Multiplying the sum of numbers by another number is the same as multiplying the numbers by a last number
separately and adding the results.
(b) Multiplying the difference of two numbers by a third number is the same as multiplying the two numbers by a
third number separately and finding the difference of the results.
Axiom 1.5: Identity Property of Real Numbers.
(a) A number added by 0 is equal to a number itself.
(b) A number multiplied by 1 is equal to a number itself.
Axiom 1.6: Inverse Property of Real Numbers.
(a) A number added by its opposite is equal to 0.
(b) A number multiplied by its reciprocal is equal to 1.

(A1.2a) a+ b=b+a
(A1.2b) ab=ba
(A1.3a) ( a+ b ) +c=a+¿
(A1.3b) ( ab ) c =a(bc )
(A1.4) a ( b ± c )=ab ±ac
(A1.5a) a+ 0=a
(A1.5b) a ( 1 )=a
(A1.6a) a+ (−a )=0
(A1.6b) a () 1

1.2 Properties of Equality

Axiom 1.7: Reflexive Property of Equality. A number is equal to itself.

Axiom 1.8: Symmetric Property of Equality. If a first number is equal to the second number, then the latter is equal
to the former.
Axiom 1.9: Transitive Property of Equality. Numbers equal to the same number are equal.
Axiom 1.10: Substitution Property. If a=b , then a can be replaced by b in any mathematical statement.
Axiom 1.11: Addition Property of Equality. If two equal quantities are added by a number, then the sums are equal.
(Special cases: Subtraction and Cancellation Properties)
Axiom 1.12: Multiplication Property of Equality. If two equal quantities are multiplied by a number, then the
products are equal. (Special cases: Division and Cancellation Properties)

(A1.7) a=a
(A1.8) If a=b ,then b=a .
(A1.9) If a=b andb=c , then a=c .
(A1.11) If a=b ,then a+ c=b+ c ,for any real number c .
(A1.12) If a=b ,then ac=bc ,for any real number c .

1.3 Properties of Zero

Theorem 1.1: Any number multiplied by 0 is equal to 0. Generally, a ( 0 )=0 .

Statements Reasons
1 0+ 0=0 Identity Property of Addition
2 a ( 0+ 0 )=a(0) Multiplication Property of Equality
3 a ( 0 )+ a ( 0 )=a(0) Distributive Property of Real Numbers
4 a ( 0 )+ 0=a(0) Identity Property of Addition
5 a ( 0 )+ a ( 0 )=a ( 0 ) +0 Transitive Property of Equality
6 a ( 0 )=0 Addition Property of Equality

Theorem 1.2: The product of the numbers is equal to 0 if and only if any of these numbers is 0.

Proof for the conditional:

Statements Reasons
a ≠ 0and b ≠ 0. Let’s say a has the multiplicative
1 Negation of the conclusion
inverse of a−1 .
2 ab=0 Given
a ab=0 ( a )
−1 −1
3 Multiplication Property of Equality
4 a ab=0 Any number multiplied by 0 is equal to 0.
5 b=0 Inverse and Identity Properties of Multiplication
The assumption is false because of a contradiction
6 Either a=0 or b=0.
between 1 and 5.

Proof for the converse:

Statements Reasons
1 a=0andb ≠ 0 Given
2 b=b Reflexive Property of Equality
3 ab=( 0 ) b Multiplication Property of Equality
4 ab=0 Any number multiplied by 0 is equal to 0.

Theorem 1.3: 0 divided by a nonzero number is equal to 0. Generally,0 ÷ b=0.

Statements Reasons
1 0+ 0=0 Identity Property of Addition

2 (1
b ) ()
( 0+ 0 )=
( 0) Multiplication Property of Equality

3 (1
b ) () ()
( 0 )+
( 0) = ( 0)
Distributive Property of Real Numbers

4 (1
b ) ()
( 0 )+ 0=
( 0) Identity Property of Addition

5 (1
b ) () ()
( 0 )+
( 0) = ( 0) + 0
Transitive Property of Equality

6 (1
b )
( 0 )=0 Addition Property of Equality

7 (1(0)
b ) =0÷ b=0 Any number multiplied by 0 is equal to 0.

Theorem 1.4: Division of any number by 0 is undefined.

Statements Reasons
1 Let division of zero be possible. Negation of conclusion
2 Let, =x where a ≠ 0 Given
3 a=x (0) Definition of division
4 0 ≠ x( 0) Transitive Property of Inequality
5 0=x (0) Any number multiplied by 0 is equal to 0.
Division by zero is impossible, since there is no
The assumption is false because of a contradiction
6 value of x will make the equation a=x ( 0 ) true,
between 4 and 5.
where a is a nonzero number.

1.4 Properties of Negatives

Definition of Subtraction: a−b=a+ (−b )

Definition of Division: a ÷ b=a ( 1b )

Definition of Opposite: A number is the opposite of another number a if and only if the former is the product of -1
and a.

Theorem 1.5: A number multiplied by -1 is equal to the opposite of a number. Generally, −1 ( a )=−a .

Statements Reasons
1 (−a )+ 0=(−a) Identity Property of Addition
2 a ( 0 )=0 Any number multiplied by 0 is equal to 0.
3 (−a )+ a ( 0 )=(−a) Substitution Property
4 1+ (−1 )=0 Additive Inverse Property
5 (−a )+ a [ 1+ (−1 ) ] =(−a) Substitution Property
6 (−a )+ [ 1a+ (−1 ) a ] =(−a) Distributive Property of Multiplication
7 (−a )+ [ a+ (−1 ) a ] =(−a) Identity Property of Addition
8 [ (−a )+ a ] + (−1 ) a=(−a) Associative Property of Addition
9 0+ (−1 ) a=(−a) Additive Inverse Property
10 (−1 ) a=−a Identity Property of Addition

Theorem 1.6: The opposite of a negative number is a positive number. Generally, −(−a )=a .

Statements Reasons
0=a+ (−a )
1 Additive Inverse Property
0=(−a )+[−(−a ) ]
2 (−a )+ [−(−a ) ] =a+ (−a ) Transitive Property of Equality
3 −(−a )=a Addition Property of Equality

Theorem 1.7: The opposite of the sum of two numbers is the sum of the opposite of two numbers. Generally,
−( a+ b )=−a−b .

Statements Reasons
1 −( a+ b )=−1(a+b) Definition of opposite
2 −( a+ b )=(−1) ( a )+(−1)(a) Distributive Property of Multiplication
3 −( a+ b )=−a−b Definition of opposite

Theorem 1.8: The opposite of the difference of two numbers is the difference of the opposite of two numbers.
Generally, −( a−b )=−a+ b=b−a.

Statements Reasons
1 −( a−b )=−1(a−b) Definition of opposite
2 −( a−b )=(−1 ) ( a )−(−1)( b) Distributive Property of Multiplication
3 −( a−b )=−a+ b=b−a Definition of opposite

Theorem 1.9: The product of a negative number and a positive number is a negative number. Generally,
( a )(−b )=(−a)(b).

Statements Reasons
1 ( a )(−b )=a (−1)( b) Definition of opposite
2 ( a )(−b )=−1(a)( b) Commutative Property of Multiplication
3 ( a )(−b )=(−a)(b) Definition of opposite

Theorem 1.10: The product of two negative numbers is a positive number. Generally, (−a )(−b )=(ab).

Statements Reasons
1 (−a )(−b )=(−1)( a)(−1)( b) Definition of opposite
2 (−a )(−b )=(−1)(−1)(ab) Commutative Property of Multiplication
3 (−a )(−b )=(−1)(−ab) Definition of opposite
4 (−a )(−b )=−(−ab) Definition of opposite
The opposite of a negative number is a positive
5 (−a )(−b )=(ab) number.

1.5 Basic Axioms on Real Numbers

Definition of Positive and Negative Numbers:

A real number a is positive if and only if a> 0. It is negative if and only if a< 0.
(Thus, 0 is neither positive nor negative.)
Definition of Non-positive and Non-negative Numbers:
A real number a is non-positive if and only if it is either negative or zero, symbolized by a ≤ 0. It is non-negative if
and only if it is either positive or zero, symbolized by a ≥ 0.
Definition of Inequality:
a< b if and only if b−a> 0

Order Axioms
Axiom 1.13: A real number is either negative, zero, or positive
Axiom 1.14: The sum of two positive integers is always positive.
Axiom 1.15: The product of two positive integers is always positive.

(A1.13) Either one of the ff. is true: a< 0 , a=0 , or a> 0.
(A1.14) If a> 0 andb> 0 ,then a+ b>0 .
(A1.15) Ifa> 0 and b> 0 ,then ab> 0.

Theorem 1.11: If a ≥ 0 and b ≥ 0 , then a+ b ≥0.

Theorem 1.12: If a ≥ 0 and b ≥ 0 , then ab ≥ 0.
In summary, the sum and products of nonnegative number are both non-negative.

Given that a and b are both non-negative, we will have three cases for the proof: using two positive numbers, a
positive number and zero, and two zeroes.

Case 1: If a and b are positive, then both a+ b>0 and ab> 0 by Order Axioms.
Case 2: If a is positive and b=0, then a+ b>0 by Addition Property of Inequality, and ab=0 since any number
multiplied by zero equal zero.
Case 3: If a=0 and b=0 , then a+ b=0 by Addition Property of Equality, and ab=0 by Multiplication Property
of Equality.

Theorem 1.13: The square of any real number is non-negative, meaning that a 2 ≥ 0 for any real number a . a 2=0 if
and only if a=0 .

We will consider these three cases for the proof:

Case 1: If a=0, then a 2=0 ( 0 )=0.

Case 2: If a> 0, then a 2> 0 by Order Axiom.
Case 3: If a< 0, then −a is positive. Let b=−a , a positive number. Then
aa=(−1 ) b (−1 ) b=(−1 ) (−1 ) bb=bb>0.

Thus, a 2> 0.

Theorem 1.14: If a ≤ b and b ≤ a , then a=b .

By definition of inequality, a ≤ b means 0< b−a or a=b , and b ≤ a means 0< a−b or a=b . But
a−b=−1(b−a) and by Trichotomy Property of Inequality, either b−a or −( b−a) can be positive. Thus the
equation common to these conditions are a=b .

1.6 Properties of Inequalities

Theorem 1.15: Trichotomy Property of Inequality. For real numbers a and b , one of the following is true: a> b,
a=b , or a< b.

Statements Reasons
1 Real numbers a and b Given
2 a−b is a real number. Closure Property of Real Numbers
One of the following is true: a−b> 0,a−b=0, or
3 A real number is either negative, positive, or zero.
a−b< 0
4 One of the following is true: a> b, a=b , or a< b. Definitions of equality and inequality

Theorem 1.16: Transitive Property of Inequality. If a< b and b< c , then a< c .

Statements Reasons
1 a< b and b< c Given
0< b−a
2 Definition of inequality
0< c−b
3 0< ( b−a ) + ( c−b )=c−a The sum of two positive numbers is positive.
4 a< c Definition of inequality

Theorem 1.17: Addition Property of Inequality. If a< b, then a+ c< b+c .

Statements Reasons
1 a< b Given
2 0< b−a Definition of inequality
3 0< b+c−a−c=( b+c )− ( a+c ) Addition and subtraction of suitable terms
4 a+ c< b+c Definition of inequality

Theorem 1.18: Multiplication Property of Inequality. If a< b and c >0 , then ac <bc . If a< b and c <0 , then
bc <ac .

Proof for CASE 1:

Statements Reasons
1 a< b Given
2 0< b−a Definition of inequality
3 c >0 Given
4 0< c ( b−a )=bc−ac The product of two positive numbers is positive.
5 ac <bc Definition of inequality

Proof for CASE 2:

Statements Reasons
1 a< b Given
2 0< b−a Definition of inequality
3 c <0 Given
4 0← c The sum of two positive numbers is positive.
5 0← c ( b−a ) =ac−bc The product of two positive numbers is positive.
6 bc <ac Definition of inequality

1.7 Absolute Value and its Properties

Definition of Absolute Value - For every real number x ,

{−x , if x< 0
|x|= x , if x ≥ 0

Using the definition of absolute value, we can prove its basic properties.

For every real number a and b ,

Theorem 1.20: |a|= a 2 √
Theorem 1.21: |a|≥0
Theorem 1.22: |a|=|−a| (The absolute values of opposites are equal.)
Theorem 1.23: |ab|=|a||b|

Theorem 1.24: |ab|=||ba|| if b ≠ 0

In summary of 1.23 and 1.24, the absolute value of a product or quotient of two numbers is equal to the product or
quotient of absolute values two numbers.

Proof for Theorem 1.20:

Case 1: If x=0 , then clearly √ 0=0.
Case 2: If x >0, then √ x 2=x=|x|.
Case 3: If x <0, then √ x 2=√ (−x )2=−x=|x|

Proof for Theorem 1.21:

Case 1: If x=0 , then |x|=0.
Case 2: If x >0, then x=|x|> 0.
Case 3: If x <0, then −x=|x|> 0.

Proof for Theorem 1.22:

Case 1: If x=0 , then |x|=0.
Case 2: If x >0, then x=|x|>0.
Case 3: If x <0, then −x=|x|> 0.

Proof for Theorem 1.23:

Using law of radicals,
|ab|= √ (ab)2=√ a2 b2 =√ a2 √b 2=|a||b|
Proof for Theorem 1.24:
Using law of radicals,

| | √( ) √a √ a |a|
2 2 2
a a
= = 2= 2=
b b b √ b |b|

Theorem 1.25: Let a> 0.Then

(a) |x|<a if and only if −a< x< a.
(b) |x|>a if and only if x ←a or x >a.
(c) |x|≤ a if and only if −a ≤ x ≤ a .
(d) |x|≥ a if and only if x ≤−a or x ≥ a .

Theorem 1.26: For any real number x ,

−|x|≤ x ≤|x|

Case 1: If x >0, then −|x|< x=| x|.
Case 2: If x=0 , then 0=0=0.
Case 3: If x <0, then −|x|=x<| x|.

Theorem 1.27: Triangle Inequality. For any real numbers a and b , |a+b|≤|a|+|b|.
Theorem 1.28: Reverse Triangle Inequality. For any real numbers a and b , |a−b|≥|a|−|b|.

Proof for Theorem 1.27:

Statements Reasons
1 Real numbers a and b Given
−|a|≤ a≤|a|
2 −|x|≤ x ≤|x| for any real number
−|b|≤b ≤|b|
3 −|a|−|b|≤ a+b ≤|a|+|b| Addition Property in Inequality
4 −(|a|+|b|) ≤ a+b ≤|a|+|b| Grouping of terms
5 |a+b|≤|a|+|b| |x|≤ a if and only if −a ≤ x ≤ a .

Proof for Theorem 1.28:

Statements Reasons
1 |a|=|a+b−b| Addition and subtraction of suitable terms
2 |a−b+ b|≤|a−b|+|b| Definition of inequality
3 |a|≤|a−b|+|b| Transitive Property of Inequality
4 |a−b|≥|a|−|b| Addition Property of Inequality

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