World War 2

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World War 2

Japan launched a surprise attack on the Philippines on Dec. 8, 1941, just ten hours after the attack on
Pearl Harbor. Over a million were evacuated from towns and cities and had to adjust to separation
from family and friends.Many of those who stayed, endured bombing raids and were injured or made
homeless.The Philippine defense continued until the surrender of United States-Philippines forces on
the Bataan Peninsula in April 1942 and on Corregidor in May. Ramon Regalado is one of the 250,000
Filipino soldiers served with US troops in the second world war.He was a machine gun operator with
the Philippine Scouts under US Army Forces when troops were forced to surrender in 1942 to the
Japanese after a grueling three-months battle. The prisoners were forced to march some 105km to a
camp. The men were divided into two groups of approximately 100, and the march typically took each
group around five days to complete.Many died during the Bataan Death March, killed by Japanese
soldiers or simply unable to make the trek.Most of the troops where Filipino. More then 250,00
Filipino served in US troops in the second world war, including the 57,000 who died. Regalado
survived and slipped away with two others and all of them are sick with malaria.They encountered a
farmer who cared for them, but only Regalado lived.. In his later years, he gave countless interviews
to promote the wartime heroic of Filipinos, who were promised benefits and US citizenship but saw
those promises disappear after the war ended. Regalado really embodied qualities of the greatest
generation and love for his country said by Gaerlan, the executive director of the Bataan legacy
Historical Society who has fought to honour Regalado and others.

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