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Lerner-Centered Teaching Plan to Prevent Falling in the Patients of Dementia

Margaret is 87 years old lady who is suffering from dementia. Margaret’s daughter and her son-
in-law are at her bedside after having hip surgery. The key purpose behind this paper is to set the
attainable and measureable goals to guide the teaching of Margaret and her family in three
minutes teaching session. This three minute teaching session will cover all the three domains of
Bloom’s Taxonomy including affective, Cognitive, and Psychomotor.
Dementia itself is not a specific disease rather it is an umbrella term which covers a wide range
of specific medical conditions. Dementia is generally misinterpreted as aging but it is not a
general memory lose rather it is caused by abnormal brain changes. These abnormal changes in
brain activity trigger a significant decline in cognitive abilities including decisions making,
thinking, comprehension and memorization. Cognitive decline caused by dementia is severe
enough to impair routine life of the patient. Behavior, relationships, mood and feelings of an
individual are also get affected by this disease.
Dementia not only causes memory impairment but also decreases the muscular movement of
patients. Likelihood of falling is higher in the patients of dementia than other people of the same
age. In this case Margaret a 78 years old lady is suffering from dementia and it is quite
challenging for her to move around independently. She also cannot avoid the trouble making
factors in her environment due to her restricted ability of interpretation and comprehension. She
needs the support of her family members in order to avoid potential risk of falling again as she
already got an injury.
Learning Plan

Bloom’s Taxonomy model is utilized to design the given teaching plan. This model includes
three domains including cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Goals set in this plan cover all the
three domains.
The learning plan given below includes the learning objectives to guide the teaching process of
Margaret and her family to prevent falling.

Learning Objective Teaching Strategies Rationale for the Selection of

Teaching Strategy
Cognitive Domain Memorizing information is a The key reason behind
The aim of this domain is to difficult task for the patient of selecting the strategy of visual
develop the knowledge dementia. Margaret is unable aids for Margaret is her
(Adam, 2015). to memorize all this novel inability to memorize verbal
Learning Objective information regarding the information.
The key purpose of Cognitive elimination of hazardous I opted out interactive
Domain in aforementioned material from environment. discussion as a strategy to
scenario is to develop the So, I will design some useful guide the family members of
knowledge about notes including visual aids for Margaret. I think hour’s long
identification of the Margaret to help her sessions can be tiring for
environmental hazards that identifying the hazardous Margaret and her family. So, it
can cause falling. These material around her. will be more comfortable for
environmental hazards include However, for the family them to attend a brief
slippery or wet surface, members a productive interactive session where they
perilous footwear, uneven interactive session will be can clear their doubts and
pavement and messy floor. organized. They will be able concerns by questions.
Exclusion of these hazards can to ask the questions of their
reduce the risk of falling. concern and I will brief them
about the process of the
identification of
environmental hazards in
order to minimize the risk of

Psychomotor Domain The strategy of involving

Patients having dementia find
This domain is about the it difficult to move their body Margaret in some physical
physical activity of an parts consequently, they lose activity will make her strong
individual (Seaman, 2011). their physical balance. and she will be able to get
Learning Objective Physical therapist can assist control over her body parts.
Yoga, Physical Exercise, and Margaret to regain her Participation in community
walk are good for Margaret’s physical strength by doing sessions for seniors will
physical strength. Patients exercise. enable her to socialize and
with dementia find it difficult I will also advice Margaret to communicate with other
to move their muscles and lose become a part of community people of her community.
physical balance sessions arranged for the Yoga and other exercises will
consequently. Regular patients of dementia in order result in positive behavioral
exercise and physical activity to enhance their motor change and decreased physical
help them regaining physical abilities. damage.
balance so, they can avoid I will ask her family to plan
falling (Brutan et al, 2015). some daily activities for
Margaret after her recovery.

Affective Domain
Affective domain in Bloom’s
Taxonomy includes receiving
and responding to the
phenomenon, valuing,
organizing and internalizing
the values (Adams, 2015). It is imperative to develop the
Learning Objective interest of learner by
Supportive and motivating
environment will increase the motivating and supporting
Margaret and her family
interest of the learner. Learner him.
should be aware of the
will become aware that Positive feedback from family
potential risk of falling again.
willingness to learn and and decreased chances of
“It is not going to happen
again” approach must be practice will decrease the falling down will increase the
replaced with reality that it damage and increase the motivation level of Margaret.
will not happen again if the likelihood of positive She will follow the given
precautionary measures will behavior. Using cues, visual instructions ardently.
be taken at this point. This aids, and reminders will
realization will lead Margaret motivate Margaret to avoid
and her family to the active accidents. Elimination of
participation in learning environmental hazards will
process. Willingness to learn decrease the likelihood of
and practice will minimize the falling. Healthy physical
risk of getting hurt physically. activities will result in
changed behavior.


In conclusion, Margaret is a patient with dementia at higher risk for future falls as she already
has had a hip injury by falling. However, being a nurse it is quite challenging for me to teach a
patient with dementia but it is imperative to guide Margaret and her family by using all the three
domains to prevent future falling. I will teach Margaret and her family to identify the
environmental hazards that can cause a fall, as well as to understand the significance of exercise
and physical activity to gain physical strength to prevent falling. My ultimate concern as a nurse
is to design attainable goals in order to assist Margaret and her family to avoid physical
mutilation because of falling.
Adams, N. E. (2015). Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning objectives. Journal of the Medical Library
Association: JMLA, 103(3), 152.

Seaman, M. (2011). BLOOM'S TAXONOMY. Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue, 13.

Burton, E., Cavalheri, V., Adams, R., Browne, C. O., Bovery-Spencer, P., Fenton, A. M., ... & Hill, K. D.
(2015). Effectiveness of exercise programs to reduce falls in older people with dementia living in the
community: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical interventions in aging, 10, 421.

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