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Student’s Perception






Course Assessment
Q1: Objectives and outcomes of the Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
course are clearly defined Disagree Agree

Q2: I take part in course activities

Q3: Course achieve learning outcomes

Q4: I understand the content of the

course well

Q5: Classroom environment

supportive in achieving academic

Instructor’s Assessment
Q6: Are you satisfied with teaching Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
methodology adopted by your Disagree Agree

Q7: My instructor appreciates me on

my achievements
Q8: Does your teacher assist you in
setting your personal goals and in
achieving those goals?

Q9: Are you satisfied with assessment

methodology opted by the teacher?

Q10: Did the instructor respond to the

queries of students?

Q11: Instructor do his best in dealing

with the queries of students

Q12: Did instructor make the course

interesting for you?

School’s Evaluation
Q13: Will you recommend this school Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
to your friend to get admission into? Disagree Agree
Q14: Is institution getting you
prepared for job market?

Q15: Is this school a safe place for

Q16: Are bullied at your school by
your fellow students?

Q17: Are you harassed at your


Q18: You often hear about the

harassment cases at your school?

Q19: Your institute takes action

against harassers?

Q20: Does your school provide you

with enough sports facilities?
Q21: Other supporting services such
as counseling or guidance are
provided at campus?

Q22: What you like most about your school?


Q23: What you don’t like about your school?


Parent’s Perspective



Older child’s grade at school:

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Not

Agree 4 3 2 Disagree Applicable
Statements 5 1 0
Q1: School’s mission statement is
quite clear and focus is on student’s

Q2: Vision statement of the school is

formally structured with the
contribution of parents.

Q3: Clear goals are set to improve

student’s learning

Q4: Governing body of the school is

working efficiently.

Q5: Governing body of the school

does not interfere unnecessarily.
Q6: School involves all its
stakeholders in policy making and
decision making process

Q7: School regularly communicates

about its goals, activities and events

Q8: Curriculum off the school meets

the learning needs of my child

Q9: Work given to my child by his

teacher challenges his abilities to
Q10: Effective teaching strategies
are used to enhance student’s

Q11: Teachers keep me informed

about the performance of my child.

Q12: Student’s Assessment method

is satisfactory

Q13: Use of advance technology is

satisfactory at school campus.

Q14: Qualified faculty members are

hired by the institution.

Q15: The learning environment of

the institution is safe and healthy.

Q16: School provides opportunities

to the students to take part in
extracurricular activities.

Q17: Extra support services i.e.

career counseling, and psychological
assistance is provided to the students
who need it.

Q18: School is playing its role in the

character building of my child

Further Suggestions:

Teacher’s Perspective



District of School
School Name



Q1: Respect and support as a faculty Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
member I deserve is given to me by Disagree Agree
my school.

Q2: My school’s climate is safe and

quite positive for everyone belongs to

Q3: I have freedom of expression, and

give suggestions and opinions without
having the fear of being retaliated.

Q4: I can actively contribute to the

school norms and rules.

Q5: The school is a disciplined body

where everyone can easily access the
respected facilities.

Q6: I am given the chance to

participate in decision making process

Q7: The meetings are scheduled and

well-organized and all the
stakeholders are invited to collaborate
in policy making.
Q8: The approach opted for the
implementation of new strategies and
programs is supportive

Q9: The measures of accountability

are strictly aligned with the
performance and efforts one makes
for improvement.

Q10: Equal opportunities are provided

for professional development and
growth in my school.
Q11: On the job training programs are
offered to the faculty at my institution.

Q12: Mentoring and counseling are

the fundamental aspects of
professional development and
learning program.

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