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Design and Development

Small Scale Paddy Dryer
(Research Proposal)
CHAPTER I – Introduction

Economic development and growth are significantly influenced by

agriculture. Agriculture is the main source of resources in our province of Abra.

Due to biochemical interactions, many agricultural goods are susceptible to

microbial and other spoilages due to their high moisture content. Obtaining

appropriate moisture content for agricultural products. In order to reduce the

product's moisture content, drying or dehydrating processes must be carried

out. To prevent biochemical reactions and microbiological growth, drying is the

process of removing water from products. The product's shelf life is extended by

drying, allowing for year-round availability.

CHAPTER I – Introduction

People used a variety of drying techniques for this purpose, including mechanical,

electrical, and natural convection processes. Traditional drying systems are still used in

many places due to their low cost and ease of management. Open-air sun drying is one of

the oldest and most well-known methods of preserving agricultural products. Certain new

techniques for efficient drying, such as hot air drying or dielectric heating, are being

introduced. However, these processes necessitate a large amount of energy, which is

typically obtained from traditional energy sources such as fossil fuels. With the depletion

of fossil fuels and the rise in energy prices, more emphasis is being placed on the use of

renewable energy sources for drying.

CHAPTER I – Introduction

Drying is the process of removing water from a solution, suspension, or other solid

liquid mixture through evaporation. Drying is the post-harvest system phase in which the

product is rapidly dried until it reaches a safe moisture level. Drying is the process of

reducing the moisture content of paddy to a safe level for storage. After harvesting a rice

crop, the most important operation is drying. Delays in drying, incomplete drying, or

ineffective drying will reduce paddy quality and result in losses.

Drying and storage are processes that are often combined in the same piece of

equipment (instore drying). Storage of incompletely dried paddy with a higher than

acceptable moisture content will result in failure regardless of the storage facility used.
CHAPTER I – Introduction – Background of the study

The rice production system is one of the most vulnerable agro-ecosystems

to climate change. Long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns are

referred to as climate change. These changes could be natural, such as

variations in the solar cycle. Due to climate change, humans and wild animals

face new survival challenges. Droughts that are more frequent and intense, heat

waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and warming oceans can directly harm

animals, destroy their habitants, and disrupt people's livelihoods and

CHAPTER I – Introduction – Background of the study

In order to deal with the consequences of climate change, this project will

provide an alternative drying process or machine. The goal of this project is to

reduce the moisture in the paddy to a safe level, which will help farmers with

their issues by preventing microbial growth and reproduction, reducing

moisture-contents, transportation, storage, and processing costs. This will help

to decrease postharvest losses, increase shelf life, and time consuming.

CHAPTER I – Introduction – Background of the study

This research aims to develop a machine that will assist farmers in drying

their paddy quickly. This machine will reduce the moisture content of paddy to a

safe level for storage. Since of the population growth, the area available for open-

air paddy drying has shrunk, and this machine will improve on traditional open-

air sun drying. As we all know, drying paddy is difficult during the rainy season,

and for those who need to dry their paddy quickly, this machine will be the

CHAPTER I – Introduction – Statement of the Problem

The aim of the research is to design and develop a small-scale paddy dryer

machine that will achieve the proper moisture content of paddy.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following question:

1. How does the small-scale paddy dryer machine improve or decrease the

moisture content of the paddy?

2. What can the small-scale paddy drying machine provide or assist farmers in

developing or improving the last harvesting activity?

CHAPTER I – Introduction – Statement of the Problem

3. What are the benefits of this small-scale paddy dryer machine over

traditional methods?

4. How does a small-scale paddy dryer machine overcome the difficulty of

drying paddy in different climates?

5. How does existing paddy dryer research be improved?

CHAPTER I – Introduction – Objectives of the study

The study in general will design a small-scale machine that can dry a paddy

in a short period of time, including the difference between the traditional method

of drying paddy and the dryer machine operating within the province of Abra.

More specifically it aims:

1. To design and develop a small-scale paddy dryer machine.

2. To evaluate the paddy dryer machine's performance.

3. To assess the prototype's overall performance through a process of trials

and errors.

CHAPTER I – Introduction – Objectives of the study

4. To enhance the conventional method of paddy drying.

5. To evaluate the operational performance and physical construction of the

machine through series of testing.

CHAPTER I – Significance of the study

The implementation of this study would be beneficial to the following:

1. Agriculture

 This project will be a huge benefit to agriculture, especially during the

rainy season. If they had just harvested paddy, they could quickly

extract the moisture content and store it to keep it supplied.

2. Community.
 This project will be extremely helpful to the members of the community

when it comes to the new harvest of paddy since it will allow you to dry

it time to time and, more importantly, it will supply when there is a crisis.

CHAPTER I – Significance of the study

3. Researchers

 This allows the researchers to improve their research skills by gathering

more information and knowledge during the construction of the

proposed machine.

4. Future Researchers.

 This study will enhance future researchers' understanding of developing

and designing a small-scale paddy dryer machine. This is also a big help
to future researchers since it will serve as a guide for their future


CHAPTER I – Introduction – Scope and Delimitations

The scope of this project shall be focused on the following boundaries in

order to define the capabilities and insufficiencies of the project.

The following are listed as scope to give the researcher a guiding principle in

the realization of the proposed project.

1. The focus of the research was to reduce the moisture content of paddy.

2. This project is a paddy dryer made at a small scale.

3. Rice hull Furnace will be used in the heating process for this project.

CHAPTER I – Introduction – Scope and Delimitations

The following limitations are laid to get rid of uncertain expectations about

the proposed project.

1. This project is for small scale.

2. This project study is only focused with reducing the moisture content of

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

This chapter presents the review of related literatures and studies that will

guided and help the researcher in conducting this research project. It also

includes definition of terms cited that will help readers to further understand the

research concept.

A. Related Literature
 Drying
In ancient times the sun and wind would have naturally dried foods.
Evidence shows that Middle East and oriental cultures actively dried foods
as early as 12,000 B.C. in the hot sun. Later cultures left more evidence and
each would have methods and materials to reflect their food supplies-fish,
wild game, domestic animals, etc.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

Vegetables and fruits were also dried from the earliest times. The

Romans were particularly fond of any dried fruit they could make. In the

Middle Ages purposely built “still houses” were created to dry fruits,

vegetables and herbs in areas that did not have enough strong sunlight for
drying. A fire was used to create the heat needed to dry foods and, in some

cases, smoking them as well.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

 Agriculture

All of human history can been seen as a struggle to exploit nature to

better feed ourselves in an endless three-step cycle of crisis and growth - of

“ratchet,” (big breakthrough), “hatchet” (a crisis of unforeseen

consequences) and “pivot” (some ingenious new solution). The last “Big

Ratchet” was the shift from foraging to farming some 12,000 years ago. The

current one is our transformation to an urban species, dependent on the

manipulated nature of modern agriculture, the consequences of which we

still don’t fully understand.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

The Big Ratchet views human history, as species struggling to exploit

nature to better feed and expand themselves. Humans have been
spectacularly successful at this because of our relentless ingenuity. Each
success ratchets up our numbers and our needs. Eventually, nature’s
limitations restrict our advances, create a crisis and “drop a hatchet” on our
ambitions. So, our ingenuity pivots to find a new twist of nature, creating a
new ratchet, followed by a new hatchet, then a new pivot, and so on: an
endless cycle of ratchet, hatchet, pivot. Each time, as our population and
society grow, the stakes increase, making each hatchet potentially more
catastrophic than the last. This book tells the story of the major ratchets,
hatchets and pivots that have propelled us to this unprecedented,
revolutionary juncture and transformed our species from agricultural to
urban, a transformation we don’t yet understand but which may be the most
significant yet.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

Until recently, the biggest human ratchet was the shift from foraging to
agriculture, about 12,000 years ago. Agriculture emerged on almost every
continent within 7,500 years, transforming human society from nomadic
groups to settlements with hierarchies of governance and non-food-related
occupations. Agriculture fed more people more reliably, producing higher
birth rates, earlier weaning of infants, and many centuries of population
growth; but crowded living increased the spread of disease, and nutrition
suffered from a more limited diet.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

 Climate Change

One of the most visible consequences of a warming world is an increase

in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. The National
Climate Assessment finds that the number of heat waves, heavy downpours,
and major hurricanes has increased in the United States, and the strength of
these events has increased, too.
A measure of the economic impact of extreme weather is the increasing
number of billion-dollar disasters, which is shown below. The map shows all
types of weather disasters, some of which are known to be influenced by
climate change (floods, tropical storms) and some for which a climate
influence is uncertain (tornadoes).

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

Climate change is expected to worsen the frequency, intensity, and

impacts of some types of extreme weather events. For example, sea level

rise increases the impacts of coastal storms and warming can place more
stress on water supplies during droughts. That’s why many cities, state, and

businesses are taking steps to prepare for more extreme weather.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

B. Related Studies

 “Automatization of a grain dryer”

Even though the grain drying season only lasts a few weeks each year, it

has a significant impact on the profitability of the entire farm. When the grain

drying process begins at the beginning of the drying period, problems with

the dryer are typically discovered. Repairing the issue could be time-

consuming and costly, and drying is done using other farms' dryers

depending on the severity of the issue.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

The dryer is used to dry not only the farm's own grain, but also the grain
of a neighboring farm, so dependability should be assured. In recent years,
the dryer has been upgraded from the outside, two new silos have been
imported and moved next to the dryer building, and the heating system has
been modernized.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

The main benefits of grain drying with these systems is safer storage -

By reducing the moisture content in the grains, the possibility of degradation

or germination of the cereal is eliminated, allowing it to be stored safely for

long periods of time while maintaining product quality. The advantage of

drying grains is: Facilitates early harvesting, In terms of capacity, faster

drying, and Independent of weather conditions.

Antti Ylä-Soini, “Automatization of a grain dryer”, Seinäjoki University of

Applied Sciences, Issued 2015. Retrived from;

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

 “Design and Development of a Solar Cloth Dryer”

Using readily available materials, a solar cloth dryer was created. Its

effectiveness was assessed based on how quickly it dried the clothes. As a

result, a series of experiments were carried out to determine the worthiness

of this solar dryer. The experiments revealed that the dryer meets its

objectives. The main advantage of this dryer is that it can be used all year

round thanks to an integrated auxiliary heating system. Furthermore,

because there are no moving parts, it consumes less power than

conventional dryers in washing machines. It is simple to construct using

readily available materials.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework
In fact, drying your clothes in the sun for a few hours can completely

remove odors from smoke, food, and mildew. Drying clothes prevents them

from withering or shrinking each time they are sent to be dried, as well as

saving the cost of re-purchasing them over time. Sun drying aids in the

whitening and disinfection of laundry.

Shaik Zuneid Alam, “Design and Development of a Solar Cloth Dryer”,

Department of Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology
Rourkela-769008, Issue 2009. Retrieved from;

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

 “Design and fabrication of experimental dryer for studying agricultural


Since rice cracking is so important in the milling process, precise

control of drying conditions is essential. It is necessary to determine drying
kinetics and the moisture change during the drying process for this purpose.
The design, fabrication, and testing of an automated thin-layer dryer are
presented in this paper. Experiments on the drying kinetics of rice paddy
were carried out at five drying air temperatures ranging from 30 to 70
degrees Celsius, four air velocities ranging from 0.25 to 1.0 msCo-1, and
three replicas (60 runs total) with an initial moisture content of 25% at the
start of all runs. The mass loss was measured continuously during drying.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

The experimental drying rate versus time curves were grouped by air

temperature and revealed that: (a) drying rate increased as air temperature

increased and (b) moisture transfer occurred during the falling rate period of

drying. However, when the moisture ratio verses time curves were grouped by air

velocity, the moisture ratio's dependence on velocity was found to be very weak.

The drying period paddy was unaffected by an increase in air velocity from 0.25

to 1 ms-1. Drying curves derived from experimental data, fitted to eight thin layer

models, and compared with three statistical parameters revealed that a two-term

model predicts moisture change more accurately than other models.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework

The food product is dried in an agricultural dryer to remove excess
moisture. Drying is the process of partially separating water from grain,
which is a porous material made up of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and
mineral salts. The goal of drying is to reduce the moisture content of the
grain so that it can be stored safely and further processed.

Yadollahinia, M. Omid and S. Rafiee, “Design and fabrication of experimental dryer

for studying agricultural products”, Int. J. Agri. Biol., Vol. 10, No. 1, 2008. Retrieve
CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
 Theories and principle of
design and development
of small-scale paddy
dryer machine.

 Design,
Computation and
CAD Application.
 Fabrication
 Testing
 Small Scale
Paddy Dryer

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework


1. This project is more efficient than the traditional method of drying Paddy.

2. This project will provide great assistance today, especially to rice farmers.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework


Blower Fan

 Is a wheel with vanes on a rotating shaft in a case or chamber used to create

a blast of air for a forge or a current for draft and ventilation.

Vibrator Motor

 A vibratory motor is a three-phase motor that is intentionally unbalanced,

and is also known as an eccentric rotating mass (ERM) or vibrating motor.

CHAPTER II – Theoretical Framework


 Is an enclosed structure in which heat is produced (as for heating a house or

for reducing ore.

Pillow Block Bearing

 A pillow block bearing, or a bearing housing or Plummer block, is a pedestal

that is used to prove support for a rotating shaft with compatible bearings.

Pillow block bearings are actually housings that have a bearing fitted into


CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Research Design


This research undertaking will employ experimental approach but will make

use of descriptive research during the project evaluation phase. Activities such

as problem identification and conceptualization, data gathering and evaluation,

project designing, project conceptualization, project testing and project

evaluation will be conducted in order to complete the research project.

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Development.

1. Problem Identification and Conceptualization

 This idea was found and created in order to help the community deal

with the issue of paddy fields drying up as a result of climate change.

Due to population expansion, it is planned to produce this equipment in

order to reduce reliance on the existing method of drying. It will benefit

the user's accessibility during the rainy season.

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Development

2. Data Gathering and Evaluation

 The concept will be examined and analyzed in order to determine the

necessary and required theoretical knowledge for the researchers to
complete the project. Several information-like fundamentals of paddy
dryers and their heating process were considered in order to strengthen
the researcher's background. In addition, the characteristics, principles
of operation, and applications of some devices that will be used will be
thoroughly examined and evaluated in order to produce a precise design
and project. Technical data on the operation and characteristics of
various types of dryers will also be collected and analyzed to assist the
researcher in determining its potential applicability.

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Development

3. Fabrication
After the preliminary drawing of diagrams, gathering, constructing, and
testing of materials, the following steps will be taken into consideration.

a. Gather all the necessary tools and instruments to be used.

b. Design and etch the frame's angle bar
c. Design and etch the slope bed screen to which the vibration motor will be
d. Design of the blower's air path
e. Design and set up of the furnish
f. Design and etch the galvanized plate for paddy entry and exit
g. Etch and weld the galvanized frame cover plate.

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Testing Procedure.


Upon completion of the project, the researcher will conduct series of testing

procedures in order to test the machine performance and efficiency.

During the testing procedure, the researcher will record every detail of the

performance and efficiencies of each part from drying performance of the

heating supply, the accuracy of the vibrator and up to the main part which is the

rice hull furnace as the heating source, on how efficient the working process of

reducing the moisture content of the paddy.

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Testing Procedure.

 First, the researcher will record the consistent heating temperature

supply, to determine whether to place the machine since this project is

primarily powered by rice hull furnace.

 Second is the adjustment of the vibrators to fully align and to maintain

proper adjustment and clearances in order for the machine to function

properly without any hesitation.

 And lastly is the testing of the dryer machine performance, the

researchers will record and measure the number of sacks by volume to

determine the efficiency of reducing the moisture content of the paddy

to see how accurate the device will be.

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Evaluation.


This aspect explains how the researcher is going to conduct an evaluation to

verify the acceptability of the small-scale paddy dryer machine to the users. The

respondents will be randomly chosen from groups of professionals both in the

academy and in the public respondents. The data that will be gathered from the

evaluation will be analyzed and interpreted so as to find rooms for improvement

and modifications of the project.

1. Evaluation Procedures
2. Criteria for Evaluation
3. Rating scale

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Evaluation.

1. Evaluation Procedures

The operation of the machine shall be witnessed by the respondents and

familiarize them regarding the operation of the machine. The respondents will be

given questionnaires for them to answer, stating their evaluation, comments, and

suggestions pertaining to the machine.

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Evaluation.

2. Criteria for Evaluation

Numerical Rating
5 3 1



Operation User- Friendly



Construction Durability


CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Evaluation.

3. Rating Scale for Over-all Project Evaluation

In order to measure quantitatively the evaluation per criterion, the researcher

had set a rating scale with its corresponding adjectival meaning. The table
depicts the rating scale to be used in the over- all project evaluation.

Numerical Rating Adjectival Rating Adjectival Meaning

The respondents perceived that the project highly met

3.68- 5.00 Superior
the specified criteria for evaluation.

The respondents believed that the project satisfactory

2.34- 3.67 Satisfactory
met the specified criteria for evaluation.

1.0- 2.33 Poor The project did not satisfy the specified criteria for
CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Evaluation.

Under the operation criterion, this is broken down into the following four

(5) sub- criterion:

a. Functionality: This will indicate whether the machine is satisfactory

performing its designed operation or not.
5 – if the machine is highly functional.
3 – if the machine is functional with minor problems.
1 – if the machine is non- functional at all.
b. Efficiency: This will indicate if the machine is effectively performing its task.
5 – If the machine is highly efficient.
3 - If the machine is satisfactory efficient.
1 - If the machine is not efficient.
CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Evaluation.

c. User- Friendly: this will indicate whether the project is operated without
complexity and that the end- users will find ease and be able to use the
machine easily.
5 – If the machine is very easy and convenient to operate.
3 - If the machine is quite difficult to operate.
1 - If the machine is very difficult to operate.

d. Reliability: This will indicate the uninterrupted operation of the machine and
that it will not malfunction especially during the time of use.
5 - If the machine continuously operates without any interruption.
3 - If the machine introduces minor interruptions during operation.
1 - If the machine introduces multiple and repeated interruptions.
CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Evaluation.

e. Environmental – Friendly: This will indicate the project’s capability to

conserve the environment and that it will not contribute harm to nature if the
project is used by the end- users.
5 - If the machine is not harmful to the environment.
3 - If the machine partly contributes disturbance to the environment.
1 - If the machine is very harmful to the environment.

For the construction criterion, it is detailed down into the following four

a. Appearance: This indicator pertains to the physical appearance of the

project and that it is pleasing to the naked eye.
5 – If the machine has a beautiful and compact appearance.
3 – if the machine is quite rugged and quite presentable.
1 – If the machine looks messy and not pleasing to the eyes.

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Evaluation.

b. Durability: This will indicate quality of components and materials used in

the construction of the project as a whole.
5 – If the components bear established trade names and brand new.
3 – If the components are of generic kinds and slightly used.
1 – If the components are recycled and already used.
c. Safety. This indicator will tell that how safe and hazard- free is the machine
when put into use and that it will not endanger the end- users and the
5 – If the machine bares safety features and requires no supervision
to operate
3 – if the machine has some unsafe features and requires strict
supervision to safely operate.
1 – if the machine badly needs supervision and safety gadgets to

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Evaluation.

d. Maintainability. In this indicator, this will show the repair capability of the

machine with its components being easily replaceable and available.

5 – if the machine can be easily repaired and components are

commonly available and replaceable.

3 – if the machine is quite difficult to repair and some components

are not readily available and not replaceable.

1 – if the machine is very difficult to repair and all the components

are not readily available and not replaceable.

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Development.


The success of this research project will not only depend on the grand

presentation of gathered data. In fact, it is the project development that will

indicate the fate of a research project. This aspect will forecast the final output

and will serve as basis for the acquisition of the material components to be used.
CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Instruments and Techniques to be Used.


This aspect of the research study will discuss the different instruments
and tools to be used in constructing the proposed project. Their applications and
the manner on how they are going to be helpful in making the project will also be
1. Wires

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Instruments and Techniques to be Used

2. Soldering Iron
CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Instruments and Techniques to be Used

3. Electric Drill
CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Instruments and Techniques to be Used
4. Welding Machine

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Instruments and Techniques to be Used

5. Grinder
CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Instruments and Techniques to be Used

6. Multi Tester
CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Instruments and Techniques to be Used

7. Pliers
CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Instruments and Techniques to be Used

8. Screw Driver Set

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Instruments and Techniques to be

9. Project Evaluation Form

CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Time Table.


This aspect of the research study will introduce the time frame for the
different sets of activities that are found to be helpful in developing the project.
Armed with strong enthusiasm towards the completion of the machine, the
researcher willfully presents this time table of activities for him to strictly follow.


Gathering and selecting specific problems to be Library, School,
Week 1
solved Home
Acquiring necessary information related to the Library, School,
Week 2
selected problem Home
Identifying and selecting possible and specific Library, School,
Week 3-4
solution to the problem Home
Gathering useful information about paddy dryer Library, School,
Week 5
machine. Home
Research and selection of small-scale paddy Library, School,
Week 6
dryer machine design suitable for the project. Home
Canvassing and purchasing of materials, Hardware, E-
Week 7-8
components, and instruments to be used. shop, auto shop
Wiring, initial testing of the DC motor and all
Week 9-10 School Lab
circuit diagram.
Analyzing and interpreting gathered data from School Lab,
Week 11
the initial testing. Home
Construction of the main frame and fabrication of
Week 12-13 School Lab
the small-scale paddy dryer.
CHAPTER III – Research Methodology – Project Time Table.

Improvement and modification of the circuit parts

Week 14 School Lab
and the mechanical parts.
Final assembly of the small-scale paddy dryer
Week 15-16 School Lab
Final testing and troubleshooting of the project.
Week 17-18 School Lab

Distribution and collection of project evaluation

Week 19-20 School Campus
Interpretation of survey results for project
Week 21 Home, School.

CHAPTER III – Cost Estimate of the Prototype.


1 2 1 Blower 870 1,740

2 3 1 Vibrating Motor 800 2,400

Screen for Flatbed
3 1 1

4 12 1 Pillow Black Bearing 155 1,860

Bolt and Nuts
5 2 1 150 300
(25 pcs)

6 1 1 150 150
1 box (700 pcs)

CHAPTER III – Cost Estimate of the Prototype.


7 1 Screen for Furnace

8 1 Angle Bar

9 1 Flat Bar

10 1 Galvanized Plate


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