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Division Assessment Test in HOPE 1

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer and shade the corresponding letter on
your answer sheet.

1. It refers to the injuries happen during sports activities? PEH11FH-IK-t-11

A. Accident B. Dislocation C. Hydration D. Sports injuries

2. Ana, a grade 11 student who loves to play table tennis but not used to drink water during break time. What happens
to her body if it does not have enough fluid? PEH11FH-IK-t-10
A. Dehydrated B. Dislocated C. Hydrated D. Stress Management

3. What do you call the break, crack or devastating of a bone? PEH11FH-IK-t-11

a. Contusion b. Concussion c. Dislocation d. Fracture

4. Sports injuries involve damage to part of your body due to sports, exercise or athletic activities. Which of the
following injuries is a tear of ligament fibers, muscles or tendons supporting a joint? PEH11FH-IK-t-11
A. Contusion B. Dislocation C. Sprain D. Strain

5. A type of injury involves the stretching, partial tearing, or complete tearing of a

Tendon. PEH11FH-IK-t-11
A. Contusion B. Dislocation C. Sprain D. Strain

6. What happen if the body temperature rises up significantly beyond the normal
temperature such is 37 degrees Celsius? PEH11FH-IK-t-10
A. Dehydration B. Fracture C. Hyperthermia D. Hypothermia

7. It usually occurs when the ball of a joint is forced out of its socket. PEH11FH-IK-t-11
A. Contusion B. Dislocation C. Strain D. Overexertion

8. What is the temperature of a person who has hypothermia? PEH11FH-IK-t-10

A. below 35 B. below 39 c. below 37 d. below 38

9. An athlete can develop her wholesome personality through sports. Which word best defined
the conduct? PEH11FH-Ia-t-12
A. Etiquette B. Gamesmanship C. Regulation D. Sportsmanship

10. Which of the following is an example of sportsmanship? PEH11FH-Ia-t-12

A. Distract an opponent while in a game
B. Helping an opponent get-up after falling
C. Shaking hands before and after a match
D. Immediately go outside the venue after a match.

11. After doing an exercise, Mark just left the barbell/weighs on the floor. What should be
done after? PEH11FH-Ia-t-12
A. Read the manual. C. Clean the equipment
B. Be alert and aware D. Maintain cleanliness and orderliness
12. What is the first thing to do in using a stationary bike at home? PEH11FH-Ia-t-12
A. Be alert and aware. C. Read the manual carefully
B. Clean the equipment D. Take good care of the equipment.

13. Which is not an importance of Etiquette? PEH11FH-Ia-t-12

A. It is essential in maintaining friendly relationship between people.
B. It helps us show respect for other people and vice versa.
C. It enhances communication by breaking down barriers.
D. It arouses praises from friends and other people.

14. What conduct or procedure is required by good breeding of authority to be observed in

social life? PEH11FH-Ia-t-12
A. Etiquette B. Gamesmanship C. Regulation D. Sportsmanship

15. In every physical activity, facilities are being used. Which of the following is an example
of facility? PEH11FH-Ia-t-12
A. Ball B. Drills C. Jogging D. Recreation area

16. These are health tips before-during-after an exercise. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
A. Listen to your body. C. Do an activity / exercise even it is a hot day
B. Wear comfortable clothes D. Take appropriate breaks during the activity/exercise.

17. Which among the given exercises suit to a cardiovascular endurance activity? PEH11FH-Ii-j-7
A. Cycling B. Jogging C. Push Up D. Walking

18. Which type of activity requires group of muscles to work or hold against a force or some
weight? PEH11FH-Ii-j-7
A. Bone Strengthening Activities C. Muscle Strengthening Activities
B. Muscular Endurance Activities D. Cardiovascular Strengthening Activities

19. One of the most essential in gaining health is sleep. What is the standard duration of a
sleep? PEH11FH-Ii-j-7
A. 6 hours B. 7 hours C. 8 hours D. 9 hours

20. All conditions given below are symptoms of stress. Which is not accepted? PEH11FH-Ig-i-6
A. Disturbed Mind Setting C. Sleeplessness
B. Relaxed Concentration D. Lack of Focus

21. Before an extensive activity, one needs the right kind of food. What is being defined by
the statement? PEH11FH-Ig-i-6
A. Fueling for Performance C. Social Eating
B. Emotional Eating D. Distracted Eating

22. How do you call the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue? PEH11FH-Ii-j-7
A. Muscle Strength C. Muscle Endurance
B. Cardiovascular Endurance D. Flexibility

23. Which are needed in getting your BMI? PEH11FH-Ii-j-7

A. Height B. Muscle Mass C. Weight D. A and C only

24. A friend has no physical activity. She realized that she needs to be physically active. Which
type or level of activity can she best start with? PEH11FH-Ia-t-8
A. Light B. Moderate C. Vigorous D. High

25. What classification of physical activity does walking, dancing and household chores?
A. Gentle Physical Activity C. Regular Physical Activity
B. Moderate Physical Activity D. Vigorous Physical Activity

26. When did FNIR reported that 86% of Filipino high schools in Manila failed to achieve
the recommended physical activity? PEH11FH-Ik-o-13
A. 2008 B. 2009 C. 2010 D. 2011

27. Which of these is the effect of non-participation in physical activity? PEH11FH-Ik-o-13

A. Chronic deceases C. Heart failure
B. Diabetes D. Height increase

28. It refers to the state of muscles wherein the fibers increase? PEH11FH-Ik-t-9
A. Hibernation B. Hyperbolism C. Hypertension D. Hypertrophy

29. Which common diseases can be a result of inactive physical activity? PEH11FH-Ik-o-13
A. dark skin B. hair loss C. short height D. Diabetes Type 2

30. If teenagers cannot perform physical activity due to an online learning, how long
should she/he obtain daily physical exercises to maintain his fitness? PEH11FH-Ia-t-8
A. 6 minutes a day B. 16 minutes a day C. 36 minutes a day D. 60 minutes a day

31. What does the acronym WHO stands for?

A. World Health Organization C. Word Health Organization
B. Word Healing Organization D. World Healing Organization

32 What process refers to making arrangements or activity in a systematic way? PEH11FH-Io-t-17

A. Anti- Smoking Campaign C. Organization
B. Camping D. Planning

33. These are activities performed to achieved once fitness at a higher intensity than a
normal routine activity. Which event helps the performer to reach “fitness level"?
A. Anti- Smoking Campaign C. Fitness level
B. Camping D. Plan

34. It is the most important process before implementing any activity. PEH11FH-Io-t-17
A. program B. budget C. organize D. planning

35. Which of the following refers to people joining a program or training? PEH11FH-Io-t-17
A. manager B. participants C. planner D. organizer

36. Which of the following is the ability of an individual to work without any command? PEH11FH-Io-t-17
A. Campaign B. Initiative C. Participation D. Planning

37. What event refers to boasting the morality of your team or the team you stand for?
A. Camping B. Cheerdance C. Festival Dance D. Sportsfest

38. It is a cultural dance which was performed by a community sharing the same practice and
traditions. It is also their form of thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest. Which of
these events describe the statement? PEH11FH-Io-t-17
A. Camping B. Cheer dance C. Festival dance D. Sports fest
39. Which statement is not a fitness fact benefits? PEH11FH-Ik-o-13
A. Exercise Boosts Brainpower C. improved mental clarity
B. increases energy levels D. Prolong chronic illness

40. Which physical activities can lead you to a healthy body and can cope for more demands
of effort to be stronger and efficient in everyday life? PEH11FH-Ik-o-13
A. Regular exercises and frequent participation in physical activities
B. Regular eating of nutritious foods (fresh fruits and vegetables)
C. Regular drinking of water and other carbonated drinks
D. Both A and C.

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