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1) Explain the signification of Industrial relation in present 21st century?

 Industrial disputes disrupt the flow of production; bring strikes, gheraoes and lockouts,
organized demonstration, picketing, etc. Thus good industrial relation plays a vital role in
the 21st century in establishing industrial peace, industrial discipline and industrial
democracy. All the three factors are very much required for the smooth and better
economic development of a country. As such the main objective of industrial relations is
to establish good and harmonious labour management relations which promote mutual
understanding, mutual confidence and resolve the mutual differences.
Today labour is no more an unorganized mass of ignorant and unconscious workers ready
to obey the arbitrary and discretionary distates of the management. Management has to
deal with them not only as individuals but also as members of organized social group
having human dignity and self-respect.
Hence, one of the major objectives of industrial relations is to change the traditional and
contradictory views of labour and management towards each other, so that they may
develop mutual understanding and cooperation and both may work in the best interests of
enterprise. Good industrial relations bring industrial peace, which in turn tends to
increase production.
Good industrial relations increase the morale of the workers and motivate the workers to
work more. When parties think of mutual interests, it gives more changes of newer
development. Any problem is solved by mutual consent which develops many incentive
schemes, such as – workers’ participation in management, profit sharing, suggestion
schemes and so on. These all bring job satisfaction to the workers and they all put
positive effective on the production.
In the 21st century the population is highly increasing and the job opportunities are highly
decreasing. With this there is a high chance of exploitation of the labour force due lack of
jobs. They may be asked to work in harsh conditions with less compensation and would
be treated badly. This makes it very important to have strict industrial relations laws and
unions should actively participate for the betterment of labour force
From all these we can conclude that good industrial relations certainly boost up the
production and improves the quality and quantity both. They increase labour efficiency
also. An increase in the morale of workers reduces per unit cost of production too. Thus
we can say that industrial relations have far-reaching impact on the production.

2) What do you understand about the future of Industrial Relationship in

 Good industrial relations increase the morale of the workers and motivate the workers to
work more. When both parties think of mutual interests, it gives more chances of
development. Any problem is solved by mutual consent which develops many incentive
schemes, such as – worker participation in management, profit sharing, suggestion
schemes and so on.
These all bring job satisfaction to the workers and they all put positive effects on the
production. From all this we can conclude that good industrial relation, certainly boost up
the production and improves the quality and quantity both. They increase labour
efficiency also. An increase in the morale of workers reduces per unit cost of production
too. Thus we can say that industrial relations have a far-reaching impact on production.

The future of industrial relation in can be reviewed from reports of the commissions
constituted by the government for this purpose. From these certain issues are emerging
which are posing challenges to the three actors in the system.
The first is the issue of strengthening collective bargaining by trying to determine a sole
bargaining agent for negotiations. The state of Maharashtra has already passed a law for
the creation of a sole bargaining agency in every unit and industry. Collective bargaining
is advocated where the parties involves have a fuller understanding. This will help to
arrive at a speedier settlement of dispute, between them.
The second issue relates to the gaps that are occurring as a result of the various that occur
in central and state legislations as far as labour matters are concerned. In India, labour fall
under the concerned. In India, labour fall under the concurrent list though NCL has made
a recommendation for forming a common labour code which is yet to be adopted.
Adoption of this recommendation will go a long way in solving some of the problems
that Indians legislation process is facing.
Another issue is that of workers participation in management. India has already
experienced the working of many forms of workers-participation schemes but none of
them seems to have made any headway. The reasons for the failure of these schemes need
to be probed into.
The three actors in the system need to take into account the effect of their actions on the
consumer s and society in general, owing to the growing inter-linkages between industry
and its environment. They have to evaluate and decide on the appropriate alternatives in
terms of the strategy they are going to adopt in managing the personnel and industrial
relations functions.
The environment is fast changing and the pressure from various groups involves are
starting to get more vocal and intense. The strategy chosen for the attainment of the goals
will have to depend on the objectives, values structures available and the environment in
which they have to operate.

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