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Cultural Relativism: Reaction paper

Based on what I have understood from the lesson about Cultural Relativism, it is our
point of view or judgement over the culture of others and the ability to understand them and
correlate ourselves to those people based on the moral standards we have in our culture.

Being diverse is one of the strengths I see in cultural relativism. It taught us not to
intervene into their beliefs and just respect them as it is. However, I will not always agree on this
especially when it is not right in my eyes. The next strength that I have observed is that we are
able to see the similarities and differences of the cultures across the world and being able to
adapt the possible things we can use to survive. We are all not the same, but I know for sure
that we are trying to see the things that would be a great help for us to survive. Lastly, I can see
that because of cultural relativism, we learned to respect a lot because not everyone has the
respect for other culture. 

What I noticed on the weaknesses of cultural relativism is that it hinders us to do what

we think is right, because maybe it is their traditional practice. It creates a barrier that separates
the idea of each person that belongs to 2 persons. It shows a fake response. The last weakness
that I have noticed is that we are creating personal biases on both parties. It limits the moral
progress because we tend to express our feeling in a not so nice way situation.

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