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“Emerging Adulthood”

Jeffrey Jansen Arnett

1. What percentage of 20 somethings move in a given year?

33% (one third)

2. What percent move back home with parents?

40% move back home at least once

3. How many job changes do young adults average in their 20’s? Do you anticipate that
same path for yourself as you grow through emerging adulthood? Why or why not?
7. I hope I will have less job changes but I do anticipate having a couple jobs in school
and then a more permanent one in my later 20s.

4. What is median age of marriage for women? Men?

21 for women, 28 for men

5. How does Arnett define “emerging adulthood”?

A new stage in life between adolescence and young adulthood

6. How are 20’s of today different from 20’s of years ago?

Transitions take place closer to 30 and people spend more time in education. People marry
later, and the 20s are now a period of exploration and individuality
7. Is this phenomena different across cultures?

No, it occurs in all industrialized communities. The US has a shorter emerging adulthood
than others
8. What are some life circumstances that might occur that might facilitate a time when
young adults might move back home?

Some young adults might move back home while waiting for a new job, if they are
between jobs, or have gone back to school for education.
9. How is the emerging young adulthood brain changing? In what way?
Our social and economic standards have changed a lot which has caused emerging
adulthood. The brain is adaptable and can change, but has not changed much from that
of 20 somethings years ago

10. How do young people perceive adulthood today versus older adults?
Older adults view adulthood as an accomplishment and were looking forward to the
stability. People now view adulthood as a stagnation and see it as a period without
growth, less spontaneous. Adulthood doesn’t seem fun and no one is in a hurry to get

11. What role has helicopter parenting played in the development of young adults?
It is not that influential. There are more parents now that encourage their children to
follow their dreams and find themselves, which is what occurs during emerging
adulthood. People have high expectations for their job and are waiting longer to start a
job that meets these expectations.

12. What do you think of the Italian cultural relationship development of young adults?
I think adults that are 45 and still living at home is a bit too old. I think there may be
some attachment issues with that. However, most families have close relationships with
their kids, and the children stay in the house longer. This normally ends at around 30
when the child gets married

13. By about what age does Arnett state is the completion of Emerging Adulthood?

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