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M&P Mar2021 Quiz 1 Q&A

Ceramics are poor conductors of heat, making them great:

a. resistors

b. insulators

c. incubators

d. isolators

BCC is:

a. body-cubic center

b. body-center chart

c. body-centered cubic

d. body-chart cubic

FCC is:

a. face-centered cubic

b. face-chart cubic

c. face-cubic center

d. face-center chart

HCP is:

a. hexagonal cubic-packet

b. hexagonal cubic-packed

c. hexagonal close-packed

d. hexagonal closed-pocket

All castings and forgings are subjected to nondestructive testing.


The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is referred to as:

a. neutral number

b. isotope number

c. atomic number

d. electron-proton number

Which are close-packed structures?

a. BCC & HPP

b. FCC & HCP

c. HHP & SCC

d. HCP & SCC

Nonferrous metal is any metal, including alloys, that does not contain:

a. ferrite in appreciable amounts

b. magnesium in appreciable amounts

c. steel in appreciable amounts

d. iron in appreciable amounts

Which has the best ductility at all temperatures?

a. BCC

b. Combination of FCC and BCC

c. FCC

d. HCP

With regards to hot rolling, "hot" means:

a. the material is rolled above the recrystallization temperature

b. the material is rolled below the recrystallization temperature

c. the material is rolled above 100°C

d. materials are never rolled hot, only cold

In tension stress:

a. the component is being squeezed

b. the component is being pulled apart or stretched

c. the component is being twisted

d. none of the above

The most serious type of discontinuity/defect in material is:

a. lamination

b. crack

c. inclusion

d. misalignment

Two or more elements, of which at least one is a metal is called:

a. a polymer

b. an alloy

c. an allegory

d. a by product of making steel

Which of the following is not an advantage of the RT method?

a. It is a volumetric method

b. Film can be easily stored

c. Permanent images are created

d. The energy used is extremely hazardous

All discontinuities will become defects.


A type of indication caused by a misused, or improperly applied technique is called:

a. relevant

b. non-relevant

c. false

d. none of the above

Which NDT Method can only be used for open-to-surface discontinuities?

a. PT

b. MT

c. ET

d. UT

e. RT

Which has a negative influence on some nondestructive tests:

a. grain boundary composition

b. grain size

c. grain orientation

d. all of the above

Protons and neutrons reside in the ______ of an atom:

a. Nucleus

b. Shell

c. Orbit

d. Outside
An atom has 77 protons and 115 neutrons in its nucleus. If the atom is electrically neutral, how many
electrons are orbiting the atom?

a. 8

b. 77

c. 115

d. 192

The plastic that can’t be molded repeatedly (recycled) and the composition does not change when
heated is:

a. elastic plastic

b. polymer plastic

c. thermoset

d. thermoplastics

Which statement below is true about composites?

a. A three-dimensional combination of a least two chemically distinct materials created to obtain

properties that cannot be achieved by any of the components acting alone.

b. A one-dimensional combination of a least two chemically distinct materials created to obtain

properties that cannot be achieved by any of the components acting alone.

c. A four-dimensional combination of a least two chemically distinct materials created to obtain

properties that cannot be achieved by any of the components acting alone.

d. none of the above

When a part is made with the powder process, after forming but prior to sintering, the part is said to be
in the ______ state.

a. Blue

b. Orange

c. Green

d. Purple
Vacancies and dislocations are types of:

a. Injuries

b. Crystal defects

c. Grain boundaries

d. None of the above

Discontinuities can be classified as:

a. Inherent

b. Processing

c. Service

d. All of the above

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