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(8%) UNIVERSITY OF BENIN, BENIN CITY “Bi e ah) DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [ode {) First Somestar B.Eng. Degroe Examination 2020/2021 Sessiari CHES21; Chomical Engineoring Analysis It Dato: 30th November, 2021 Time allowed: 2% hours INSTRUCTIONS: Answer any FIVE, questions only No NAMES should be written on the answer booklet. A a) What linear programming? b) White the dual of the follovring primal LP problems SOP |, Mavivnize Z = 2x, + 5x2 + 8Xs 4 Subject lo. 6x; + 6x) -% 5 3 te 4 Le “2s + Ky + AKs S Ky Sky + Wy 1 “Bn, - Ixy + Ty SE and wy, ta X30 W Minimize Z = x + 2 + % Subject to x; ~ 3x t Aes 5 xy - 2% 53 2g -% 24 and 1% 20 Engr David Mohammed Plastic Company has just received 4 government contract to produce three different plastic valves. These valves rust be Mghly heat and provoure resistant and the company has developed a three-slage production process thal will provide the valves with the necessary properties involving work in three different charnbers, Civamber 1 provides the necessary pressure resistance and can process valves fort 200 mainte week, Chamber 2 provides heal resistance and can process valves of 950 week, Chamber 3 tests the valves and can work {300 minules per vieek The the types and the time in minutes required in each chamber are E - Valve Type amt A 5 7 4 8 3 2 10 cs 2cte 4 5 The government will buy all the valves that can be produced and the cornpany vill receive the following profit margins on each valve: A, $15: B, 315.5. and C. 310 ‘Scanned th canseamnet i. How many valves of each type should the company produce each week in order to maximize profits? ii, What is the maximum profit? 3 Consider the function, /(x) = 01+ 0.14 <#5, Use the Fibonacci search method to iF find the value of x that minimizes the function over the range [-0 4, 0 2). Locale this value to within a tolerance of 0,03 7%. The function {(x) = e*+2-Cos(x) has a minimum value vathin [-4, 2] Use the golden section elimination method to find the minimum to yathin 0.008. /© Find and classify the critical points of the functions: ; ay) ) fae ty Sey a ) fan xt 4 Oryx? + 3? we ve 6 a) Using Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers, find the dimensions of an sone rectangular box, that will give a maximum capacity given thal the surface area 1s 432 em’ b) A company manufactures cylindrical metal drums with open tops with a volume of 4 m® What should be the dimensions of the drum in order to use the feast amount of metal in their production? 7. Use Newton's method to find the minimum value of the function (x) = x4 — 3x7 +.x-7 vath an initial guess of x. = 0 75. Let tolerance be 0.000001 3 be de ys Ae 4 ‘Sean Canseamnet

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