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Soldier class path for fighter

You do not gain or have access to :

Lvl 1 : lvl 1 fighter class feat

Lvl 9 : Combat Flexibility

Lvl 15 : Improved Flexibility

Lvl 20 : Ultimate Flexibility feat

Instead you gain Soldier Fighting Styles,these can never be changed once chosen

Lvl 1 You gain Soldier Fighting style

Effect: You gain any Archetype/Multiclass Dedication you meet prerequisites for,but ignoring its
level requirement and Special entry .

Lvl 9 You gain 2nd Fighting Style -

Effect:Gain one Dedication feat of 8th level or lower that you don’t already have,
You must meet all of the feat’s other prerequisites,If you have chosen another Archetype Dedication
feat ,you Ignore its Special entry.

Lvl 15 You gain 3rd Fighting Style -

Effect : same as previous Style EXCEPT lvl 14th or lower .

Lvl 20 you gain Ultimate Fighting Style :

Effect : same as previous Style EXCEPT lvl 18th or lower
Synthesist Class path for Summoner
You do not gain or have access to :
LVL 1 Manifest Eidolon, Act Together, Share Senses,Gear and your Eidolon,Lost and Altered
actions, Unfetter Eidolon.

On Lvl 1 your Eidolon Gains :

Eidolons starting Stats: create another set of stats with your Summoner Character options from
lvl 1 that you are only going to use when Merged with Eidolon.
Eidolons key ability score is Str,Dex or Cha chosen on 1st lvl.

On Lvl 1 you gain:

Fused Eidolon (Merge with Eidolon) 2 actions
You fuse with the essence of your Eidolon into a new being.
Effect: You Gain Eidolon trait and its corresponding type,you don't gain any of the the effects of
those traits,you only count as having those traits in regards to effects affecting those creatures
Special-this action gains the eidolons tradition trait(arcane etc)

You also gain the Eidolon's stats ,proficiencies, skills, senses,attacks,strikes, feats,size,
languages and abilities.You can wear Eidolon gear.Any effect that states ‘’your eidolon’’,means

You can choose to automatically gain the unlimited duration and heightened effects of any and
all of these spells ,on any spell level you achieved : Evolution Surge, Boost and Reinforce
Eidolon all 3 at the same time.
You can Dismiss any and all of these effects and reactivate any and all of them ,on whatever
spell level you achieved, with the same ‘’Dismiss’’ action while merged.

If you are reduced to 0 Hit Points, you revert to your Summoner form and all effects targeting
‘’your eidolon’’ or with eidolon trait are dismissed from you .

Immediately After you use Merge with Eidolon,you can Step,Stride or Strike.

You can Dismiss this form,also ending all its effects .

Special : Spell Banish cast on you dismisses your Merged form if successful.

Also Gain on lvl 1

Quick Tag-Out ,1 action (concentrate trait) ,
Effect is based on your form : 1) If Merged with Eidolon : For Your next 1one - or- 2 actions
until the end of your turn,you can use the Summoners stats and proficiencies
2) If NOT merged with Eidolon : For Your next 1one - or- 2 actions until the end of your
turn,you can use the Eidolons stats,proficiencies,senses,skills,languages,attacks,strikes,feats,
Evolutionist Class path for Summoner
Same as Synthesist except NO Quick Tag-Out and very limited spell access to focus more on
Eidolon abilities and shapeshifting into other forms:

Polymorph specialist
You get limited spell access;
Only access to spells with morph and or polymorph traits but from all traditions including focus
spells from other classes ,archetypes and ancestries. Some focus spells do require feats to
acquire them.

Evolution Master
You gain access to all feats that have or either give something with morph and or polymorph
trait,from all classes,ancestries,archetypes.You still need to have other prerequisites such as
level or other feats.

You have Hands and can use Manipulate actions,Cast spells and Speak while Polymorphed
and or Morphed.

On 1st Level you choose another Eidolon type,and you get its lvl 1 benefits : you can choose
any alignment of eidolon ,you can have more home planes, only choose one size, gain 1
additional skill from the choice offered ,gain senses and strikes,gain additional initial abilities.
On 7th level, choose another eidolon type and gain the same as on lvl 1 including all symbiosis

On lvl 17 ,choose another eidolon type and gain the same as on lvl one including all symbiosis
and transcendence abilities
Master Summoner Class path for Summoner

Summoning Specialist
You get limited spell access;
Only access to spells with Conjuration trait and those that summon minions but from all
traditions including focus spells from other classes ,archetypes and ancestries. Some focus
spells do require feats to acquire them.

Summoning Master
You gain access to all feats that have or either give something with conjuration trait and /or
summon a minion,from all classes,ancestries,archetypes.You still need to have other
prerequisites such as level or other feats.

-Your summoned minions can use their reactions BUT they share it with you ,when they use
it,you spend your reaction instead.

-You can also AID your minions from 30 feet away.

Summoning Charge
When you summon the minion ,it gets 3 actions instead 2 on its arrival.
Special : You Can Sustain your minion for 2 actions on your turn instead of 1 but it gives your
minion 3 actions instead of 2.

Reactive Minions
On lvl 10 gain extra reaction you can only use for your minions reactions.

Empowered Summons
On lvl 1 Increase the level of summoned monsters you can summon by 1.
On lvl 12 Increase the level of summoned monsters you can summon by 1 ( 2 altogether).
On lvl 17 increase the level of summoned monsters you can summon by 1 ( 3 altogether).

Instant Summons
On 19 ,instead of instant manifestation ,decrease the number of actions for conjuration and
summon spells by 1action ,minimum 1 action.
Special -you can combine a 2 action summon with the mount action in any combination for 3
actions altogether,so you can summon,mount,and then your mount takes its action

-Special ‘’ Mount action’’ - you should be able to

mount any of your summons that is one size larger then you and willing to be your mount
Envoy - Rogue's Racket

You make your way in the universe with a charming smile, quick wit, and keen sense of self-
preservation, and excel at getting others to do what you want.

You gain a Bon Mot skill feat. When a creature fails a saving throw against your Bon Mot, it
also becomes flat-footed against your attacks until the end of your next turn; if the creature
critically fails, it's flat-footed against your attacks for 1 minute. The creature is then temporarily
immune to this additional effect for 24 hours.

You're trained in Diplomacy and one of the following skills of your choice: Deception,
Intimidation, Medicine, Performance or Society. At 3rd, 7th, and 15th levels, you gain an
additional skill increase you can apply only to Diplomacy or one of the skills from the list above.
You can choose Charisma as your key ability score.
Vanguard - Archetype Dedication

You harness the power of entropy, becoming an unstoppable juggernaut.

2: Vanguard Dedication - You gain an entropic strike unarmed attack that deals 1d6
bludgeoning or acid damage (your choice).
Your entropic strikes are in the brawling group and have the agile, finesse and unarmed traits.
You can add your Constitution modifier to damage rolls instead of your Strength modifier for
your entropic strikes.
4: Entropic Charge– Gain a focus spell Entropic Charge: 1 action, Stride twice without
triggering reactions. Heightened (+2): +5 ft. to all Speeds. +1 Focus Point (FP).
4: Entropic Weapon– You can use your entropic strike with a weapon. In this case the entropic
strike changes its group and traits to the ones of the weapon you’re using, but retains its
damage type and value (i.e. d6). All fundamental and property runes of the weapon used as well
as all effects that apply to entropic strike apply to entropic weapon as well.
4: Antagonize – Same as the Swashbuckler’s feat.
6: Mitigate - Trigger: An enemy damages you. Reaction: You gain resistance against the
triggering damage equal to your level.
6: Entropic Interference - You provide standard cover to allies instead of lesser cover. You can
use 1 action to make the adjacent squares difficult terrain until the beginning of your next turn.
8: Entropic Pool – Free action (1/day) that allows you to regain a focus point on taking
damage from a critical Strike.
8: Entropic Attunement – Gain a Runic Impression focus spell (Magus) . You can only apply it
to your entropic strike, but treat the maximum number of property runes as 1 higher for this
spell. +1 FP.
8: Energize - Gain an Energy Absorption focus spell (Abjuration Wizard).
10: Deny Advantage – Same as the Rogue’s feat.
10: Entropy Sense - you get an imprecise 60 ft. entropy sense and can sense creatures within
this range. A creature that is shielded from divinations and predictions cannot be noticed via
entropy sense.
12: Dampen - You gain a Dampen focus spell. Trigger: You are a target of a damaging area
effect that requires a saving throw. Reaction:
You grant the creatures of your choice in the area resistance against the triggering damage
equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier.
Heightened (+1): Increase resistance by 1.
+1 FP and expert occult proficiency.
14: Reactive - You gain an additional reaction/round that you can only use on Mitigate or
Vanguard focus spells that use a Reaction.
14: Entropic Rebuke - Perquisites: Mitigate. Whenever you use Mitigate, you can deal
persistent acid damage equal to 3d6 + your Constitution modifier to the attacker.
16: Agent of Change - You cast one Vanguard focus spell that uses a Reaction without
spending a Focus Point (1/day).
18: Vanguard Paragon - Perquisites: Mitigate. Whenever you use Mitigate, you keep the
resistance against the type of triggering damage until the beginning of your next turn.
Vanguard - Champion Cause [Any Chaotic]
The entropy within the universe and the level of chaos within any system stand at your disposal,
and you channel them into potent combat abilities. You gain the Mitigation champion’s reaction
and the entropic strike devotion spell. You can choose Constitution as your key ability score.
After the tenets of chaos, add this tenet.

● You must never prevent the destruction of things that cannot be saved.
● You must never allow yourself and your surroundings to stagnate, as chaos is the
natural state of things.

Tenets of Chaos
● You must never perform acts anathema to your deity or willingly commit a purely lawful
act, such as enforcing the order for the sake of it, casting a lawful spell, or using a lawful
● You must never let laws or social pressure hold sway over your actions and decisions.
This tenet doesn't force you to act against any advice and doesn’t prevent you from
negotiating a compromise.

Champion’s Reaction - Mitigation

Trigger: An enemy within 15 feet damages you.

You can control how you are affected by damage through the power of entropy. You gain
resistance against the triggering damage equal to 2 + half your level.

In addition, you gain a +5-foot status bonus to your Speeds until the end of your next turn. The
bonus increases by 5 feet at 9th level and at 16th level.

Devotion Spell - Entropic Strikes (single action) / Focus 1

Uncommon Evocation Champion

Cast: somatic, verbal

Duration: 1 minute

You can focus the power of entropy into forceful attacks that unbind and dissolve your enemies.
When you cast a spell, choose bludgeoning or acid damage. You gain an entropic strike
unarmed attack that deals 1d6 damage of the chosen type. Your entropic strikes are in the
brawling group and have the agile, finesse and unarmed traits. You add your Constitution
modifier to damage rolls instead of your Strength modifier for your entropic strikes.
Divine Smite
When you use Mitigation, the triggering enemy must succeed at a Fortitude save against your
class DC or take persistent acid damage equal to your Constitution modifier. When you cast
entropic strikes, you can change the divine smite’s damage type to the chosen damage type
for the spell’s duration.

When you use Mitigation, each ally within 15 feet gains a number of temporary Hit Points equal
to half your Mitigation resistance until the end of the turn on which you used the reaction.
Additional Feats

Intervention / Feat 1
Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: vanguard cause

You can use Mitigation with a trigger of “An enemy damages your ally, and both are within 15
feet of you” in addition to its usual trigger. When you use Mitigation with this new trigger, the
ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + half your level
and your usual Mitigation bonus to their Speeds that last until the end of their turn.

Oath of Disorder / Feat 2

Uncommon Champion Oath

Prerequisites: tenets of chaos

You’ve sworn an oath to slay aeons who stand in the way of chaos. Add the following tenet to
your champion’s code after the other tenets: “You must end the existence of aeons you
encounter as long as you have a reasonable chance of success; in the incredibly unlikely event
you find a chaotic renegade aeon, you don’t have to kill it.”

Your Mitigation’s resistance against damage from an aeon is 2 + your level.

Change (single action) / Feat 4

Uncommon Champion Concentrate Metamagic

Prerequisites: devotion spell (entropic strikes)

While studying the unpredictable nature of chaos, you have harnessed the power of the
opposing elements. If the next action you use is to cast entropic strikes, you can change their
damage type to either fire or cold.
Entropic Weapon / Feat 4
Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: devotion spell (entropic strikes)

You have learned to use your weapon as a conduit for the power of entropy. When you cast
entropic strikes, you can target one melee weapon you’re wielding to imbue it with your
entoptic strike’s properties. You do not gain an entropic strike unarmed attack, but for the
duration of the spell this weapon’s damage type changes to either bludgeoning or acid damage.
When you attack with this weapon, you add your Constitution modifier to damage rolls instead
of your Strength modifier. This spell ends if you cease holding the weapon, but if it benefits from
the returning rune, it can be thrown without ending the effect.

Any ability that works with entropic strike attacks also works with entropic weapon attacks.

Aura of Wasting / Feat 4

Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: tenets of chaos

Your presence as an agent of entropy makes it harder for your foes to shake off damaging
effects. Enemies within 15 feet of you have their flat check DC to recover from persistent acid
damage increased from 15 to 17, or from 10 to 12 if they receive appropriate help. When you
cast entropic strikes, you can change the aura’s affected damage type to the chosen damage
type for the spell’s duration.

Entropic Shield / Feat 6

Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: divine ally (shield); tenets of chaos

Your shield becomes imbued with the essence of primal entropy, providing protection from
energy. While you have your shield ally Raised, you can use the Shield Block reaction when
you would take energy damage in addition to the reaction's usual trigger. When taking energy
damage, add your Constitution modifier to your shield's Hardness to determine how much
damage is blocked.
Smite Law / Feat 6
Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: divine ally (blade); tenets of chaos

Your blade ally strives to smite those, who seek to stop the natural order of chaos. Select one
foe you can see. Until the start of your next turn, your Strikes with the weapon your blade ally
inhabits against that foe deal an extra 4 chaotic damage, increasing to 6 if you have master
proficiency with this weapon.

If the chosen enemy attacks you before the start of your next turn, the duration extends to the
end of that enemy's next turn. If the enemy continues to attack you each turn, the duration
continues to extend.

Sense Law / Feat 8

Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: tenets of chaos

You sense law as an overbearing and uneasy feeling. When in the presence of an aura of law
that is powerful or overwhelming, you eventually detect the aura, though you might not do so
instantly, and you can't pinpoint the location. This acts as a vague sense, similar to humans'
sense of smell. A lawful creature using a disguise or otherwise trying to hide its presence
attempts a Deception check against your Perception DC to hide its aura from you. If the
creature succeeds at its Deception check, it is then temporarily immune to your Sense Law for 1

Greater Change / Feat 8

Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: Change

You have delved deeper into the mysteries of the universe’s conflicting powers. When you use
Change, you can also choose to change the damage type to negative or positive.
Litany of Ruin / Feat 8
Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: tenets of chaos

You change the creature’s perspective, showing it the allure of the chaos. You can cast the
litany of ruin devotion spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

Devotion Spell - Litany of Ruin (single action) / Focus 4

Uncommon Champion Enchantment Chaotic Litany Mental

Cast: verbal
Range: 30 feet; Targets: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Will; Duration: 1 minute

You summon the power of entropy, compelling it to embrace the ruinous chaos. The target must
attempt a Will save. A creature that wants to gain the benefit of this spell and doesn't care about
its drawbacks, can voluntarily critically fail the save. The target then becomes temporarily
immune to all of your litanies for 1 minute.

Critical Success: The target is unaffected.

Success: The target is confused and damage does not end the condition.
Failure: The target is confused. When it makes an attack roll, it rolls twice and takes the higher
result; this is a fortune effect. If the target’s ability or spell requires a creature to attempt a
saving throw, this creature must roll twice and use the worse result; this is a misfortune effect.
Damage does not end the condition.
Critical Failure: As failure, but also any creature that makes an attack roll against the target
rolls twice and takes the higher result; this is a fortune effect. If the creature’s ability or spell
requires the target to attempt a saving throw, the target must roll twice and use the worse result;
this is a misfortune effect.

Deteriorating Touch / Feat 10

Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: devotion spell (entropic strikes)

Having harnessed the power of chaos, you merge your own power with that of entropy. When
you attack with your entropic strike, you can add your Strength modifier to damage rolls in
addition to your Constitution modifier. Also whenever you critically hit using entropic strike, you
apply the weapon's critical specialization effect. If you have access to the entropic strike’s'
critical specialization effect, you can take an alternate effect instead: if your critical Strike dealt
damage, the target takes 1d6 persistent damage of the type chosen for your entropic strikes.
Conflicting Change / Feat 10
Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: Change

You have delved deeper into the mysteries of the universe’s conflicting powers. When you use
Change, your entropic strikes deal an additional 1 damage of the opposite damage type
(bludgeoning and acid, fire and cold, positive and negative) per weapon damage die.

Vanguard Paragon / Feat 12

Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: vanguard cause

You have reached the pinnacle of damage control through Mitigation. If your Constitution
modifier is +2 or greater, your resistance against the triggering damage equals your Constitution
modifier + half your level. In addition, after you use Mitigation, you gain resistance to the
triggering damage type until the start of your next turn. This resistance is equal to half your
Mitigation resistance. If you have Intervention and use Mitigation to protect an ally, that ally
gains resistance from Vanguard Paragon instead. If you have Oath of Disorder, your
Mitigation’s resistance against damage from an aeon equals 2 your Constitution + your level.

Apocalyptic Reversal / Feat 12

Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: tenets of chaos

You use your powers to reflect back enemy spells. You can cast the entropic reversal devotion
spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.
Devotion Spell - Apocalyptic Reversal (reaction) / Focus 6
Uncommon Champion Abjuration

Cast: verbal; Trigger: A spell targets you.

You try to counteract the triggering spell using the spell level and DC of your devotion spells. If
the spell is successfully counteracted, the effect is turned back on the caster. Apocalyptic
reversal can't affect spells that aren't targeted (such as area spells).

If apocalyptic reversal reflects a spell back at a caster who is also under the effect of spell
turning or similar effect, their effect can attempt to reflect their own spell back at you again; if
they do so, their counteract attempt automatically succeeds.

Aura of Adaptation / Feat 14

Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: tenets of chaos

Your chaotic presence weakens the power of the law. You and all allies within 15 feet gain acid
resistance equal to half your level. When you cast entropic strikes, you can change the
resistance provided by the aura to the chosen damage type for the spell’s duration.

Aura of Disarray / Feat 14

Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: divine smite; Oath of Disorder

When you use your divine smite, you can always change its damage type to chaotic. Shaken by
chaotic energies swirling around you, an aeon that fails its save against your divine smite, is
also stunned 1.

Instrument of Change / Feat 16

Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: divine ally (blade); tenets of chaos

Your weapon moves fast and unpredictable, rendering your foes defenseless. Your multiple
attack penalty with entropic strike attacks is –3 (–2 with an agile weapon) on your second attack
of the turn instead of –5, and –6 (–4 with an agile weapon) on your third or subsequent attack of
the turn, instead of –10.
Entropic Form / Feat 18
Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: tenets of chaos

You start bearing resemblance to an agent of entropy, appearing like a type of extraplanar
creature who serves your deity; for example, as a protean, you might have serpentine scales
and a snake-like torso. You gain a fly Speed equal to your Speed. You gain darkvision if you
don’t already have it, and you gain two traits appropriate to the type of servitor you’ve become
(celestial and azata for good, fiend and demon for evil, monitor and protean for neutral).

Entropic Mount / Feat 20

Uncommon Champion

Prerequisites: divine ally (steed); tenets of chaos

Your steed’s appearance shifts and changes as it embraces the chaotic power granted to it by
your deity. It gains darkvision, its maximum Hit Points increase by 40, and it gains weakness 10
to lawful damage.

Additionally, it grows wings appropriate for a servitor of your deity (such as butterfly wings for
azata), granting it a fly Speed equal to its Speed. It also gains two traits appropriate to the type
of servitor it has become (celestial and azata for good, fiend and demon for evil, monitor and
either protean for neutral).

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