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page 67)
Non-count nouns ...
ular and plural form. do not have a plural form.
chilies ritt! rice
nfor the singular. do not use a/an.

ltfiee rice
use some with plural nouns in affirmative s~ntences. use sorne in affirmative sentences.
l'd like some chilies. 1ate some rice.
use any in negative sentences and questions.
Do you have any chilies? 1didn't eat any rice.

1don't have any chilies. Did you eat any rice?

~the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 1eat a few / a little chocolate every day.
2 1don't have rnany I rnuch time to cook.
3 1try to eat sorne/ too mucfl fruits and vegeta bles every day.
4 1like~ a fittle spicy dishes, but I don't eat them every day.
s _Too mue~/ many__sweet things are bad for you.
6 1know how to cook_~!.9f / not many dishes because I love cooking.

e Are the sentences in exercise A true for you? lf not, change them to make them true for you.
¡¡ !

7.2 VERB PATTERNS (page 69)

verb + to + verb verb + verb + -ing
1prefer to eat at food t rucks. 1 1usually can't stand waiting in line.
I love to try new food. ------~- 1don't mind waiting here. j

Complete the sentences with t he correct form of the verb in parentheses. ,·1,
1 My brother can't stand ~y~~ ,____ (be) in the kitchen because he doesn't like the smell of ,.j,
cooking. 1

2 l'm going to go to the beach next month, so I want 1o \::xse (lose) sorne weight before then.
3 We love to cook together, so we hope .lo_oee./'\ (open) a restaurant someday! t,

4 1don't enjoy cc:n K"_:0 (cook) because it takes a lot of time.

5 Don't forget ~ (give) me your recipe - dinner was delicious.

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