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How can one describe the state of healing? What does it mean? A dictionary will tell you in the
simplest of terms.
Healing - to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to health; to free from ailment.
This sounds very easy to understand on face value, until you look deeper and see more unanswered
questions. Who is doing the healing? Is it an external force or person? Does healing come from
within? I would say the answer is yes to both.

A body has the power to heal itself, and does so constantly throughout the day and night while it is
bombarded with invaders, or forced to be in an environment that is not conducive to good health.
Radiation, toxins ingested or taken into the lungs, vaccines that are injected straight into the
bloodstream, are just some of the causes of dis-ease. The body has some amazing regenerative
powers which greatly help to undo the havoc these things cause, but sometimes, a body gets
overwhelmed by these factors, and fails to bring itself back to its original, balanced state. In other
words, it’s got stuck.

So now it appears the body needs some outside help, and the absolute optimum way to do this, is to
administer the type of help that assists the body to continue on with its OWN healing process, not to
interfere or prevent, which nearly all the modern, allopathic medicines do.
There are many types of people who can unlock and revive the flow of the body’s healing power.
Some bodies just need a bit of attention paid to their mental health; a nice massage and some time
to relax and unwind will often restore balance to a fraught and stressed out person. The
subconscious mind can wield great influence over our physical being, it’s a great healer in its own
Faith Healers, and Reiki Healers are two other examples of non-allopathic practitioners who our poor
damaged body can make use of, but I am looking at this from a homeopathic perspective, so I will
continue with this:
The Organon, Chapter 1 – Principles of Cure, Aphorism 1 tells us,
“The Physician’s highest and only calling, is to make the sick healthy, to cure, as it is called.”
Aphorism 2 adds: “The highest ideal of cure, is the rapid, gentle, and permanent restoration of
So if the state of being cured, means the complete removal of all signs of dis-ease, then we must
assume our long-suffering body is now healed should we not? It would certainly not be foolish to
think that to be the case when we are enjoying long periods of feeling well, with no symptoms to
plague us. Often years can go by, with our body easily able to achieve anything we ask of it each day,
and our minds well balanced and happy, I would say this is the best we can expect in our modern
However, I should add, I believe our bodies are in a continuous state of healing, whether we
experience symptoms or not, and we should be mindful of what we can be doing, to help it do its
best job.
‘Let food be thy medicine’ Hippocrates was famously quoted as saying (whether he did or not is
another matter, but it’s a good quote!) Choosing fresh organic foods, and allowing the healing
powers of the nutrients in them to stoke the inner furnace of our vital force, is quite an important
part of this. The fly in the ointment here is that we are human, and humans are notoriously weak-
willed. Too much wine, not enough exercise, and yet another junk food takeaway will fast track us to
problems if partaken too often.
However, the beauty of having homeopathy at our fingertips, a totally natural, frequency-based
medicine, means that if all else fails, and we don’t help our poor, long suffering bodies as much as
we should, at least we are able to assist when symptoms do pop up. The remedies give our bodies
the extra impetus it needs, thus aiding the healing process, and hastening our return to wellbeing.

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