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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Pinning-based Hierarchical and Distributed

Cooperative Control for AC Microgrid Clusters
Xiangyu Wu, Member, IEEE, Yin Xu, Senior Member, IEEE, Jinghan He, Fellow, IEEE,
Xiaojun Wang, Member, IEEE, Juan C. Vasquez, Senior Member, IEEE, and Josep M. Guerrero, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—With the large-scale application of microgrids of DG units inside each individual MG, but also ought to
(MGs), interconnecting nearby MGs to form a microgrid cluster realize the coordination control among different MGs. Second,
(MGC) enables a higher utilization of renewable sources. This multiple control objectives both in the individual MG level and
paper presents a pinning-based hierarchical and distributed
cooperative control strategy for AC MGC, which includes DG- in the whole system level need to be realized for an MGC.
layer, MG-layer and MGC-layer controls. The DG-layer control Therefore, considering that each MG can be regarded as a
regulates the local voltage/current of each DG unit. The MG-layer control area, the MGC control is a kind of multi-area, multi-
control is performed for each individual MG, managing DG units layer and multi-objective control problem, which is extremely
in a cooperative manner through several sparse communication challenging.
networks. By representing each MG as an MG agent, the MGC-
layer control coordinates MGs based on a higher level peer-to- One strategy to realize the MGC control is the centralized
peer communication network among MG agents. The interaction control method, which requires a central control unit and
between MG-layer and MGC-layer is established by pinning some bidirectional communication links between the central control
DG units of each MG to communicate with the MG agent. unit and each control device. In [9]–[12], a system central
Compared with the existing literature, the contributions of this controller is employed for coordinating each DG unit in the
paper are (i) simultaneously realizing multiple control objectives
in the MGC system level including frequency/voltage regulation MGC to realize the system frequency/voltage/power control
and active/reactive power sharing, (ii) presenting a systematic objectives. However, the centralized method suffers from the
approach to construct a unified small-signal dynamic model of the problem of “single point of failure” for the central control
MGC system, and (iii) performing a detailed small-signal stability unit, which significantly decrease the system reliability and
analysis to evaluate the system dynamic performance. Time- scalability [13].
domain simulation and experiments are carried out to validate
the effectiveness of the proposed methods. In contrast, the distributed control method does not rely on
the central control unit. It is based on a sparse communication
Index Terms—distributed cooperative control, dynamic model,
network in which each control device requires its own informa-
hierarchical control, microgrid cluster, small-signal stability.
tion and that of its neighbours to perform control actions [14].
The distributed control method has been widely studied in a
I. I NTRODUCTION single MG [13], [15]–[18]. For the application of distributed
control in the MGC, relevant works are summarized as follows.
M ICROGRID (MG) is a viable technical option to sys-
tematically organize the distributed generation (DG)
units and facilitate their local consumption [1]–[3]. With the
References [19], [20] propose a distributed control method
to realize the control of system frequency, DG units output
large-scale development of MGs, a number of adjacent MGs voltages or power sharing among DG units in the MGC.
could be connected together to form a microgrid cluster (MGC) However, all the DG units from different MGs are in the
in a certain region [4], [5]. Due to the power support capability same communication network. This is similar to control “a
among different MGs, the MGC can further promote the large MG” and thus it breaks the autonomy characteristic of
utilization of renewable sources and also enhance the system each MG as an area, which may result in problems of privacy
resiliency after major disasters [6]–[8]. protection, slow algorithm convergence speed and difficulties in
A desirable control system is of vital importance for an MGC the MG plug-and-play [21], [22]. To overcome this drawback,
to ensure its stable and efficient operation. First, compared with references [23], [24] introduce an MG agent for each MG.
a single MG, the MGC not only needs to consider the control The MG agents communicate with each other to achieve the
coordination among different MGs. For the DG units, only DG
This work was supported in part by the National Key R&D Program of units from the same MG have communications. This method
China (2018YFB0905200), in part by the National Natural Science Foundation can reserve the autonomy characteristic of MGs, however,
of China (51807005), in part by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
(2017M620600). The work of J. M. Guerrero was supported by the Villum the control methods in [23], [24] are designed for DC MGC
Investigator Grant from The Villum Foundation under Grant 999730. (Corre- rather than AC MGC. For AC MGC, reference [21] introduces
sponding author: Yin Xu) an interface controller to mimic the droop characteristic for
Xiangyu Wu, Yin Xu, Jinghan He and Xiaojun Wang are with the School
of Electrical and Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, 100044, each MG, while the newly introduced controller increases the
China (email:;;; implementation complexity. In addition, reference [21] aims to share the output power from the point of common coupling
Juan C. Vasquez and Josep M. Guerrero are with the Department of
Energy Technology, Aalborg University, 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark (email: (PCC) of each MG in proportion to the capacities of MGs.; However, it will result in no power support among MGs when

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

all the loads are inside MGs. In [22], [25], the concept of MG three-layer distributed controllers, lossy-line networks and
agent [22] or DG-head [25] (similar to MG agent) is introduced loads. All the modules are combined to be a unified model.
for AC MGC and corresponding distributed control methods • A detailed small-signal stability analysis for the MGC
are proposed, which can realize power support among MGs system is carried out. The relation between the dominant
regardless of load positions. However, references [22], [25] oscillation modes and key state variables/controllers is
have the following limitations. established. General guidelines for tuning control param-
• The active power sharing among DG units is in proportion eters are also provided.
to their capacities. However, an economic operation of The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section
the MGC system, e.g, minimization of generation costs, II presents the three-layer distributed control framework of
is usually more desirable from the perspective of overall MGC system. Section III elaborates the proposed control
system operation, which cannot be realized in [22], [25]. method. Section IV develops the small-signal dynamic model
• In [22], [25], the average value of DG unit output volt- of MGC system. Numerical results including stability analy-
ages is controlled at the set value. However, actually sis and time-domain simulation are presented in Section V.
the voltages of critical buses in the system should be Section VI provides the experimental results. Section VII
controlled to ensure continuous operation of sensitive concludes the paper.
loads and facilitate the synchronization of MGC system
to the main grid or the synchronization of sub-MG to the II. T HREE - LAYER D ISTRIBUTED C ONTROL F RAMEWORK
MGC system. OF MGC
• The validation of control methods in [22], [25] is based
A. Control Framework
on time-domain simulations rather than experiments.
Assume that there are M MGs in the MGC system, labeled
Moreover, stability performance is another important con-
as M G1 , . . . , M Gk , . . . , M GM . There are Nk DG units in
cern for the reliable operation of an MGC system. References
M Gk , k = 1, 2, . . . , M . Fig.1 shows the three-layer distributed
[22], [25] provide the MGC system stability analysis results
control framework of MGC in this paper, which includes the
based on the Lyapunov-based method. However, the Lyapunov-
DG-layer, MG-layer and MGC-layer.
based method cannot provide the information of damping and
• DG-layer: The DG-layer control is responsible for regu-
oscillation frequency. In addition, it suffers from the problem
of conservativeness for the stability analysis result, which may lating the local voltage and current of each DG unit in
result in undesirable errors. In contrast, the eigenvalue-based a decentralized manner, i.e., there are no communications
small-signal stability analysis can provide many insights on among DG units in this layer. The droop-based control [1]
the system dynamics. A small-signal dynamic model can be has been identified as an effective decentralized control
used for analyzing the system small-signal stability and tuning approach for the DG-layer.
• MG-layer: The MG-layer control is performed for each
control parameters. Although the small-signal dynamic model
of a single MG is well established [26]–[30], to the best of our MG individually, realizing the coordination of DG units
knowledge, a small-signal dynamic model for the AC MGC inside MG in a distributed manner. Each MG has a dis-
system and the corresponding detailed stability analysis have tributed sparse communication network (lower communi-
less been studied before. Compared with a single MG, the cation network) among DG units to achieve a cooperative
modeling of an MGC system is more complicated, since it control. The MG-layer control of each MG is usually
needs to consider the interconnection of MGs and the multi- used for allocating internal DG units’ power and tracking
area/multi-layer controllers. the MG voltage and frequency references dictated by the
Motivated by the aforementioned limitations, this paper
• MGC-layer: In the MGC-layer, each MG is represented
presents a pinning-based hierarchical control strategy for is-
as an MG agent. Each MG agent communicates with
landed AC MGC based on the distributed cooperative control
its neighbors to form a distributed upper communication
theory. The control strategy consists of three layers, i.e., DG-
network. In each MG, at least one DG unit is selected
layer control, MG-layer control to manage DG units inside
as the pinned DG unit, which has a bidirectional com-
each individual MG, and MGC-layer control to coordinate
munication link (pinning link) to the corresponding MG
MGs. The major contributions of this paper are three-folds.
agent. Through the pinning links, the MG agent collects
• Compared with the existing MGC control methods, the the needed information from the pinned DG units and
proposed method can simultaneously (i) realize an eco- also sends references to the pinned DG units, realizing
nomic operation of the system by minimizing the overall the interaction between MGC-layer and MG-layer. The
generation cost, (ii) provide the voltage control capability MGC-layer control should coordinate each MG to share
for the system critical bus and the point of common active/reactie power among them and also regulate the
coupling (PCC) of each MG, (iii) restore the system system frequency and voltage in a distributed manner.
frequency to the desired (rated) values, and (iv) achieve
an accurate reactive power sharing among DG units.
• A systematic approach to modeling the MGC system is B. Double-layer Cyber Network Modeling
presented. The constructed small-signal dynamic model The lower communication networks in the MG-layer can be
considers the modules of DGs and MGs with the proposed modeled as M directed graphs (digraphs) G1 , . . . , Gk , . . . , GM

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

MGC-layer Agent Agent
Upper communication MG2 MG3
Agent Agent
Pinning link


MG-layer DG NM
(Distributed) MG1 MG2 MG3 MGM

Lower communication networks

LCL Rest of
DG-layer filter microgrid
(Decentralized) PWM DG

Fig. 1. Three-layer distributed cooperative control framework of MGC

corresponding to each MG. For DGi in M Gk , the set of its If the communication network has a spanning tree [14], then
neighbours is denoted as Nik , i = 1, 2, . . . , Nk . The associated (i) for (1), the states xi of all the nodes will synchronize
adjacency matrix of Gk is defined as Ak = [akij ]Nk ×Nk , where to a consensus value, and (ii) for (2), xi of all the nodes
akij is the weight of the communication link from DGj to DGi . will track the reference value xref . In sum, equation (1)
The upper communication network among MGs in the is a synchronization-based algorithm in which the consensus
MGC-layer can be modeled as a digraph G. e The set of value is not prescribed, while equation (2) is a tracking-based
k algorithm in which xref is assigned to the pinned nodes to
neighbours of M Gk is denoted as H , k = 1, 2, . . . , M . The
associated adjacency matrix of G e is defined as Ae = [ãkl ]M ×M , realize the reference tracking. It should be noted that xref
where ãkl is the weight of the communication link from M Gj could also have dynamics.
to M Gi .
To model the pinning links between upper and lower cyber III. P INNING - BASED H IERARCHICAL AND D ISTRIBUTED
networks, we introduce the leader-adjacency matrix Bpin k
k k k k
[g1 , g2 , . . . , gNk ] for each M Gk . The pinning gain gi = 1 if Based on the three-layer control framework in Section II,
DGi is the pinned DG unit; otherwise gik = 0. this section presents detailed control strategies for each layer.
More details about the graph theory can be referred to [13].
A. DG-layer control
C. Basic Principle of Distributed Cooperative Control Theory The droop-based control is adopted in this layer for each DG
unit, which includes the power controller, voltage controller
In this paper, the distributed cooperative control theory [14]
and current controller [1]. The power controller is responsible
is employed to design controllers in the MG-layer and MGC-
for obtaining the frequency and voltage reference of DG units
layer. Based on the sparse communication network modeled
based on the power droop characteristics, given by
by a digraph, its basic principle is illustrated as follows.

Assume that each node i has a scalar information state xi . ωki = ωn − mki (Pki − Pki ), (3)
Node i needs information of its own and that of its neighbours ∗
|voki | = V0α − nki Qki , (4)
j (j ∈ Ni ) to update its state, where Ni is the set of its
neighbours. Based on the continuous consensus algorithm, the where the subscript “ki” corresponds to DGi in M Gk (i.e.,

update rules can be categorized as synchronization problem DGki ), ωki and voki are the frequency and output voltage refer-
(1) and tracking problem (2), where aij is the element of the ence of DGki , ωn is the system rated frequency (2π×50rad/s),

associated adjacency matrix, and gi is the pinning gain. V0α is the no-load voltage, and mki , nki , Pki , Qki , Pki are the
X active and reactive power droop coefficients, output active and
ẋi (t) = − aij (xi (t) − xj (t)), (1) reactive power, and rated active power of DGki , respectively.
j∈Ni Then, the voltage and current controllers enable a closed-loop
regulation of DG unit output voltage voki to its reference value
ẋi (t) = − aij (xi (t) − xj (t)) − gi (xi (t) − xref ). (2) ∗
voki .

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

The traditional active power droop controller (3) shares the 1) MG-layer frequency controller: The frequency controller
active power among DG units based on the ratios of their in the MG-layer is responsible for realizing objective (MG-i),
capacities. However, an economic operation of the system given by
cannot be guaranteed with this kind of power sharing scheme.
ωki = ωn − ked ηki (Pki ) + Ωki , (11)
Instead of (3), we adopt an optimal active power droop control  
method in this paper, which can share the active power among dΩki X
DG units such that the system overall generation cost is = −cωki  akij (ωki − ωkj ) + gik (ωki − ωrefk )
dt k
minimized. j∈N
The generation cost function of DGki is denoted as −cP ki akij (ked ηki (Pki ) − ked ηkj (Pkj )), (12)
GCki (Pki ). Thus, the overall generation cost minimization j∈Nik
problem, i.e., economic dispatch (ED) problem, in M Gk can
be formulated as Equation (11) is transformed from (9) with an additional shift
variable Ωki . In (12), Ωki is determined based on a combination
min GCki (Pki ) of tracking problem (2) and synchronization problem (1),
(5) where cωki and cP ki are positive control gains, and ωrefk is
Pk the frequency reference value for M Gk from the MGC-layer.
s.t. Pki = PLoad ωrefk is sent to the pinned DG units through pinning links. The
dynamic process of (12) results in ωki of all DG units in M Gk
where PLoad is the total load power in M Gk . The Lagrange
converging to ωrefk and the realization of (8).
multiplier method can be used to solve the optimization prob-
Remark 1: The transients of ωrefk of different MGs could
lem (5). The Lagrange function Lag is constructed as
be different to adjust the power flow of MG. However, they
Nk Nk
X X will be synchronized to a common value in the steady state by
Lag = GCki (Pki ) + η PLoad − Pki , (6) the MGC-layer controller as illustrated in Section III.C.
i=1 i=1
2) MG-layer voltage controller: The voltage controller in
where η is the Lagrange multiplier. According to the optimality the MG-layer is responsible for realizing objective (MG-ii),
conditions, we have given by
∂Lag ∂GCki (Pki ) ∗
= − η = 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , Nk . (7) vodki = Vn − nki Qki + λki −hki , (13a)
∂Pki ∂Pki
| {z }
Vf ki
∂GCki (Pki ) ∗
∂Pki is the generation cost increment value (GCIV) of voqki = 0, (13b)
DGki , which can denoted as ηki (Pki ). Then from (7), we have ∗ ∗
where vodki and voqki are the d-axis and q-axis components
ηk1 (Pk1 ) = ηk2 (Pk2 ) = . . . = ηkNk (PkNk ). (8) ∗
of voki . Equation (13a) is transformed from (4) with two addi-
Equation (8) is the equal increment principle (EIP) of economic tional shift variables λki and hki . Note that Vn − nki Qki + λki

dispatch problem to minimize the overall generation cost. is denoted as an intermediate voltage variable Vf ki , and voqki
Thereafter, the optimal active power droop equation can be is set to zero.
designed as λki is determined based on the tracking problem (2), given
ωki = ωn − ked ηki (Pki ), (9) by
 
where ked is a positive scalar coefficient. In the steady state, dλki X
ωki of all the DG units must be equal [26], and thus ηki (Pki ) = −cvki  akij (Vf ki − Vf kj ) + gik (Vf ki − Vf refk ) ,
dt k j∈Ni
are also equal from (9), i.e., equation (8) is satisfied. Therefore,
the system overall generation cost can be minimized with (9).
where cvki is a positive control gain. Vf refk is the intermediate
In sum, (9) and (4) are the active/reactive power droop
voltage reference for M Gk from the MGC-layer, which is sent
controllers used in this paper for the DG-layer control.
to the pinned DG units through pinning links. The dynamic
B. MG-layer control process of (14) will result in Vf ki of all DG units in M Gk
converging to Vf refk .
For M Gk , the objectives of the MG-layer control are
hki is determined based on the synchronization problem (1),
• (MG-i): enabling each DG unit’s frequency track the refer-
given by
ence value ωrefk from the MGC-layer, while maintaining
the EIP (8) achieved in the DG-layer control; dhki X
= cQki akij (nki Qki − nkj Qkj ), (15)
• (MG-ii): enabling each DG unit’s intermediate voltage dt k j∈Ni
Vf k (defined later) track the reference value Vf refk from
the MGC-layer, while realizing an accurate reactive power where cQki is a positive control gain. The dynamic process of
sharing among DG units based on their capacities, i.e., (15) will impose nk1 Qk1 = nk2 Qk2 = . . . = nkNk QkNk in
the steady state.
nk1 Qk1 = nk2 Qk2 = . . . = nkNk QkNk . (10) Remark 2: Since the consensus regulation of DG output
Based on the lower communication network Gk , the frequen- voltages and an accurate reactive power sharing is contradictory
cy and voltage controllers of M Gk can be designed according [15], this paper preferentially chooses to realize an accurate
to the distributed cooperative control theory. reactive power sharing. Therefore, in (14), the intermediate

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

voltage Vf ki , rather than the actual output voltage, is regulated 2) MGC-layer voltage controller: The voltage controller in
to the consensus value Vf refk . the MGC-layer is responsible for realizing objective (MGC-ii),
given by

C. MGC-layer control VPCCk = V0β + Tk −Hk , (20)
| {z }
The MGC-layer control determines ωrefk and Vf refk for each
MG. The objectives of this layer are ∗
where VPCCk is the reference value for the PCC voltage VPCCk
• (MGC-i): restoring the system frequency to the predefined of M Gk , V0β is a voltage constant (normally set around rated

value ωsys while ensuring an equal generation cost incre- voltage), Tk and Hk are two regulation variables. Note that
ment value (GCIV) among pinned DG units of all MGs; Vn + Tk is denoted as Vsk .
• (MGC-ii): restoring the system critical bus voltage Vcri Tk is determined by

to the predefined value Vcri , providing the voltage control
capability for the PCC voltage of each MG, and realizing
 
an accurate reactive power sharing among pinned DG dTk X
= −cvk  ãkl (Vsk − Vsl ) + g̃k (Vsk − Vsref )(21)
units of all MGs. dt k l∈H
∗ ∗
Without loss of generality, and ωsys Vcri
are chosen as the rated
frequency and voltage values in this paper.

Based on the upper communication network G e among MG Vsref = Vn + kPS (Vcri − Vcri )
agents, the MGC-layer controllers can also be designed based ∗
+kIS (Vcri − Vcri )dt, (22)
on the distributed cooperative control theory.
To facilitate the controller design, we firstly define two
new variables ηk,pin and Qk,pin . From Fig.1, each MG agent In (21), cvk is a positive control gain. Equation (21) is a
collects information from the pinned DG units through pinning tracking problem, which results in Vsk of all MGs converging
k to Vsref . From (22), Vsref is obtained from a PI controller
Denote F as the set of pinned DG units in M Gk , and
F k is the cardinality of F k . Then, ηk,pin and Qk,pin are such that the system critical bus voltage Vcri can recover to its

defined as reference Vcri . kPS and kIS are the proportional and integral
gains of the PI controller.
1 X
ηk,pin = k ηki (Pki ), k = 1, 2, . . . , M, (16) Hk is determined by
|F |
i∈F k
1 X dHk X
Qk,pin = k nki Qki , k = 1, 2, . . . , M. (17) = cQk ãkl (Qk,pin − Ql,pin ), (23)
|F | dt k
k i∈F l∈H

From (16) and (17), ηk,pin and Qk,pin are the average values In (23), cQk is a positive control gain. Equation (23) is a
of ηki (Pki ) and nki (Qki ) of all the pinned DG units in M Gk , synchronization problem, which results in Qk,pin of all MGs
respectively. being equal with each other.
Moreover, at least one MG agent needs to be pinned to Finally, Vf refk is obtained from a PI controller, which can
∗ ∗
receive the system reference value, e.g., ωsys . The pinning gain make VPCCk track its reference VPCCk , i.e.,
g̃k = 1 if M Gk agent is pinned; otherwise, g̃k = 0.

1) MGC-layer frequency controller: The frequency con- Vf refk = V0γ + kP (VPCCk − VPCCk )
troller in the MGC-layer is responsible for realizing objective

(MGC-i), given by +kI (VPCCk − VPCCk )dt, (24)

ωrefk = ωn + Φk , (18) where kP and kI are the proportional and integral gains of
the PI controller, and V0γ is a voltage constant (normally set
  around rated voltage).
dΦk X
∗  Remark 3: For each MG, without loss of generality, the PCC
= −cωk  ãkl (ωrefk − ωrefl ) + g̃k (ωrefk − ωsys )
dt k voltage VPCCk is selected to be controlled to its reference.
X One can also choose another node voltage in the MG to be
−cP k ãkl (ked ηk,pin − ked ηl,pin ). (19)
Remark 4: Since (i) ηk,pin of all MGs are equal with each
From (18), ωrefk is the sum of the rated frequency ωn and other, and (ii) the MG-layer control can ensure (8), it can be
a regulation variable Φk . From (19), Φk is determined based deduced that the GCIVs of all pinned DG units are equal and
on a combination of tracking problem (2) and synchronization furthermore the GCIVs of all DG units in the MGC are equal.
problem (1), where cωk and cP k are positive control gains. Therefore, an economic operation of the whole MGC system
The dynamic process of (19) will result in ωrefk of all MGs can be realized. Similarly, it can also be deduced that nki Qki

converging to ωsys and ηk,pin of all MGs being equal with each of all DG units in the MGC are equal, which results in an
other. accurate reactive power sharing in the whole system.

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

ω *
... DGki DG-layer control
MG1 ... MGk DGk1
Vcri* ωrefk Ωki ωki voltage &
MGC-layer MG-layer Droop current
Upper cyber
network Controller
Lower cyber
Controller λki Controller controller
(11)-(15) *
Vfrefk hki
(4),(9) voki
...k DGknk PWM

Vsys VPCCk ioki voki
Line Lc Lf
CBk Cf
(closed) The rest Local
The rest of Elecrical network
of MGk load
the MGC of MGk

System critical bus

Fig. 2. A block diagram of the pinning-based hierarchical and distributed cooperative control for MGC

D. Summary tributed cooperative control. A general modeling procedure in

Fig.2 shows a block diagram of the proposed pinning-based this section is (i) modeling individual DG unit, (ii) combining
hierarchical and distributed cooperative control for MGC. Note DG unit models to obtain each individual MG model, (iii)
that for simplicity, only the most important control details combining the models of all MGs, (iv) modeling the MGC-
are presented in Fig.2. For the physical network, DGki is layer controller, (v) considering the correlation between MG-
connected to the PCC bus of M Gk (PCCk ) through a LCL layer and MGC-layer and then combining all the models to
filter, local load bus and feeder line. Then, M Gk is connected obtain the complete MGC system model. Detailed step-by-
to the system critical bus and the rest of MGC through a step modeling process and the details of parameter matrices
circuit breaker (CBk ) and feeder line. The voltages of the are provided in Appendix B.
system critical bus and PCCk are measured and fed back to
the MGC-layer controller. The general control implementation A. Individual MG model
procedures in Fig.2 are summarized in the following. Without loss of generality, the local dq reference frame of
• MGC-layer control: The system frequency and critical bus DG1 in M G1 , i.e., DG11 , is selected as the global common

voltage reference ωsys and Vcri∗
are sent to the pinned DQ-frame. Thus, we have ωg = ω11 , where ωg is the
MG agents. Then, the MGC-layer controllers (18)-(24) are frequency of the global DQ-frame. Then, δki is defined as
executed based on the information exchange among MG the angle between the local dq-frame of DGki and the global
agents in the upper communication network G. e Finally, DQ-frame, i.e.,
the frequency and voltage references ωrefk and Vf refk for δ̇ki = ωki − ωg . (25)
M Gk are obtained. This paper mainly focuses on the dynamics of power droop
• MG-layer control: ωrefk and Vf refk are sent to the pinned controller, MG-layer controller and MGC-layer controller,
DG units in M Gk . The pinned DG units also send their while the fast dynamics of the voltage/current controllers and
information of ηki (Pki ) and nki Qki to the corresponding LC filters are not the focus of this paper. Thus, they are omitted
MG agent. Then, the MG-layer controllers (11)-(15) are in the model by assuming
executed based on the information exchange among DG ∗ ∗
units in the lower communication work Gk . Finally, the vodki = vodki , voqki = voqki , (26)
regulation variables Ωki , λki and hki are obtained. where vodki and voqki are d-axis and q-axis components of the
• DG-layer control: Ωki , λki and hki are sent to the droop output voltage voki of DGki , Fig.2.
controller (4) and (9). Then, the output frequency and Then, in light of (26), the small-signal dynamic model of

voltage references ωki and voki for DGki are obtained DGki can be obtained by linearizing (11)-(15) and rearranging
and then sent to the voltage and current controller. Finally, the linearized results, i.e.,
the PWM signals are generated to control the inverter.
∆Ẋinvki = Ainvki ∆Xinvki + Binvki ∆ioDQki + Cinvki ∆ωg
IV. S MALL -S IGNAL DYNAMIC M ODELING OF MGC + Finvkij ∆Xinvkj + Hinvki ∆Vf refk
This section presents the small-signal dynamic model of j∈Nik
MGC system with the proposed pinning-based three-layer dis- +Rinvki ∆ωrefk , (27)

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

where Ainvki , Binvki , Cinvki , Finvkij , Hinvki and Rinvki are the where YM = (YA − YB YD−1 YC )−1 . Then, from (31) and (33),
parameter matrices and their details are provided in Appendix we have
B. Finvkij represents the correlations among DG units in M Gk
due to their information exchange in the lower communication ∆ioDQ = WINV ∆XINV , WINV = YM LINV . (34)
network. ioDQki is the deviation of the DGki output current
ioki , Fig.2, in the global DQ-frame. There are 6 state variables To describe Vf refk in (29), we focus on the linearized model
of DGki , given by of (24) in the following. Denote ψk as the state variable of (24),
∆Xinvki = [∆δki , ∆Pki , ∆Qki , ∆Ωki , ∆λki , ∆hki ] , (28)
ψ˙k = V ∗ − VPCCk ,
PCCk (35)
where the superscript “T ” represents the transpose of a matrix. q
Combination of all the individual DG unit models (28) in 2
where VPCCk = VPCCDk 2
+ VPCCQk . By linearizing (24) and
M Gk provides the small-signal dynamic model of M Gk , given (35), we have
∆Vf refk = −kP APCCk ∆VPCCDQk + kI ∆ψk
∆ẊINVk = AINVk ∆XINVk + BINVk ∆ioDQk + CINVk ∆ωg

+kP ∆VPCCk , (36)
+HINVk ∆Vf refk + RINVk ∆ωrefk , (29)

∆ψ̇k = −APCCk ∆VPCCDQk + ∆VPCCk , (37)
where ∆XINVk = [∆Xinvk1 , ∆Xinvk2 , . . . , ∆XinvkN k
and ∆ioDQk = [∆ioDQk1 , ∆ioDQk2 , . . . , ∆ioDQkNk ]T .
where ∆VPCCDQk = [∆VPCCDk , ∆VPCCQk ]T , and APCCk is
AINVk , BINVk , CINVk , HINVk and RINVk are parameter the parameter matrix. Since ∆VPCCDQk is part of ∆vN LDQ ,
matrices. based on (32), it can be expressed in terms of ∆ioDQ as
In addition, by linearizing (13) and (26) and then combining
the linearized results of all DG units in M Gk , we have ∆VPCCDQk = ZPCCk ∆ioDQ , (38)
∆voDQk = LINVk ∆XINVk , (30) where ZPCCk can be obtained from Yaug .
where ∆voDQk is the deviation of voki of all the DG units in To describe ∆ωg in (29), we linearize (11) for DG11 . Thus,
M Gk , and LINVk is the parameter matrix. ∆ωg can be expressed as

∆ωg = DINV ∆XINV , (39)

B. Combination of all individual MG’s models
By combining (30) of all the MGs, we have where DINV is the parameter matrix.
Then, the combination model of all the individual MGs
∆voDQ = LINV ∆XINV , (31) can be formulated by (i) substituting (36),(38),(39) into the
individual MG model (29), (ii) combining the models of all the
where LINV is the parameter matrix. ∆voDQ is the com-
individual MGs, and (iii) substituting (34) into the combined
bination of ∆voDQk of all the MGs, i.e., ∆voDQ =
T T T results, i.e.,
[∆voDQ1 , ∆voDQ2 , . . . , ∆voDQM ]T . ∆XINV is the com-
bination of ∆XINVk of all the MGs, i.e., ∆XINV =
[∆XINV1 , ∆XINV2 , . . . , ∆XINVM ]T .

For the network and load models, we consider the steady- +kP HINV ∆VPCC + RINV ∆ωref , (40)
state algebraic equations of the series RL lossy feeder lines and
RL-type constant impedance loads. Therefore, their models are where
described by the node voltage equations I = Y U with Y being
the node admittance matrix. The linearized form of I = Y U JINV = AINV + CINV DINV + BINV WINV
in this paper is given by −kP NINV WINV . (41)
∆ioDQ YA YB ∆voDQ
= , (32) In (40) and (41), AINV , BINV , CINV , HINV , RINV and NINV
| {z } are parameter matrices, ∆ψ = [∆ψ1 , ∆ψ2 , . . . , ∆ψM ]T ,
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
:=Yaug ∆VPCC = [∆VPCC1 , ∆VPCC2 , . . . , ∆VPCCM ]T , and ∆ωref =
[∆ωref1 , ∆ωref2 , . . . , ∆ωrefM ] .
where Yaug can be obtained from Y , ∆ioDQ is the combination
of ∆ioDQk of all the MGs, and ∆vN LDQ is the deviation of all In addition, the state-space equation of ∆ψ can be for-
the voltages of the network and load nodes. Note that in (32) mulated by (i) substituting (38) into (37), (ii) combining the
the injected currents corresponding to the network and load substituted results of all MGs, and (iii) substituting (34) into
nodes are zero because the constant impedance type of loads the combined results, i.e.,
is considered. A contractive form of (32) can be obtained by
reducing the zero components of the injected currents, i.e., ∆ψ˙ = −TPCC WINV ∆XINV + ∆VPCC

, (42)

∆ioDQ = YM ∆voDQ , (33) where TPCC is the parameter matrix.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

MG1 10
1 Lc PCC1
DG11 Line4 19

Load1 Load2 System critical bus

2 Lc 11
DG12 MG3
Line5 PCC3
CB1 Line1 Lc 7
21 Line10 DG31
3 Lc Load6
Line6 Load7
DG13 CB3
17 Lc 8
Load9 Line11
MG2 PCC2 Load8
4 Lc 13 Line7 20
DG21 Load11 9
Line12 DG33
5 Lc 14 Line8 Line2
Load4 CB2
6 Lc 15 CB Grid
Load10 22

Load5 Line9 0.38kV/10kV

Fig. 3. A schematic diagram of the studied MGC system

C. Modeling of MGC-layer controller 2
where Vcri = VcriD 2 . By linearizing (22) and (46), we
+ VcriQ
From (20), we have have
∆Vsref = −kPS Acri ∆VcriDQ + kIS ∆ϕ, (47)
Vsk = V0β + Tk . (43)
∆ϕ̇ = −Acri ∆VcriDQ , (48)
For the MGC-layer controller of M Gk agent, linearizing (18), where ∆VcriDQ = [∆VcriD , ∆VcriQ ]T , and Acri is the parame-
(19), (21), (23) and (43) and rearranging the linearized results ter matrix. Since ∆VcriDQ is part of ∆vN LDQ , based on (32),
yield it can be expressed as
∆ṠMGk = AMGCk ∆SMGk + FMGCkl ∆SMGl ∆VcriDQ = Zcri ∆ioDQ , (49)
where Zcri can be obtained from Yaug .
+HMGCk ∆Vsref + EMGCk ∆XINV (44)
Then, substituting (34), (47) and (49) into (45) yields
where ∆SMGk = [∆Φk , ∆Tk , ∆Hk ]T , AMGCk , FMGCkl , ∆ṠMG = AMGC ∆SMG + JMGC ∆XINV
HMGCk and EMGCk are parameter matrices. FMGCkl repre- +kIS HMGC ∆ϕ, (50)
sents the correlations among MG agents due to their informa-
tion exchange in the upper communication network. EMGCk where
represents the correlations from pinned DG units to MG agents JMGC = EMGC − kPS HMGC Acri Zcri WINV . (51)
by the pinning links.
By combining (44) of all the MG agents, we have Moreover, substituting (34) and (49) into (48) yields
∆ϕ̇ = −Acri Zcri WINV ∆XINV . (52)
∆ṠMG = AMGC ∆SMG + HMGC ∆Vsref
+EMGC ∆XINV (45) D. Complete MGC system model
T T T To further formulate the models of (40) and (42), we need
where ∆SMG = [∆SMG1 , ∆SMG2 , . . . , ∆SMGM ]T , AMGC , ∗
to express ∆VPCC and ∆ωref in terms of ∆SMG , which can
HMGC and EMGC are parameter matrices.
be done by linearizing (18) and (20) and then combining the
To describe ∆Vsref in (45), we focus on the linearized model
linearized results of all MGs, given by
of (22) in the following. Denote ϕ as the state variable of (22),
i.e., ∆ωref = Acou ∆SMG , (53)
∗ ∗
ϕ̇ = Vcri − Vcri , (46) ∆VPCC = Bcou ∆SMG , (54)

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


MG1 αki βki γki

DG12 DG11 Agent (* , V * )
sys cri DG11 DG12 DG13 (MG1 ) 0.094 1.22 51
Pinning G3
DG21 DG22 DG23 (MG2 ) 0.078 3.41 31
link DG31 DG32 DG33 (MG3 ) 0.105 2.53 78
G2 MG2 MG3 DG31 DG32
Agent Agent

nki Pmax Qmax

Parameters ked
Fig. 4. Double-layer distributed communication network of the studied MGC (kV/kVar×10−3 ) (kW) (kVar)
DG11 DG12 DG13 0.1 0.78 60 20
DG21 DG22 DG23 0.1 0.52 50 30
DG31 DG32 DG33 0.1 0.78 60 20

Type Electrical parameters

Line1=0.008Ω+0.03mH, Line2=0.005Ω+0.02mH, PARAMETERS OF MG- LAYER AND MGC- LAYER CONTROL
Line Line3=0.014Ω+0.07mH, Line4,8,10,11=0.15Ω+0.15mH,
Line5,9=0.11Ω+0.35mH, Line6,7,12=0.11Ω+0.2mH Parameters MG-layer MGC-layer
Load1,5,8=15kW+7.5kVar, Load2=40kW+15kVar, cωki /cωk 560 200
Load3,6=12kW+5kVar, Load4,7=50kW+20kVar, cP ki /cP k 95 35
Load9=75kW+22.5kVar, Load10=2kW+5kVar, cvki /cvk 20 5
Load11=20kW+10kVar cQki /cQk 60 13
kP / 25
kI / 200
where Acou and Bcou are parameter matrices. kPS / 5
Finally, the complete MGC system model can be formulated kIS / 67
by (i) substituting (53) and (54) into (40) and (42), and (ii)
combining the substituted results and (50) and (52), i.e.,
∆Ẋsys = Asys ∆Xsys , (55) Fig.4 shows the upper and lower communication networks
of the studied MGC system, where the arrowed and dotted
where ∆Xsys = [∆XINV , ∆ψ , ∆SMG , ∆ϕ]T , and Asys is the lines denote the communication links. M G1 is the pinned
∗ ∗
state matrix of the MGC system. MG agent which receives the references of ωsys and Vcri .
The system small-signal stability can be evaluated based on DG11 , DG21 and DG31 are the pinned DG units of each MG.
analyzing the eigenvalues and eigen-structure of Asys , which The corresponding associated adjacency matrix and leader-
will be presented in Section V.B. adjacency matrix parameters are provided in Appendix A.
The generation cost function GCki (Pki ) in this paper is
V. N UMERICAL S TUDY described by the quadratic function [31], i.e.,
Based on a test MGC system, this section provides the 2
GCki (Pki ) = αki Pki + βki Pki + γki , (56)
system stability analysis (Section V.B) and time-domain sim-
ulation results in the PSCAD/EMTDC platform (Section V.C) where αki , βki and γki are cost parameters. Table II shows the
to validate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. cost parameters of each DG unit [31].
Table III and IV provide the parameters of the DG-layer,
A. Study System MG-layer, and MGC-layer controls, where Pmax and Qmax
are the active/reactive power capacities of DG units.
Fig.3 shows a schematic diagram of the studied 23-bus three-
phase MGC system, which is a 0.38kV and 50Hz system
including 3 MGs, 9 DG units, 12 feeder lines and 11 loads. B. Eigen-analysis Results
The MGC is connected to the utility grid through a circuit 1) Eigenvalue Spectrum: Fig.5 compares the low-frequency
breaker (CB) and 10kV/0.38kV transformer. The CB is open, eigenvalue spectrum of the MGC system with and without
i.e, the system is operated in the islanded mode. CB1 − CB3 the MGC-layer control in service. In Case 1 (cyan squares),
are the circuit breakers of each MG. They are closed. Bus 23 is there are only DG&MG-layer controls for the MGC system.
the system critical bus, which is the common bus connecting In Case 2 (green stars), the MGC-layer control is added. Fig.5
to all MGs. Buses 19, 20 and 21 are the PCC bus of each indicates that the MGC-layer control (i) significantly changes
MG. Each feeder line is modeled by a series RL branch and the shaping of eigenvalues on the complex plane, and (ii)
each load is represented by a series RL impedance. Lc is introduces some new oscillation modes to the system. The
the coupling inductance. The system electrical parameters are dominant oscillation modes of Case 2 are labeled as modes
shown in Table I. 1-7 in Fig.5. Table V shows their corresponding eigenvalues

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

0.6 Mode 1 1.4

DG11 Mode 5
0.5 DG12 1.2
DG13 1
0.3 DG22 0.8
DG23 0.6
0.2 DG31
DG32 0.4
0.1 DG33 0.2
0 MG1 0
Δδki ΔP MG3 Δδki ΔP
ki ΔQ ki ΔQ
ki Δλki
Δhki Δψk Δφ ki ΔΩ
ki Δhki
ΔΦk ΔTk Δψk ΔΦ
ΔHk Δφ k ΔT
k ΔH
k Δφ

0.7 Mode 3 DG11 0.8 Mode 7

0.6 DG12
DG13 0.6
0.5 DG21
0.4 DG22
DG23 0.4
0.2 DG32 0.2
0 MG2 0
Δδki ΔP MG3 Δδki ΔP
ki ΔQ
kiΔΩ Δφ ki ΔQ
ki Δλki ki Δλki
Δhki Δψk Δhki Δψk
ΔHk Δφ ΔHk Δφ

Fig. 6. Participation factors of (a) mode 1, (b) mode 3, (c) mode 5, and (d) mode 7, which describe the association degrees between state variables and
modes. The variables in the horizontal axis correspond to the state variables. States ∆δki , ∆Pki , ∆Qki , ∆Ωki , ∆λki , ∆hki , which belong to DG units
(DG11 –DG33 ), mainly correspond to the DG-layer and MG-layer controls. States ∆ψk , ∆Φk , ∆Tk , ∆Hk , which belong to MG agents (M G1 –M G3 ), and
∆ϕ mainly correspond to the MGC-layer control. The vertical axis shows the participation factor value.


Case1: DG&MG-layer controls eigenvalue damping

Case2: DG&MG&MGC-layer controls mode 1 -27.17±j105.20 0.250
150 mode 2
mode 2 -24.42±j106.51 0.223
mode 1
mode 3 -5.33±j40.08 0.132
100 mode 5 mode 4 -4.57±j37.45 0.121
Imaginary (rad/s)

mode 5 -46.80±j65.43 0.582

mode 3 mode 4 mode 6 -41.37±j60.82 0.562
50 mode 6
mode 7 mode 7 -4.53±j8.51 0.470

-50 and dampings. The frequency range of modes 1-7 varies from
8.51rad/s to 106.55rad/s, which indicates a “wide-frequency-
-100 band oscillation”. In addition, modes 1-4 are with relatively
-150 low dampings, which may lead to more oscillatory responses
-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 compared with Case 1.
Real (1/s) 2) Participation Factor Analysis: Participation factor is the
multiplication of the corresponding element in the right and left
Fig. 5. Low-frequency eigenvalue spectrum of the studied MGC system with eigenvectors of the state matrix. It can be used for evaluating
and without the MGC-layer control the association degree between state variables and modes. In
this paper, we perform the participation factor analysis based
on the state matrix Asys in (55).

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

150 150 • Modes 1 and 3 are “interaction modes” because the

modes 1,2
100 100 state variables of both DG&MG-layer and MGC-layer
Imaginary (rad/s)

Imaginary (rad/s)
contribute to modes 1 and 3. From Table V, modes 1
50 50
and 3 are with relatively low dampings. Therefore, it can
0 0 be deduced that the control layer interaction may result
-50 -50 in low-damping modes.
-100 -100
• Mode 5 is a kind of “DG&MG-layer mode” since the
state variables of DG&MG-layer mainly contribute to it.
-60 -40 -20 0 20 -150 • Mode 7 is a kind of “MGC-layer mode” since the state
-60 -40 -20 0 20
Real (1/s) Real (1/s)
(a) cωk varies from 30 to 200 (b) cPk varies from 35 to 300
variables of MGC-layer mainly contribute to it. From
Table V, the oscillation frequency of mode 7 is the lowest.
120 200
This is because the response speed of the MGC-layer
Imaginary (rad/s)

80 control should be slow enough to ensure a time-scale

Imaginary (rad/s)

40 separation between MGC-layer and MG-layer.
mode 7
• States ∆Qki , ∆hki and ∆Hk , which are associated with
0 0
the reactive power controllers (15) and (23), are generally
-40 the states with the highest contribution to modes 1,3,5,7.
-80 Therefore, controllers (15) and (23) are the key controllers
-120 -200 which affect the system dynamics most significantly.
-60 -40 -20 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Real (1/s) Real (1/s) 3) Sensitivity Analysis–Impact of MGC-layer Control Pa-
(c) cvk varies from 5 to 40 (d) cQk varies from 5 to 40 rameters on System Stability: Fig.7 shows the traces of the
dominant oscillatory modes 1-7 as a function of the MGC-
Fig. 7. Traces of dominant oscillatory modes when (a) cωk varies from 30
to 200, (b) cP k varies from 35 to 300, (c) cvk varies from 5 to 40, and layer control parameters cωk , cP k , cvk and cQk , where the
(d) cQk varies from 5 to 40. Blue circles denote eigenvalues with beginning blue circles denote eigenvalues with beginning parameters, and
parameters, and purple diamonds denote eigenvalues with ending parameters. purple diamonds denote eigenvalues with ending parameters.
Corresponding to Fig.7, Table VI summarizes the variation
TABLE VI trends of the mainly affected modes when increasing the MGC-
layer control parameters. Note that (i) the results of increasing
kP and kPS are shown in Table VI while not in Fig.7 for
Mainly Modes variation simplicity, and (ii) parameters kI and kIS have little impact on
affected modes when increasing parameters modes 1-7 and thus their results are not presented. Fig.7 and
cωk modes 5,6 move towards stable region Table VI indicate that
cP k modes 1,2 move towards unstable region
move towards stable region first,
• The system may lose stability with variations of con-
cvk mode 7 trol parameters, i.e., there are eigenvalues located in the
then splits at the real axis
modes 1,2 move towards unstable region right half plane with improper parameters. Therefore, the
cQk control parameters should be carefully selected to ensure
modes 3,4 move towards stable region
kPS mode 7 move towards stable region sufficient stability.
modes 1,2 move towards unstable region • The system dynamics are relatively complex. One param-
modes 3,4 move towards stable region eter may affect different modes, and one mode may be
affected by different parameters, e.g., modes 1 and 2 are
affected by cP k , cQk and kP .
Fig.6 shows the participation factor analysis results for • In particular, Fig.7(d) indicates that increasing cQk has
modes 1, 3, 5 and 7. Note that the results of modes an opposite effect on the variation trends of modes 1,2
2, 4, 6 are similar to those of modes 1, 3, 5 and thus and modes 3,4. Therefore, the selection of cQk should
not presented for simplicity. The variables in the horizon- consider a tradeoff between the dynamic performance of
tal axis of Fig.6 correspond to the state variables. States modes 1,2 and modes 3,4. In addition, cQk is the control
∆δki , ∆Pki , ∆Qki , ∆Ωki , ∆λki , ∆hki , which belong to DG parameter of controller (23), which is a key controller
units (DG11 –DG33 ), mainly correspond to the DG-layer and from the previous analysis. Hence, the selection of cQk is
MG-layer controls. States ∆ψk , ∆Φk , ∆Tk , ∆Hk , which be- of vital importance.
long to MG agents (M G1 –M G3 ), and ∆ϕ mainly correspond In sum, the system dynamics is relatively complicated due
to the MGC-layer control. The vertical axis shows the par- to multiple control layers and control parameters. The above
ticipation factor value. A higher value indicates a stronger analysis can facilitate a better understanding of the system
association between the state variable and the analyzed mode. dynamics and stability characteristics, and also provide a
Moreover, to better understand Fig.6, we take ∆δki as an general guideline for the control parameter tuning. The control
example. For the position of ∆δki in Fig.6, the participation parameter selection can also be formulated as an optimization
factor values of ∆δki of different DG units are stacked together. problem to achieve largest stability margin and best dynamic
The results of Fig.6 are summarized as follows. performance by optimizing control parameters. This research

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


Type Electrical parameters
Frequency (Hz)

50 Filter inductance: 1.8mH

Filter capacitance: 27µF
Line1=1.8mH, Line2=1.8mH
49.2 Line Line3=1.8mH, Line4=1.8mH
Line5=1.9Ω+2.5mH, Line6=1.6Ω+2.1mH
2 8 14 20 26 Load1=92Ω, Load2=153.3Ω,
Time(s) Load3=39.8Ω+j32.6Ω, Load4=120.2Ω+j37.1Ω
(a) System frequency (Hz)
t=17s, ωrefk is regulated by (18) and (19), and the system
Voltage (p.u.)

frequency is maintained at 50Hz.
0.995 • Fig.8(b) indicates that the system critical bus voltage

exhibits deviations during the DG-layer and MG-layer
controls, while it can be restored to the rated value 1p.u.
0.985 by the MGC-layer controller.
2 8 14 20 26
Time(s) • Fig.8(c) indicates that during the stage of DG-layer con-
(b) System critical bus voltage Vcri (p.u.) trol, the GCIVs (ηki ) of all DG units are equal due
10.5 to the regulating characteristic of droop equation (9).
GCIV ηki ($/kW)

After the MG-layer control is activated, the neighbour

communications in the lower communication networks
8.5 result in a consensus of GCIVs for each individual MG,
DG21 DG31
while the consensus values for different MGs could be
7.5 DG11
DG12 DG22 DG32 different. After the MGC-layer control is employed, it can
DG13 DG23 DG33
6.5 realize a coordination among different MGs with the help
2 8 14 20 26
of pinning links and the upper communication network,
(c) DG generation cost increment value ηki and thus the GCIVs of all DG units become equal again,
indicating an economic operation of the whole system.
• Fig.8(d) indicates that under the DG-layer control the
Reactive power

20 reactive power sharing is not accurate. After t=8s, the


15 MG-layer control can impose an accurate reactive power

10 sharing inside each individual MG. After t=17s, an accu-
DG11 DG21 DG31 rate reactive power sharing for the whole MGC system is
5 DG12 DG22 DG32
DG13 DG23 DG33 realized by the MGC-layer control. Note that the reactive
2 8 14 20 26 power is shared based on nki shown in Table III.
In sum, the control objectives can be well realized with the
(d) DG output reactive powers Qki (kVar)
proposed pinning-based hierarchical and distributed coopera-
Fig. 8. Simulation results of (a) system frequency, (b) system critical bus tive control method.
voltage Vcri , (c) DG generation cost increment value ηki , and (d) DG output
reactive powers Qki . The system is initially operated with the DG-layer
control. At t=8s the MG-layer control is activated, and at t=17s the MGC-
layer control is employed. This section presents experimental results to validate the
practical implementation feasibility of the proposed control
will be included in our future work. method. Three experimental studies are carried out. Study 1
validates the basic control performance. Study 2 and 3 evaluate
C. Time-domain Simulation Results the control performance under conditions of load changes and
communication link failures, respectively.
The MGC system is initially operated with the DG-layer
control. At t=8s, the MG-layer control is activated. At t=17s,
the MGC-layer control is employed. Fig.8 shows the corre- A. Experimental Setup
sponding simulation results. Fig.9 shows the hardware setup for the experimental MGC
• Fig.8(a) indicates that the DG-layer control results in a system in the laboratory. The experimental setup includes a
frequency deviation, while the system frequency is re- dSPACE DS1006 platform, four Danfoss inverters, RL branch
stored to the rated value 50Hz after applying the MG-layer lines, resistive and inductive loads, switches to control the
control. This is because in our study ωrefk of each MG is relays and a control desk. The voltage and current are measured
set to be the rated frequency by default if without MGC- through LEM measurement boards and then processed by
layer control. After the MGC-layer control is employed at ADC boards. The signals after ADC boards are fed back to

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Danfoss nki Pmax Qmax
Parameters ked
Inverters (V/Var×10−3 ) (kW) (kVar)
Load DG11 2 6.479 1.8 1.2
Inductive Resistive DG12 2 8.639 1.35 0.9
Load Load DG21 2 6.479 1.8 1.2
DG22 2 8.639 1.35 0.9


Switch Parameters MG-layer MGC-layer

cωki /cωk 400 80
cP ki /cP k 400 80
cvki /cvk 150 30
Fig. 9. Experimental setup in the laboratory.
cQki /cQk 20 2
kP / 1.2
MG1 System critical bus kI / 42
7 kPS / 0.3
1 Line1 5
DG11 6
kIS / 10
Line3 3
Load1 Line5
CB1 Line6
2 Load2
measurements. The communication between dSPACE and PC
DG12 4 is based on Ethernet cables.
DG22 Fig.10 shows the physical configuration of the experimental
Load3 MGC system, which includes 2 MGs, 4 DG units, 6 feeder
Load4 lines and 4 loads. The system rated frequency is 50Hz and
rated line-to-line RMS voltage is 215V. The circuit breakers
Fig. 10. Physical configuration of the experimental MGC system. CB1 and CB2 are closed. Bus 7 is the system critical bus.
Buses 5 and 6 are the PCC buses for M G1 and M G2 . Fig.11
G1 MG1 shows the double-layer distributed communication network for
Agent the experimental MGC system. In the upper cyber network G,
, Vcri* )
DG12 DG11 ∗ ∗
M G1 agent receives the references ωsys and Vcri . In the lower
cyber networks G1 and G2 , DG11 and DG21 are the pinned
link G DG units of M G1 and M G2 , respectively.
The system electrical parameters, generation cost parame-
G2 ters, DG-layer, MG-layer and MGC-layer control parameters
DG22 DG21 Agent are shown in Table VII–Table X. The ratio of reactive power
capacities among DG units is Qmax11 : Qmax12 : Qmax21 :
Qmax22 = 4 : 3 : 4 : 3.
Fig. 11. Topology of the double-layer distributed communication network for
the experimental MGC system
B. Study 1: Basic Control Performance Validation
TABLE VIII The DG-layer control is engaged initially. At t=t1 , the MG-
layer control is activated, and at t=t2 , the MGC-layer control
αki βki γki is introduced. Fig.12 shows the corresponding experimental
DG11 0.108 0.23 0.7 results. Fig.12(a) indicates that the system frequency can be
DG12 0.127 0.15 0.9 restored and then maintained at the rated value 50Hz by
DG21 0.108 0.23 0.7 the MG-layer and MGC-layer controls after t=t1 . Fig.12(b)
DG22 0.127 0.15 0.9
indicates that the MGC-layer control can restore the system
critical bus voltage to the rated value 1p.u. after t=t2 . Fig.12(c)
indicates that (i) the GCIVs (ηki ) of all DG units are equal at
the dSPACE DS1006 platform, in which the control strategy the stage of DG layer control, (ii) after t=t1 , ηki inside each
is programmed and then executed in real-time. Finally, the individual MG are equal, i.e., η11 = η12 and η21 = η22 , due
dSPACE generates PWM signals to switch the inverters with to the regulating effect of MG-layer control, and (iii) after
a switching frequency of 10kHz. The control desk installed t=t2 , the MGC-layer control imposes equal ηki of all DG
in a PC is responsible for monitoring the system states and units again, realizing a minimum generation cost of the whole

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

DG-layer DG&MG-layer DG&MG&MGC- Load4 on t3 Load4 off t4 Load4 on

control t1 controls t2 layer controls 50.2

Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)

50 55 60 65 70 75 80
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time (s)
Time (s) (a) System frequency (Hz)
(a) System frequency (Hz)
t3 t4
t1 t2

Voltage (p.u.)
Voltage (p.u.)


50 55 60 65 70 75 80
10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (s)
Time (s)
(b) System critical bus voltage Vcri (p.u.) (b) System critical bus voltage Vcri (p.u.)
t1 t2 t3 t4
GCIV ηki ($/kW)

GCIV ηki ($/kW)

0.30 η11 0.30

η21 0.28
DG11 DG12 DG11 DG12
0.28 DG21 DG22 DG21 DG22
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Time (s) Time (s)
(c) DG generation cost increment value ηki (c) DG generation cost increment value ηki
t1 t2 t3 t4
0.30 0.23
Reactive power
Reactive power

0.20 Q11

Q21 Q21
0.10 DG11 DG12 DG11 DG12
Q22 DG21 Q22 DG21
0.04 DG22 0.10 DG22
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Time (s) Time (s)
(d) DG output reactive powers Qki (kVar) (d) DG output reactive powers Qki (kVar)

Fig. 12. Experimental results for Study 1–basic control performance evalua- Fig. 13. Experimental results for Study 2–load change performance evaluation:
tion: (a) system frequency, (b) system critical bus voltage, (c) DG generation (a) system frequency, (b) system critical bus voltage, (c) DG generation cost
cost increment value ηki , (d) DG output reactive powers Qki . The DG-layer increment value ηki , (d) DG output reactive powers Qki . The system is
control is engaged initially. At t=t1 , the MG-layer control is activated, and at operated under the three-layer controls. At t=t3 , Load 4 is switched off. At
t=t2 , the MGC-layer control is introduced. t=t4 , Load 4 is switched on again.

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

system. Fig.12(d) indicates that (i) the reactive power sharing

is not accurate before t=t1 , (ii) an accurate reactive power
sharing inside each individual MG, i.e., Q11 : Q12 = 4 : 3
t5 t6 t7 t8
and Q21 : Q22 = 4 : 3, is realized after applying the MG-
50.2 Load3 on Load3 off Load3 on layer control, and (iii) after t=t2 , the MGC-layer control can
Link MG2 to achieve an accurate reactive power sharing across the whole
Frequency (Hz)

50.1 MG1 fails

system, i.e., Q11 : Q12 : Q21 : Q22 = 4 : 3 : 4 : 3.

49.9 Link DG22 to C. Study 2: Load Change Performance Evaluation

DG21 fails
The system is operated under the three-layer controls. At
49.8 t=t3 , Load 4 is switched off. At t=t4 , Load 4 is switched
90 100 110 120 130 on again. Fig.13 indicates that after Load 4 switched off and
Time (s)
switched on, the proposed three-layer control can always (i)
(a) System frequency (Hz)
maintain the system frequency at 50Hz, Fig.13(a), (ii) maintain
t5 t6 t7 t8
1.10 the system critical bus voltage at 1p.u., Fig.13(b), (iii) impose
equal ηki of all DG units, Fig.13(c), and (iv) realize an accurate
Voltage (p.u.)

Link MG2 to
1.05 MG1 fails
reactive power sharing Q11 : Q12 : Q21 : Q22 = 4 : 3 : 4 : 3
across the whole system, Fig.13(d).

0.95 Link DG22 to D. Study 3: Communication Link Failure Resiliency

DG21 fails
In Study 3, Load 4 is always disconnected from the system,
0.90 while Loads 1-3 are connected to the system. Under this
90 100 110 120 130
Time (s)
circumstance, the active and reactive power of Load3 are
(b) System critical bus voltage Vcri (p.u.) 46.4% and 100% of the whole active power and reactive
t5 t6 t7 t8 power load, respectively. The system is operated under the
three-layer controls. At t=t5 , a communication link failure in
GCIV ηki ($/kW)

0.30 the lower communication network happens, i.e., the link from
0.28 DG22 to DG21 fails. Subsequently, at t=t6 , Load 3 is switched
off. Then, at t=t7 , a communication link failure in the upper
Link DG22 to Link MG2 to
0.26 DG21 fails MG1 fails communication network happens, i.e., the link from M G2
agent to M G1 agent fails. Finally, at t=t8 , Load 3 is switched
0.24 DG11 DG12 on again. Fig.14 shows that the control objectives in terms
DG21 DG22 of (a) system frequency, (b) system critical bus voltage, (c)
90 100 110 120 130 GCIV and (d) reactive power sharing can still be realized after
Time (s) communication link failures. This is because the remaining
(c) DG generation cost increment value ηki communication network still contains a spanning tree, and thus
t5 t6 t7 t8
the convergence condition of algorithms (1) and (2) is still
Reactive power

Remark 5: Switching on and off Load 3 corresponds to a

large load disturbance to the system. The results of Fig.14

0.10 Link MG2 to
show that (i) no significant overshoots are observed, and (ii)
Link DG22 to MG1 fails
DG21 fails the inverters are not tripped. Therefore, the robustness of
0 DG11 DG12 our control method against large load disturbances can be
DG21 DG22 validated.
90 100 110 120 130
(d) DG output reactive powers Qki (kVar) This paper presents a pinning-based hierarchical and dis-
tributed cooperative control strategy for AC MGC. The pro-
Fig. 14. Experimental results for Study 3–communication link failure resilien- posed method fully reserves the autonomy characteristic of
cy: (a) system frequency, (b) system critical bus voltage, (c) DG generation
cost increment value ηki , (d) DG output reactive powers Qki . The system each individual MG while realizing their coordination through
is operated under the three-layer controls. At t=t5 , the communication link pinning links and communications among MG agents in the
from DG22 to DG21 fails. At t=t6 , Load 3 is switched off. At t=t7 , the upper cyber network.
communication link from M G2 agent to M G1 agent fails. At t=t8 , Load 3
is switched on again. With the proposed method, multiple control objectives can
be achieved, including (i) minimization of the system overall
generation cost, (ii) restoration of system frequency and critical
bus voltage, (iii) voltage control capability for the PCC bus of

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

A PPENDIX B q̃ki = vodki ioqki − voqki iodki . (63b)

IN S ECTION IV The average active power Pki and reactive power Qki can be
obtained based on 1st-order low-pass filters, i.e.,
This appendix provides details of the small-signal dynamic
modeling process and parameter matrices in Section IV. Denote Pki = p̃ki , (64a)
N as the s + ωc
PMnumber of all the DG units in the MGC system, i.e., ωc
N = k=1 Nk . The generation cost function GCki (Pki ) is
Qki = q̃ki , (64b)
s + ωc
assumed to be the quadratic function (56). Therefore, we have
ηki (Pki ) = 2αki Pki + βki . where ωc is the cut-off frequency of the 1st-order low-pass
Linearizing (11) yields filter s+ω c
and it is set as 100rad/s for the numerical and
  experimental studies in this paper.
∆δki By linearizing (25), (63), (64) and substituting (58) into the
∆ωki = Cpw  ∆Pki  + ∆Ωki , linearized results, we have
∆Qki    
  ∆δ̇ki ∆δki
Cpw = 0 −2ked αki 0 . (58)  ∆Ṗki  = AP  ∆Pki  + DP ∆Ωki + BP 1 [∆vodqki ]
In light of (58), linearizing (12) yields ∆Q̇ki ∆Qki
 
∆δki X +BP 2 [∆iodqki ] + CP ∆ωg
∆Ω̇ki = Af  ∆Pki  + Bf ∆Ωki + cωki akij ∆Ωkj
   
0 −2ked αki 0 −1
∆Qki j∈Nik AP =  0 −ωc 0  CP =  0 
0 0 −ωc 0
−2 (cωki − cP ki ) akij ked αkj ∆Pkj + cωki gik ∆ωrefk    
j∈Nik 0 0 1
    BP 1 =  ωc Iodki ωc Ioqki  DP =  0 
Af = 0 2 (cωki − cP ki )
akij + cωki gik  ked αki 0 −ωc Ioqki ωc Iodki 0
 
j∈Nik 0 0
  BP 2 =  ωc Vodki ωc Voqki  (65)
X ωc Voqki −ωc Vodki
Bf = −cωki  akij + gik  . (59)
j∈Nik where Vodki , Voqki , Iodki , Ioqki are the equilibrium point values
of vodki , voqki , iodki , ioqki for linearization.
From (13a), we have
Recall (26). Linearizing (13) yields
Vf ki = Vn − nki Qki + λki . (60)  
Linearizing (14), (60) and rearranging the linearized results ∆vodqki = CP V  ∆Pki  + DP V 1 ∆λki + DP V 2 ∆hki
yield ∆Qki
0 0 −nki
 
∆δki 1
X CP V = DP V 1 =
∆λ̇ki = Ag  ∆Pki  + Bg ∆λki − cvki akij nkj ∆Qkj 0 0 0 0
j∈Ni k
DP V 2 = . (66)
k k
+cvki aij ∆λkj + cvki gi ∆Vf refk
j∈Nik The DG unit output voltage vodqki and current iodqki are
expressed in the local dq reference frame of DGki . To integrate
" ! #
akij + gik
Ag = 0 0 cvki nki DGki into the whole system model, vodqki and iodqki need to
j∈Nik be transformed to the form in the global DQ-frame, i.e., voDQki
 
X and ioDQki . The transformation is given by
Bg = −cvki  akij + gik  . (61)
∆voDQki = Ts ∆vodqki + Tc ∆δki (67)
−1 −1
∆iodqki = Ts ∆ioDQki + TV ∆δki (68)
By linearizing (15), we have  
cos δ0ki − sin δ0ki

 Ts =
X sin δ0ki cos δ0ki
∆ḣki = Ah  ∆Pki  − cQki akij nkj ∆Qkj  
−Vodki sin δ0ki − Voqki cos δ0ki
∆Qki j∈Nik Tc =
 P k  Vodki cos δ0ki − Voqki sin δ0ki
Ah = 0 0 cQki aij nkj .  
(62) −IoDki sin δ0ki + IoQki cos δ0ki
k j∈Ni TV−1 = , (69)
−IoDki cos δ0ki − IoQki sin δ0ki
Based on the instantaneous power theory, the instantaneous
where δ0ki is the equilibrium point value of δki .
output active power p̃ki and reactive power q̃ki of DGki are
Then, the small-signal dynamic model of DGki , i.e., (27),
expressed as
can be obtained by (i) substituting (66) and (68) into (65), and
p̃ki = vodki iodki + voqki ioqki , (63a) (ii) combining the substituted results and (59), (61) and (62).

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Details of the parameter matrices in (27) are provided in (80). Then, LINVk and LINV in (30) and (31) can be expressed as
Moreover, from (58), we have
 
∆ωki = Dinvki ∆Xinvki Linvk1 0 ... 0
   0 L invk2 ... 0 
Dinvki = Cpw 1 0 0 1×6 (70) LINVk = .
 
.. .. ..
 ..

∆ωg = DINV1 ∆XINV1 . . . 
= Dinv11 0 . . . 0 1×6N (71) 0 0 . . . LinvkNk 2Nk ×6Nk
1  
LINV1 0 ... 0
 0 LINV2 ... 0 
Thus, DINV in (39) is LINV = .

.. .. ..

 ..

. . . 
  0 0 . . . LINVM 2N ×6N
DINV = DINV1 0 . . . 0 1×6N (72)

Details of the parameter matrices in the small-signal dynam- h i

ic model of M Gk , i.e., (29), are provided in (81). In (36) and (37), APCCk = VVPCCDk0
, where
Substituting (66) into (67) yields VPCCDk0 , VPCCQk0 and VPCCk0 are the equilibrium point
values of VPCCDk , VPCCQk and VPCCk .

∆voDQki = Linvki ∆Xinvki Details of the parameter matrices in the combination model
h i of all individual MGs (40) and (41) and the state-space
Linvki = Ts CP V + Tec 0 Ts DP V 1 Ts DP V 2 equation of ∆ψ (42) are provided in (82).
Tec = Tc 0 0 (73) For the MGC-layer controller of M Gk agent, linearizing

AP + BP 1 CP V + BP 2 TV−1 0 0 DP BP 1 DP V 1 BP 1 DP V 2
   
 Af Bf 0 0 
Ainvki = 
 Ag 0 Bg 0 
Ah 0 0 0 6×6
       
BP 2 Ts CP 0 0
 0   0   0   cωki g k 
Binvki =  Cinvki =   Hinvki =   Rinvki =  i 
 0   0   cvki gik   0 
0 6×2
0 6×1 0 6×1
0 6×1
 
0 0 0 0 0 0
 0 −2(cωki − cP ki )akij ked αkj 0 c ωki ak
ij 0 0 
Finvkij =  (80)
0 0 −cvki akij nkj 0 cvki akij 0 
0 0 −cQki akij nkj 0 0 0 6×6


   
Ainvk1 0 ... 0 Finvk11
Finvk12 . . . Finvk1Nk
 0 A invk2 . . . 0   Finvk21
Finvk22 . . . Finvk2Nk 
GINVk =  FINVk = 
   
.. .. . .. ..  .. .... .. 
 . . .   . . . . 
0 0 . . . AinvkNk FinvkNk 1 FinvkNk 2 . . . FinvkNk Nk
 6Nk ×6Nk    6Nk ×6Nk

Binvk1 0 ... 0 Cinvk1 Hinvk1
 0 B invk2 . . . 0   Cinvk2   Hinvk2 
BINVk =  CINVk =  HINVk =
     
.. .. . . ..  ..  .. 
 . . . .   .   . 
0 0 . . . BinvkNk 6Nk ×2Nk
CinvkNk 6Nk ×1
HinvkNk 6Nk ×1
 
 Rinvk2 
RINVk =  (81)
 
.. 
 . 
RinvkNk 6Nk ×1

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

   
AINV1 0 ... 0 BINV1 0 ... 0
 0 AINV2 ... 0   0 B INV2 ... 0 
   
.. .. .. ..  .. .. .. .. 
 . . . .   . . . . 
0 0 . . . AINVM 0 0 . . . BINVM
 6N ×6N  6N ×2N
HINV1 0 ... 0 RINV1 0 ... 0
 0 H INV2 ... 0   0 R INV2 ... 0 
   
.. .. .. ..  .. .. .. .. 
 . . . .   . . . . 
0 0 . . . HINVM 6N ×M
0 0 . . . RINVM 6N ×M
     
CINV =  NINV =  TPCC =  (82)
     
..  ..  .. 
 .   .   . 


   
AMGC1 0 ... 0 HMGC1
 0 AMGC2 . . . 0   HMGC2 
GMGC =  H =
   
.. .. .. ..  MGC  .. 
 . . . .   . 
0 0 . . . AMGCM 3M ×3M HMGCM 3M ×1
   
 FMGC21 FMGC22 . . . FMGC2M   EMGC2 
FMGC =  E = (83)
   
.. .. .. .
..  MGC  .. 
 . . .   . 
FMGCM 1 FMGCM 2 . . . FMGCM M 3M ×3M

 
 −TPCC WINV 0 Bcou 0 
Asys =  (84)
−Acri Zcri WINV 0 0 0 (6N +4M +1)×(6N +4M +1)

(18) and (19) yields Linearizing (23) yields

 
X X 1 X
∆Φ̇k = Bcf ∆Φk + cωk ãkl ∆Φl ∆Ḣk = cQk ãkl  k nki ∆Qki 
|F |
l∈Hk l∈Hk i∈F k
   
X 1 X X 1 X
−cP k ãkl  k 2αki ∆Pki  −cQk ãkl  l nli ∆Qli  (77)
|F | |F |
l∈Hk i∈F k k l∈H l i∈F
 
X 1 X Then, (44) can be obtained by combining (75), (76) and (77).
+cP k ãkl  l 2αli ∆Pli 
|F | Details of AMGCk , FMGCkl and HMGCk are given by
l∈Hk i∈F l
   
Bcf 0 0 0
 
Bcf = −cωk  ãkl + g̃k  (75) AMGCk =  0 Bcg 0  HMGCk =  cvk g̃k 
l∈Hk 0 0 0 3×3 0 3×1
 
cωk ãkl 0 0
Linearizing (21) and (43) yields FMGCkl =  0 cvk ãkl 0  (78)
0 0 0 3×3
∆Ṫk = Bcg ∆Tk + cvk ãkl ∆Tl + cvk g̃k ∆Vsref EMGCk is a 3 × 6N sparse matrix. For the first row of
l∈Hk EMGCk , the elements corresponding to ∆Pki of the pinned
DG units of M Gk are −cP k l∈Hk ãkl 2α
P ki
, and the elements
 
X |F k |
Bcg = −cvk  ãkl + g̃k  (76) corresponding to ∆Pli of the pinned DG units of M Gl are
l∈Hk cP k ãkl 2α li
|F l |
. The second row of EMGCk are all zeros. For the

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2972321, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

third row of EMGCk , the elements corresponding to ∆Qki of (54) are given by
P nki
the pinned DG units of M Gk are cQk l∈Hk ãkl |F k | , and the
 
Ayy 0 ... 0
elements corresponding to ∆Qli of the pinned DG units of  0 Ayy
nli ... 0 
M Gl are −cQk ãkl |F l| .
Acou =  .  Ayy = 1 0 0
 
.. .. ..
 .. . . . 
0 0 . . . Ayy
Then, details of the parameter matrices in (45) are provided  
in (83). Byy 0 ... 0
 0 Byy ... 0   
Bcou =  .  Byy = 0 1 −1 . (79)
 
.. .. .
 .. . ..
In (47) and (48), Acri = VVcriD0 cri0 Vcri0
, where VcriD0 , . 
VcriQ0 and Vcri0 are the equilibrium point values of VcriD , VcriQ 0 0 . . . Byy
and Vcri . Finally, the detail of Asys in the complete MGC system
model (55) is provided in (84).
Details of Acou ∈ RM ×3M and Bcou ∈ RM ×3M in (53) and

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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on April 30,2020 at 04:30:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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