3 Blockchain For Defina and Atmos Expansion

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 With low-cost transactions, reliable infrastructure, and a fundamentally complex ecosystem, Polygon, a
decentralized Ethereum scaling platform, makes it simple for consumers to join web3. The Polygon
ecosystem is enormous and has collaborations with some top-tier businesses, like Meta, Starbucks, Stripe,
Twitter, and Disney.
 With a large number of well-known games already available on the chain, such as Pegaxy, Benji Bananas,
Skyweaver, Sandbox, and many more to come, the Polygon Gaming ecosystem also positions itself as the
chain that might very well dominate the Web3 gaming industry as a whole.
 My own belief is that we must collaborate with a blockchain or a Layer 2 that can scale successfully,
affordably and can feel safe. That ideal answer is the Polygon Studios as they are creating an ecosystem
of the highest caliber that will appeal to both classic and native Web3 players.
 The scalability is immense as the polygon network is compatible with all the ERC-20, ERC-1155, and
ERC-721 standards. The transactions on the network are verified which helps in preventing fraud.
 Also, Polygon is based on the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine), which means that it leverages the
security of Ethereum and everything that was developed to work with the Ethereum blockchain is 100%
compatible with the Polygon network, including ONCHAINID which make suitable for Atmos.
 The Polygon has a total of 19k dapps to choose from and scale. A stronger community increases
participation and engagement in the games.
 Top rated games available in polygon. (Credits to Polkastarter)
 Polygon Edge - Polygon edge is known for customization it has a modular and extensible framework for
building sidechains. The primary goal is to bootstrap a new network and provide compatibility with
Ethereum smart contracts. Gaming and esports companies can opt for Polygon Edge to form a customized
blockchain for specific games.
 Polygon ID - Polygon ID is a private identity that is self-sovereign and decentralized. It is safe and secure,
with no threat to privacy. The polygon ID is powered by Zero-knowledge (ZK) cryptography. Along with
providing the ultimate user privacy, it is also scalable and has private on-chain verification for dapps and
 Polygon Studios - Polygon Studios is home to the metaverse, NFT, and gaming projects on Polygon
protocol. They provide best-in-class solutions for platforms looking forward to scaling on the blockchain.
Polygon studios is a dedicated unit bringing together Blockchain Gaming and the NFT industry. The aim
is to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 gaming. (Community Growth)
Polygon companies are joining Game7, a Web3 Gaming DAO with a treasury managed by the community,
as a collaborator in its $100 million grants program focused on building better, sustainable and open-source
games. Anyone is welcome to apply for a grant, including individual builders, DAOs and traditional
companies. The grant amounts will vary depending on the project's scope, maturity level and ambition.
Payments are milestone-based and will be made in USDC.
Other options for Polygon grants:
 Polygon DAO - Another option to obtain a Polygon Grant is to join the Polygon DAO and submit a
proposal to fund a project or award a grant under the category of Ecosystem Project Support. Polygon
DAO and its contributors including Balancer, QuickSwap, and mStable provide emerging Web3 startups
in DeFi, NFT, Gaming, Metaverse with shared grants to help them build and grow. It will also give
partners access to projects in the Polygon ecosystem to drive their adoption rates.
 Polygon Ecosystem Fund - This fund is a straightforward grant directly from Polygon dedicated to
growing and supporting blockchain ecosystem building in Ethereum and Polygon.
 Polygon x Outlier Ventures – Successful applicants will receive access to a global network of leading
Web3 builders, mentors, and investors and from a funding standpoint, at the onset of the program,
participating teams will receive an investment of $125,000, which can then be followed by an additional
$250,000, if required. (https://polygon.technology/blog/outlier-ventures-and-polygon-announce-second-
 Polygon x Wintermute (Partnership Fund) – This fund provides 20 million USD to support projects
which develop dApps built on Polygon for things like development, liquidity provision, exchange listing,
and backdesk. (https://polygon.technology/blog/wintermute-announces-20m-fund-to-bootstrap-polygon-
 Polygon x Reddit Co-Founder Alex Ohanian’s 776 venture capital firm (Partnership Fund) – A
combined fund of over 200 million USD which aims to assist Web 3.0 technology development,
specifically in social media and blockchain compatibility. (https://polygon.technology/blog/polygon-and-
POLYGON ALLIANCE - Learn, Grow, Support

 They bring together Polygon projects to collaborate and advance one another. They established the
Polygon Alliance community to make this possible. Members of the community can network, work
together, share resources, find employment, learn, and support one another by being a part of it. On our
website and in our Discord server, they offer free resources. These comprise channels for marketing
tutorials, bridging manuals, dev support, and more.
 Polygon Alliance was started as a place for project owners to network and collaborate. They have specific
channels to help with all aspects of starting, running and growing a project on Polygon. Furthermore, we
have expert advisors on hand to answer any questions relating to NFTs, DeFi, P2E and the Metaverse.
 Project Roadmap/Strategy:
 Continue member growth via daily Twitter spaces, community events and through educating about
the benefits of Polygon.
 Implement ‘learning zone’ to Polygon Alliance website. This will feature instructional material
aimed at on-boarding new users to the Polygon chain.
 We will feature high quality video content and step-by-step guides.
 Further develop the Polygon Alliance platform to include a forum, blog and creator tools.
Key Points

 Solana is an open-source, public blockchain with smart contract support. The protocol is known for its
ability to host highly scalable decentralized applications. Solana’s consensus mechanism is a mix of Proof
of Stake (PoS) and Proof of History (PoH).
 Solana is one the best-performing protocols with a total of 1969 nodes, 1ms write speed, 958.2ms read
speed, and a gas fee of 1785245802.64 Gwei
 Solana’s PoH system has allowed it to become one of the fastest blockchain networks. Its network can
handle about 3,400 transactions per second, compared with Ethereum's 15 transactions per second.
 Sealevel is a distinct Solana blockchain technology that enables Solana Programs or Solana smart
contracts to run simultaneously. The use of the Sealevel method in Dapps to simultaneously trigger Solana
smart contracts speeds up the overall processing time and validates the Dapp operations carried out by the
smart contracts.
 Since its launch in 2020, Solana has come a long way. It attracted a number of well-known projects to the
ecosystem, which in turn helped it expand its user base. Because of its scalability, quick throughput, and
low cost per unit, Solana also provides interoperability with its unique bridging Protocol WormHole,
therefore, one of the most preferred platforms for decentralized application development.
 Top rated Games available in Solana (Credits to Polkastarter)
Grant program

To accelerate the adoption of the new main net Solana is now offering grants to promising teams. These
projects could range from protocol infrastructure to end-user applications. Solana has so far paid a whopping
$314m to its developers.

Solana is offering grants in domains that bring string vision to the Solana network. These projects can be
categorized as:

 Censorship Resistance
 DAO Tooling
 Developer Tooling
 Education
 Payments / Solana Pay
 Financial Inclusion
 Climate Change
 Academic Research

Funding Sources - https://solana.com/ecosystem/explore?categories=fund

 Metaplex grants seek to support creators from underrepresented communities and key infrastructure
projects in the Solana NFT ecosystem.
 Solana Venture’s mission is to accelerate the growth of the Solana blockchain and adjacent ecosystems
by providing capital and business support to the most promising teams building in the crypto ecosystem.
Solana Ventures invests primarily in the pre-seed or seed stages of companies and is more heavily
weighted towards token-based investments. (https://solana.ventures/)
 Solana Hackathons allow anyone with an internet connection to jumpstart their next project on Solana
and join the fastest ecosystem in crypto. Past prizes have exceeded $10,000,000 and have been distributed
to projects in DeFi, Web3, and NFT. Moreover, teams that have participated in these hackathons have
often attracted the interest of investors keen on supporting strong new projects -- even if they were not
ultimately selected for a hackathon specific prize. (https://solana.com/hackathon)
 The Solana Foundation partnered with different stakeholders across the world and launched ecosystem
funds dedicated to nurturing the Solana developer ecosystem. Multiple ecosystem funds are actively
investing in projects building on the Solana blockchain. Their main goal is to provide projects with various
resources, such as: funding, strategic advisory, industry connections, go to market strategy, and other
extensive support to build meaningful products.
Key Points
 Starkey, a ground-breaking zero-knowledge-proof technology developed by StarkWare, powers
Immutable X. The platform offers unequalled throughput at zero gas prices for trading and mining
NFTs in a carbon-neutral environment to game developers and all NFT makers. The potent collection
of cutting-edge trading tools enables designers to make in-game assets for a better experience.
 Immutable X ensures the trade security of NFT projects through a well-structured decentralized
ecosystem. Users can effortlessly create and exchange ERC-721 and ERC-20 tokens at comparatively
lower fees without compromising the safety of their assets. It helps NFT developers to create digital
assets in a simple yet impactful way. Immutable X is almost completely tradable via the API\
 Immutable X removes distractions so that players can just explore and take in the world, which greatly
facilitates this crucial process. Players are not constantly barraged with GAS fees for even the smallest
modification to their collection. Additionally, transactions go considerably more quickly, allowing
players to concentrate on what they came to do like battling, collecting and so on.
 Beyond merely the reduction in gas costs, immutable offers you a number of advantages, such as:
 You maintain self-custody of your NFTs with the same level of security as mainchain
Ethereum, something not seen in alternative scaling solutions like Matic and xDai.
 Transactions are instant, and moving back to mainchain Ethereum is trustless and verifiable.
 Unlike other solutions, there is no need for you to own a unique L2 token to buy, sell, send, or
receive NFTs.
 You get more interesting and attractive game mechanics and design from Illuvium thanks to
off-chain minting (more on that later).
 Immutable X will provide turing-complete general computation in the near future thanks to
Cairo, technology developed by their partners over at StarkWare.
 Top rated Games available in Solana (Credits to https://playtoearn.net/)
Marketing support - https://docs.x.immutable.com/docs/marketing-support
 They have received an increasing number of requests for marketing assistance to assist with project
growth as the ImmutableX community has grown. They want to help as many projects as they can
and reward those that are growing their communities and getting a lot of transactions once they
launch. Therefore, they have created a tiered marketing support approach. The more you build your
community, the more support we can give you! Check out the criteria below to see which tier you
qualify for.
Support Tier Support Level Requirements
1k-5k followers on Twitter
Pre-launch Tier 1 🎉 Re-tweet OR
5k-10k Discord members
5k-10k followers on Twitter
Tier 1 + Discord AMA +
Tier 2 🎉🎉 OR
Giveaway (if desired)
10k - 25k Discord members
> 10k followers on Twitter
Tier 3 🎉🎉🎉 Tier 2 + dedicated Tweet OR
> 25k Discord members
50-100 Eth traded on L2
Post-launch Tier 1 🎉 Re-tweet 5k-10k followers on Twitter
10k - 25k Discord members
100-500 Eth traded on L2
Tier 1 + Discord AMA +
Tier 2 🎉🎉 10k-25k followers on Twitter
Giveaway (if desired)
25k-35k Discord members
100-1,000 Eth traded on L2
Tier 3 🎉🎉🎉 Tier 2 + Dedicated Tweet > 25k followers on Twitter
> 35k Discord members
> 1k Eth traded on L2
And at least one of:
Tier 4 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Tier 3 + Blog post > 25k followers on Twitter
> 35k Discord members
GRANTS PROGRAM - https://immutablex.medium.com/community-development-grants-51586fd13fbd
 As an IMX token holder, you will have the opportunity to share your voice and contribute to the future
of the protocol growth through community development grants. These grants are given to proposals,
submitted by community members, that focus on innovative and exciting ideas and/or solutions that
will expand the Immutable X protocol’s offerings and success
 All Grants offered to prospective builders are subject to the final approval by Digital Worlds NFTS.
 Successful Grant recipients will receive access to monetary support, milestone-based IMX rewards,
and access to deep blockchain gaming support and expertise. This includes direct access to an advisory
service for tokenomics and game design, plus community and marketing support. All projects planning
to build on the ImmutableX protocol are encouraged to submit an application form below.

FUNDING - https://www.immutable.com/apply
 Immutable Launches $500 Million Developer and Venture Investment Fund to Accelerate Adoption of
Web3 Games and Projects. The $500m fund is set up to exponentially accelerate the growth and success
of web3 projects & games built on Ethereum’s leading Layer 2 protocol, ImmutableX, via Ventures and
providing access to Digital Worlds’ Grants.

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