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2019 MADE EASY Electrical Machines Wworknook + Electromagnetic Theory Section-B Electromagnetic Theory SI. Unit 2 Static Magnetic Fields 3. Time varying Fields and Maxwell's Equations...... | 1 Static Electric Fields | 2000 = Electromagnetic Theory Description Sheet Chapter-1 : Static Electric Fields Chapter-2 : Static Magnetic Fields * Vector Calculas and Coordinate systems. * Ampere’s law-current-Magnetic fields, * Gauss law-charge-Electric fields. * Vector Potential-Maxwell’s II! equation, * Potential - Gradient - Maxwells Il equation. * Boundary conditions. * Laplace and Poisson's equations * Inductors. * Boundary conditions, Chapter-3 : Time Varying Fields and Maxwell's * Ohms law - Continuity equation - Conductors. Equations * Energy and Energy: ‘density calculations, * Capacitors * Magnetic Forces and Torques, Static Electric Fields w Multiple Choice Questions 1. Find the magnitude of the current crossing the surface due to the magnetic field H= 4r3y.a, + 7yza,+ 18y* a, If the surface is enclosed by (1,0, 1) (4,0, 1) (4,2, 14,2, 1), Identify the direction of the current flow using Stokes’ theorem. (@) 2554 () 510A Find the work done in moving against the force (b) 200A (@) 4004 a2 F=8xy,-7ya,+6x4, from the point (1,4, 1) t0 (2, 2, 2) along the straight line path 3 Calculate GA: al over the path shown where An2pcosod, + SMP ° g i : i 2 7 peonnorder Ae HO ‘UeSsGd vain a HOM UND] FUE O POH Qs Q7 EASY A positive charge of @-Coulombs is located at point A(0, 0, 3) and a negative charge of magnitude Q-Coulombs is located at point (0, 0, -3). The electric field intensity at point (4, 0, 0) isin the (@) negative x-direction (0) negative z-direction (©) positive x-direction (@) positive z-direction Three charges Q, Qand Q’ are on aas shown below. Find Q’f the E field at the point Pis zero. 7 ly o ° _—_——— ¢ ——4 uCare wo point charges q, = 2uCand d= placed at distances b = 1 cm and from the origin on the Yand X axes as shown in igure. The electric field vector at point la, 6) that will subtend at angle @ with the X-axis is (a) tan 6 = 1 y (b) tan 0 = 2 a Pee, 6) (o) tan =3 > (g) tan 0 = 4 apa 52 | Electrical Engineering Q.8 4 Charges lie along the X-axis at (n, 0, 0) with n= 1,2,3, 4. Ifthe charges are nlQ, the total field strength at the origin is maximum contributed by__and minimum by charge (@) a and 26 (b) 24 and am (©) tanda™ (a) 4 and 4" Q.9._ Which of the following distributions do not have a zero E field point anywhere around the charges? @o ° + « —_4 e 20 (o) g (0 20 — $ ——+ @o -0 h—— 6 ——4 Q.10 Find the electric field intensity on the axis of ring of four charges place symmetrically at 90° to each other. Given the radius Rand height on the axis R Q a @ 2a ne RP ) V2 ne R® Q Q © Gener © Boner Q.11 Find the E atthe origin and at (3. 4, 6) due to infinite length line charge of p, = SOnC/m located atx =2,2=Sforall y. Q.12 Find the E at (0, 0, 2) due to an infinite length line change located on the entire y-axis having p, = SnCim. 2.13 Repeated the above question if the charge is along y= «line. Q.14 Which of the following surtaces have a non-zero flux crossing? Given a line charge p, c/m along the zaxis. & eu aatang WbUkdOD © jeanahg ASS TWO MADE EASY O,2 o> 144 Oo © Copyright) mAape EASY ——— R 929 catclate tho field at €[5), E(2A) due tothe volume charge as sphere of R radius and p, charge density. PR pv me (©) 42¢5" Geq eh pu PA py (© Ge," 6e OD) 12e5"12e 0.24 Three infinite sheets of charge density 48nCim? 9nCim? and -24 nC/m? are located at . y= Oand 2=0. Find E at (8, -3, 6) 64, +34, +84,) (68, - 3. 1, +88,) 0.25 Two infinite sheets of charge density 10 nC/m? and ~10nC/m? are located at x = 0 and.x = 10 Find E everywhere, @ E=Oforx> 10 E= fe tore <0 E =P foro 10andx <0; 6. E=t£torx<0 Be tor (ce) E=Oforx> 10andx<0; E=P2tord 0; E= LE forx > 10 2e E28 tord) 54 Q.33 Find the E intensity at (3, 4, 6) andat the. origin due to the surface charge p, = 25 nCim? located at 2y + Sx = 20 for all z Q.34 Calculate the total current crossing the surface x + 2y= 5 within a window of Sm? due to the current density J ew i9aIanS WOUKIOD a, + a, +74, Alm? Q.35 Charge needed within a unit sphere centred at the origin for producing a potential field a = torrssis © (@) 12nC (©) 60x (©) 120nC (@) 180xC Q.36 Two concentric spheres are applied with Potential of 50 V and ~20 V having radius 2 cm and 5 cm respectively. Find the distance from centre of sphere where the voltage is zero, 1wieg RaW suoHeSHang ASva SVN Q.37 Two infinite conducting sheets are as shown below. Find E and Vbetween the plates. V=150V, 1 40 PaoNpOAG, 9g Rew WOOG St JO Wed On) 30° Vv=10V Q.38 The region between two concentric conducting cylinders with radii of 2 and 5 cm contains a volume charge distribution of -10°%(1 + 10/)C/m?, If Eand V both are zero at the inner cylinder ‘ the potential Vat the outer cylinder 8 9G) TROUT wro) Kaw wp | Electrical Engineering © Electromagnetic Theory EAsY MADE ————— Publications bd fe 2’ ——4 m+ % % & 2 (a) &=28 2% pg, = AEE 26,- 1 ©) = EB 9,248 Q.40 Ahomogeneous dielectric ¢ = 2.5) fils region? (<0) while region 2(x > 0) is free space. ITD, = 12a, - 10 a, + 4a, nC/m®, find O, and where @, is angle made between D, and the surface. Two dielectric media with primitvities 3 and J are separated by a charge-free boundary as shown in figure. The electric field intensity in medium 1 at point P, has magnitude €, and makes an angle a, = 60° with the normal. The direction of the electric field intensity at point aati Py ay is ande will be (a) 0.506 V (b) 5.06V (c) 50.6V (@) S06v Inthe diagram shown above Q.39 The three values of a one-dimensional potential | 3 (@) E,>6, (©) &=& function @ shown in the given figure and | 2 ©) &<& (d) None of these satisfying Laplace equation arerelatedas | 8 mADE EASY ©copyright) eae ee eee mADE Enso Workbook | 55 Q.43 A point charge +Qis brought near a comer of @o ‘wo right angle conducting planes which are at | 6, | Zero potential as shown in the given Figure I. | © (0) > away from the plate Which one of the foll 7 Rg tered lowing configurations | 5 describes the total effect of the charges for |= (¢) > towards the plate Calculating the actual eld inthe frst quadrant? | tox ed! 3] @ {gk pronase 2 | Q.45 Agrounded conductor as shown below has a Q z charge at the centre of the curvature. 3 we i @ 2 0. +0 2 Find the image position due to induction on the i D iB conductor. °. o+0 3 | 0.46 A point charge ‘q’is situated at a distance ‘a 8 a fromthe centre ofa grounded conducting sphere of radius ‘A’ (a> FR). The value of the image © =] charge sa, ata distance from the cent I The quantities ‘a,’ and ‘will be respectively o. +0 2 (@) (Rid) qand Fld G ° g (0) Id) gand o*/R i (©) (Rid) qand Rid 7 +40 g (6) (Rd) qand oR ® ‘ 2 | a.47 The olectic field strength at cistant point, P, due | © el to a point charge, +9, located at the origin, is | 7 100,1Vimn. Ifthe point charge ismow enclosed by | 8 perfectly conducting metal sheet sphere whose | 2] contrisatneorign.thenthe elect els stength | e atthe point, P, outside the sphere, becomes seo (@ ze (0) 100pvIm h (©) -100nWim —(d) SOpVIm @ 0.48 W, isthe electrostatic energy storedin a system ] of three equal point charges arranged in a line z with 0.5 m separation between them. If Wis aoe sf 7 the eneray stored with 1/4 m separation between 5 two charges and 2m separation between other 0.44 Theforce on apoint charge +gkeptata distance | 2 two, then which one of the following is correct? dfrom the surface ofan infinite grounded metal | * (2) Wy=0.5 Wy (b) Wy= 1.01 plate in a medium of permittivity € is © m=2W, (@) W=4W, MADE EASY ~ wvvumadeeasypublcatons.o ) “4 ar | 56 Electrical Engineering Electromagnetic Theory MADE EASY | faa) Numerical Data Type " | = Questions — Q.49 Gienanelecticalfed D= ry a, + ya, +124, ; The value of the fux crossing O MADE EASY Publications 7, Ina certain material, at a frequency 90 GHz, the magnitudes of conduction current density and displacement current densities are equal Ifthe medium has conductivity of 10 (Q-m)-1, the relative permittivity of the medium is_ [Ans : 2] 8. A nonmagnetic medium has an intrinsic impedance 240|30%. If the complex permittivity of the medium is given by €,= (r+) x 10-7 Fim, then what are values of x, y respectively? [Ans : 10.91, -18.9] ied ON WI0G NON SUOHESNANG ASV SOYA 1 eNew 1DaTaNS WIBUAGOO © jo paanparday aa Feu 4000 Fi Taio} Aue wpm 7o[eejaod wali Ba MADE EASY von madeeasypblicatonsora) Static Magnetic Fields Multiple Choice Questions Q.1 Asteady current lis flowing in the -x direction through each of two infinitely long wires at L Y= #3 as showninthe figure. The permeability of the medium is ig. The B-field at (0, L, 0) is ‘il @ - ) +3 (©) 0 O) em Q.2. Two infinitely long wires carrying current are as shown in the figure below. One wire isin the y-z plane and parallel to the y-axis. The other wire is in the x-y plane and parallel to the x-axis. Which components of the resulting magnetic field are non-zero at the origin? 75 WOOD (oraadeesypubli ionsorg MADE EASY (©) y.zcomponents (d) x, zcomponents Which of the following surfaces have a zero flux crossing due to acu z-axis? (@) x=0, 2 4 2 kwebertm? aiAl (a) 3 weber? (p) 3-7 Alm ae (o) 5 harm (d) OAm ©Copyright jeojang ASV SOvH 61 lonBW IDaTaTNS WOTIGSD 3 mADE EASY Workbook | 59 .10 A solid cyclindrical conductor of radius “A” carrying a current ‘7’ has a uniform current density. Calculate the magnetic field intensity 'H inside the conductor at the radial distance (rR). Ir @ ae © IR i © 52 © xa Q.14 Current density (J), in cylindrical co-ordinate system is given as Jr, 0 2)=OforO 0). the magnetic field in Region-1 at x=0" is ‘ynwwmadeeasypublications org a ypalans WeuGoO © 7 paar para) may Ae Or ‘Uorse ved WoT Ou "MADE ERSH MADE EASY 34, +304, Aim, the magnetic field in Region-2 atx = 0 is > O(Region-2):t,, = 20, (by A, =30, +304, - 100, Alm (c) A, =1.50, +400, Alm (a) H,=36, +2064, +100, Alm Q.18 The magnetic field on either sides ‘of two materials are A,=144,-54,+214, and A = 38, - 34, + 34,. The boundary is parallel to one of the co-ordinate axis. Which of the following statements are true? (a) The boundary is not having surface. (b) The boundary is having surface current. {c) The boundary has to be specified to identiy surface current, (d) Thenormal and tangential components have to be known to identify surtace current. Numerical Data Type Questions 0.19 The magnitude of magnetic flux density (B) in micro Teslas (17), at the centre of a loop of wire wound as a regular hexagon of side length 1m carrying a current (J = 1 A) and placed in vacumm as shown in the figure is (Give the answer up to two decimal places.) pe EASY a ble rectangular loop and an infinite straight aoe teatrying wire are shown in the given ai ifthe net flux through the loop is zero, ie the value of bis Th i @ 2 w § © Jac (a) y(e-b)(b-a) [Ans. (c)] Tenew 1oelang WaBuAdoo © c HON “suONeOTGRa ASWS SOWA O10 jinn 79 paanpaides 0@ Kei 7009 Sua }O VEEN WIG MON ‘orssiwied vain ew Wrowim wa) hue Ui Pasian 70 paanB: T2. Three equal positive changes are located at the Corners of the square as shown below. The field at C due to A, B, D due to B alone is 80020. The resultant field due to combination of all three chargesis vw Multiple Choice Questions Q.1. A varying magnetic flux linking a coil is given Hattime by¢ pe is 9V, then the value of 2 is (@) zero (b) 1 Wo/s? (c) -1 Wojs? (d) 9 Wis? ite 'a Q2 Ifthe electric field B= and e=4¢,; then the displacement current carrying an area of 0.1 m? at f= 0 will be (@) zero (0) 004¢, (©) O4e, (d) 4e, Q.3 Astraight current carrying conductor and two conducting loops A and Bare shown in the given figure. If the current in the straight wire is decreasing the induced currents in the two types. “A* and “B” will be @ (a) clockwise in both Aand B (b) anticlockwise in both Aand B (6) anticlockwise in A and clockwise in B (d) clockwise in A and anticlockwise in B 0.4 Aparallel plate aicflled capacitor has plate area of 10-4 m? and plate separation of 10 #1n. Ii connected to a 0.5 V, 3.6 GHz source. The magnitude of the displacement current is (6, = 1/36n x 10-° Fim) (@) 10mA (b) 100mA (2) 10A (a) 1.59mA ‘ 3, the emf induced Time Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equations Q.5 Twoconducting coils 1 and 2 (identical except that 2s split) are placed in a uniform magnetic. ala congtant rate as in which decre the figure. Hf the planes of the coils are perpendicular to the field lines, the following statements are mado 4, an end. is induced in the split coll 2 o.rnfs are induced in both coils 3. equal Joule heating occurs in both coils 4, Joule heating does not occur in any coil Which of the above rue? (a) Vanda (c) 3only (d) 2only Q.6 Aloop is rotating about the y-axis ina magnetic ficld B= B, cos(wt +-9)4,7. The voltage in the loop is (a) zero (b) due torotation only (6) ducto transformer action only (8) due to both rotation and transformer action Numerical Data Type Questions Q.7 Acircular turn of radius 1 m evolves at 60 rpm about its diamoter aligned with the xaxis shown in the figure. The value of ig is rex 107 in SI unit, Ifa uniform magnetic field intensity Fi = 10"2 Alm isapplied, them the peak value if the induced voltage, ¥,,,, (in Volts), is mabe EASY ee Publication a8 zi t" Consider a one-urn rectangular loop of wire placed in a uniform magnetic field as shown in the figure. The plane of the loop is perpendicular to the field lines, The resistance of the loop is 0.4 9, and its inductance is negigible. The magnetic flux density (in Testa) is a function of time, and is given by B(t) = 0.25 sinaot, where w = 2n x 50 radian) second. The power absorbed (in Walt) by the loop from the magnetic field is Geni oi onED Deas “Gay fue w posinin 76 peanperdss 04 Few We0q si OEE EN TSG MAN SUOHEDIGNS ASYS 5 im Buy RO Tossed val ag Workbook | 63 A rotating conductor of 1 m length is placed in a.radially outward (about the z-azis) magnetic {lux density (B) of 1 Testa as shown in figure below. Conductor is parallel to and at 1m. distance from the z-azis, The speed of the Conductor in .p.m, required to induce a voltage of 1 V across it, should be SEE She ene

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