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om Wok WI7} 2 21 Zoi, we 12127 OM SHO U7} et EIA PA eIO1A? om U, SAI PAO] Cl OM WEIS. WI think t's raining outside. Really? It didn't rain in the moming. Don’t you ‘have an umbrola? No, please let me borrow an umbrela f you. ‘have an extra one. {In this situation, the woman does not have an umbrela ‘and is trying to borrow one from the man. Since she ‘ays it is raining outside, the two are obviously indoors. Therefore the answor is @. wn OM OMe. FOB 2 1 SHON eek 2 OWN EDI EI BER 8428 70, cot #2 MONG, 38 RALOKE SAEIAIS G01? so el Bol 7A AIO! SOL 7A eo AE: 348 BOWL W "Is there any special place to ido a bike? How about joining a bike club? | think you wil 'be able to lear some good places for cycing. W That's a good idea. Do you know any clubs? ML know a senior who is a member of one. I'l ask tim forthe website address. When the man tls the woman to join a bike club, she asks him to recommend a club ithe knows one. tis ‘Probable that she will join the club when he gets the Club's website address for her. The best answer is @. Answer © describes the man's next action. 10 x oh oft tel eat et 187 ont AS BB 7D HAA + 7/201 UF YOU. swe SAHA 271 9 OLR. BAL BIOTA thet ‘gona. 1 om WL? BOIS UIE BOI WIOHZIOLS. 1” Jeong-ah, why aren't you going on the overseas training program this time? WT realy would like to, but the training period is. too long. M_ There is a 3-month short-term training program too. Check it out on our corporate website. Really? | had no idea I'l check t outright away. ‘The woman was giving up on the overseas training ‘program because she thought the training period was ‘00 long. After hearing the man's words, she will check the information on the short-torm taining program. @ is the best answer oon O| S17} ELAR TANS MAIZE UI + SI mR? wn Me SDDE AM B SEAMS OM} Beto A ae oo Of Het alON RHE ECA BHLIAIION2| EIXI oF gana. ven sale als Be Of ofa CHA zB I "This chair is made of plastic. Do you think Ican throw it out as recyclable waste? Wel 'm not sure because it's big. Why don't {You call the janitor’ office later? © [called them a while ago. But no one answered. | guess perhaps because it's lunchtime. Then why don't we go to lunch now, and you ‘can make a call again afterward? ‘The woman called the janitors office to ask it hr chair uals as recytable wast, but noone anwered because itis unchtime. The man advises her to make a cal ogain after having lunch, co the best answer's @. 1 o rn~, 01 MINE 30 HEA OIC} RE? we 0| BH OPIE! sO 017101 HOLS. SIEAAO aa i coe SIRS Ua HOLS W 4 Ue CB MIE ILE? vee CH sta SARIN ABI 2 OTOL EA APA 7 aUC, W” Excuse me. tke to find this report. Where is wv This san old thesis, so tis not her. You should earch frit on the internat Is there any way can S00 tin print (it. paped, rot online? You can request to lend it from a brary at another univers. Heres a book request form. ‘The report the woman tries to find is an old thesis. The ‘man explains that to view it in print, she has to make a GD ae cay Tomra GED 49

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