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Submitted By

Bilal Pervaiz

Section: C

Course: Ethical issues in psychology

Submitted To

Ma’an Zainab Asif

Date :12 March, 2023

Question no 1

What are the common ethical issues in assessment?

● Bases for assessment

● Use of assessment

● Informed consent in assessment

● Release of test data

● Test construction

● Interpreting assessment results

● Assessment by unqualified person

● Obsolete test and outdated test results

● Test scoring and interpretation services

● Explaining test results

● Maintaining test security

Question no 2

How do psychologists resolve ethical issues according to ethical principles of psychologists

and code of conduct?

Psychologists typically resolve ethical issues by referring to the Ethical Principles of

Psychologists and Code of Conduct (EPPCC). This code outlines five primary ethical principles
and 10 standards of conduct that are designed to guide psychologists in their professional
practice. The five primary ethical principles include:
1. Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity
2. Responsible Caring
3. Integrity in Professional Relationships
4. Responsible Use of and Take Care with Confidential Information
5. Social Responsibility

The 10 standards of conduct include:

1. Competence
2. Human Relations
3. Privacy and Confidentiality
4. Advertising and Other Public Statements
5. Record Keeping and Fees
6. Education and Training
7. Research and Publication
8. Assessment
9. Therapy
10. Professional Responsibilities to Colleagues

By referring to the EPPCC, psychologists can evaluate ethical dilemmas and compare
their decisions to the code to ensure that their decisions are in line with professional standards.

Question no 3

Inform consent for assessment

I, _________________________________, hereby give my informed consent to

participate in an assessment conducted by ___________.

I understand that the purpose of the assessment is to evaluate my skills and abilities and
to provide feedback on my performance. I understand that my participation in the assessment
is voluntary and that I can withdraw my consent at any time.
I understand that the assessment will involve a series of tests, questionnaires, and/or
interviews, as determined by the assessor. I further understand that the results of the
assessment are confidential and that I will receive feedback at the end of the assessment in the
form of a report.

I understand that the results of the assessment may be used to make decisions
regarding my future, such as job placement or educational placement, and I agree to release
the results to those making such decisions.

I understand that I may experience some discomfort or distress during the assessment process.
However, I am aware that the assessment is conducted in a professional manner and that I can
contact the assessor at any time to discuss any concerns I may have.

I have read and understood the above information and hereby give my consent to participate in
the assessment.

Signed ____________________________

Date ______________________________

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