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Assignment No.:
Assignment Cover Sheet

Student Information (For group assignment, please state

names of all members)

Name: Ngo Le Hoai Anh ID: E2200019

Module/Subject Information

Module/Subject Code MKT306


Lecturer/Tutor/ KIMBERLEY YEOH


Due Date 06/03/2023

Assignment Title/Topic

Intake (where

Word Count Date/Time


. I/We have read and understood the Programmed Handbook that explains on plagiarism, and I/we
testify that, unless otherwise acknowledged, the work submitted herein is entirely my/our own.

. I/We declare that no part of this assignment has been written for me/us by any other person(s)
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. I/We authorize the University to test any work submitted by me/us, using text comparison
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Note:1) The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will be
deemed to have the same authority as a signed statement.
2) The Group Leader signs the declaration on behalf of all members.

Signature: Ngo Le Hoai Anh Date:06/03/2023

Main Strengths

Main Weaknesses

Suggestions for improvement

Student acknowledge feedback/comments

Student’s signature:
Grader’s signature

Date: Date:


1) A soft and hard copy of the assignment shall be submitted.

2) The signed copy of the assignment cover sheet shall be retained by the marker.
3) If the Turnitin report is required, students have to submit it with the assignment.
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marked upon the submission of the Turnitin report.
*Use additional sheets if required.


Question 1:

Service is any activity or benefit that one party can provide to another that is essentially
intangible and does not result in ownership of anything. Services do not always emerge from
physical products. When someone rents a hotel room, puts money in the bank, takes a plane,
goes to the doctor, gets a haircut, gets a car repaired, watches a professional sport, watches a
movie, and gets advice from a lawyer, that person buys a service. When designing marketing
programs, a company must consider the characteristics of the service. Four characteristics of
service are: intangibility, inseparability, variability and perishability.

The first service feature: Intangibility – Services Cannot Be Felt Before Buying. Services are
intangible in nature. That means services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard or smelled before
they are purchased.

For example, an airline passenger has only one ticket and the promise of a safe and
comfortable journey. When buyers care about service quality, service providers must add
tangible aspects. Location, price, equipment and communication materials must represent the
quality of service as announced by the service provider.

The second service feature: Inseparability – Services Are Generated and Consumed Together.
Inseparability is a major characteristic of services. It means that services are generated and
consumed simultaneously and can not be separated from their providers, whether they are
people or machines.

As the customer remains present as the service is produced, provider¬ customer interaction is
important in services marketing. The result of services is affected by both the provider and the

The third service feature: Variability – Service Quality Never Stay The Same. Variability is
another important characteristic of services, which means that their quality may vary greatly,
depending on who provides them and when, where, and how they are provided.

For example, the Muong Thanh hotel has a reputation for providing better service than
others. One employee may be cheerful and efficient within a particular Muong Thanh hotel,
while another may be unpleasant and slower. Even the quality of a single Muong Thanh
employee's service varies according to his or her energy and the state of mind at the time of
each customer dealing.

The last one feature: Perishability – Services Cannot Be Stored. Services are perishable,
which means that services can not be stored for later sale or use. A ticket for the evening show
of a movie can't be used for watching the night show. The perishability of services has
important implications for service providers. In the case of steady demand, perishability is not
a problem. But where demand fluctuates, service providers face adjustment problems.

For example, public transportation companies have to own much more equipment then they
would as demand is not ever throughout the day. Service providers can several steps to make
better demand-supply adjustments.

Services play an increasingly important role in society in general and economies in particular.
Especially with the era of globalized society, services are developed not only in the country
but also abroad. To be able to do well in the service industry, we need to understand the
characteristics of this industry.

Question 2:

A service consists of two product elements to perform its function. The two product elements
are facilitating supplementary services and enhancing supplementary services . Facilitating
supplementary services is the set of core benefits and solutions offered to the customer while
complementary services are the service-related activities that surround the core product. In
addition, additional services are classified with support and enhancement services into eight
elements. Support services include information, order taking, invoicing and payment, but
advanced services include advice, hospitality, safekeeping, and exceptions.

For the facilitating supplementary services , information plays a very important part so that
the service quality can achieve the desired value. To get full value from any service

experience, customers need relevant information New and potential customers are especially
hungry for information. Customer needs may include directions to the physical location where
the product is sold (or details on how to order by phone or the Web), hours of service, pricing,
and instructions for use. Additional information, sometimes required by law, may include
conditions of sale and use, warnings, reminders and notices of changes.

Finally, customers may want documentation of what happened, such as booking

confirmations, receipts and tickets, and monthly account activity summaries. Companies
should ensure that the information they provide is both timely and accurate; otherwise, the
customer may be annoyed or inconvenienced. Traditional ways of providing information to
customers include the use of frontline staff (who are not always as well informed as the
customer would like), printed notices, and promotional materials. and manuals.

Payment is also one of the indispensable elements in the facilitating supplementary services .
This is common to almost all services (unless the service is offered for free). Incorrect, hard to
read, or incomplete invoices run the risk of disappointing customers who may have been quite
satisfied with their experience up to that point. Such failures add to the pain if the customer is
already dissatisfied. Payment procedures range from verbal statements to machine display
prices and from handwritten invoices to detailed monthly reports of account activity and fees.

Customers often expect invoices to be clear, informative, and itemized in a way that makes it
clear how the total is calculated. Unexplained or confusing charges do not give a good
impression of a supplier. Also no blurry printing or hard-to-read handwriting. Laser printers,
with the ability to convert fonts and typefaces, to boxes and highlighters, can create sentences
that are not only easier to read, but also organize information in more useful ways.

For additional services, hotel-related services should reflect the joy of meeting new customers
and welcoming old customers when they return. Companies like Wal-Mart take this concept
literally, assigning a specific employee in each store to greet customers as they enter. Well-
managed businesses strive to ensure that their employees treat customers like guests.
Politeness and attention to customer needs apply to both face-to-face meetings and phone

Hospitality is on full display in face-to-face meetings. In some cases, it begins with offering
transportation to and from the service location, such as with a free shuttle bus. If a customer
has to wait outdoors before service can be delivered, an attentive service provider will provide
weather protection.

When customers use the service, preservation is always a matter of great concern. When
visiting a service website, customers often want assistance with their personal property. In
fact, unless certain security services are provided (like a safe and convenient parking space for
them), some customers may not come. The list of potential safety guard services in place is
long. It includes: provision of coat changing rooms; baggage transportation, handling and
storage; preserving valuables; and even child and pet care Additional safekeeping services
geared toward physical products purchased or rented by customers. These include packing,
receiving and shipping, assembly, installation, tilting and inspection. Sometimes there is a fee
for these services.

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