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Influences of World War 1

By : Maggie Baird (the one and only)

Boom, crash, imagine you have a 35-pound gun on your back while you are racing through trenches of mud.
Explosions and gunfire all around your run to safety. Both World Wars had a dramatic effect on society. Many events
during WW1 influenced the actions of WW2. Although WW1 was 21 years before WW2, WW1 influenced the events that
took place in the second war because of the economic decline, religion, and rise of conflict.
To start off the economic struggle influenced WW2 in many ways. One
way is The Great depression. The Great Depression was worldwide. It lasted
10 years, and the year it ended WW2 began. Since the decline, the Nazis
blamed the Jewish people. This left Germans to lose jobs and starve. This
led to the invasion of Poland in 1939. Another way is that the Germans
lost big industries such as coal and metal. This caused them to lose jobs
and starve. You may say that the Germans were just trying to feed their
families, but really Hitler was just trying to make it appear that way.

Pictured above: Soldiers in

uniform in front of a bunker
Pictured right: Soldiers sheltering from gunfire

Additionally, another way that WW1 influenced WW2 is religion.

What Religion people were was being discriminated against at every left or
right turn. Especially during WW2, Jewish people were discriminated against
and persecuted just because they believed something other people didn’t.
Hitler changed the way people thought just because he blamed Jewish
people for the loss of the war. He blamed them for everything that had
happened to Germany. During WW1 difference in religion wasn't the reason for the war ,but in WW2 it was. The one reason
that WW2 happened is because Hitler blamed Jewish people for the loss and the economy crashing. It is true that Hitler
wanted to be powerful, but he also blamed Jewish people for the loss of the war.
Finally, the last reason that WW1 influenced WW2 is the rise in conflict. A reason that
WW2 started is because of the end of WW1. The Treaty of Versailles was poorly
designed, the Germans had no choice because it was basically Germans vs. everyone else.
The allies wanted compensation for Germany’s destruction, the Germans did not have a
choice so eventually it broke Germany. It also hurt Germany because they lost all
oversea colonies to Britain so that they lost a lot of income.They also had to give up
their right to the countries they took over. They lost everything so in an attempt to
gain it back they did awful things. Although some may say Germans had good
intentions,the Nazis still did awful things.
Pictured above: Soldiers on their way to battle
In Conclusion, WW1 was the cause of WW2 because of the economic decline in battle.Germany, religion, and the
rise in conflict in the second world war. We need to educate ourselves on these topics so history doesn't repeat itself.
Today go and read and learn as much as you can, educaute yourself.

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