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Direction: Read the following passages or literary texts carefully and identify the literary

approach being employed in each. Choose the best answer from the options provided.
1. "The working class will be victorious!"
a) Marxist
b) Feminist
c) Naturalist
d) Historical Criticism
2."The men were all-powerful, while the women were relegated to the background, their lives
governed by the whims of their husbands."
a) Feminist
b) Naturalist
c) Marxist
d) Reader-Response Criticism
3."The city was a throbbing organism, its streets and buildings pulsing with life, while the
country was a stagnant wasteland, devoid of energy and vitality."
a) Marxist
b) Historical
c) Naturalist
d) Reader-Response Criticism
4. "The author's use of vivid imagery and sensory details creates a powerful emotional
impact on the reader, drawing them into the world of the story."
a) Feminist
b) Reader-Response Criticism
c) Naturalist
d) Marxist
5. "The text reflects the political and social upheavals of the time it was written in, and serves
as a window into the concerns and anxieties of that era."
a) Reader-Response Criticism
b) Naturalist
c) Moralist
d) Historical
6. "The novel portrays the natural world as harsh and unforgiving, with survival being the
ultimate goal and the only measure of success."
a) Marxist
b) Feminist
c) Naturalist
d) Historical Criticism
7. "The story centers around a group of women who are oppressed and marginalized by
society, but who ultimately find strength in their solidarity and in their shared struggle for
a) Moralist
b) Feminist
c) Naturalist
d) Marxist
8."The author's use of language and imagery is deconstructive, breaking down traditional
binaries and revealing the complexity and fluidity of identity."
a) Marxist
b) Feminist
c) Naturalist
d) Reader-Response Criticism
9."The text explores the ways in which individuals are shaped by their cultural and historical
contexts and the ways in which they resist or conform to dominant cultural norms."
a) Marxist
b) Formalist
c) Naturalist
d) Historical Criticism
10. "The story invites readers to engage with the text and to bring their own experiences and
perspectives to the reading, making meaning in a collaborative and dynamic process."
a) Marxist
b) Feminist
c) Reader-Response Criticism
d) Historical Criticism

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