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A proverb ayurveda says "When food is bad, medicine doesn't work but when food is good,

medicine is not necessary"

We are going to talk to you about that It is not good to frequently consume fast food, we have
seen that generally when people buy ready-made food, it is almost always junk food and this
affects their health without them realizing it.

Many times we do not understand or do not stop to find out if the food and drinks we eat are
healthy or not, nor do we pay attention to whether the components they contain can be harmful
to our health. This lack of information can be devastating when it comes to junk food.

Despite fast food being the most popular choice for its taste it has so many unhealthy reasons to
not be considered part of a planned meal.
One of the most important reasons why fast food is bad is because it can lead to malnutrition and
that can lead to many illnesses such as digestion problems, anemia, diarrhea, and depression.

Another reason is that fast food is high in calories, salt, and sugar. In the case of calories, for
example, a burger can have more than 700 calories, in average a person consumes 2000
calories a day which means that just the burger almost represents half of the daily consumption.
Eating meals with too much salt or sugar can lead to cardiovascular diseases such as blood
pressure, inflammation, diabetes, and obesity. When you eat these foods your digestive system
breaks down these foods, and the carbs are released as glucose (sugar) into your bloodstream,
as a result, your blood sugar increases.
More healthy issues come as a result of obesity such as respiratory problems, including asthma
or shortness of breath.

In short, we understand that consuming instant food in one form or another is becoming more
common due to the pace of life we ​lead and while it does not pose much of a risk if consumed
infrequently, there is no doubt that it is harmful to the body. once regularly added to the diet;
Because many are unaware of the direct consequences of eating instant foods regularly, since
these kind of food do not provide any nutritional value, but do provide calories, sucrose,
unhealthy fats, and other anti-nutrients. So if you want to eat healthily, you should keep in mind
that you have to eat this type of food with caution.

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