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Lesson Publishing an ICT Project

What’s In

In the previous lesson, we have learned that there are four stages involve in ICT
Project Process which are planning, development, release and promotion, and
maintenance. In the planning stage, the task involve are conceptualizing your
project, researching your topic, setting deadlines and meetings, assigning people to
their task, finding a web host, creating a site map, listing all the applications
needed including web apps, and funding. The development stage involves the
actual creation of the website, production of images, and infographics. The Release
and promotion stage involve the actual release of the website for public viewing and
promotion. The last stage is maintenance which involves feedbacking and updating
the website.
What is It

What is an online platform?

Online platform is a base of technologies designed to run within an online
environment and provides interactive online services. The different online
platforms that can be used to upload and publish ICT project are the following:

File Manager – It is an uploading tool web interface that allows users to manage
their files and folders.
a. Google Drive – is a service offered by Google that allows you to store and
share files online.
b. Dropbox - is a personal cloud storage service (sometimes referred to as
an online backup service) that is frequently used for file sharing and

Website Management– It is an integrated set of tools that allows teams to create,

design, develop, launch, manage, administer, and monitor website contents. A
web management system that handles content as well is Web Content
Management System (WCMC). It is a specific kind of Content Management
System (CMS) that provides website authoring, collaboration, and
administration tools that help users with little knowledge of web programming
languages or markup languages create and manage website content. A content
management system (CMS) is an application that is used to manage web
content, allowing multiple contributors to create, edit and publish web content.

a. WordPress – Is a free and open-source content management system (CMS)

based on PHP and MySQL.
b. Drupal – A free and open-source content- management framework
written in PHP and distributed under the GNU general public license.
c. Joomla – Is a free and open -source content management system (CMS)
for publishing web content. Joomla is written in PHP, uses object-
oriented programming (OOP) techniques.

Social Media – are websites and applications that enable users to create and
share content or to participate in social networking. Through social media you
can increase the exposure of your website or blogs to bring in visitors.

a. Social Networks – These are sites which allow you to connect with
other people. Once a user creates his or her account, he or she can set
up a profile, add people, create groups, and share content.
 Facebook
 Google+
 Twitter
b. Media sharing - These are sites that allow you to upload and share media
content like images, music, and video. Most of these sites have some
additional social features like liking, commenting, and having user
 YouTube
 Flickr
 Instagram
c. Bookmarking sites – These are sites that allow you to store and manage
links to various websites and resources.
 Pinterest

Promotion, Traction and Traffic Monitoring

Website Promotion is the process of increasing exposure of a website to bring in
visitors. Various techniques such Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Web
Content Development are being used to increase website traffic. The following are
several ways to gain traffic:

1. Use Interactive Multimedia

2. Use Various Online Tools
3. Use Images
4. Use blog
5. Collaborate Online
6. Update

Traction Tools for Validation and Feedbacks

1. LinkedIn - is a social networking site designed specifically for the
business community. The goal of the site is to allow registered members
to establish and document networks of people they know and trust

2. Google AdWords - is an advertising service by Google for businesses

wanting to display ads on Google and its advertising network.

3. Reddit - is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and

discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such
as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by
other members.

4. Facebook ads are purchased on an auction basis, where advertisers are

charged based on either clicks, impressions or actions.

Web Analytics

Web analytics is the process of collecting, reporting, and analysing website

data. It provides insights that can be used to provide users a better experience
when visiting a website. Analytics platforms or tools are used to measure activity
and behavior on a website. For example, it measures the number of users visited a
website, how long the users stay, how many pages they visited and whether they
follow a link or not.

Web Analytics Tools or Platforms

1. Google Analytics – It provides real-time statistics and analysis of user

interaction with the website. It enables website owners to analyze their
visitors, with the objective of interpreting and optimizing website’s
performance. It can also track all forms of digital media and web
destinations, advertisements, e-mail and integrates with other Google

2. Facebook Analytics – With Facebook analytics you can see the ways to
take action right away. It creates the overview dashboard where you can see
the number of new users, the number of unique users, and the percentage of
people who return to your site.

Facebook Page Statistics

 Overview – contains the summary of statistics about your page.

 Post Reach – gives you more insights on which recent post reached
the most people.
 Organic Reach – your posts seen through the page’s wall, shares by
users, and newsfeed.
 Paid Reach – your posts seen through paid ads.
 Post Clicks – number of clicks done to your posts.
 Likes, Comments, and Shares – actual interaction done by your
audience either though liking the post, commenting on it, or sharing
it on their walls.
 Page Visits – contains data of the number of times your page tabs
are visited.
 People – contains statistics about your audience’s demographics
(age, gender, income, location, gender, and language,).

2. Clicktale – It allows you to know how your customers or visitors are

interacting with your site and you can literally view exactly what
interactions they have had with your site.

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