Intoduction To Financial Accounts

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, Ge Fyems Semi Regular, ey "2.4 \ ' \\ \S* Paper / Subject Code: 81901 / Introducaton to Financial Acdbwwes Pages: 06 oS fo- 3) — 100 iar. Q.P. Code :00122 (Time: 2! Hours) [ Marks:75] Please check whether you have got the right question paper. NB; 2. All Questions are compulsory carrying 15 marks each, 2, Working notes should form part of your wherever applicable, Q.1) A) Select the correct alternative and rewrite sentence:- (ANY 8) 08 {san explanation of the entry at the end of the entry. a) Posting) Journal Entry Narration —d) Ledger Drawing a/c is a Ale a) Personal —_b) Real ©)Private ——d) Nominal Abbank Reconailiation statement is prepared to reconcile the difference in a) Only cash book b) Onlypassbook —c)cash book & passbook _d) Neither of the three é ‘Accounting standards deals with accounting for revenue recognition, a) AS) b)AS 10 o)AS6 d)AS1 Revenue expenditure is expenditure. a) Abnormal b) Recurring ©) Non-recurting 4) Wasteful Under method, depreciation is calculated on written down value, a) Scrap method b) Straight line method ) Reducing Balance _d) Fixed installment Temporary difference in triaf balance in transferred to account. a) Suspense b) Profit & Loss A/c ¢) Compensating __d) Commission Trial balance is a a) Astatement 'b) A Subsidiary book ©) An Account 4) A reconciliation Gross profit is transferred to the Alc a) Trading A/c b) Profit & Loss A/c ©) Final A/c d) None of the above, IFRS ___Deals with financial instruments. aa b)6 39 )12 1 8F802BF4CB7FB2A6268C20CFSSB28F9 8) a2) A) 8) a2) Paper / Subject Code: 81901 / Introdueaton to Finan ial Accounts. Q.P, Code :00122 Match the following (ANY 7) o7 bphinhtrinheealepeee ___-_TEeree a Se, oe 2) Machinery A/c ‘a Insurance contract 2} Journal 'b, Depreciation Accounting 3) 1FRS.4 . Debit note no 44) Purchase Return book

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