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Synopsis of Project


Project By,

“Bachelor of Business Administration in Computer Application”

Sr.N Topic Page No
1 Introduction 1

2 Overview of Project 1-2

3 Objectives :
1) Limitation of system
2) Entity Relationship Diagram

4 1) Existing System
2) Proposed System

5 Modules of Project

6 Requirement

a) Operating System:

b) Software:
1) Technology Implemented
2) Database Used
3) Browser
4) Web Server

c) Hardware:
1) Processor Name:
2) Processor Speed:
3) RAM:
4) Hard Disk Capacity:

7 Conclusion

8 Reference
1. Introduction :-

Stock Management System is a process of managing and locating

objector materials. In common usage, the term may also refer to just
the software components. According to Kotler stock management
refers to all the activities involved in developing and managing the
stock levels of raw materials, semi-finished materials and finished good
so that adequate supplies are available and the costs of over or under
stocks are low.  “The cost of maintaining stock is included in the final
price paid by the consumer. Good in stock represents a cost to their
owner. The manufacturer has the expense of materials and labor. The
wholesaler also has funds tied up”. Therefore, the basic goal of the
researchers is to maintain a level of stock that will provide optimum
stock at lowest cost.

2. Overview Of Project :-
3. Objectives :-
The project is designed to help in the management of stock. The main
objective of the new system includes:

1.  Design a computer – driven stock management system to

keep record and track materials on the basis of both quantity and

2.     To generate reports on all the activities in the store

3.      Design and develop a central database system that would serve

as store database, which will contain information on all the
available product in the store.

3.1  Limitations :
The constraints encountered during this project design include the

1.      Financial Constraints: The design was achieved but not without

some financial involvements. One had to pay for the computer time.
Also the typing and planning of the work has its own financial

2.            High programming Technique: The programming aspect of this

project posed a lot of problematic bugs that took us some days to
solve. Problems such database connections using VB and MS
Access database posed a lot of challenges.

3.            Few Literature Sources: The topic though seems to be a

common term; it is not a popular topic to surf from the Internet. It had
fewer literature sources.
3.2 E-R Diagram :-
5. Modules Of Project :-
● There are mainly 2 modules in this project :

A) User Module :
▪ Sub Modules –

1) User Registration Module

2) User Log In Module

3) Change Password Module

4) Forgot Password Module

B) Admin Module :
▪ Sub Module –

1) Admin Log In Module

2) Change Password Module

3) Forgot Password Module

4) Admin Log Out Module

6. Requirements :-
a) Operating System :

Microsoft Windows 10

b) Software Requirements :

1) Technology Implemented – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP,

2) Database Used – MySQL

3) Browser – Chrome

4) Web Server - Wamp

c) Hardware Requirements :

1) Processor Name –

2) Processor Speed –

3) RAM – 8.00 GB

4) Hard Disk Capacity –

7. Conclusion :-
8. References :-

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