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Be a passionate English learner IN English’ House Contents A letter from English House 5 rules to master English Dos and Don'ts Listen! Book recommendations YouTube channel recommendations Movie recommendations Vocabulary you must know Verbs to master English aS House N OD nm WwW wo 11 12 17 A letter from English House Dear Learner, Remember that time when you ardently wanted something and were ready to do anything for it? like a trip you've always wanted to take? You were ready to save enough money for the trip in any possible way you could, and you kept on searching for affordable ways to make the trip happen, from travel to staying to food. You took your time and read everything you got your hands on about the place. Remember how you never felt tired or exhausted even after constantly thinking and researching about it? That's because you were passionate about that trip; you wanted it more than anything in your life. Being passionate about something can actually make all the difference. Whether it be saving up for a trip or learning a new language, what matters is the yearning for it. The rest will find a way. Our motto at English House is to make you a passionate learner of the language. Learning a language is an organic process and is not just about learning a few words or some basic tricks. A language is the most important medium for any communication, and mastering a language is like learning a life skill. English House offers you a course where you can learn English as part of your daily life, not as a hurdle you must overcome. This will enable you to be a lifelong learner who can keep on improving and adapting to the changes in the language. So, secure your future with English House. Just send us a "Hi" on WhatsApp. Regards, English House Family 5 Rules to master English Be a passionate learner Build confidence Tice MLO ATLL ULM Clare |UrcLe[-) Practice speaking @ RF Te aa Male ln VolRe ks} [Sacto | CEs Eee [Precis apealeng te CG Dos and Don'ts Don’t Worry too much Listen More. about making Mistakes. Use every opportunity to communicate in English- Don’t try to byheart the let your daily conversations be meaning of countless words. in English. Don't think too much about grammar - all you need is a proper foundation in grammar. Watch/listen to your favourite content in English. Don't set unrealistic expectations for yourself - It Learn the right vocabulary. Ree eto Rectan Language. Have the right kind of Attitude towards learning a Don't stop practicing English language - it is a tool to once you're done with the express rather than a tool to course, impress. LU Listen ! Do you hear music or listen to music? Do you hear or listen to the chirping of birds? What's the big difference, right? Hearing and listening are interchangeably used but are not synonyms. Most of us probably hear our classes and don't listen to them. Let's take a closer look at what makes listening, a more advanced method of re- ceiving information. Listening is an active process, while hearing is passive Hearing is a natural process that happens all the time but doesn't necessarily transfer any vital information to our brains. Listening on the other hand is an essen- tial aspect of communication. It helps in building rela- tionships, understanding and resolving conflicts and improving accuracy. For example, if we are in a class or a meeting, we should be able to understand the purpose of it, what our role is, and what the key takeaways are and so on. Most of what we learn, we learn by listening. Especially when it comes to language. Ever wondered how we are naturally good in our mother tongue? So what should you listen to, to make learning English more effective and interesting? It's always best to listen to something that stimulates your brain, some- thing you like, something that will naturally shift hear- ing to listening. That will encourage you to listen more and thereby keep you perseverant. Whatever you listen to, remember that consistency is key. If you're interest- ed in films, you could start watching films or interviews with your favorite actors. When you constantly prac- tice active listening, your brain will get acquainted with the process, this will naturally enhance your vocabu- lary, and it will reflect in your conversations. This, in turn, will boost your confidence as you become more fluent in the language. So remember, Effective Com- munication requires Active Listening. Here are some book recommendations from w&- English House, fe Black Beauty - Anna Sewell The Alchemist ~ Paulo Coelho The White Tiger - Aravind Adiga The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini Ladies coupe - Anita Nair The Book Thief - Markus Zusak Anne of Green Gables - LM. Montgomery Tinkle (comic book) Reader’s Digest Goosebumps - RL. Stine The Hardy Boys - Franklin W. Dixon Nancy Drew - Carolyn Keene The Famous Five - Enid Blyton The Secret Seven - Enid Blyton The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - Benjamin Franklin The Story of My Life - Helen Keller Wings of Fire - A.PJ. Abdul Kalam Who will cry when You Die R.K. Narayan - Robin Sharma Atomic Habits SUC DalULL - James Clear Ruskin Bond Here are some YouTube channels you can check out, Videos of Muniba Mazari TEDx Talks English speeches Income Mindset English Speaking Success Let's talk. Watch these movies, Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Harry Potter Forrest Gump (1994) Avengers Eternal Sunshine of the Chronicles of Narnia Spotless Mind (2004) ron m The Pursuit of Happyness Pirates of the Caribbean (2006) La La Land (2016) Fast and furious Into The Wild (2007) Lord of the Rings Ice Age (series) Tangled (2010) Moana (2016) Croods (2013) Vocabulary you must know 1. The refugees had to abandon their homes. GHewWIdMAaAvd86 GeAaZgAs AisZaUd aeaaAzeancne nice. 2. We looked at him with great admiration. AMEVBUD GRUAM GAS @HBECANS YS CMNI66N. 3. You have a whole life ahead of you. MlensUdk) B03 AANMAIo AIV3MUN Milenswaas mamilegens. 4. My brother always annoys me to let him play games on my phone. AMMAN BaNIENGd ANU ASBIAAIND BOMZAUAGGAIMION agQany GOMWMM aG/SAIYZo oH ANN VEJ\o AaIM)Zo. 5. The visuals in the movie amazed me. MIMAaMAL B\LATBUd oMQann CAMEIMAUSZ@O. 6. | aspired to become an actor. OZ MSM GAIN 6MIM eMIaMMlaJ2. 7. He scorns everyone who earns less than him. MOCMAHNIBZo ZN9j TUMIG GAM G1HBZAEBIS Growsuvd66) aljgjaoen. 8. He was boasting about his time in military service. ASISOONG Gs23EN HaAWMMlegmM MaweaMesenglls} Geeensd AaHNeBgIo alNWZewIaNegzem2. 9. He was arrested for receiving bribe. AAHAAZe! MeTBlWeay Grom) aaIWM3. 10. He is cautious about his health. CHAIN CRUOGM) CHOIVjJOTMBAZM 4g] 222 aygerdmmams. 12 11. I'm feeling very cheerful today. amInd aon) GamMlaIwM aswuiInanmslenan. 12. The flood victims will be compensated for their loss. ANBLAMBGOOOIN MEWIWNIbAEY Maal@anI@o Mmbchgemeneni. 13. It is very convenient to be able to use apps for payments. AEMASHAIN GAglGLAnANZAUd DalGWIVIGAIN AYVlDZeNneY ABAC MVARI[AIBMIEN. 14. It was a miracle she survived that accident. CHUL GOASOONT MMT OHYOAUSM BZ AnNIMZAMo Mamma. 15. | was young and naive at the time, and | didn't think anything bad could happen. GOON MIM HaINGM2o Minis MZo GHMI~egem2, BaAIVEAIW BIMZo MoBNNAEEY ageny aMIM AZO. 16. Don't despair, things will get better. MIMIVWAASOIAM), BIAJSTRABK)Io HAIINAUS3o. 17. 'min a dilemma. AMIAMNIOZ HWM A2VAOMleanen. 18. | felt embarrassed when | mispronounced a word. BOZ MIE AMIN DajSlgj@uIUd agile) MIEN BMI). 19. A women has to endure extreme pain during delivery. llcuns Cuawman Be3 Mola GAM)AAmMaIw eucM MaMlesmneneangens. 20. They live in an enormous house. Ged ae Uelw nfiglenend Ooamieagma. B 21. I'm really exhausted, | need some rest. AMIN LWAAGHZo Arflanimran’, ag¢*esey A309] NNveao GaleMo. 22. Smoking in college campus is forbidden. BAICBHY HMMM agenualengmey cemgasciwag. 23. Everyone likes him because of his generosity. GRAIN AaNIAMMIAM GIVEM GRAUAM aggjUdeAgo Oayaden. 24. Young mind can be very fragile. £36101 360BBZOS AMA aH azawwDled eniBMileAarng¢mmoIen. 25. It's a common gossip in college that they're in relationship. CRUM [MEMNMOONG GHHEMMIZBS HI@o BHICSSOA! al AMlomuMnal Beni. 26. That movie had some gruesome scenes. GH MMA UgHe diAcarw CoNcrBUd DeneIWIe3Z0M3. 27.| hangout with my friends on Sundays. EMIWNIFalAS10 EMIN agian muganjmm36nsB3nI0) ANETBING GaldAhINZENs. 28. Making mistakes are inevitable when you practice English. Dolfflagy ele ag ASmovd aM|gchUd Mosneagmeoy BPa]{qsonb GAIGM ernren. 29. She is a woman of great insight. CHAI ME GEAMOAJo% DBS G3 Oalegnren. 30. My relatives insisted me to stay for the night. @I[MT] GANAS MIAMIEAIND GO aganh snumuZeALd agar Mdenimuaj2. 31.1 don't understand what is his intention. BRAMAN SEBLc aHNMIANEMA agMlAsy amn/laieagzemey. 32. Don't interrupt me when I'm talking ! EMIM MVoMVIG BAZEMIIV agar MsqYyAaSZOMe@ ! 33. My grandpa looked after me when my parents were away for work. AQ Man BAA MIA Ge2IE1WZNIM) BacwIMegmMendud DOM BQMIEN oMann olPaldeilaja. 34. | have a strong craving for chocolate. AMMA GaNICQHICMIS GAMIMIW amamlwgens. 35. He denied all the accusations. ADL H3QICGSInIEMETAEZo GPWIVO MIGaUuilaj2. 36. They wanted to negotiate the salary. CMIBAGMAIMN9|3BS HISo GAUGE a1(b9] HalMjemMar@/ez0MN3. 37. Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented. AONIB!ZM ANUSlaJo Hensgalslaeaoud nM NNseagcavud AIAN GEMAMSZ Cal. 38. I think | offended him when | talked about my views on religion. AM NvwaM6E0ReSISZss agMban AIFaiays GAWI@ZaS ACGMINIAICGBAB [MaMAAS{@Oi ag Bm IAM3CM3. 39. The leader organized people to work for social justice. MIM|aN MI ONAsy SUE) (UMUdTOIBAIN BEMMIN GHs2a08 Moneislaigi3. 40. | owe you a lot for what you have done for me. CA aQeéey CAEN] AAW MMlaMEII0 amMINd B@Z019S ASOMSI1ABHZM3. 41. He was at the peak of his career when he was diagnosed with cancer. BREBANTOIN &Mdryd Maoemalgeaud GeeganMMlanh ACMWMAGA oQQAIZo BwMdrM crunIMmMra@le3Cmn3. 42. The shopkeeper persuaded me to buy the new iPhone. Al{OID OagSaNIeNd MUIsTBIN HSHAIOM oan Blaidlailas3. 43. | pretended to study when my father came to check on me. AOMAN BrgIMd EMIeHINd AIMEADUD EMI aIDBAAINM Galdael GeAMaN 2. 44. He regrets not being there for his children. AGANBIOS Aas MiaTdenIMd HV WIM MOG GeEBAN AUDIO MANsagen3. 45. | bought that car because it was a sold for a reasonable price. AQ MPWMAIM NlaAiWis6) NQMRAEIENE aMMINd B® &IH AST) 9]2. 46. Certain animals are regarded as sacred according to some religious beliefs. ale AMNNVaMuevBVdH6) GMg{Melg] allel AjWeoBAs nl@luazauaIwMIen GJemaaszena. 47. He was accused of stealing the money. al6Mo BAInMAgIM H3zQIe@nimmaail. 48. He sprained his ankle during the football match. nOZSEonIUd AMVEMOMIMsMIM GaMUMaN a3213a2867). 49. It was such a unique experience. CGKAMIAZ CAMIalZSQarw GrMySraroaiezeng. 50. Something weird happened last night. DMA! ILO aH SIMI BZ AilailMAIW AIEjJo MVosNg]2. Base Form Go Come See Speak Give Have Drink Sleep Work Meet Call Eat Read Write Ask Say Leave Send Verbs to master Meaning BalIMge Myce AHIEMZAr MoMIGleHAA AEAISZAO ZA AYOANZA An3S1BOZAr DNGTBIA GE2Iel HalQ}3e AOTIEZAZS3Ar ANSlAHNZA minm3c& ANMIEAZH AG) 933 BaNG1GAZA alNWZe ns3éh CHMBAZA ea sla) (v2) Went Came Saw Spoke Gave Had Drank Slept Worked Met Called Ate Read Wrote Asked Said Left Sent Past Participle Form (V3) Gone Come Seen Spoken Given Had Drunk Slept Worked Met Called Eaten Read Written Asked Said Left Sent 7 Think Look Walk Run Cut Spend Change Phone Study Show Buy Sell Lose Do Cry Keep Get Laugh Feel Play Sing 2NANCAZA BMICHZE MSeOAE BIS3&r DaNea3c& DNAIMIVIBAYZA DIQ8A BaNdIErd MalQ)Zch alO]@H3a AIM AHA ANETZa ANMAAZH MaYOUSZH OalQ)yk OWI MAA GAZE ANS8A 2NGAéOA BMICM Ze ASlBAZAr al3S3e> Thought Looked Walked Ran Cut Spent Changed Phoned Studied Showed Bought Sold Lost Did Cried Kept Got Laughed Felt Played Sang Thought Looked Walked Run Cut Spent Changed Phoned Studied Shown Bought Sold Lost Done Cried Kept Got Laughed Felt Played Sung 18 Stand MmbdBH3e Stood Stood Learn aldldAgZeh Learned Learned Win aONeewlenZe Won Won Answer 9(@O0)(@o0 nINW 3h Answered Answered Withdraw ollmtaeleagé Withdrew Withdrawn Find AHENSOM 3h Found Found Arrive AQ MONCs|O3& Arrived Arrived Bring AIESZA{&h Brought Brought Take nG)S28O3h Took Taken Avoid BVPIAICAZH Avoided Avoided Save OAUYAUSZOOId Saved Saved Lend So AAISZN{GH Lent Lent Grow AUBOch Grew Grown Teach alOlalsagc& Taught Taught Talk MolWVIG]GH3h Talked Talked Visit MMBhWIGAZH Visited Visited Become CHUGH Became Become Continue MSO3h Continued Continued Borrow fhSo 11960336 Borrowed Borrowed Argue Mb#OCH3& Argued Argued Force Mdeumwiengd Forced Forced Invest MeAUnNAAgEr Postpone MaGlaniceagd& Prevent Spoil Improve ADgIOUSZOMIe Achieve Punish Beg Scream Survive Earn Hang Draw Bribe Allow Wish Frighten Know Forget Like Hurt MSW3ch AnYBIGAIEAr @MSge WIA GHZ M20 GHIA Meinnslengch Crmesinianze Mmnalenge MAGMAISIA MUGLHAA Oe OO3ZeN @AhISAHAZAr (GrEMZNIG] Base CH(|WaNGA3Ar BMWOUSZOMIA CGEM 3c ANA DMaYOUS3Ar BUBMANAHAEA Invested Postponed Prevented Spoiled Improved Achieved Punished Begged Screamed Survived Earned Hung Drew Bribed Allowed Wished Frightened Knew Forgot Liked Hurt Invested Postponed Prevented Spoiled Improved Achieved Punished Begged Screamed Survived Earned Hung Drawn Bribed Allowed Wished Frightened Known Forgotten Liked Hurt 20 Bite Fly Hide Died Tell Burn Spit Happen Decrease Shrink Affect Quarrel Act Marry Betray Awake Choke Creep Deal AS1OANZA ANB 3k BSlBANZA DAG CHZA alNW3c An1IBSIAr M3U3H MoeNNeAgH AZNWZA a1ZQZ6033e 6ND UW BOI (GOS) h3S3ch CAEINMIEHZH AAIIEM AACA BMAISZBAAEA DOMOZAr afldagmasach MPWIAr mSans Bit Flew Hid Died Told Burnt Spat Happened Decreased Shrank Affected Quarreled Acted Married Betrayed Awoke Choked Crept Dealt Bitten Flown Hidden Died Told Burnt Spat Happened Decreased Shrunk Affected Quarreled Acted Married Betrayed Awaken Choked Crept Dealt 21 © 98954 78415 Miata English House? > Learn communicative English > Personal mentoring > Online and offline classes > Learn through WhatsApp > Trainers available 247 > Online and offline IELTS > EH Junior app > 15,000+ positive reviews >» 8Lakh students worldwide Book your seat now ! © +919895 478 415

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