Sped108 TASK ASSESTMENT Reflection Paper

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Submitted by: Jason N.


Stud. Num - A1104511

SPED 108 – Curriculum Development for Children with Special Needs

Submitted to: Dr. Gloria C. Valdez

Task Assessment (Reflection)

Teaching Approaches in Special Education

Main stream students and students with special needs are both student yet they are different in
several situations even if they are both students. Most of the time a certain design of strategy of teacher
must have to adjust according huge compare to the adjustment to make for the main stream students.

Special education is one of the academic schemes that helps honing the students who are
special or with disabilities and disorder. One of these are on how to do an adjustment in teaching
strategies for them. There are some writings which are available and use by many teachers for their
special education students. Some of these are proven effective and do lots of learning progress inside a
teaching and learning environment. It includes classroom setups and settings to provide more
individualized attention to those special education students.

1. Some of the strategies are “forming a small group”, “creating classroom center”,
“blending the basic with more specialized instruction”, “rotating lessons”. “Trying
thematic instruction” and “providing different levels of books and materials”.

I really think that “Form small group” strategy is one of the good ways to emphasis a
certain person with special needs’ learning outcome. That person can adjust to a
comparison in much more smaller way because he can focus only in a one person
comparison and not to many people. This time there will be much more accurate
comparison of work and outputs rather than so many things to compare with because it
will be so complex to him. Learning destruction can be minimize and focus will be more
likely settle.

In order to do this everything must be manage including the learning materials, activities
and the groupings selections. You can group them accordingly to duo or peer to peer,
cross age tutoring, small group learning and combined grouping formats.

2. Create classroom centers strategy can be more stressful yet surely effective as well. The
grouping strategy here will be accordingly to specialize in a certain area or level. From
time to time the teacher will guide the students here because the teaching materials will
be somehow mange by the student in self-contain manner. The more patience the
teacher has the better outcome there will be. Teacher should have more diligent in
knowing their students specially because the special students have their disability
specifically. For example, if the student has dyslexia the time give him will be more often
longer because that student is jumbling up the characters when reading when mix to a
group. Accommodate them more often. Sometime to do this strategy must incorporate
with happiness and joyful activity while learning.

3. The Blending the basics with more specialized instruction strategy also can be effective
way to no matter what the students’ level and of proficiently has. Sometime if the topic
would be in a general form this is one of the best strategies to do so. This is basic and
always done most of the time. The subjects like in science, math reading and writing
even if blended must have at lease one point of special trigger to give emphasis to a
certain special child mixed with the main stream. It can be done by using multimedia
projection for more attractive way to encourage the attention of that child and help him
engage the class.

4. Rotate lesson strategy is a strategy good and suitable if the students are less likely active
to a point that they love activities rather than a classroom center approach of teaching.
In every lesson rotation the other group will experience the same teaching approach
only if the rotation lesson rotates. Rotation can be done maybe on the other day around
or specific given time like after the other group are finish a task for an hour. It will
depend on the lesson design prepared by the teacher. The benefits will be is that there
will be an expectation to the point of view of the students who are waiting for the task
they love to do so. It that way they will be eager and exited to have it and finish it as
well - the activity and lesson.

5. Thematic Instruction strategy of teaching is where a single them is tied into multiple
subject areas. This also one of the most effective ways to use for the students with
special needs. Using one single theme like using a certain event, certain procedure
certain icon or people, certain thing, certain place and certain example or situation can
help the special child memorize and formulate a pattern for his gradual improvement of

6. Provide different levels of books and materials strategy can also help the teacher to
choose a variety of tools and materials for his or her teaching instruction. The levels
must always be from basic to complex if it is a puzzle material for example. Make sure
that if the students’ level is in basic the materials like the textbook and workbook are
align on their level of learning capacity and capability. Also consider their grade level as
well so have the text books and teaching materials available as much as possible and as

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