Script Group 6 Pur Comm

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In today's competitive market, advertisements are becoming more receptive to

creative expression in an effort to get the attention of their target audience. We cannot,
however, ignore the possibility that some of them may be offensive to others due to the
insensitivity brought about by their artistic ideas. The following discuss the analysis of
Group 4 on the advertisement that they are tasked to analyze, “Frederici Ice Cream:
Submit to Temptation. “

What is the message of the advert?

To start, the message of the advert centers on the phrase "Submit to Temptation"
as it conceptualizes the overall idea with the elements presented. The ad's creator
wanted to emphasize how giving in to temptations can lead to enjoyable things by
portraying an action that goes beyond the moral grounds of religion. Because
temptation is defined as the desire to do something, especially wrong or unwise, the
concept thus correlates the imagery of the priest and nun being submitted to the sexual
temptation to the 'sinfully delicious' temptation the ice cream offers, which makes all
people want to enjoy it.

How is the message underscored? What semiotics are used? (Text, color, product,
brand, emojis (if any), images)
-Next, to underscore the message, several semiotics were used, which are the
text “Submit to Temptation” and imagery of the nun and priest. In the advertisement, a
virtually topless priest wearing a rosario necklace is seen glaring intently at a nun. Then,
the nun is sensually glancing at the priest while hooking her right foot around his waist.
In addition, she is holding the ice cream in her right hand.

Is there any group or individual that may be offended by the advertisement?

- Due to its controversialities, the advert may be demeaning to the people who
have chosen religious vocation and the Catholics. The ad links sex or sexualized
images with religion, which may be considered an offense on the specified ground.
Moreover, the concept may be insensitive in that the company used the idea of
temptation to induce its relevance to the desire to eat or buy their product as the
temptation to make sins is a significant subject in conservatism.

Is the ad ethical or unethical? Why?

- The advertisement is unethical since it displays the nun and the priest in a
inappropriately sensuous manner. Whether there is intent or none to harm, the ad may
inevitably be insensitive because of the channel used to deliver the message.
Additionally, the utilization of the advert is unsuitable and irrelevant for the product,
which is an ice cream or gelato. To justify the that it is unethical, several articles
reported that the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority also investigated it due to the
advertisement’s blasphemy towards Roman Catholicism.
What could be a better way of presenting the ad?

- A better way of presenting the ad will be to stick out the concept of temptation
as it often relates to committing something unwise. As it is also analyzed that the
company’s target audience are the people mature and old enough to recognize their
concept, keeping mature content may still work as long as it does not validly offend any
group or individual. Nevertheless, if we are the ones to present the ad, it may be better
to broaden the target market by employing an idea that can attract anyone, even
children, by making it catchy and non-sexual simultaneously.

Well, it all seems like Antonio Federici’s Ice Cream just busted out with a print ad
campaign where a nun and priest show a little more intimacy than the Holy Spirit is
comfortable with. That is all about the analysis of Group 4 on the advertisement
“Frederici Ice Cream: Submit to Temptation”.

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