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 Designing safe and secure public spaces: Many young people engage in aggressive behavior in

public spaces, such as parks, plazas, and streets. Designing these spaces to promote safety and
security can help to reduce the incidence of youth violence. This might involve strategies such as
adequate lighting, clear sight lines, and the provision of emergency call buttons or other safety
 Creating spaces that promote positive social interaction: Many young people who engage in
aggressive behavior do so because they feel isolated or excluded from social groups. Designing
spaces that encourage positive social interaction, such as community centers, youth clubs, or
recreational facilities, can help to reduce feelings of isolation and promote healthy social
 Providing opportunities for physical activity: Physical activity can help to reduce stress and
promote healthy brain development, which in turn can reduce the likelihood of aggressive
behavior. Designing spaces that provide opportunities for physical activity, such as sports fields,
playgrounds, or exercise facilities, can help to promote physical and mental wellbeing.
 Incorporating nature into the built environment: Research has shown that exposure to nature can
have a calming effect on the human brain, which can help to reduce stress and aggressive
behavior. Incorporating natural elements into the built environment, such as green spaces,
gardens, or water features, can help to promote mental wellbeing and reduce the incidence of
youth violence.
 Designing spaces for self-expression and creativity: Many young people who engage in
aggressive behavior do so because they feel a sense of frustration or lack of control in their lives.
Designing spaces that provide opportunities for self-expression and creativity, such as art studios,
music rooms, or maker spaces, can help to reduce feelings of frustration and promote healthy
outlets for emotional expression.
 Designing for youth aggression: This thesis could focus on how architects and designers can
intentionally design spaces to mitigate youth aggression. It could examine specific design
strategies, such as using color, texture, and lighting to create a calming environment, or designing
spaces that encourage positive social interaction among youth.
 Designing for Mental Health and Wellbeing: Many instances of youth aggression are rooted in
mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or trauma. Your thesis could explore how design
can support mental health and well-being or example by incorporating natural elements, creating
calming spaces, or providing access to therapy or other mental health services.

Some potential research questions to explore within this topic area could include:

 How can architectural design principles be used to create spaces that promote positive social
interactions and reduce the likelihood of aggression among young people?
 How might the physical layout of a school or community impact the social dynamics and
emotional well-being of its youth population?
 How do different types of built environments (e.g. natural vs. urban) impact youth aggression,
and what design strategies can be employed to mitigate negative effects?
 How can architectural interventions be used to create more inclusive and supportive
environments for marginalized or at-risk youth populations?

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