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Student Name ID
1. Ephrem Hirko Ru1360/12
2. Muleta Nagessa Ru1115/12

Getahun Fekadu (MSc)
Abebe Bekele (MSc)
Jigsa Barsias(BSc)


ETHIOPIA March 6, 2023
Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Jigsa Barsisa, the manager of Gada Software
Technology, for providing us with the opportunity to undertake our internship at the company and
for serving as our advisor throughout the project. His guidance, expertise, and support were critical
to the success of this project.
We also extend our thanks to Mr. Abebe Bekele and Mr. Getahun Fekadu, our university advisors,
for their valuable insights, advice, and assistance throughout our internship. Despite being virtual
advisors, they went above and beyond to support us and provide us with guidance even after we
returned from the internship.
Finally, we acknowledge Mr. Selamu Shirtawi, the head of the Department of Software
Engineering at Bule Hora University, for supporting and encouraging us during our academic
journey and providing us with access to the necessary resources to complete this project.
We are grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such knowledgeable and supportive
individuals. Thank you all for your contributions.

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Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System

Executive Summary:

This internship project report presents the development of a resident registration system for
Bishoftu city. We carried out the project at Gada Software Technology and Computer PLC, a
privately owned IT support and services business. The problem identified was the interruption of
ID card issuance for over two years due to individuals holding multiple ID cards with the same
information to get different services that he is not deserve targeted for filing and paying Bribes to
get fake Id cards. This made it difficult to determine whether they were already registered or not,
resulting in delays and inefficiencies in service delivery.
The methodology used to gather data for the project included observation, interviews, and
document analysis. The team adopted an agile development approach in designing and
implementing the resident registration system. The system is designed to address the problems
identified by providing a secure and efficient means of resident identification and registration.
The main findings of the project include the need for a comprehensive and reliable database of
residents' information to improve service delivery, the importance of data security to prevent fraud
and loss of data, and the value of agile development methodologies in creating solutions that meet
evolving needs.
Based on these findings, the project recommends the adoption of a digitalized and integrated
system of the resident registration to facilitate service delivery and enhance data security. The
project also recommends the use of agile development methodologies in future software
development projects to ensure timely and effective solutions.

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Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System

Table of Contents
Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................................................i
Executive Summary: ..................................................................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................................1
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Organizational Background..................................................................................................................................2
1.1.1 History of Gada Software Technology .........................................................................................................2
1.1.2 The mission, vision, and goals of Gada Software Technology .....................................................................2
1.1.3 Services Offered by Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC ............................................................2
1.1.4 Our Experience at Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC ...............................................................3
1.2 Background of the Study .....................................................................................................................................4
1.3 Motivation ...........................................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Problem statement ..............................................................................................................................................5
1.5 Objective of the Project .......................................................................................................................................6
1.5.1 General Objective .........................................................................................................................................6
1.5.2 Specific Objective .........................................................................................................................................6
1.6 Scope of the Project .............................................................................................................................................7
1.7 Limitations of the Project ....................................................................................................................................7
1.8 Significance of the Project ...................................................................................................................................8
1.9 Beneficiaries ........................................................................................................................................................8
1.10 Feasibility Study .................................................................................................................................................9
1.10.1 Economic Feasibility ..................................................................................................................................9
1.10.2 Technical Feasibility ...................................................................................................................................9
1.10.3 Functionality in Operation ........................................................................................................................10
1.10.4 Political Feasibility ...................................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER TWO (2) METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................... 11
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................11
2.1 Method of Development ...................................................................................................................................11
2.2 Data gathering technique ..................................................................................................................................11
2.3 System analysis ..................................................................................................................................................12
2.3.1 Activities of the existing system .................................................................................................................12
2.3.2 Documents Used in the Current System .....................................................................................................12
2.3.3 Strengths of the Existing System ................................................................................................................13
2.3.4 Weaknesses of the Existing System ............................................................................................................13
2.3.5 Proposed System .........................................................................................................................................13
2.4 System Requirement .........................................................................................................................................14

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2.4.1 Functional Requirements ................................................................................................................................14

2.4.2 Non-Functional Requirements ........................................................................................................................15
2.5 Payment Method ...............................................................................................................................................15
2.6 Proposed System Architectures .........................................................................................................................16
2.6.1 Activity diagram .........................................................................................................................................17
2.6.2 Class diagram .............................................................................................................................................22
2.6.3 Deployment diagram ..................................................................................................................................23
2.6 System Models...................................................................................................................................................23
2.6.1 Diagram of a crucial use case .....................................................................................................................23
2.7 Software Development Environment ................................................................................................................25
2.7.1 Software Applications ................................................................................................................................25
2.7.2 Equipment Tools .........................................................................................................................................25
CHAPTER THREE (3) IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................................................... 26
3.1 System Testing ...................................................................................................................................................26
3.2 Evaluation ..........................................................................................................................................................27
CHAPTER FOUR (4) CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 28
4.1 Recommended Actions ......................................................................................................................................28
4.2 Shared Experience .............................................................................................................................................29
CONCLUSION ...........................................................................................................................................................30

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Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System



The Bishoftu City Resident Registration System is a proposed automated solution designed to
simplify the process of resident registration, issuance of ID cards, and issuance of vital event
certificates in Bishoftu City, Ethiopia. Several drawbacks, including the lack of data security, the
need for more personnel, and substantial paper usage, plague the current manual method for these
services. The proposed system seeks to solve these issues by automating the resident registration
process, which will increase effectiveness, efficiency, and data security.

This project aims to design and develop a user-friendly system that will streamline the process of
resident registration and provide a convenient and effective way for locals to access services
offered by the city administration. The proposed system will include a secure payment method that
will make it easier for residents to pay for services like ID cards and vital event certificates.
Overall, the Bishoftu City Resident Registration System will provide a comprehensive approach
to registration and administration, making it even easier for both locals and city officials to use.

In this report, we will discuss the design, development, and implementation of the Bishoftu City
Resident Registration System, including its features, functionalities, and benefits. We will also
examine the system architecture, user interface, and system requirements, as well as discuss the
challenges faced during development and how they were overcome. Finally, we will evaluate the
system's performance and discuss potential future enhancements.

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Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System

1.1 Organizational Background

1.1.1 History of Gada Software Technology [1]

Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC is a software development company based in
Oromia Bishoftu city, Ethiopia. The company was founded in 2022 and has since established itself
as a leading provider of software development services. The company has a team of highly skilled
software developers who are experts in the latest technologies and tools.

1.1.2 The mission, vision, and goals of Gada Software Technology

The Mission of the Company

To be the global leader in IT Services. They are Building on their technologies, competencies, and
customer interests, and creating value for their stakeholders and customers. they will achieve this
by focusing on the intersection of their client’s emerging needs and the acceleration of business
and technological change.

The vision of the Company

Gada Software will be the first choice solution partner in the technology sector providing IT and
Communication services to businesses throughout the region. They want to become an integral
part of their client’s success, collaborating with them to achieve their strategic objectives whilst
creating long-lasting business value through the delivery and management of their technology.
In addition to the above vision, they want to create a team of talented, experienced, and motivated
industry specialists that will be recognized as the best in their field.

Goals of Company

The goal of Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC is to deliver innovative and quality
software products that help businesses achieve their objectives while maintaining the highest
standards of customer satisfaction. The company strives to provide customized software
solutions that meet the unique needs of its clients, and to continuously improve its processes and
services to ensure that it remains at the forefront of the software development industry.

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Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System

1.1.3 Services Offered by Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC

Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC provides a wide range of software development
services, including:
Web Design: The Company offers professional web design services, creating custom websites
that are both functional and visually appealing.
WordPress Development: Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC has a team of experts in
WordPress development, offering custom WordPress websites as well as developing plugins and
themes to enhance existing websites.
Database Development: The Company provides database development services, creating custom
databases to meet clients' specific needs. They have expertise in various database technologies,
including MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server.
Mobile App Development: Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC offers mobile app
development services for platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows. They have a team of skilled
app developers who can create custom mobile apps to meet clients' requirements.
Drupal Web Development: The Company has a team of Drupal web development experts,
offering custom Drupal websites and maintenance services for existing Drupal websites.
E-commerce Web Development: Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC provides e-
commerce web development services, creating custom online stores for clients. They have in-depth
knowledge of the e-commerce landscape and offer guidance and support throughout the
development process.
Custom Web Development: The Company offers custom web development services, creating
custom websites to meet clients' needs. They have expertise in various web development
technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
Media Production: Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC provides media production
services, creating custom videos, animations, and graphics for clients. They have a team of skilled
media producers who can create high-quality content that is both engaging and effective.

1.1.4 Our Experience at Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC

During our internship at Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC, we were able to work on
real-world projects and gain valuable experience in the software development process. We

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Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System

collaborated closely with the team, who provided us with guidance and support throughout the
project. We learned how to use new tools and technologies and how to work effectively as a team.
Our time at Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC was a valuable learning

1.2 Background of the Study

The Bishoftu city administration currently uses an ineffective and disorganized registry system for
resident registration, which makes it difficult to deliver prompt, organized, and efficient services
to their city resident. This has led to lost or misplaced personal files, time-consuming verification
of residency requirements, and a lack of cost-effectiveness in the current system. Additionally, the
administration has faced challenges in enforcing eligibility requirements and time limits for rental
city residences due to a lack of a proper method for recording revenue streams.
To address these issues, a web-based Bishoftu city resident registration system is being developed.
The system will be designed to provide a reliable and efficient system for issuing identification
cards and vital event certificates, as well as to maintain accurate records and secure data handling
and manipulation. With the implementation of this system, it is expected that service delivery and
policy planning will be improved, while fraudulent activities such as identity theft and illegal
immigration will be minimized.

1.3 Motivation

The motivation behind our ambitious project, the "Bishoftu City Resident Registration System,"
stems from both the social problem related to the issuance of identification cards and vital event
certificates and our educational background as software engineering students. As students studying
software engineering, we are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to tackle this
problem. We see this as an opportunity to apply what we have learned in the classroom to real-
world situations and positive effect on our community.

The problem of issuing identification cards in Bishoftu City has persisted for more than two years
due to issues such as corruption, fraudulent identification documents, and the use of multiple
identities. Our project aims to create a computerized system that will speed up and safeguard the
process of issuing these documents.

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Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System

We are motivated by the potential influence our project could have on our community. By
providing a secure, effective, and dependable system for issuing identification cards and vital event
certificates, we hope to lessen corruption and enhance the accuracy and usability of public records.
Additionally, we believe that completing this project will serve as a testament to the skills and
knowledge we have acquired as software engineering students.

In summary, the social problem related to the issuance of identification cards and vital event
certificates, combined with our educational background as software engineering students,
motivated us to undertake this project. We are dedicated to using our skills and knowledge to create
a system that will positively influence our community and serve as a testament to our capabilities
as software engineers.

1.4 Problem statement

In Bishoftu City, Ethiopia, the issuance of identification cards and vital event certificates has been
suspended for over two years due to challenges such as corruption, fraudulent documents, and the
use of multiple identities. This has caused inconvenience to residents and made it difficult to access
services requiring identification. The lack of a reliable and secure system for issuing these
documents has resulted in inaccurate records, hindering service delivery and policy planning, and
contributing to fraudulent activities such as identity theft and illegal immigration.

The following problems further contribute to the inefficiency of the current system:
1 Ineffective and disorganized registry system: The current registry system for resident
registration is ineffective and disorganized, making it difficult to provide prompt and
efficient services to the increasing number of clients.
1. Lost or misplaced personal files: The unorganized filing and recording/archiving system
often results in lost or misplaced personal files, causing delays and complications in the
issuance of important documents.

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2. Time-consuming verification of residency requirements: Verifying residency

requirements is a complicated and time-consuming process, creating opportunities for
corruption and slowing down service delivery.
3. Time-consuming management system: The current management system is labor-
intensive and time-consuming, leading to delays in providing services.
4. Lack of cost-effectiveness: The extensive use of paper-based procedures and other tools
makes the current system costly and difficult to maintain accurate consumer profiles.
5. Data handling and manipulation security issues: The current system for handling and
manipulating data is insecure, increasing the risk of security breaches and fraudulent
As software engineering students and interns at Gada Software Technology and Computer Plc,
we aim to develop a computerized system that will speed up and safeguard the process of
issuing identification cards and vital event certificates in Bishoftu City. Our goal is to reduce
corruption, enhance the accuracy and usability of public records, and positively influence the
lives of the residents of Bishoftu City.

1.5 Objective of the Project

1.5.1 General Objective

To design and develop a web-based Bishoftu City Resident Registration System that streamlines
the resident registration process for Bishoftu city administration improves the efficiency of ID
cards and vital event certificate issuance and ensures accurate record-keeping of resident data. .

1.5.2 Specific Objective

 To establish a functional and structured resident registration system for Bishoftu city
administration, which includes recording personal details (births, deaths, marriages, and
divorces), assigning personal IDs, and managing resident data securely.
 To avoid issuing the same person several ID cards in the Bishoftu city administration.

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 To provide a user-friendly interface for residents to register their personal information and
to speed up service delivery and processing.
 To implement a cost-effective system by reducing the use of paper-based procedures and
 To provide training and support for city administration staff to ensure the effective use of
the new system.
 To grant permission to anyone who leaves the Bishoftu city administration.

1.6 Scope of the Project

Currently, the Bishoftu city registrar office performs its basic tasks manually. The scope of this
project is to develop and implement a new computerized Web-based Bishoftu city resident
registration system, which will avoid the problems, associated with the manual system. The scope
of the project is limited to developing Resident registration systems through:
 The system will support the registrar in registering resident information
 The system will support the Resident to Request service and access it easily in an efficient
 The system will support Admin to address requests of residents, issuing identification
cards, and issuing vital event certificates such as Birth certificates, marriage certificates,
and death certificates by reducing the time and effort required for these processes.
This project will only focus on Bishoftu city, will not include any other cities in Ethiopia, and will
not include any other services provided by the Bishoftu city administration. The project will also
include an online payment method through YenePay to provide a more convenient and secure
payment option for residents. The project will be developed and implemented within a specific
period and budget.

1.7 Limitations of the Project

The following are some of our system's limitations:

 The planned system can only be accessed in English, which could be a challenge for certain
users who are illiterate about it.

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 Problems with land administration, social court procedures, and other public services such
as tax collection, and organizing youth in IMX are not addressed by the system, which is
unable to resolve all manual operations. In general, our system does not include all manual
work of the Bishoftu city administration.
 Biometric authentication may be challenging for the system due to technical constraints,
making it difficult to reliably identify people using biometric authentication.

1.8 Significance of the Project

The team has determined that the following are the project's major significances out of the many
 Providing rapid and efficient service for the user, which can be taken into
consideration by both the city administration office worker and the client;
Delivering satisfied service for all users;
 Maintaining a database in an orderly fashion
 It is simple to search for, find, update, delete, deactivate, and active; registrar staff
members may quickly change the data as necessary.
The project also has relevance for increasing the City Resident Registration System's overall
effectiveness and precision. The electronic system will eliminate the need for human data entry,
which can cause errors in the current system, and will lessen the likelihood that mistakes will be
made during the registration process. To protect sensitive data, the project also offers a more secure
mechanism for storing and retrieving client information. Also, the project will enhance the city's
image by giving citizens and visitors access to a more contemporary and effective system. Finally,
the project offers us a chance to acquire real-world experience in project management and software
development, which will be helpful for their future jobs.

1.9 Beneficiaries

The implementation of our web-based resident registration system will benefit various
stakeholders, including city residents, city administration workers, and other organizations
working with the city administration. City residents will benefit from a simplified registration

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process and reduced time and effort required to obtain identification cards, and vital event
certificates (birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates).

City administration workers will benefit from improved efficiency in verifying residency
requirements and issuing identification cards. Other organizations like NGOs and Investors Will
benefit from having accurate and up-to-date population data available.

In addition, our system includes an online payment method through YenePay, offering several
potential advantages. Residents can conveniently pay for services from home, reducing the need
to physically visit payment centers. The payment process was streamlined, reducing the workload
for city administration staff. The online payment system provides transparent payment records for
residents and enhances the security of financial transactions.
Overall, the implementation of the YenePay payment method can improve user experience,
increase efficiency and transparency, and enhance security.

1.10 Feasibility Study

Any project must meet many feasibility standards, therefore the following indicate that this project
is feasible

1.10.1 Economic Feasibility

The initiative is financially viable since it lowers the cost of manual data management and
boosts revenue by raising resident service quality. The suggested system has advantages
that are simple to quantify, such as quick processing times, quick responses, simple file
management, lower costs, and simple updating and retrieval of saved records.

1.10.2 Technical Feasibility

By creating systems with CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and PHP, the developers have shown
their technical expertise. With the stated hardware and software tools, such as Notepad++,
the WampServer64 database, and others, the suggested system is technically possible.

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1.10.3 Functionality in Operation

The proposed system can be implemented since it can be simply trained for deployment
and use by the city administration staff. The system's graphical user interface is user-
friendly and accepts inputs while producing various outputs. The system also includes a
user guide and help and support resources to help users in the event of any problems or

1.10.4 Political Feasibility

The politics of today are unaffected or unchallenged by this structure. Each citizen's
happiness can help the current political climate; thus we can state that our system is
politically viable.

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The Bishoftu city administration now uses a manual approach without automation. Each section
is allocated a representative who is in charge of gathering and reporting the necessary data to the
city administration. The gathered information is organized and kept in a record office. The most
crucial responsibility is to register residents since it provides a foundation for data on which to
construct societal programs. The information acquired is useful in understanding the statistics data
as a whole and aids the nation's development program.

2.1 Method of Development

We developed our system using the agile methodology, which is an iterative and team-based
strategy that aims to swiftly provide working software and continuously improve it in response to
stockholder and user feedback. Agile gave us the flexibility and adaptability we needed to respond
quickly to shifting needs and consistently raise the bar on our project’s quality.

2.2 Data gathering technique

To ensure that we had a complete grasp of the needs and wants of the users and stakeholders, we
used several data collection techniques.
These techniques comprised:
Observations: To better understand the workflows and pain issues of the Bishoftu city and city
offices, we visit their respective work processes or manual scenarios.
Interviews: To learn more about the needs and requirements of important stakeholders, including
government officials, office managers, and staff members, we conducted interviews with them.
Document analysis: To get a better knowledge of the current systems and practices, we evaluated
pertinent documents like forms, reports, and regulations.
We were able to determine the essential features and functionality required for the system by
employing these data collection techniques, and we were able to make sure that our development
process was in line with the requirements of the users and stakeholders.

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2.3 System analysis

2.3.1 Activities of the existing system

According to data we have obtained from the Bishoftu City Administration office, the following
responsibilities are some of the primary ones:
 Everyone who is at least 18 years old can apply for an identification card. The responsible
staff member will ask for the necessary documentation, and after verifying that the person's
documentation is valid, the ID card will be processed.
 Providing certifications upon written request to locals. Examples of cases where residents
have requested action include:
• Social court
• For free healthcare at government clinics and hospitals
• For marriage
 Providing residents with approval if they are moved from one place to another. The resident
needs to be cleared to register.
 By obtaining certain data, the government provides those in need with houses that are run
by the kebele.
 The government has a plan to help unemployed youths by partnering young men in their
aspirations with a modest microfinance model to make children better citizens.

2.3.2 Documents Used in the Current System

Several documents are utilized to preserve various pieces of information on the people who came
to the Bishoftu City Administration for assistance in the current system. The majority of the
documents are kept in a folder or file and preserved in the form, although others are kept in the
ledger. We have made an effort to observe some of these forms, such as the registration form for
family members, the marriage form, and the form that lists people without homes. The forms are
designed to gather comprehensive data on family members and prospective homeowners.

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2.3.3 Strengths of the Existing System

There are certain advantages to the system, even though we are working to create a brand-new one
to replace the current one. The following are some of the system's advantages:
 Compared to a computerized system, it is simpler.
 External storage is not required.
 No requirement for very technical people.

2.3.4 Weaknesses of the Existing System

Due to a subpar filing system and a staffing shortage, the current system has numerous flaws.
General issues with the current system include:
 Data security: it is lacking because it is manually stored, which leaves any information
 Requires more laborers: Because the City is decentralized, it requires more laborers to
complete all the tasks.
 Time-consuming: Every step in the City takes time, from locating papers to updating.
 consumes a significant amount of paper; the usage of too much paper is a financial issue.
 Information loss: This may be from carelessness or other reasons, such as theft, natural
disaster, etc…

2.3.5 Proposed System

The proposed system is an automated solution aimed at simplifying the manual process of some
of the services currently provided. The system aims to automate the resident registration process
in Bishoftu city by transitioning from the current manual process to a digital one. This will
eliminate laborious tasks in the current system, making it more efficient and effective.

By implementing the proposed solution, some of the existing system's drawbacks will be
addressed, including data insecurity, the need for more personnel, long processes, and substantial
paper usage. The municipal administration will have access to a dependable and secure platform
for storing, managing, and accessing information about Bishoftu city residents. Additionally, the

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implementation of the proposed system will improve data security and reduce paper usage. The
planned system will provide locals with a more convenient and efficient way of accessing the
services offered by the city administration. This will include a payment method that makes it easier
to pay for services such as ID cards and vital event certificates. The proposed payment method
will be efficient and secure, allowing locals to complete their transactions quickly and easily.

Overall, the suggested method is a comprehensive approach that will streamline the registration
process for new residents and increase the efficiency of the city administration. Once a secure and
efficient payment method is included, the system will become even more useful and easier to use
for both locals and city officials

2.4 Software Requirement Specification

The system is developed from both green-field and re-engineering requirements. The requirement
elicited, identified, and analyzed majorly by stakeholders through interviews. The specifications
for the suggested system are laid out in this section. Both functional and non-functional
requirements are illustrated in the following sub-sections.

2.4.1 Functional Requirements

The proposed Bishoftu City Resident Registration System must meet the following functional
1. User Account Creation: In order to access system services, the registrar should be able to
create an account for them on a system.
2. User Authentication: Before accessing any service, the system should make sure that
users are authenticated.
3. User Profile Management: Users should be able to access their profiles in the system.
4. ID Card Application: The system should enable users to submit ID card applications.
5. Vital Event Certificate Applications: The system should enable users to submit requests
for vital event certificates including birth, marriage, and death certificates.
6. Payment Processing: The system should enable online payments for ID cards and
certificates for important events.

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7. Application Status Tracking: Users should be able to check the status of their
applications for ID cards and certificates for important events using the system.
8. Data management: The system needs to let administrators handle user information such
as ID cards and application records for vital event certificates.

2.4.2 Non-Functional Requirements

The following specifications for the proposed Bishoftu City Resident Registration System are
not functional:
1. Security: The system needs to be safe from hacker attacks, unauthorized access, and data
2. Performance: To guarantee that users can access services promptly, the system must be
swift and responsive.
3. Reliability: The system must be dependable and accessible around-the-clock to guarantee
that consumers may access services whenever they need to.
4. Usability: Even for consumers with little computer experience, the system should be
simple to use and user-friendly.
5. Compatibility: The system should be compatible with various web browsers and operating
systems to ensure that users can access services from different devices.
6. Scalability: The system needs to be expandable to handle potential future development in
city administration services.

2.5 Payment Method

The resident registration system's payment procedure is a crucial component. A step-by-step

breakdown of the payment process is provided below:

1. User Login: When a user logs in, they access the system.
2. Request Service: The user seeks a service, such as an ID card or a certificate for a
significant event.
3. Admin Approval: The admin examines the request and grants it.
4. Payment Request: Following approval, the administrator asks the user to make a payment.

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5. Confirmation of Payment: The user makes the payment for the requested service.
6. Confirmation of the Transaction: The finance officer has confirmed the transaction.
7. Delivery of Services: The customer is now able to use the requested service.

In General, Testing and assessment are done during the implementation phase to ensure the
system's successful installation. The testing process includes unit, integration, system, and
acceptability testing. The evaluation procedure includes usability, performance, security, and
functional testing. Also, the payment procedure is an essential component of the resident
registration system.

2.6 Proposed System Architectures

The proposed system is expected to replace the existing manual system with an automated system
which is all aspects Web-based Bishoftu City Resident Registration system. It is mainly based on
system Analysis.
The architecture used for the system is a three-tier Client/Server Architecture where a client can
use Internet browsers to access the online services provided by the system using the Internet or
Three-tier architectures consist of three components distributed in 3 layers: the client (requester of
services) the business logic (data handler) and the server (provider of services). The three
components are:
 User System Interface (such as login, text input, and display management services)
 Processing Management (such as process development, process enactment, process
monitoring, and process resource services)
 Database Management (such as data and file services)
The three-tier design allocates the user system interface exclusively to the client. It places the
application logic on the second layer and places database management on the third layer. Why we
choose 3-tier architecture is:
 The system works on homogeneous environments with processing rules (business rules)
that do not change very often.

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Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System

 Separation of business logic from application logic minimizes the workload of the server
and enhances the security of data.

Figure 1 Proposed system architecture

To illustrate more UML diagrams, such as deployment diagrams, class diagrams, and activity
diagrams, the suggested system architecture was created. Scalable, dependable, and secure were
all considerations in the system architecture design.

2.6.1 Activity diagram

The system operations and workflows were modeled using the activity diagram. The many steps
in the registration process were identified; Workflows of each system user are identified, along
with their order, using the diagram.

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Figure 2 ACtivity diagram for admin login and work

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Figure 3 Activity Diagram for Registrar login and work

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Figure 4 Activity Diagram for Resident login And service request

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Figure 5 activity diagram for finance officer login and work

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Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System

2.6.2 Class diagram

The relationships between the system's data structures were modeled using the class diagram. The
many entities engaged in the registration process were listed along with their characteristics on the

Figure 6 Class digram

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Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System

2.6.3 Deployment diagram

The hardware and software components of the system were modeled using the deployment
diagram. The system's many servers, databases, and client devices were identified using the

Figure 7 Deployement diagram

2.6 System Models

2.6.1 Diagram of a crucial use case

The following is a diagram illustrating the key use cases for the proposed Bishoftu City Resident
Registration System:

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Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System

Figure 8 Use case diagram

The key players and system functions are shown in the use case diagram. The municipal
government official actor can retrieve resident information and provide reports, whilst the resident
actor can register and update their information. Also, the system produces ID cards and certificates
for residents' important events.

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Bule Hora University Bishoftu City Resident Registration System

2.7 Software Development Environment

The following software applications and Hardware were utilized to create this City Resident
Registration System:

2.7.1 Software Applications

 Notepad++ as the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code editor is used to create the user
 PHP for back-end programming
 For configuring the database management system, use WampServer64.

2.7.2 Equipment Tools

The hardware tools we employed for this project were as follows:

 computers for system coding and testing
 Flash devices for transferring and storing data
Note: Depending on the project team's choices and availability, the precise specifications of the
hardware and software tools used may change.

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The main focus of this chapter is the implementation of the suggested system, which includes
system testing and evaluation. We will also go into detail about the payment process

3.1 System Testing

System testing is the process of verifying that the software system meets the requirements specified
in the software requirements specification (SRS) document. In this section, we describe the system
testing process for our project.
During the implementation phase, the system we go through a variety of tests to make sure it is
functioning successfully and effectively. The team performed the following assessments:
1. Unit testing: In this level of the testing process, the Web-based Bishoftu city resident
registration system developers test the different sub-procedures, and functions are tested by
applying white box testing.
Sample Tests
 Check whether the return type of the functions is correct.
 Check how the sub-procedures or functions are called correctly.
 Check if the correct output is produced for different inputs.
 Check the efficiency of the code concerning the memory and CPU time.
 We test the login page not to allow login without credentials, and the login page does not
allow SQL injection.
2. Integration Testing
 In this level of testing, we have examined how the different procedures work together to
achieve the goal of the subsystem.
3. System Testing
 In this level of the testing process, we have examined how nicely the subsystems of the
web-based Bishoftu city resident registration system work together to achieve the desired

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3.2 Evaluation

The system was evaluated after testing to make sure it meets the requirements and goals of the
project. We have used the following evaluation methods:
1. Usability Assessment: The system is user-friendly and easy to navigate for the different
user roles (admin, registrar, finance officer, and resident). The registration process is
straightforward and the service request and approval process are well-defined
2. Performance Evaluation: Since the system is not launched yet, it's difficult to evaluate
its performance. However, it's essential to conduct load testing to ensure the system can
handle a high volume of traffic and user requests without crashing or slowing down.
3. Security Evaluation: The system's security features appear to be robust, including the use
of username and password for residents, and in addition to username and password the
role-based access control for admin, registrar, and finance officer. However, it's
recommended to conduct a vulnerability assessment and penetration testing to identify any
potential security weaknesses and address them before the system is launched.
4. Functional Assessment: The system we develop is functional, by meeting the
requirements of user registration, service request, approval, payment, and confirmation.
Overall, the system seems to have a strong foundation and meets the requirements for a resident
registration system. However, conducting additional testing and evaluation will help ensure that
the system is fully functional, secure, and user-friendly.

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We discuss the Recommendation and Experiences we learned while organizing and completing
the project during our internship at Gad Software Technology And Computer PLC in this

4.1 Recommended Actions

We advise the following courses of action in light of the experience we have obtained from creating
and executing the Bishoftu City Resident Registration System:
1. Constant upkeep and updates: Regular maintenance and upgrades are necessary to
maintain the system functional and up to date. Funds must be set aside by the Bishoftu City
Administration to guarantee that the system is regularly updated and maintained.
2. User training: Users need to be trained so they can use the system correctly. The city
administration should invest in user training to ensure that each user is adequately prepared
to use the system.
3. Data security: it is essential since the system will contain personal data about Bishoftu
City residents. The local government should place a high focus on data security and
implement robust security measures such as data encryption, access control, and regular
4. Payment Process: The Bishoftu City Resident Registration System offers the YenePay
platform as a convenient payment alternative. The user can login to the system and make
a service request, such as one for an ID card or a certificate for a crucial event. The user is
prompted to make a payment using the YenePay platform after the request has been
reviewed by the admin and accepted. The person can use the service after the finance
officer has approved the payment.
5. Add local languages: the system can be programmed to add local languages.
6. Changing all manual work: the system can be programmed to do all the manual work.

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Additionally, we recommend that Bule hora university thoroughly research and select suitable
internship placements for their students, and universities should ensure that students are provided
with adequate financial compensation during their internships to support their learning and growth.

4.2 Shared Experience

During our internship at Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC, we were able to work on
real-world projects and gain valuable experience in the software development process. We
collaborated closely with the team, who provided us with guidance and support throughout the
project. We learned how to use new tools and technologies and how to work effectively as a team.
Our time at Gada Software Technology & Computer PLC was a valuable learning
Throughout the planning and execution of the project, we learned a lot, and we would like to share
that experience with other companies working on similar projects. These interactions include:
1. Planning: Careful planning is required for every project to be successful.
Establishing a project's goals, objectives, timeframes, and resource requirements is
crucial before beginning.
2. Stakeholder involvement: It's crucial to include stakeholders at every level of the
project's planning and execution. It is essential to involve stakeholders in decision-
making to win their support and keep them updated on the project's progress.
3. Testing: it is necessary to ensure that the system performs as intended. Careful
testing is required before system implementation to identify and address any issues.
4. Flexibility: Projects frequently change, thus it's critical to keep your adaptability
and flexibility. Accepting changes and revising the project plan as necessary is
crucial for project success.

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In conclusion, the Bishoftu city resident registration system is a comprehensive web-based

platform that enables residents to register and request various services from the city administration.
The use of technology would allow the municipality to register residents accurately and quickly
by switching from the existing manual process to a digital one. The system includes features such
as user registration, service request, approval, payment, and confirmation. In this system, payment
is needed for the fee of service no payment no service. It also includes different user roles such as
admin, registrar, finance officer, and resident, each with specific access rights and responsibilities.
The system passes through various testing and evaluation methods, including usability assessment,
performance evaluation, security evaluation, and functional assessment. The evaluation showed
that the system has a strong foundation and meets the requirements for a resident registration
system. However, additional testing and evaluation may be required to ensure that the system is
fully functional, secure, and user-friendly.
Overall, the proposed system has the potential to significantly improve the city administration's
efficiency and effectiveness in delivering services to its residents.

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