What Doctors Don't Tell You - March 2023 PDF

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Micro-magic ya i= the miracle cure-all Elevate your besvastvuele Siar ikeroa , Neyer LIPOSOMAL WANK We mlelelorar) cata Eie \ freereereernn Feiner “i coco The original evidence peach i if ome LivOne liposomal supplement - PAT Cera) 1 Jowmuch does your oodcontributetoyourriskof cancer? The mostcomprehensive studyofthisquestion,cartied ‘outby Imperial College Loncon, trackedthedietaryhabitsof nearly 200,000 British peopleaged 40-69, who revealed theieood consumptionevery 2shours or three yearsbetwoen 2008and 2012 and werethen followed upuntil January31, 2021, Allfoodconsumed was categorizedaccordingtoitsdegree ‘offoodprocessing andtheie consumption ofultra-processed foodwasnotedasapercentageot theirentirefoodconsumption. Incaseyou'rewonderingabout ‘thename “ult processed food,” theNOVA Pood Chssification ‘System, designed bythe Center forpidemiological Studies inHealthand Nutrition ofthe ‘SchoolofPublic Health within the University of Sao Paulo, Bri, has ‘grouped foodintofoureategories ‘accordingto theextentand purposeoftheprocessingthey undergo,” inciudingany* physical biological andchemical processes thatoccurafterfoodisseparated fromnature.” Group Lisunprocessed or ‘minimallyprocessedfoods, ‘meaningthey'vejust been cleaned, hadsome fractionlikeinediblebits ofstemremoved,orbeen ground, died, fermentedorpasteurized Duthadnothingadded, Group2is"processetculinary ingredients,” which includes produetsextracted from natural foodsornature. Thisgrouping coverspackaged grainslikerce, fresh orpasteurized juices, pasta andothergrainssimply madefrom wwaterandflour,alsortsofoils salt, fatsincladingcoconutorbutter, andany ortofsugar, plushoney. ‘Thenthere’sGroup3,the processed ods, whichhavesalt, sugar,eilorothersubstancesadded ‘ominimally processec foods (Group 2). Thischasteroffood y Editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard COMMENT NOT-S0-SUPERFOODS includessuch thingsastomato paste,cannedorbottled vegetables orlegumes,fuitsinsugarsyrup, bacon, canned fish, smoked meator fish, freshly madecheesesandeven breadthatisunpackaged, madejust ithflour yeast, waterandsal. nally, there'sGroup4, the ultra processed “foods” made vina varity ofindustil formulations ‘Theystartlifeasgenuinefoodstuils likecorn, wheatorsugarcanethat are“fractioned” into particular substances (likesugar, ol protein AsNOVApointsout, natural ‘wholefoods(Group 1) makeup atiny proportion of -orareeven absent from—these foods iscategoryinchudesany sort ‘ofpackaged snacks or cookies soft ‘orenengy drinks, instant soups ‘orsaces, favored yogurts, meat substitutes breakfast cereals, sweetened juices, eady-mealsand prepareddinnersanythingcalleda “nugget,” mos packagedbreadand baked goodsanclcerealscakes,and “Ultra-processed foods have been so heavily manipulated that they cannot remotely provide anythingin the way of nourishment” Corstarch) orasanimal carcasses fromintensivelivestockfarming —_thehumanequivalentofcanned thatarepureedorground. dogtood:substancesthatmay ‘Thisstuffisthenputthrough __havestarted outassometh ‘chemical modifiationslike natural fourormoreprocessesago hydrogenation Moreprocesses_buthave,astheImperial College followinvolvingtheassemblyof —_teamputit, become"industrially foodsubstanceswithltlleorno derived foodsubstancesancl food actualwholefoodanymorethat additives" putthrough “asequence hhavebeenextracted from real ‘ofextensiveindustrial processes, food (ikeoilsand fats) plusfood —_“‘Theyhavebeen soheavily constituents(likehydrogenated —__manipulatedthroughadditves, fats). Orthese substancesare pre-processing extrusion, pre- ‘created, Frankensteinsiyle inthe ffyingand mokdingthatbythetime labffomfood" substrates’ such theyreachyourlips,they cannot asflavorenhancersemulsiiers, _ remotelyprovieleanythingin he colorsor food additives. ‘wayofnourishment, Sowhat youhavein Groups ‘There'salsothe ct thatthese processed goodshave been deliberately manipulated to be*hyper-palatable"—thatis, engineered totasteso good youare likelytoeattoomuchofthem,even tobecomeaadicted Buthere’stheastonishingpart fit. Accosdingtothe Imperial Collegeteam,halfor moreofthe everyday British dietismade up ‘ofGroup foods —apercentage thatmaybeeven higherinother Westerncountries. What'smore,every 1Opercent increaseinultra-processed foods increased theircohort’schancesof developingcancer—particularly ovartanandbraincancers—orof dlying om cancer particule breastorovariancancer. Thisisnot tomention theevidence fromother researchthatthesenon-foodshave much todo with diabetes,heart dlseaseand more. Afterreadingabouthowmuch sugurandotherkillr foodsarein softdrinksandpizza,Ipaida visitto ahealthstorea few daysago.. vas curioustoseewhetherthesime appliesto processedhealth foods, Inmanyinstancesitdoesn''— bbutnotall.Forinstance, when Theadedovertothebabyfood section, Ispiedapotofbabyfood madebya eputablemanuficturer knowntocreatealoadofexcellent Group2 foods. Accordingtothelsbel,thesugar inthatone 100-gpotwas 12g— cequivalentto teaspoonsotthe \whitestut?—meantto beasingle servingtoababy essthana year old, Ithenturnedtolitlericecake snacksalsointendee forbabies. Exchtwoofiheseteenyricecakes (aboutaquarterofthesizeofan adult-sizedricecake) hadnearly8g ofsugar—about 2teaspoonsofthe whitestufl, ‘Thebottomlinefiom Imperial College’ sfindings readeverylabel. Or.evenbetter,followone simplerule:throwaway your realy-mealsand cookorganic \whole foods fromscratch, 1 etineaNesene202 co 0.06 ‘rm 200310880 PO eprint) ADVANCED PHOTONIC THERAPY IS A WAY TO QUICKLY & EASILY RELIEVE PAIN AND STIMULATE HEALING AT HOME BY YOURSELF FREE EBOOK TESTIMONIALS * Online courses start as of February 2023 aa , ition * Certificate courses are only organized once a year 2 * No prior knowledge is necessary Sera ‘croak 2022 | WOOTY 38 nn eer cucu DID YOU read the amazing story of Erika in the WODTY from last October? Well, she was talking about OUR TORCH! 4» +34 662 693 622 | wnvadvancedphotonictherapy.eu | info@advancedphotonictherapy.eu | (©) © aphotonictherapy Takingaction ‘Assoon asthedoctorlefthe room, Erika grabbed the were she'd hidden it underneath herblanketsand went dysacupnetcpon Tebransemisrightbchindyourualsolputticsoche my mouthand started a “ 4 sppingmy brainstem.” says Erik, "Atthat point was lunableo swallow and had tobesuctionedout withan aspirator [as FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS Everything | ouneedto now about cancer ur regular columnist Dr Leigh Erin Connealy joins us fora discussion about cancer—its origins, the best anti-cancer diet, other ways to prevent it and strategies to support any treatment you're having, Since Leigh joined the WODTY team as a columnist, we've been constantly amazed at her breadth of knowledge about the disease that afflicts so many of us. Not surprisinaly, she is one of the most sought-after cancer specialists in the US, and so we are especially privileged that she isfinding time in her busy schedule to spend with us. On Thursday, March 9, 2023, Dr Leigh will join WODTY Editor Bryan Hubbard LIVE to discuss her protocol and answer your questions. Asa subscriber, you can access this talk and all talks \WODTYTALKS: Everything you need to know about cancer With DrLeigh Erin Connealy and Bryan Hubbard BEB mare 2, 2023 for FREE. (iE pm owt /ni amet / Simply log in to your account with your subscriber ID and select gamPT Member Events from the member menu. Scroll down to the event EMT online/zo0m ‘and download the link. Ifyou don’t know your subscriber ID, please email info@wddty.co.uk Wat i 20 Pregnancy and -me-ups suing Thesilent tree-tment vernines od-derived thalonghistory ness butte surprising nun health proble reports a0 Wethree thieve: Medicinal movement 10 Caring foryour teeth protects your brain; intermittent fasting reverses type2 diabetes; shh pressure and coffee dor’tmix COVID-13NEWS 18 Hope for long Covidsutferers; US government uses Facebook as Covid polleyrouthpiece EVERY PICTURE... 24 Acuppasafe-tea Tea and some other foods and drinks: are loaded with flavonoids that can proectyour heath FAMILY HEALTH 4 Metabolicmyth Exercise gets your metabolism ein ever2s}01 20 De Atkinson tells us. Don't believe the common claim that weight gainis. unavotable b2 Feline attyliver 1 Hepatic lipidosis is a serious disease in cats, says Dr Rohini Sathish. But ‘you can help your cat incooperation ‘with your vet HEALTHY LIVING 64 Thehealthyhotlist Janey Lee Gr uggests products 1 that are both sustainable and sustainably packaged, including front-runnersin the nonalcoholic denis tend REGULARS ig Readers’ letters do TheEco Doctor DrJenny Goodman finds the cause of miscarriage where few expect it—a oor dietin the man Ob elastword The UKMedical Practitioners Tribunal hasrevoked DrSarah Myhil'sicense because she practices eal medicine, says Bryan Hubba tesearchershave iscoveredthat plewho don't rateare more likely todevelopheart nd lung diseases and leprematurely, Page? PT RLAMENT WauK INDON SWig aca EE UNAS ST WWW.WDDTY.COM Uk Freepost WODTY, WODTY, studio 1.0, The lightbulb, London, swig 4a us 1930 Vilage Center Cirle 3.2082 Las Vegas, NV 89134 rors Lynne McTaggart & Bryan Hubbard MANAGING EDR Joanna Evans estou Jimmy Egerton PRODUCTION E1TOR aaah Skaggs ASSISTANT DESIGNER ‘nya Hubbard cownnists Dr Rohini Sathish Drleigh in Connealy DrJenny Goodman Janey lee Grace TERNATIONAL UCENSING Bruce Savrford +48 (0}1280 860185 MaRaerIN Cait Hubbard ‘Mollie Loyd Ben Alvarez Turner laura Orte Buster Manston ADVERTISING Daphne Gomes daphne @ndaty.co.uk (0208 9711655 (UK) / 800-416-6980 (US) Boby Kuan (0208 9711654 (UK) / 800-469-3895 (US) Please ema info@wty.co-uk ral epee capa ee) Snayerner cases sytem ode oitomaten ‘oranes npstiaton Yuh cet ai Psonrtrunderatngam etme {EWoOTPNewt 202/ © WOOT RAIS nc EDITORIAL PANEL What Doctors Dont Tl Yours supported by some ofthe wort’ leading pioneesin nutrtianal, ‘environmental andaltematve meione, Each san authori in his rhe ed; many have broken new ground and inspired new pradicesinmedicne. DrDamien Downing, aspecialistin alley, envrcament andrutetion,iscurent present fe British Soret forEclagcal Medicine on the tira boardof Grthomolecuor Medine News ‘Serie Chet Medical Advisor of cancer charity Yesto ie wn yesoife org.uk), andauthor fnumerous boksincuting Tre Vitor Cure fovAlegies Dr Michel Oden, Fenchttained surgeon and obstetrician, isa pioneer ofthe naturalbith ‘movement, emphasing home and water bith, Founder ofthe Primal Heath Research Centre in ‘the UK, he has witen some 50 scenic papers ‘and TT books, Sarah Myhil has worked inthe UKNational Health Serie and private practice since 1881. Honorary Secretary the British Societyfor Ecological Meccne for years, shes afrequent lecturer and author of Sustainable Medicine and Diagnosis and Treatment of Chon Fatigue ‘Syndrome and Myigic Encephalitis (rag Sams the coounde of Whole Earth Foods ‘andfounder and president of Green & Blacks (Organic Chacolate, aswel as director of Soil Assocation Certification, ecutive chairman ‘of Carbon Gld Id, acarbon sequestration business, anda trustee of the Slow Food Trust UK He has authored four boos, induding The ite Food Book. Dr Harald Gales UK registred osteopath, hhameopath, acupuncturs, naturopath and ‘medical hesbalit, Former decor of medical research at The Hale Cnicanda committee member ofthe Prince of Wales’ Foundation for integrated Heath, Dr Galerhasauthored numerous scientific papersand The Erolopedia of Homeopetty, DrJonathan Wright, medical director ofthe Tahoma incin Washington pioneered rnuttional medicine inthe US. Aboard member of the American Preventive Medical Assocation and the Intemational Coleg of Advanced Longevity ‘Medicine he has published T books. Janet Balaskas, who named and inspired the Active Birth Mavementinthe 1970s, helped revolutionize matemiy practices worowde Jenetisthefounder and decor ofthe ‘Activ Birth Centre in North London and author cf rine baoksinduding Active Bt, Preparing for Birth with Yogo and Eosy Exersesfor Pregnancy S.allyBunday is founder ofthe The Hyperactive Childers Support Group, thefist organization to draw attention tothe ole of det and nuttion, patticulary food additives and essential fatty ‘acd deficiencies, in chilhood behave problems The chatty nas helped thousands of fames inits more than 30-year history. WINAFREE E-BOOK! Wrtetousand you could wina free Healing Foods e-bookif we publish yourleter. The book'spacked with information about the top dsease-ghting foods you shouldbe eating Autisticforlife Tamanavidreaderof WWDTY and get your magazine monthly. ike themmulttude ofarticlesand informationand findyou very informative. However, theone issue Thaveabitofaproblemwithisthe subjectofautism. ‘Obviously forwomen,t’snot readilypicked up untillatrinlife, andbeingdiagnosedat46really helped meas! knew therewas something differentaboutme.1 passedall my developmental stages asachildandexceledinlotsof things. [also mask 85-90 percentot thetimeunlessI'm around people! am comfortable with. However antismissomething youareborn withandit’sthere for life.lagreewhen yousay thatit notanillnessand! that thestigma surroundingautismisdissipating, butwhenyousuggestiteanbe reversed?’ Thatissomething thatjust doesnothappen, “Reversing Autism” (WDDTY. com)istheonlyarticle haveread after which [felt needed to writein andsaysomethingas!'mproudof beingneurodiverse.Plusyourartile madeitsoundlikesomesortof easy fixorreversalwasin sight. Unless you change geneticeoding and genomestoeliminateautism, thenit’salwaysgoing tobethere. thinksuggesting that reversal isapossibiltyislikesayingthat neurodivergent peopleshould not exist,and foronethink that, where autismisconcerned, youshould leave ell enoughaloneasitcould giveoutthe wrongmessage Focusonthe positivesof autismandhow neurodivergence ‘anactuallybebeneficalin the ‘workplace alongside neurotypical people. TakeMicrosoliforexample, ‘which isactuallyemploying neurodiversepeopleastheyhave ‘qualities that neurotypical people don’thaveandviceversa,and recognizehow advantageousitis. ‘Madson vera WDDTY replies (Ourartilesabout autism never mean tosuggestthatautsticpeoplearenot valuable members ofsocety with 6 Focuson the positives ofautism and how neurodivergencecan actually be beneficial i the workplace alongside neurotypical people ...and recognize how advantageousitis®® unique skill, Wespecifically focus onchildren whohavelostablites theyprevious\yhad,or mighthave Inad, due todrugscithertakenby the mothe (see our News Focus page 20) orgivenin theformofecines, We don'taddress people whoare born with thecondition due toother factors. Inourrecentinterview with Karen ‘Thomas (theartclewesuspectyou'e referringto), she belevesher child vwusafected by thehepatits Buaccine ‘and thereafter displayed autistic tendencies. Afterextensivedetoxing ‘and nutritional therapy, she helped him regain all the fcultieshei lostas aresut ofthe vacine, And her focus ‘and assistanceare meat for parents whos children haveexperienced the same fet. Alternative medicine, in contrast... Greetingstoallofyouat WDDTY.L decided to writeinafterreadingyour artcleabout modified ctruspectin (Uncoveringthe Powerof Peels”) intheFebruary 2023issue. About 15 yearsago, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and my health wentdownhillfrom there blame the pooreondition ofthe American food supply and theconventional diseasetreatment model for thisyears-longstruggle, andithasledmeto seekalternatives like thoseyou shareeverymonthin yourmagazine Eventually thedibetesledto theneed foranMRIwithcontrast, type ofdye thatisinjeted into thebody andhelps the machine produce abetterimage. Thecontrast yecontainsgadolinium,aheavy ‘metal thatthe medical communi foralongtimeinsstedisnot retained inthebody. Afew yearsago, thecontrast manuiacturersfinally acknowledged thatthebody does retainit,andthe FDA updatedits ‘Medication Guide forthe substance. Butthe damagehad alreadybeen ddone.Sincethat MRI, 'vedealt with variousnewhealth issuesassociated with gadolinium deposition disorder. Andpain—oh,theburning pain. Mybrain simplyseemsto stopfunctioningattimesandt'm alwayssottired. procedure thatwas supposed tohelpimprovemyhealth infactmadeitsubstantally worse. And thedoctorssaidnothingcould bedone. Overthelastyearortwo, 'vemade some changes hathaveimproved thingsalitte. 'meatingbetterand stickingtoastrictroutine thathelps regulatemycircadianshythms, \whichhasgotten thediabetesunder controlandgiven mealittle more energy. Tyealso undergoneacoupleof chelation therapysessionsto remove the gadolinium, whichsomesayisa «quack treatment. Thejury’sstillout, inmy view. Butl felthat unless lean getthemetaloutofmybody,there’s aprettylow chance lever getmy healthback Sowhen I readin yourarticle about citruspectinthatithadbeen used successlly to detoxify the body ofheavy metals, Loouldn’t help felinga twinge ofhope.Itwas somethinglhadn'ttriedoreven heardof. ThoughtsomePectaSolandhave been takingitforabout twowecks. Ofeoursetherehaven'tbeen any ‘miraculousinstant changes, but do feel different, even insuchashort time. Slightly essrun-down. [plan tokeep goingatleastuntilmy next scheduled urine test for gadolinium. Tappreciate WDDTY tordoing exactly whatits namesaystellingus ‘whatdoctorsdon't-Thoseofuswith chronichealth issues need other voicestolistento. iusto, DenercO Walk8,000stepsadayto halveheartdiseaserisk ~ \Wialk upto 8,000 steps a day and you'halve your chances a developing hear disease, That's good advice for anyone, but it’s especalyimportantifyou ‘areage 60 years or olde, say researchers from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. lyou'resedentary and walking fewer than 2,000 steps.a day, youneedto be aiming for at least 6,000 steps, which seemsto bethe artical point when the rskof heat dsease tartstodrop ‘amatcally. Health isks continue to diminish beyond that level, but atamore gradvaltempo. ‘The people who arethe leastactive have the mastto gain. For those whoateat2,000 or3,000 steps day, doing ate bit more ‘anmeanalotforheart healt, you're at 6,000 steps, geting 107,000 and then to 8,000 aso isbenefia,i’sjusta smaller, inctementalimprovement,” said researcher Amanda Paluch. Paluch andher team analyze datafrom eight studies involving around 20,000 people. The weet spot or preventing hear disease was waking between 6,000and £8,000 steps day, and those achieving that were upto 50 percent lsslikelyto develop heart disease compared to someone walking just 2,000 steps or fewer The benefits of walking were apparent in people aged 60 yeas or older. Younger people didn't seemta benefit from walking, atleast in terms of heart disease risk. ‘That's because cardiovascular disease is one of aging, said Paluch, although younger people who step out could duce their risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and obesity, al precursors of heart disease, Anditsthe teps that count, not the speed of walking, People ‘who were walking quickly weren't reducing their heart disease isk more than those who tookit morelesurey, Jp ust astong as they were doing the ‘samenumber of steps. ration 02 0011298 Start singing after a stroke? you know someone wio'shad astrake, get them tastartsinging—itwll help their recovery. Singing helps counter aphasia, which affects the stroke suferer’s ability tospeakor writeandto Understand whats being sai, ‘technique knowm as melodic intonation therapyis the best forimproving rehabilitation, communication and social activity, research 1roup from the University of Helsink’ discovered ‘he therapy helps the sufferer regainspeech by using simple melodies and musical hythm, ‘anton 22; 0:05am GOT " Stickwitha healthy diet— you'lllive longer lfyou'reeatinga healthy diet stick with You're morelikelyto lve longer and lower your chances of developing heart disease orcance. Researchershave identified four types of healthy diet—Healthy Eating Index 2015, Alternate Metiterrancan Diet, Healthful Plant Based Diet Index and Aterate Healthy Eating Index—that al share the same key elements of whole grains fut, vegetables, nutsandlegumes. Theyall help you Ive longer, just slong asyoustcktothem,sayresearcersfrom Harvard TH Chan Schoo! of Public Health Theyanalyzed data trom 7,230 women ses! Health Study and 44,085 Heath Professionals Study, ; hich dbs late oe 2a y oe ‘y Vitamin D reduces your riskof dementia important Those with the highest levels of te vitamin nthe brainalsohad Lotte and gums Bak Sa People wth oral bacteria are upto in brain tissue, Previous studless three times more likely to sufferfrom brain: ‘amount ofthe vitamin in diets or inthe blog abscesses, say researchers from the University. tam Dievelste 02a ‘of Plymouth, The bacteria, which are typically a meditate fountn teases canola deoutterstofsin cance spplemenatin eset, ina study of 87 patients with brain eam ‘abscesses, 52 hadno obvious cause—but allhad poor ora health, and the researchers estimate it increases the risk threefold eure 2073 UE OES BIOMAGNETIC PAIR TRAINING IN EUROPE Biomagnetic Pair isa nom invasive, integrative, therapeutic technique that consists of placing pais of permanent magnetson specific points ofthe body to facilitate the recovery of health and enhance wellbeing > Fiveday intensive courses > Balanced interaction between theory and practice > The head trainer, Dr Ruth Meyers, has a PhD ina biomedical science and eight yeas experience as a BMP therapist > At the end of level you willbe ready to start practicing biomagneticpairtherapyon fiends and family, and professionally once you have completed your case studies > At the end of Level 2you will have deeper knowledge and many new sil UPCOMING COURSES IN ENGLISH FS Alicante, Spain, level 1 5 March 2023 ‘Cambridge, UK, level 1 17 -21 April 2023, Glasgow, UK, level 2 =9 June 2023 WHAT OUR STUDENTS SAY ‘tis wey clear how much time and thought you had siven in relation to preparing ll the audio-visual aks, the structure the week. etc. al paid off asthe days went so well, moving from theory te practice, with lotsof time forquestions.” cir biomagneticpairtraining.co.uk , iter oye Bom Tie els ~ www.oxypet.co.uk 15% Promo Code: WDDTY Whatever exercise you do, add yoga Whatever exercise youd, add yogato the mix—it power-boosts the benefits. Itampliiesthe good effects of mast exercises and helos prevent cardiovascular disease, say researchers ‘rom Cambridge CardiacCare Centre and Laval University in Canada They monitored the good fects of yoga ona group of60 volunteers with hypertension (igh blood pressure). Alot the olunteer did 30 minutes ofaerabic exercise five aysaweek, and haltadded 1 minutes ofyogatto the regimen while the othersinstead did stretching exercises, After three months, blood pressure levels were lower in both groups but had reduced mare inthe yoga group. Their systolicblood pressure was reduced by 1OmmHg comparedto a reduction of ‘Ammiiginthe stretching group. Yooa ‘alsa reduced their resting heart rate and vera risk developing heart disease verthenext 10 yeas, — 9-42 Long Covid sufferers helped by six- week exercise program An exercise program can help people ‘overcome symptoms ofong Covid in iustsix weeks The program=—which increases Inintensityfrom ight exerciseto strenuous workouts—helps ong Covi sufferers reduce bainfog and fatigue "crashes" during the day. i’sbeentestedon 31people who had long Cove for months. soand suffered around three crashes week when they wereleftexnaustedater carrying out even simple mental or physical tasks After completing the sic week program, the participants suffered [ustone exhaustion crashaweek, felt more mentally alert, were ableto bbe more active andreportedaibetier. ualityoflt The program has sx phases that increase in intensity, Weeks breathing exercises or tretchingand Week 2 involves veyliohttomoderate exercise. Theenerises beeorne more rigorousMucing the following four weets, with Week6 categorized asextremely hard and requiring ‘maximum exertion, Cnicians rom the University of Leeds monitored the progres of the participants, who were tld never to exert themselves but tostay within their levels of tolerance, ach of them was assessed at the end ofthe weekto seeifthey were ale to moveuptothe next level The program wasdevelopedby ‘Mano)Sivan from the university's School of Medicine on behalf of the Word Health Organizationto help people overcomelong Cod, a Condition that afects2 milion people inthe Ukalone. ‘Mets 20 98369-27 Allicin from garlic @ PR EPRO Gut friendly bacteria s For your nearest stockist call 0345 2410505 wwwallicin.co.uk 100% STABILISED ALLICIN GUARANTEED ALLICIN POWDER CAPSULES. Food Supplement Plus lipase & FOS ‘ALLICINMAX® F REPRO a Prebiotic & Friendly PREPRO = =" FOOD SUPPLEMENT NO NEED To REFRIGERATE Food Supplement Bec Ue ALLICINMAX" Does your garlic supplement contain stabilised allicin? @ Stabilised allicin from garlic @ Odourless @ Vegan @ One a day For your nearest stockist call 0345 241 0505 www.allicin.co.uk Why you should ~ only boil p The potato maynot be sobadfor after all—it’sthe way we prepare Despite theriseofow-carb cits, pORaOES havea neutral effect on ourhealthas org we oll them, They tart raising ourblood- sugar (alucase) levels ony when wefry them. Butthen potatoes arent partiulartyhealthy either, certainly not compared to green vegetables. They don't reduce the rskoftype2 diabetes, butthey don’ tincrease the riskeithe, say researchers rom Edith Cowan University in Australia, Eating alt of patatoescanintraduce ess healthy habits, say the researches, whoanalyed the dies of more than $4,000 people taking part inthe Danish Diet, Cancer and Health study. Potato eaters were also eating more butter, red meat and sot drinks, ‘and some elements ofthis diet can have. direct impact onthe development oftype 2 diabetes, the researchers say. But the real take-home from the study is that people shouldbe eating more leafy green and ‘ciferous vegetables, suchas spinach kale and broccoli And fyourmust eat potatoes, make sure theyreboiled Daten 20mscosm/4a208 The myth of “good” Cate) race} uot en es roe eect Seer Wee etme eanr ON ar Aare) a er res Set ee OMEGA-3 FATTY ACID FOUICACID COENZYME O10 (CoQlo) | Three supplements arescientiialyprovento reduce heart disease, researchers have concluded. Thethreethat boost heart health are omege-3 fattyacids, which reduce therisk fatal heart disease; flicacid which lowersstroke isk; and coenzyme G10 (CoMTO}, which protects against al-cause death, There's strang scientific evidence forthe effectiveness of al three supplements, say researchers from Brown University and China ‘Agricultural Universtyin Bejing, who hadinvolved more than 883,000 people, Butthere was na evidence, atleast inthis ty, that vitamins C,O and Eand selenium pt the heart heathyor prevented type 2 ‘labetes—asurprisng conclusion since Cand € are antioxidants, which have been traditionally linked toheart health ‘Tere was weaker evidence that 13 other ‘supplements couldaiso support heartheatth, and these indude omega. tarinin, tuline, magnesium, zincand quercetin cao 20m; 8002426085 T Type 2 diabetes reversed with intermittent fasting Twenty ofthe paticipantshad Type? dlabetes can bereversed With intermittent fasting—even ifyou've hadthe condition for ‘oyears or more Scientstshad belived that diabetes was reversible only inits early stages, butnewresearchhas ddemonstrateditcan be achieved upto Tlyearsafter developing the condition Intermittent fasting canbe either eating nothing fora period of 4 hours (0FSo, including the time yousleep, or eating just one meala day 2 couple of timesa week Either way, the approach hasa ramaticetfec on diabetes, say researchers fom the Hunan Agrcutural Univetsityin Changsha, China, They put 36people wth ype 2ciabetes on an intermittent fasting program for three ‘months; 23 ofthem had suffered from the condition forsito years complete emission and discontinued their diabetes medication for atleast ayearatter fasting, and almost all reduced the amount of medication they were taking. Overall the group spent 77 percent less on medication afterfesting etree 021 sey re Ns wt) a) POLARAID* 1st demonstrated by Georges Lakhovsky and Nikola Tesla Your VITALITY booster! Everyone needs more VITALITY - there is no limit! PolarAid disc increases Life Energy! ‘We have suggestions that will work for you when using more than ONE PolarAid on the body: Hundreds and hundreds of authentic, compelling ‘+ Place PolarAid on reflex zones to support internal body functions, testimonials — PolarAid® encourages the overall ‘example place PolarAid dises under each of your feet AND place health of the body: ‘your hands on the PolarAid while relaxing! + Also, place at once, PolarAid discs on several areas of discomfort “This willbe the fourth PolarAid t've purchased! 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Eater research foundthat dnkingone cup adaylowersthe ik of yng folowing aheat attack and could reduce the rskot heat dseasein heathy people, Coffe ould also over heriskof depression and chronic health problems such 2s type2 diabetes Butityou'v got high bloodpressure andyoucan’t lve without coffee, justhave one cup a daybefore Snitching to tea. Athoughboth contain cafeine, areenand blackteahavejusthalf thecaffeine ‘Cf cofee Tea also contains polyphenol, rmicronutints wit antioxidant and art inflammatory quale thatcan protect the cardiovascular system, Theresearchers JD analyes data froms,570 mmenand around 2,000 women aged between 40 and 72 ‘According tothe American Heart Assocation, hypertension a bloodpressure tevel of 130/80 mmtg or greater. nts 20020 07 courses ofantbitis, people overage 40, jtyin Denmark Antibiotics increase IBD risk in the over-40s Iryou‘re over 49, thinktwice about taking Researchershave dscoveredthat the drugsincrease the riskot inflammatory bowel ¢isease (18D) —which indus Crohn's disease ‘and cotis—by as muchas 50 percent in Although people of allages area skof BD om taking antibiotics, t's most pronounced Ider people, sayresearchersfrom Aalborg sk increases wit each course othe course of antibiotic increases IBD ercent and ths risesby 5 percent rse after that, sosomeone wito Statins increase. osteoporosis risk Taking cholesteo-loweting statin drugs can increase the Tiskofosteopoross Thepoisonisinthe dose, say researchers fromthe ‘Medical University of Vienna. Low doses lower te isk of the bone-wastng disease —buthigh doses dcamatically increaseit, The researchers had natced the effects of high-dose statin therapyin atudy they carried utin 2078, but they couldn'testablish a direct cause-anc-ffet relationship, However intheirnew study involving laboratory mice, ‘they ware abe to observe the bialogical fects ofthe drug, ‘Theyre also confident they would see the same effets in people, just asthey cin theirntial esearch Intheir20T9 study, the researchershad investigated the health of 353,000 people taking statins, one ofthe world’s ‘mast prescribed drugs. Of these, 1,700 participants developed osteoporosis Doctorsshould be monitoring for osteoporosis in patients who ae taking statins and recommend taking vitamin D supplements and calcium te help protect bones ‘around S7 percent. An over-40 whohas been prescribed antibiotic fe or moretimesis. twice as likly to develop IBDas someone who has never takenthe drug, Researchers reviewed data from 6 milion Danes, collected aver 10 yeas, and discovered that 90 percent had been prescribed antibiotic sometime during the decade, With 36,000 developing colts and afurther 17,000 being diagnosed with Crohn's disease TBO developed onetotwo yearsafter ‘competing a course of antibiotics, and the isk Was greatest for drugs that targeted bacterial ‘utinfecions. a, 20mc-eraloapsnen ares Facebook into censoring “anti-vax” posts Facebookhasbecomea meuthiee of gvermentandhas ceatedtobea fee speech plato, acording to cout papers thatshowit acquiesced to Wit House demands to canoe "atx" posts dung he Covi epidemic The Met patorms —uhichindude aceo0kand Whatton and Google's YouTube all bowedto White House pressure to ban ortamp down the pad of pststhat auestiondthe safety ofCovidvacnes a goverment Cois palin genera Emaistom Rob Haber, the White House director of digital a,toFaenookexcceshavebeen plied the iscoveryphase of Miso Sen, tee speec ase brought bythe attmneys general of Mou and Lousiana andpatstom he Ne Gv Uberti ance Flanerty’s elenessemal canpaign—to which Facebook eventuay equi — waster backed by President Biden, who vowed ol these platforms SANTI E axccurabie itheydt stepupcensorsip against “ant say” post, nares conference, iden said the platorms were “ling people by alowng te poss The plait argue thatthe US Contato’ srt Amendment bar govermentram engagingin vewpcit based censorship.” The batch of emails demonstrates that the socal mi platforms were coerced int the censrsipanddid net sovolutary the pli a Inaseparate developmen i's een revealed that aer— which manufaduresa Covd mRNAaczine—presued Titer tocensorapostthatauestioned the vacne'setletiees intend suggesting nti nny was eter Sa cote, hoe board member andermerhead ofA Fdand DrugAdminstratn, cortactd Titer about the post which had tagged "Maleaing” seit hh ines 204 ‘incense aa ‘es 200 hao Acupuncture eases low back pain during pregnancy ‘Acupuncture can dramatically ease low back pain in pregnant women, anew study has discovered, The therapy isso safe and doesn’taffetthe pregnancy orthe heath ofthe unborn child, say researchers from the Guangzhou Univesity of Chinese Medicine. ‘The researchers assessedthe results from 10 studies that had used acupuncture on 1,040 women while they were pregnant, ‘Acupuncture not onl relieved low back pain and pevicpainbutit also helped women cope better during the day andimproved thei qualty of life. lowered the levels of painthe women were experiencing by more than halfand improved their abiltytofunction and move around. The reseacherssay their analysis was one ofthe fstto examine the safety of acupuncture during pregnancy. lithe babies were born healthy, although preterm contractions were nated intwo ofthe studies noe, 202 2) 056578 Low-carb diet halves rate of epileptic seizures Eating a low-carb Atkins diet reduces the rate of sezures for eplesy sufferers, harge effects of ant-eplepticmedicaion, and italves the occurrence a seizure. By comparison, those who only take the drug have|ust a3 percent reduced sk Researchers from Alina Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhitested the effects ofa modified Atkins diet on 160 epilepsy suferers who averaged atleast ‘wo seizures a month despitebeing on at least three preventive medica Hatf were put on modified atkins —a ketogenicdiet of soy, heavy ream, butter and ois, leafy green vegetables, 095, chicken, fish and bacon—forsix ‘months and were compared tothe est, who carried ontaking the drugs without adoptinathe diet. The participants also reported an improved quality of life and behavior, he researchers found yoo 202 0:20 Light therapy eases MS fatigue Lighttherapy can help ease Daiyuse of commercially fatigueand tiredness inmutiple avaliable lampthat emits sclerosis (MS) patients 10,000 lux—the equivalent of ‘Almost every MS patient ambient dayight—for usta suffersfromfatiguethat makes fortnightcan giveMS patientsalot itnearly impossible tocarry out more energy, say esearchersat the thesimplesttasks—but siting Medical University Vienna, infront of astronglightfor Theytesteda standard daylight just30 minuteseverydaycan _lampagainstalamp that emitted red ramaticalyreducetitedness. light of essthan 300 lux on 25 Top up on fluidsto live longer Make sure you'e getting plenty offs very day, Staying hydrated reduces your chances of developing conic health problems and can even help youlivelonger Researchershave discovered that people who dan'thydrate are more ikelyto developheart and lung diseases and de prematurely They analyred datafrom 11255 people that had been collated for 30 years ‘and found that those with high serum sodium levels—an indicator of poor hydration —were suffering from more chronichealth problems ‘and dying earlier than people with low evel, People withthe righest serum sodium levels were 64 percent more likely to suffer from a chronic heath problem, induding heart failure, stroke, artery disease, lung disease, diabetes and dementia Hydration impacted 15 biological markers, such asblood pressure, cholesterol and glucose (laod sugar “Broper hydration may slow down aging and prolong disease-free lf,” said Natalia Dmitrieva, a researcher from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Women shouldbe consuming up o 9 cups (2.2) of uids every day, and that goes upto 12 cups (2103) for men, ids can come from water, juices, coffee, tea, vegetables ‘andi. Peopleshould also takeacloselook attheit medications, 2s some havea dehydrating effect, the round half the world’s population doesn't even meet the minimum ‘uid intake recommendations cof Scups(1SL) aday. MS patents who used the equipment athometor 30 minutes aday. The relight had no effect on levels of fatigue, butthose who had standard lamp therapy eported higher levels cof physical and mental performance Theyalsofett more alert throughout the day. ase tarci 20 96 earns ose Panini ee Pave e FounceONC Cy om mais Poa Psat) Pa News Focus Autism andthe SSRI connection SSRI antidepressants taken during pregnancyare amplifying the effects of inflammation in the depressed mother-to-betoincreasethe chances of autism inthe child, majornewresearch has discovered weredescribing the fetusasafortress, immune oanything themother ‘mighteat,drinkorinhale. Today, however, weknow different. A mother whosmokes ordrinksalcoholcanaffect herbaby, andthe unborn child’shealthy development canalso beimpairedby ‘malnutrition, obesity infection and autoimmune conditions, I: as only 10 yearsago thatbiologists These recent discoverieshave unlocked illions of dollars of research funding asscientistshavescrambled tounderstand the inexorable riscof autismin childrenand ts possiblelink to toxins crossingthe placenta, Inthe US, theincidenceofautism isincreasingby around 24 percentevery twoyears,and America’s Centers or Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hasestimated thatonein 44 eight-year-old boyshasthe condition, which represents2.3 percent ofthe boys ofthatage Although t’s now known thattoxins canbreach the placenta, mostscientists, slillhold to thetheory that geneticsis usually responsible forautism, Studies of twinshave discovered that70 percentare likely tobe autisti, which doessupport the genetics theory, and otherstudies have identified geneticsasa major factor in30to0 percentofautisticchildren. But the genetics theory can'texplain theexplosion in autism in recent aphenomenon thatseemedto sta around 30 yearsago, although therise can, inpart,beexplainedbyagreater understanding ofthe condition andits complexityofsymptoms, along with betterscreening programs, It'sthe drugs Ever since twas recognized that thefetuscanbeaffected bytoxins, prescription drugshavebeenin the frameasalikelysuspect. Although the theory thatthe MMRvaccinemightbe responsiblehasbeen roundly discredited byscientsts, the suspicion abouta link to pharmaceutical drugs—and antidepressant SSRIs (seectiveserotonin reuptake inhibitors) in particular hasn’tgoneaway.Itsbeen fueled by the tantalizingobservation that the rise in autism eoineided with theintroduetion ‘ofSSRIsin 1990. Upto20 percentof pregnant women havedepression, and80 percent ofthese aregivenan SSRI, considered the safer ‘optionamongantidepressants Inthe US around3. 6 million children are bomevery year, suggesting that around 570,000 ofthem areexposed to SSRI toxicity while in the womb—although \westill don’tknowhow manyofthem go conto develop autism, Oncethemother startstakingan SSRI, the maternal serum, startstochangeuntil eventually 80 percentofitcontainsthedrug. Most researchersaccept that SSRIs areafactorinautism’s development, butthe results havealwaysbeen diluted bythe possibility thatthe depression’s inflammation, rather than the antidepressant, isthe major eause,oryas researchersputit,thereare “confounding factors” that muddy the waters Thewhammy doubles Buti’snotthateitherthedrugorthe depression raises the chance ofautism, butthatbothworksynergistcally,as major new research has discovered. The studyisthefirstto track the biological courseofthe SSRI asitreachesthe placenta, ancl theresearchershave found thatinflammation,acommon feature of depression—as we bacterial infections—is amplified by theSSRIs. Thistoxicmixisaffectingthe neurodevelopmentofthetetus!! Universityof Virginia researchers carried outaseriesofexperimentson laboratory mice, giving them water with Prozac (fluoxetine), oneofthemost celebrated SSRIs. The pregnant mice \were givena viral infection tocreatean inflammatoryresponse, andsomewere also given the SSRI. ‘Whathappened next extraordinary. Thematernal fetal AFI), which communicates with thebiological processesoutside thewomb, started to respond to both, theinflammationand thedrug—atthe expenseothealthy neurodevelopmentin thefts, “Eyenbrriefdisruption of thedllicate maternal etal interface miliewhas the potential toalternutrient, wasteand gas exchangewith thedevelopingembryo ‘which mayhave severe consequences,” theresearcherssay. Serotonin 5-H isn'tonly the feel-goodchemicalin the adult brain;italso playsakeyrolein fetal neurodevelopment, “critically influencingthebrainstructureand function of thedeveloping fetus,” say researchers from the School of Public Health in Tel Aviv, andsothedrugs, which targetthe chemical, couldbe interfering with this vital process! sviraland interface Researchers have found that inflammation, a common feature of depression—as well as viral and bacterial infections—is amplified by SSRIs. This toxic mix is affecting fetal neurodevelopment ww ore om ‘The Virginia researchersagree. Inflammation onitsownaltersserotonin levels, andso toodothe SSRIs, and thecombinationofthetwocreatesa dlifferentresponseagain. “Wefoundthat motherswho encountered an immune challenge + 100% PURE PRODUCTS } + COMPETITIVEPRIES + WORLDWIDEDELIVERY 30-8499 VO 10018-2350 Tocsenessertainieditandie ——VtaninDiseseial fr natanng + ABSOLUTE RELIABILITY case Suprema 2 milf Sctecpeletiastsbe halybeoefch rend satintevcieneans sSlomunaltenjote — etanydemeae Peenemceneyd ‘curt espersbam (nares Senta cee en Innespnantewmlptah dwn nrg iran sets Sere. teeta sen ‘shen detente 01403 730342 eX Deen Uses for eye diseases By the time the FDA loosened clinical trial restrictions after seeing nearsightedness in animals given DMSO {a side effect never seen in humans), interest in DMSO had fizzled, according to a 2021 review of studies on its use in eye diseases. The data that does exist, however, suggests the ‘molecule is safe and has “remarkable properties” that could be useful in therapy for a wide range of eye conditions, from trauma and burns to autoimmune, inflammatory and infectious conditions. However, it is a “nonpatentable potential therapeuti agent that remains underexplored and ignored.” Toss arse va aR Protection againstside effects Several studies report that for decades, DMSO hasbeen averyeffectivetreatmentforextravasation—tissue injuries caused by cancer chemotherapy gentsleaking ‘outof IV cannulas, leadingto welling, ulceration andtissue death! Radiation protection OneofDMSO'smostastonishingproperties isitsabiltyto protectagainstraciation damage toDNA Cancerradiotherapyisa common treatment, butsideeflectsinclude mouth ulcers, which aft about 40 percentof cancer patients. Chinese researchers reportedin 2018 that treatment with DMSO beforeradiationin mice protected cells from ddamageand may haveeven helped cllsrepairinjury? DMSOalsoholds promise formalepatients with cancer, suchastesticular cancer and Hodgkin's lymphoma, who undergoradiation therapy. Side effectsinclude infertility. Currently, nothings used toprotect male cancer patientsagainst this potential injury, butotherresearchers from Chinareported last year that DMSO reduces DNA damagein mice exposed toradiation and protects the cellsthatgeneratesperm, from dying allowing speem to recover. DMSO might also protect male cancer patientsandothersexposed to rudlearradiation®™® Clearly, there appearto be remarkableeffectswith DMSOandrelativey fewsideefiects. However, aswith every drugon themarket, Big harma’sdisinterest comesdowwn tomoney. =— “Ithinkit’safactoflifethatdrugcompaniesarenot 1 AMISHEIETTHDI 3-26 goingtoinvestinsomethingunlesstheythinkthere’s 3 jenn ben a somefinancial return," theheadofthe FDA drug 02 department said. Sal, theres nevermuch money to bemadewithadrug thatcures people 44 Diente! ota Mage R20 E8108 5. AnanPrsin 200,642) aon Foomes 07-746 JAMA 208 015-4 Phy 202; 790) 2 The case of The first team investigating explained the reactions of those Ee oe "The ToxicLady"” theteathcare wore fining teatngherbut did not appearin ie rn ‘and vomiting concluded itwas any analyses: ieee {in 1994, DMSO suddenly resurfaced in the media after a case of “mass hysteria.” Later, ‘ther investigators theorized that Ramirez, whose cause of death ‘was cancer, unfortunately became ro 18 eos 2002240 73-80 Pee int ecasesteatenrn because of kidney failure, dimethyl known as “The Toxic lady,” and CS wwas blamed fora bizare outbreak — sulfoxide had built up in Ramire’s DMSO was blamed though the 1 Shion offainting, nausea andilinessin body. Shehadstopped urinating. investigators theory couldnot be irrpatuearramact, severalemergency healthcare When she was oxygenated proven and symptoms described zona) 20 Wworkerstreatingawoman with _>YPafamedlcs, this mayhave ___instudies of methy| sulfate 7 Canada Poana2 at Severe complications oflatestage cofWerted some dimethyl sulfoxide poisoning don’t match those of wes cervcalcancer. todimethy/ sulfone. ‘thehealthcare workers who were 1 Melts. 200 Gloria Ramirez was reportedly ‘Then, when she was given ‘Treating Ramirez 1 !GinOeea, ee s:732-5; treating her own cancer pain at ectrcal shocks with a ness ss home with DMSO and presented in defibrilatr, this secondary 20 Eaeruen doy, 208 cancertelated organ failure with compound may have converted 20 Sea RT llonherskin and garlicky breath, todimethyl sulfate, anextremely t feesesin.w=7.e78) 20-3 ae u Toviesupstancethatmighthave 2 Srepraserecindctosz2mr-3 | Dasa 20 | Al Nature Gprtag Ret Products Avelleile Onltae Healthful Pets offers a unique, wide range of high-quality, toxin-free pet products including supplements, treats, toys, shampoos & grooming products, and accessories, with many products you may struggle to find and certainly not in one place. TopeciGotbisiieos Ray ORB ALTO ‘inte i 20 ® ‘srosponx Gro THEECO DOCTOR inaand Maxcametosee me together, nly distraught. They were both age Overcoming 3 infertility pcan three times. nahad, however, been through DrJennyGoodman alibegnesogedinesigtins helpsa couple Tning hormonctest ete normaland havea child by Iaparoscopisangeryconfirmed everything ‘was fineanatomicaly. Her periods were correctingafactor regular, Thegeneal practioner tldher manypeopledon’t thre noting wong she" just relax” andit would happen. Her suspect—low- replyisunprintable qualitysperm Maxhad nothadasperm test until two duetonutritional a a ee deficiencies ‘That test had been “borderline,” meaning afeyggperm werenormalandcould: his, he was told, wasall rightbecause Alinahad beenthrough allthe gynecological investigations. The general practitionertold herthere was nothing wrong onlytakesonesperm tofertilizeane Bwonderedvhowever, about the quali ‘ofthosesperm. Sperm countsare filling ‘worldwide, in animalsas wellasinamans Maxwasnotalone. asked Maxtodo arepeat perm test. as sperm countscan change rapidly. [then had them both completea one-week dietdiary andtakeblood tests forallthenutrients that, arevitalforhealthy conception andfull- term pregnancy theB vitamins vitamin Ds vitamin E;themineralszing iron selenium, “waslowerthan two yearsbeforejustinto thezone thatthe NHS considerslovrather than borderline. His det dary showed alot of “stodge”—toastand cereal forbreakfast, sandwiches orpotatochipsforlunch, pizza ‘or pastafor dinner. Soothing Energising Detoxifying Optional photon red light panel Portable FIR Saunas Saupa Domes Optional jade/bian stone mat Optiénal photon red light function Radiant Jade Mat FIR Sauna Blankets FIRZONE www. firzone%co.uk 08009°689 5671 E: sats @firzone.co.uk © @firzonesaunas “There wasan absence offiesh fruit and vegetables,andanabsence of protein foods, too:althoughhewasn’t vegetarian, Maxrarely ate ish, eggs ‘orgood quality meat, Hewasahigh- poweredlawyerandsaidhewasjust “too busytocook.” Alina’s diet diary was quite different and farmorevaried:sheate plenty of fruit, eg, egesfishand meat,andalso whole grains,pulsesand nuts, She worked asa eacherand cooked a proper inner when he gothome, but Maxgot homemuch aterand preferred getting pastaor takeaway pizzatoreheatinga proper meal Pmnotsayingpastaorpizzaare terrible, butifthat’syourstaplediet, you simplycan’the wellnourished: there are justtoo many nutrients missing ‘Theblood testresultsconfirmed that manynutrientswere indeed missing from Max'sbody. Hewaslowin several Buita E, ine, seleniu iodine, magnesiumand both omega-3 and 6 attyacids. Hisvitamin Dwas ‘okaybecausehetooksupplementsand couldafiord regularholidaysin the sun, Alina’stests showed no deficiencies atl, whichisunusual and confirmed mysense hat itwasthesperm that were theissuehere. Atleast 50percentof sd” infertilityismale factor ty, and poorspermqualityis implicated in miscarriage, too, istconsultation, hadasked nelsmoking,and they emerged that Maxwounddown frombislongand stressful workdays witha coupleof lange lasses of wine every eveningand drank moreon the weekends. Asthe topiccame up, the tension in the room rose palpably: this was dlearlyan issue between them. ‘Asgentlyas| could, Lexplained that spermarevery, verysmall anddonot likebeing pickled Lalo explained thataleohol depletesB vitaminsand magnesium, Maxlooked rather she shocked: head seriously thoughtit ‘wasonly women whoneededtoavoid alcohol when trying forababy He didagree, however, to tryto reduce hisdrinkingandimprove is diet. lina had obviously been saying this fo buthehadr’theen listening: with my metaphorical white coat, [wasable to Atleast 50% of “unexplained” infertility is male factor infertility, and poorsperm quality isimplicatedin miscarriage, too getthrough.Ittakes tworto tango, and theirtime to makea baby wa runningout However, Max’slong working hourswerean obstacieto hisgoodiintentions. He accepted somehelp from Alina in makinghealthy packed lunches (which shehadbeendoingfor herselfforyears) and agreedtotakesupplements ofalltherelevant nutrients aswell IgaveimaB complex with extraBI2andagood-quality supplement containingalleight subtypes ofvitamin E,notjustalpha tocopherol Talsogavehimliquidversionsofzinc, iodineandselenium because these arebestabsorbed,anda high dose of _magnesiumbiselyeinate the most absorbable form of magnesium. Finally, I gavehimeveningprimrosecil for ‘omega-6and ahigh-qualityishoil for ‘omega-3,takenat different mealsfor ‘maximum benef Then | gave them the mos dificult task: asked them nottotryto conceive forthenextfewmonthsbutto.use barrier contraception. Thisisbecause asthebiochemistrystartstoimprove \withnuttitional treatment, itmay aftera couple of monthsbecomegoodenough toconeeive, butnot yet goodenough to carryababy toterm. Ididn'twant Alina togo throughanother miscarriage. This precaution wasofcourse painfuland counterintuitive foracoupleoftheirage desperate forababy,buttomyralief, they didstick tit. Fourmonthslater they cameback, and Maxbroughtme theresults ofa sperm test from the week before. Ithad improved considerablysitwasatthetop ‘ofthe bordertinerange. Iheld my nerve andaskedhimto continue the regimen foranotherfourmonths. Atthat point] retested thenutrientlevelsin hisblood, andthey wereall normalized ‘Wehadalsocreateda virtuous circle; thenutritional teatmenthad improved not onlyhissperm buthis rmentalenergy, too, sohe wasableto sgethis work done by6:00 p.m. instead (08:00 p.m, Hewaslesstiredandalso lessin need of the wineto wind down becausehe waslesswound up. Finally, afewweekslater, wehada “good” sperm testresult,and told them they could stop using contraception but needed tocontinue Max’snutritional and nno-booze program. Three monthslater phoned me:they were pregnant. Of course, after whatshehadbeen through, she wassillholdingher breath but they -gotpastthecrucal12-week pointand the pregnancy continuedhealtily. Interestingly, after “job done,” Max could then have gone back tohisjunk foodand vino diet, buthedidn't—hefelt betterthan hehad for yearsandhad no desireto revert tohisprevioushabits Alinaand Maxhadahealthy baby git, and Alinabreastfed successfully for two years, continuingherhealthy diet. Max, too, hascontinued eating heatthilyand hasplenty ofenergy torunaroundin the park with hisdaughter on theweekends, Heand Alinaarewantingto try for anotherbaby, buti’s too soon yettosay whether thatwillhappen. Theyarein theird0snow. ‘Thekeylesson from thiscasehistory isthatitcanbesurprisinglyeasy to improveapoorsperm count:the sperm just need thesame nutritional goodies as therestofthebody, butmoreso.Ittakes ‘onlyamatterof months witha strong dietand therightsupplementsto makea realdifference. DDrlenny Goodman has specatzed ‘nNutrtonalandEnvironmental, Medicineforthelast20years, ‘Anexperiencedspeaker and ‘authorofStayingAlein Toxic Times: Seasonal GuidetoLflong Heath (Yetlowkite,2020), she hhasapartiuarinterst inpreconceptioncare and workwith children, Bs (e-lbveltiee-nt in this historic English country oF JnYolenronruslCder0a aie A Healing Journey Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard September 4-8, 2023 oer ‘acevtiyines aN ‘in international bestsellin WDDTY co-editor Lynne uuthorand —_Shehasal These techniquesare perfect forhealing past incidents thathold youback fromliving, thelifeofyourdreams. foraPowerof life-changing transformation Bryanwillshow you with great clarity and joyousrela peat patternsthatblock you from achieving your atest fulfillment. He'l also demonstrate why many of your intentions consequently ddon’twork, despite yourbestintentions. You'lllearn how experiences younever fully understood from your pastweigh you down, causingyou torespondin thepresent with anxiety and fear why Yourlifecan beon constant with, Yorkshire, Eng of-akindsetting Yorkshire Dale individual group member. 000actesintherolling Manyoflynne Whatyou'lliearn Besides pioneering Power of Eight® group intention,Lynne hasdevelopedamethod ofusingintention to “time Lynnewillbejoinedbyher __Bryan’sexercises will help you identify husbandand WDDTY co: and theirrolein eciicincidents from your Invariably, asshehas you from livinglifeto your discovered, when peopleare Lynne willhelpyouengagein als, they Time-Lightmethod, the radical newtherapyhe developed tobelpyou clear out However, thelingeringelfectofthese __od patternsand makeway for new pasthurtscan be overcome with special Time-Lightisnowbeingusedbya team of intention techniques,nomatterhowlong European therapiststoheal such problemsas agoor deeply embedded depressionandanxiet Ee " Cntr ee Eee (Or tener Trem ou aa i Pouaestins aaatuye rd oe oaees Soe oe and Bryan on their Heal gait nd - Tienes arcs PreMed nara H H Conus) OU cenra lar) enue aeons 1 ! ene ney elas 1 Freer ee eer) Teuton Ce eae Ce el eam a a oes EE BE 1s aa ma == Ta eT Caran eienanateriy Caceres) Mremaa rg seller! ee ae cary Whereyou'llstay Thishistoriccountryestate—dat back to 1597andbelongingto Tempest Baronet family-—isoneof the onlyexclusive-use HistoricHousesin the UK, now completely refurbished atures, beautiful did 18th-century with maze). ‘Theaccommodation Broughton Hall tostayinoneofthe 17 period rooms ofthe historichouse itself, many with four-posterbeds, copper orstandalone bathtubs, access tothelibrary (with ahickden door), themagnificent conservatoryanmor Therearealsoavari sceniesmalleraccommo farmhous around theestate that wll erveas our accommodation, too. www. lynnemctaggart.com/broughton-retreat issues andfood cre more ofthe enzymes: getting from bodily pre foods, Cate Montana learnsfro DrEllen Cutler hen DrEllen Cutler ‘wastiveyearsold, her relationship with food suddenly changed Everytimesheate, she gotcrampsand bloated upuntilshelooked pregnant. She developed multipleseverefood sensitivitiesand wasconstantly constipated. Asateen, “would look atothergirlsmyagein amazement, watching them eat whatever they wanted andstilllbe abl to wearthosetightjeans,” shesays. “Foryears believed there wasnothing| coulddo aboutmy situation and there was nobelpin sight.” When she entered chiropracticeollegein 1972, hersymptoms worsened under thestressof going toschoo! fulltime while workingin anemergency roomatnnight. Diagnosed with ulcerative colitsand inflammatory bowel disease, shewastecommended ddrugsandsurgery butrefused. Insteadshe tried a wide variety of alternative therapies from colonicstofastingto weird dietstosupplementation. But In the best of shejustkept getting sicker, suffering, ‘oxidation processes, lyases that break up chemical bonds, transferasesinvolved in transport functions (ike signaling) ligasesinvolved inbinding processes andisomerases tat faiitatestructuralchangesin different molecules. Everyenzymeinthebody isresponsiblefor one specificaction, fromaidingrespiration to facilitating digestion, from blood coagulation to supporting nerve functionand DNA replication. Allthedifferent dassesofenzymescan beslotted into threemain categories: metabolicenzymes (aka systemicenzymes) that runevery aspect of our bodies biochemical processes, digestiveenzymesthat digest ‘our food, and food enzymes thatcan be obtained only externally from raw foods. “Thevast majorityofenzymesmanufactured by thebodyaresystemicenzymes,” saysCutler. They're responsible for maintainingourbloodtissuesand ‘organs. Theyensure that yourheartbeatsregularly, yourmuscls contractand relax property,andyour senses, including vision and hearing, stay sharp. They removepotentally unhealthy LDL-cholesterol from yourblood, produce andbalance yourhormones, and supply the neurotransmitter that support fromfatigue,constantcoldsandthe CIFCUMStANCES, YOU memoryandmood.” misery of chronicmouth sores Finally,sheconfessed her situation toone ofherinstructors body canmake allofthesystemic — !ulargrowthandrepair, transform Systemicenzymes also support carbohyerates proteinsand fatsinto atschool, Muchtohersurprisghe @NZYMeSIENEeMS. — fuelforourcells, andhelpeliminate recommended thatshetry plant-based digestiveenzymeswhen sheate. Withnothinglefttolose shegaveitatry, religiously taking enzymesateverymeal “Twoweekslater my colitis thefatigue,thecolds, themouth so thefoodsensitivties, everything,” says Cutler. “Itwas, like Ibecamea completely different person.” ‘Atthat point herlife-long study of what she terms “micro miracles” began. Whatare enzymes? Enzymesareproteinsmade up ofaminoacidsandare created in many areasofthebody—the stomachand smallintestnes, thymusgland, liver pancreasand ‘more. Enzymes are essential toa life processesand areresponsible forspeeding up chemical reactionsin exerycellofour bodies. Alsoknownasbiocatalysts,theyareresponsiblefor helping maintain homeostasis (overall biochemical balance), aidinginallbuilding processes (building ‘muscle, forexample) andbreaking downavastrange ofsubstanees,includingfoodand toxins. Thethousandsof differentenzymesin the body canbeplaced intosix fundamental classesbased ntheir function: hydrolasesinvolved in chemical reactions with water, oxidoreductasesthat catalyze king But ifthebody uses astemateriasfromthebody up its reserves, it cannolongerheal — enzym orrebuilditself symptomshadvanishedalongwith ffectively 9% “Inthebestofcircumstances, your body can makeall ofthesystemic ced,” shesays.“Butifthe body ses upitsreserves—mostly becauseit’sso busy manufacturing dligestiveenzymes—itean nolonger heal orrebuilditseleffectively. That's ‘whenlotsofimmuneissuescrop up. Atthat point, supplementation withthe propersystemicenzymes canmakeabbigdifference.” ‘One ofthe majorreasonsthebody hastoworkso hardat creating digestiveenzymesis because food enzymesare frequently depletedor eveneliminated luring cooking, pasteurization andprocessing. Another contributing factorto thelack ofenzymes inourfoodisthe rapiddepletion ofnutrientsin the soils they re grownin, Thecreation ofendogenous dligestiveenzymes madein the body) becomesvital toassistwith thebreakdown offood, theabsorption ‘ofnutrientsand their delivery throughout thebody. Unfortunately, as weage, mostlyduetostressand theconsumptionofhighly processed, fundamentally indigestible foods, ourbodieslose theirabilityto createenough digetiveandsystemicenzymes. “Ifthebody can’t digest food properlyfora longtime, itjustsortofgives up trying to create dligestiveenzymes,” saysCutler."And when you're not digesting your food, then food particlesgetinto Food enzymes are enzymes naturally found in raw foods. ‘While in the plant, enzymes are responsible for the Tipening processes, When ingested, they participate in the digestion of our food, Well-known food enzymes are papain in papaya, bromelain in pineapple and amylases found in mangoes. Diatase enzymes found in honey break down starches. Glucosidases found in bananas process carbs and sugars. Lipase enzymes in avocados break down fats, and so on, Digestive enzymes created in the pancreas help us digest three major food categories: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteases rotein, lipases pr fats and amylases process carbohydrates. Digestive enzymes go to workin three major areas of the body: the mouth, stomach and small intestine. ‘Amylase enzymes in the mouth break down starches into dextrin and maltose. Hydrochioricacidin the stomach dissolves food and converts pepsinogen into the protein- busting enzyme pepsin. Inthe small intestine, pancreatic enzymes lke typsin and chymotrypsin continue to break down proteins. Other enzymes continue to break down starches. Lipases take care of fats ‘ystemic/metabolic enrymes work on digestive processes, but they go to work in a lat of other areas of the body as well, so they are known as systemic enzymes, Proteolytic enzymes are systemic/metabolic enzymes best known for their immune-modulating ability. They break down proteins, including excess fibrin (protein fibers) in the blood and tissues, and help get rd of toxins, ‘and other infectious agents. They catalyze cell division ‘and stimulate blood clotting ater injury! Proteolytic enzymes like bromelain, chymotrypsin, nattokinase, pancreatin, papain, rutin, serrapeptase and trypsin regulate the body's inflammatory response, reducing swelling, strengthening capillary walls, and reducing blood clots and fibrin, They break down pathogens and cellular debris that can inhibit immune system function, Serrapeptase reduces symptoms of patients suffering from chronic breathing disorders Nattokinase is highly effective for eliminating and preventing biood clots ‘and aids people suffering from cardiovascular disease." Bromelain, an anttinflammatory enzyme found in pineapple, relieves pain and is useful as an adjunct treatment for osteoarthritis! ees 298 the bloodstreamand into thetissues, and yourimmunesystem becomes compromised, and then youstarthaving al these food sensitivtiesand reactions, nd “Youstartsneezingandsniflin ing. Yougethivesandhes You getfatiguedand can’texercise, You haveconstant inflammation and pain Your hairisfallingoutand youcan'tfight infectionsandare ways sick.” Cutler says mostalternative health professionalsandevendoctorsend up prescribingall sorts offoodsupplements, tohelp address these kindsofissues Unfortunately shesayssupplementation ispretty much apath destined tfailif ing food properly “Youstart taking vitaminsand lI that money ‘onsupplements, and you justend up ‘mineralsandspendi with expensive urineand feces. Because ifyoucan'teven digestyour food, how doyouexpect to digestallthosesupplements you'retakis 1e? Butifyoujust start taking digestive enzymes, youcanstarto digest your food properlyagainand your immunesystem beginsto work again,andsodoesenzyme production in thebody.” Cutler talksabout the thousands ofpatientsshe's assisted with enzyme therapy over theyears—likeaman who came toherwithchronicknoe inflammation andarthrits. In hissisties,he’dhadoneknee replacementandboth hips replaced anddidn’twantto go through anothersurgery toomuch protein, drinkingtoo much alcohol and overeatingin general She put him on digestiveenzymesand recommended som ercises, His pain, inflammation and food ravingsrapidly reduced, Sixyears[ater hiskneeisstll going strongandsoishe. Goodforwhatailsyou Enzymeshavebeen shown tobe therapeuticforawiderangeofhealth issues including metabolic deficiencies eyeand joint problems, cancerand heart diseasel’Theenzyme; been shown tomodulateinflammation anzyme Ahis Theenzyme PRMT! boostsimmune function and thecreation of antibodies Theenzyme L-asparaginasehas long, been used with drugstosticcessfully treatacutelymphoblasticleukemia! Enzyme deficiencies aretho bea possibleculpritbehind chronic fatiguesyndrome®A study scurrently underway todetermine whether supplementation with the DAO enzyme (diamineoxidase,adigestiveenzyme ‘madein thekidneys, thymusand intestines) can reduce thesymptomsof fibromyalgia Enzyme therapy isusedin the treatment of lysosomal storage diseases, rare geneticdiseases thateause toxinsto aaccumulateinthecellsTheenzyme arginase lisbeing studiedasa treatment forcertain cancers aswellas or diabetic retinopathy, which causes newblood vesselsto formin the retinadue twoxygen deficiency, vision Arginase studied asa diseases Hand the alkaline phosphataschasbeen found to promote periodontal Food cravings Ifyou'veever wondered why youhave cravings for sugar, carbs, fatand salt, or protein, here's theanswer. “The foods we eraveare the ‘ones we'remostsensitiveto because we'renot digesting er. “If you'renotbreakingdown your carbs, them,"saysDrCi forexample, you'renotabsorbingthose nnutrients,so youcravethem. Once you start won’tcravethem anymore.” sting the foodsyoucrave, you Fiber People who don'tdigestfiberhave trouble with raw foods, usually because theyhavean issue with igesting cellulose—a major structural component of thecell walls of geen plants. These peopleoftenend up with, irritablebowelissues that caneasily be remedied by taking cellulase, an enzyme thehuman body doesn'tmakethatis created mostlybybacteriaand fn et) Reece gat Eo regimen isto take a really ry meal. (She sells her own ore ecu ecg) Pee nd reece ees Poot Cy Pe ee ca she says, “andi contributes to Poorer) aoe breaks up molecules which can rr ees) sma and inflammation, and it also prevents the accumulation Pees arcu cd Peres eo ce ermine nny est) Dey eee Sat? eo a Ue ce) nea ene Caer) condition suchas heartburn oracid rene eee or capsule with your first bite of food. ieee Wey Pee eae uy erent etry ‘much at once can overwhelm your Peer ase ECan ir Seed Cad en ees erage ere protease capsule two orthree eee om ons Piece eecuae met oes Tercera see ue ee Nereis oun set tin Renee! Oe ee aoc Drinka healthy amount of fresh Rear cet — ZENNI METHOD SUPPORT IN ONCOLOGICAL TREATMENT Electrostimulation with the Zenni method is the use of currents recognized by academic medicine to stimulate intemal organs. Properly selected intensity makes it very effective in eliminating the causes and symptoms of various types of disorders and diseases, its inventor Viktor Zenniinforms us. ‘Thanks to electrostimulation, natural electrical potentials in cells are restored and the repair processes in intemal organs, endocrine glands and the nervous system are stimulated, explains Dr. Beata Antosik. Marzena Marszaikowska-Kowalcz)k a qualified therapist in the Zenni Method. from the office in Sopot, noted some major achievements in patients with ‘cancer. She also describes the case of Krystyna, who volunteered for celectrostimulation in 2015, During the initial interview | got to know that 2 years ago due to cancer changes : —-<-* she had the excision surgery of the left thyroid flap. Eartler her left breast was . 7 amputated. From her point of view, the most urgent deficiency was a non-healing, deep, coin-sized chest wound resulting from burns after irradiation after mastectomy, and huge lymphoedema of the entire left upper limb, which , limited her in everyday life, and none of the drugs worked. Swelling after the first electrostimulation began to decrease, and a month later, after the second electrostimulationit completely disappeared. The wound healed as a result of 3 consecutive stimulations in a monthly cycle. WHAT DO PATIENTS SAY? Sharp stomachache, pain in the lower backand numbness of myleft | had 3 operations, | took 3 types of chemotherapy and radiotherapy legmade me goto a doctor. The oncologist surgeon madeit cleat was acancer. The only possible salvation was chemotherapy. The ‘tumour could not be removed because twas under the intestines, ‘moreover it caused futher dissemination into my body. As a resuit of chemotherapy, the tumour started to die, although it dd not decrease ‘much. Tomography confirmed that despite the suspension of the tumour development the disease still persists in my body. Tumour markers dropped to the required norm, | was discharged from the hospital, but clotted blood inthe femoral vein, focal changes inthe iver, partial enlargement of lymeh nodes inthe pelvis and enlarged left adrenal gland remained. As soon as | got to know about about the Zenni therapy |immedately registered in the office in Sopot. To proceed with this noninvasive and painless treatment, they applied electrodes not only tothe sick leg but also to my kidney, ver, spine and head. After 2 procedures liver uitrasound showed that only one lesion maintained, and most of the enlarged lymph nodes transformed into uid structures without progression. After 6 electrostimulations, ultrasound has shown the incredible thing: focal ivr changes are not ‘ound, and in the femora vein there are no symptoms of thrombotic inflammation. underwent 10 treatments that helped me recover, quickly return to work. and rebuild my if, My welkbeing and state of mind have never been in better shape! Danie! 34 years old from Gdansk because ofa cancer that was diagnosed with 3 years ago. During the first surgery they removed a lesion from my intestine the next one involved metastases removal. Then there was an infection because of \which my bladder stopped working and | was catheterized. Further ‘metastases in the lung led tothe chemotherapy. It was folowed by polyneuropathy. My arms and legs were numb, | had difficulty moving. had to undergo the next chemotherapy, but my body was realy wom ‘out, | couldrit eat, | was exhausted physically and mentally and | was Vomiting after al the drugs. A year ago, the surgeon wanted to remove my bladder, but | didnt agree. | have been taking medicine all these years, and now for 5 months, every two weeks, Ihave been undergoing lectrostimulation withthe Zenni method. Only after the first one | started 1o be ina really good mood, after the second, fltless ‘numbness in my ibs. Each electrostimulation caused improvement, felt better, my appetite retumed, | started to eat and | had more strength, ‘now can even walk vigorously and climb stars. After 9 electrostimulations, during the doctors.) examination ittumed out that the bladder began to work, and therefore, after a year the catheter could have been removed, stawomir 50 years old from Warsaw Cancer Problems? Contact us to discuss how we can help. a & 07915 609 025 ® wonnzenniviktorpl Sponsored Content Creer eG uuu) People who don'tdigest protein eC eae Ceti tendtocraveproteinand a ee pe sugar Teyaften get bloatedalmost See et ee er iately after they eat, and they could Plus, animal-derived —_enzyme’s catalytic eric a ec pclae ess Coe eo OT AC eared - yeartbum or gastrointestinal reflux disease. oo Se errors ‘Theyare prone toappendicitis orappendix rc eee er Cee issues, Chronic constipation isalsoan issue, cet’ Cte a _gitnyouhavediicaty "4 ce ee eT a ea ligesting fats, youend up craving vegetable-based . Pere racy fttfoodsandsalt Youslsoget a eater bMoatedikepoplewhohave ee bo trouble digestingprotein, youbloat ACE nye eco ay almostimmeditely ater yout, CLD mr tee ea etc cet ent pa amas perience: ron Erbe vena eee eS “Frequent ord onictnecions Cae ay (bacterial vraloryeast) iain “The units are usually sucrose into fructose and ; pee a POE ua aod Ai aR: Eaelete Batarglaeanasé Breaks eee : ee On ‘ Cag Osteoarthritis ed ad too) “Degenerative spinal disc problems ° Fe mee et “Bonespurs ps cede Br neg tts + Osteoporosis tT Inst Seceotoeae 8 SS RUC ao “Gallbladder disease aelcclammm ante Ln aS “Hypothyroiiem Lm mm “jramnatyndromend/or anie eer ee fibrocysticbreasts PU Ck DON Hibrocysticbre Se ere meee ees ee Ce eer Se pee Pee COO ogy People who don’tdiestarbohydates ane em em er crave earbohyatesandsugars (breads lee a cee ee and pastries, etc.). When you don’ tdigest err Caray carbs, youend up fermenting your food in eee eee Poresenuer eee Fs Duan ee es DO ee ee ee mr rd Tee Products, comandsweet _« Lots of fruits, vegetable juices, Uinoaand wild rce Eee ess See tc ae TS eee ee eer + Limited salty foods (Ike Soy «plenty of mineral waterand _‘hydrogenated vegetable ols Coe es cr) ene Sir meals for your best chance Beane SE OSES onetime Oc a oe Me oR er aT Pree athe) roe on Seer Oe te ec esc ORC Otel fehres Ba tl DELL corres s See th Sa Perec SUC On ECC e nr) Ore Caffeinated beverages We are guided by the motto: by TENN ae UN aE keeping an eye on quality, we increase effectiveness ‘The Wilacoora Phytotherapy Centre, which supports the trvatment of civilisation diseases, has been oporating in ‘Lomianki noar Warsaw for over 20 years, bringing together enthusiasts of herbal foctors, pharmacists and ts, The mission of the Wilcaccora Phytotherapy Contre isto provide patients ‘with medicinal plants from the purest ‘areas ofthe world and to provide them ‘with preparations that will have only ive effects on their health, We are the only company in Poland to cooporato with, 4 Poruvian scientific and therapeutic: institute in Lima, You support the treatment of chron diseases, including cancer. How do you meet your objectives in this regard? First and foremost, we are honest with ‘our customers (patients). We always offer natural and unprocessed raw materials ‘and encourage poople to drink decoctions and infusions of herbs because only in this way do the herbs proparod retain the highost value of active bodios. All other operations such as encapsulation, tabletting, excossive hat, humidity and high light can rendor the raw material useless. Therefore, NOTE the source and the way itis processed after harvesting is important! For more than 18 years, I have been nporting herbs from a scientific and therapeutic institute of pa herbalists, pharmacists and doctors who have learned their knowledge from the Peruvian Indians. 1am 100% suro of the highost quality of tho raw matorials, which we always receive cloan and fragrant, ny preparations on the Peruvian lia called vileacor people sufferin in be used by How do they know which prepara ‘Yes, alot, really alot. But which quality do they havo? Wo guarantoo a very high ty, because the plants we import are no-tosted with the Allium test (Lovan test) at the University of Warsaw by Dr lita Nowakowska. There are very {ow European companies who use this biological method. The Allium testis an indicator of the activity of medicinal proparations, mainly anticancor preparations. It is also used to assess their toxicity. The testis characterised by high sonsitivity and is basod on the ‘meristematic stem cells of the root tips of the common onion ~ Allium copa L. ~ hence its name. NOTE: Cytogonotic tests, such as the Levan test, determine whother oF not chromosomes in cells are damaged during division. Can you illustrate this more clearly? ‘With this test, while observing changes in the appearance of onion cells under an slectron microscope, we can determine the water concontration (solution) that ‘causes apoptosis (death) of cancer calls. ‘Tho test also tells us whether the right concontration does not destroy healthy calls, which is vory important, and gives us the answer as to what concentration (dose) will achieve a healing effect and pot harm them. However, these are onion cells, n cancer cells. But they aro an extremly valuable souree of mitotic cells and are characterised by intensive cell divisions, just like cancer cells, and a tight control ‘of normal DNA synthesis, as well as chromosome sogregation during the aro in line with other tests, e.g. cytometric, on human leukaemia HL-60* call lines, plants, and ev ‘This may be the case. An example of this can be found in the plants of the various vow variotios (Taxsus baccata L), from which the cancar drug. Taxotoro was dovolopod - with strong side effects. Improvements are plentiful, non-small-cell lung cancer, brain motastasis, avorago survival is about 20, ‘months, patient has lived for four years, observed for three years, treatment, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He hhas boon taking vilcacora, eishi and cordycops for three years. Real documentation exists, these are undeniable facts, We have many pationts with this disoaso ontity. Where can you get advice? Consultation (based on submitted test results) at the Wileaccora Phytotherapy Contre, Lomianki, ul. Warszawska 714, Poland, e-mail: vileacora@biorelax.pl, wwewenadegato.pl tel, +4822751 6507, H8227510543 Thank you for the Marta Skolmowska, owner of the Wileacoora Phytotherapy Centre in Lomianki, intorviowod by Jo.An. T atoroleraiveatty oars rear fomentesa preparations an H-80 promyelocytic ilar ke Par ora Montesa DC led Ce eee ene Me ‘She came to Dr Cutler on the advice of her psychologist, no believed her addiction to certain foods, especially. Seon ro rrr od intolerances. Because of her weight, Maureen had hip and knee pain and worried tha i) rentually need hip and/or knee replacement surgery. She had tried every available diet with no success, and she was deeply frustrated and eager for something to ene Dr Cutler ran blood and urine panels o ensure sh ‘any underlying medical problems that might eee urns icity and that she was not SOO Ere renee gcg put her on a detoxifying systemic enzyme protocol to support liver and bowel regularity along with a digestwve Ip break down carbohydrates. She also recommended following the diet for carbohydrate Tee Ea eee ‘Assoon 2s she began taking the enzymes, along with homeopathic remedies for detoxification, Maureen See Mune oe dropped the 70 extra pounds. Her hip and knee pain disappeared and her sugar cravings vanished SE ce a ed SMe UO een Pel) Senet nn te fainting, heart palpitations and low back pain, Her medical history included digestive problems such as ‘occasional gas, abdominal bloating and irregular bo Sue eeu eg esting revealed carbohydrate intolerance along ee Oe eRe beans, animal and vegetable ats, chocolate, coffee and certain alcoholic beverages used in food colorings. Sy ect tio dysfunction, which contributed to her back pain, Based on those findings, Dr Cutler prescribed five CAC eg digestive function, and another to heal her apparently a Rea oy ee unteract her bloating. The last enzyme she took was toenhance assimilation of calcium, magnesium and eee Soon after she began this regimen, Sharon noticed Pree oe aed and bloating. Her migraines and lower back pain Fe i aur Eo) with the rest of her health. Today she can worktull Ce ue een Rec yourgutandthusdevelop symptoms related tofermentation, Youalso suffer from bloating acoupleothoursafter -atinga meal chin carbohydrates, Youmayhavemoreissues with irritable owes, loosestoolsor constipation. Sometimes you might ping- pongbackand forth betweenloosestoolsand constipation. Youcould alsosuflerfrom fatigue. Additional symptoms might include: + Excessive gasaltereating raw or high-fiber foods «Diarrhea, especially afterconsuming foods thatcontain lactose +Constipation, especially after consuming foodsthat contain maltose orsucrose + Mtendency towardoutbreaksof cankersores orshingles «Skin problemssuch asacne,eczemaand psoriasis + High levels ofblood fats, total cholesterol and triglycerides + Respiratory problems, particularlyasthma +*Spacinessor dizziness *Colitisor Crohn’sdisease +Candidiasis(yeastinfections) + Earinfections + Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD) Emotional dstresssuchas mood swings, depression, anxiety attacks, anger or violent behavior Curative, butnot cure-all Cullerisclearthatasamazingasenzymes are, theyaren’tthe answer to everything (although they ometimesseem tobe). They workbestin combination with ahealthy diet, anappropriateexercise regime, reduced stress, hydration and otherh Sometimes physical adjustments lth measures dtobe made, sensitivities cleared, problematic toxins likeheavy metals removed from thebodyand more. Buttheydoan amazing jobimprovi ‘one’soverall health and vitality “The beauty withenzymesis youactually feel somethingwhen youtake them. You feel thedifference. Your hair, skin and nails improve, yourhormonescomeintobalance youlose weight, nergyinereasesand the cravings disappear “Enzymetherapyisalso antiaging,” she says.“You canage, butyoudon’tneedto get old. Youshouldhaveas much energyasyou had when you were younger. Forincreasing, longevity and antiagi recommendation.” 3. NerashUesiy, "xyme a 5 etces00 45 © crests \nfammationotsPromaetor Scenebahean 9 Caldas, 200: 8:8 Toleammore, visit DrEllencutler.comorread herbookMicroMirades: Discoverthe Healing Power ofnzymes (RodaleBooks, 2008).

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