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Form. A

NAME: _________________________________________DATE:_____________________

A. - Circle the correct preposition.

1. The party is (IN-ON-AT) Saturday.

2. The students are (IN-ON-AT) the school bus.
3. The Village is (IN-ON-AT) the bottom of a hill..
4. Do you study (IN-ON-AT) night?
5. People get presents (IN-ON-AT) their birthdays.
6. The information is (IN-ON-AT) a letter.
7. The factory workers are not working. They’re (IN-ON-AT) strike.
8. There is a lot of people (IN-ON-AT) Spain.
9. Columbia is (IN-ON-AT) South America.
10. I like to go to the beach (IN-ON-AT) the weekend.
11. The meeting is (IN-ON-AT) 10:00A M.
12. Andrea is (IN-ON-AT) vacation.
13. Charles lives (IN-ON-AT) La Alborada.
14. The Shop is (IN-ON-AT) Velez street.
15. We are going (IN-ON-AT) a cruise ship.
16. Saint Valentine’s Day is (IN-ON-AT) February 14th.
17. The manager is (IN-ON-AT) his desk.
18. The boys are (IN-ON-AT) the concert.
19. The thief is (IN-ON-AT) prison.
20. You can find the town (IN-ON-AT) a map.
21. The President is (IN-ON-AT) the helicopter.
22. My boss is (IN-ON-AT) a meeting.
23. We can see some small towns (IN-ON-AT) the way to the beach.
24. There are lots of people and cars (IN-ON-AT) rush hour.
25. Peter lives (IN-ON-AT) Panama.
26. The passengers are already (IN-ON-AT) the plane.
27. Priscilla is (IN-ON-AT) a diet.
28. The office is (IN-ON-AT) Luque street...
29. She watched the movie (IN-ON-AT) TV.
30. Columbus discovered America (IN-ON-AT) October 12th 1492.

GRADE: /30

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