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 Why does Jehovah not compare us with others?

JEHOVAH loves variety. This is evident in his amazing creations, including humankind. Each of
us is unique. So Jehovah never compares you with others. He examines your heart, your inner
person. (1 Sam. 16:7) He also takes into account your strengths, weaknesses, and background.
And he does not ask more of you than you can give. We need to imitate Jehovah by seeing
ourselves as he does. Then we will have “a sound mind,” thinking neither too much nor too
little of ourselves.—Rom. 12:3.
nor conjunction
ni conj
The accused could neither confirm nor deny the charges. El acusado no pudo ni confirmar ni
desmentir los cargos.
Vegans eat neither meat nor eggs. Los veganos no comen ni carne ni huevos.
nor adverb
tampoco adv
The coach does not give up and nor do the players. El entrenador no se rinde y los jugadores

take sb./sth. into account verb

tomar en cuenta algo/a algn. v
A project manager must take pros and cons into account. Un director de proyecto debe tomar
en cuenta los pros y los contras.
incluir algo/a algn. v
My partner always takes me into account when making an important decision.
Mi pareja siempre me incluye cuando toma una decisión importante.
less common:
tomar en consideración algo/a algn. v
take into account verb
contemplar v
The author took the editor's suggestions into account. La autora contempló las sugerencias de
la editora.
less common:
abarcar v

By seeing
I die by seeing you.
Me muero por verte.
Just by seeing you I can tell it's true.
Con sólo verlos sé que es verdad.
Fabrício can ask and introduce the scientist.
Bueno, Fabrício puede preguntar... y ya presentar al científico.
We need to ask some questions regarding your statement.
Necesitamos hacerle unas preguntas... en relación a su anterior declaración.
Please ask the witness to refrain from addressing my client.
Por favor, pídale a la testigo que se abstenga de dirigirse a mi cliente.

2. Why is it not good to compare ourselves with others?

Of course, we may benefit by observing the good example of a faithful brother or sister who
has a productive ministry. (Heb. 13:7) We might then see ways in which we can be more
effective in our own ministry. (Phil. 3:17) But there is a difference between imitating
someone’s good example and using it to assess your value as an individual. Such a comparison
could cause you to feel envious, discouraged, or even unworthy. As we learned in the
preceding article, to compete with others in the congregation would also be spiritually
harmful. So Jehovah lovingly exhorts us: “Let each one examine his own actions, and then he
will have cause for rejoicing in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other
person.”—Gal. 6:4.

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