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Unit 6.

Likes and Dislikes

French Pastry

Activity 1. Listening Comprehension. Look and listen the video about Kids Vs Food. Listen and find
the proper description of the frech pastry and write down in the chart. As you listen and find the
description of the French pastry you have to give the correct word of the pastry as well.
madeleine Macaroon Canele (e-clare) Tart
chocolat tropezienne
These are the It’s a macaroon It’s a kind of It is not It’s just a spongy
best -It’s definitely cake supposed soft cake
It’s plain but it’s sticky like The outside (supous)to be a -It’s a cream
good caramel looks like a churro filled cake
It tastes like a It tastes like donut and the It looks like a -It’s a
coffee cake salty caramel bottom looks donut spongecake with
I do like this They are soft like a cake It’s a kind of a frosting in it
(these) It tastes like - It doesn’t look giant peanut or a It tastes to
It’s actually cocoa but it’s too bad french hot dog Vanilla (vanila)
(really) pretty actually pretty It doesn’t really There is a -It’s really sweet
good good. taste like Nutella inside The inside is
This is a -It has a little bit anything. There is a Delicious
madeleine of cream in it It’s really Chocolate and
-It tates like a It tastes like a chocolaty like a frosting pudding The cream
spongecake peanut butter caramel brownie inside amazing
baked in a Shell cup but more -I don’t really It’s just a normal
shape bready like the outside Donut but when
It’s delicious! It is soft and a It’s a kind of you bite it’s
little bit of a bitter but kind of chocolate inside
crunchy outside sweet too It´s like a world
then it’s just soft (bittersweet) of chocolate
in the middle- I don’t really like fudge just
It’s so good the texture and melting in your
It’s definitely the structure mouth
yummy The outside has
one different
flavor and then
the inside has a
totally different
It has a custard
center and a
It taste very
good I like it

-It’s definitely sticky like caramel (Definitivamente es pegajoso como el caramelo.)

-It tastes like salty caramel (-Sabe a caramelo salado)

-They are soft(Ellas son suaves)

-It tastes like cocoa but it’s actually pretty good.( Sabe a cacao pero en realidad es bastante

-It has a little bit of cream in it (Tiene un poco de crema.)

- It tastes like a peanut butter cup but more bready (Sabe a taza de mantequilla de maní pero más
a pan)

- It is soft and a little bit of a crunchy outside then it’s just soft in the middle- It’s so good.( Es suave
y un poco crujiente por fuera, luego es simplemente suave en el medio. Es tan bueno.)

-It’s definitely yummy(-Definitivamente es delicioso)

-It’s plain but it’s good ( Es sencillo pero bueno)

-It tastes like a coffee cake(-Sabe a pastel de café)
-I do like this(Me gusta esto)
-It’s actually (really) pretty good(-Es realmente (realmente) bastante buena)
-It tates like a spongecake baked in a Shell shape (Queda como un bizcocho horneado en forma de
-It’s delicious!( -¡Es delicioso!)

-It is not supposed to be a churro(No se supone que sea un churro)

-It looks like a donut (Parece una rosquilla)

-It looks like a churro(-Parece un churro)

-It’s a kind of a giant peanut or a french hot dog….-Es una especie de maní gigante o un hot dog

-There is a Nutella inside…. Hay una Nutella dentro.

-There is a Chocolate and frosting pudding inside…. Dentro hay un pudín de chocolate y glaseado.

-It’s just a normal Donut but when you bite it’s chocolate inside… Es solo una rosquilla normal,
pero cuando muerdes es chocolate por dentro

-It´s like a world of chocolate fudge just melting in your mouth… Es como un mundo de dulce de
chocolate que se derrite en tu boca

-It’s a kind of cake. Es una especie de tarta

-The outside looks like a donut and the bottom looks like a cake .. -El exterior parece una
rosquilla y el fondo parece un pastel.

-It doesn’t really taste like anything. Realmente no sabe a nada

- It doesn’t look too bad…- No se ve tan mal

-It’s really chocolaty like a caramel brownie… Es realmente chocolateado como un brownie de

-I don’t really like the outside.. Realmente no me gusta el exterior ...

-It’s a kind of bitter but kind of sweet too (bittersweet).. -Es una especie de amargo pero un poco
dulce también (agridulce

-I don’t really like the texture and the structure.. No me gusta mucho la textura y la estructura.

-The outside has one different flavor and then the inside has a totally different flavor… El exterior
tiene un sabor diferente y luego el interior tiene un sabor totalmente diferente.

-It has a custard center and a caramelized crust

Tiene un centro de natillas y una costra caramelizada.

-It’s just a spongy soft cake… Es solo un bizcocho esponjoso

-It’s a cream filled cake… Es un bizcocho relleno de crema

-It’s a spongecake with frosting in it… Es un bizcocho con glaseado

-It tastes to Vanilla.. Sabe a vainilla

-It’s really sweet… Es realmente dulce

-The inside is Delicious.. El interior es deliciosa

- It tastes like a Delicious frosted spongecake… Sabe a delicioso bizcocho helado

It’s actually pretty good. I do like this De hecho, es bastante bueno. Me gusta esto

It’s a kind of a Little bread. It’s bready Es una especie de pancito. Es pan

It’s crunchy outside and soft inside Es crujiente por fuera y suave por dentro

It’s a kind of pastry Es una especie de repostería

It looks like the crescent moon Parece la luna creciente

It’s a bread roll made with flour and butter so it’s buttery Es un panecillo hecho con harina y
mantequilla, por lo que es mantecoso.

It’s savory or tasty. it’s so yummy. Es sabroso o sabroso. es tan delicioso.

It looks a very thin flat cake Parece un bizcocho plano muy fino

It’s looks like a pancake Parece un panqueque

It has a variety of sweet toppings Tiene una variedad de coberturas dulces.

It’s so yummy Es tan delicioso

It’s a traditional sweet pastry from Venezuela Es un dulce tradicional de Venezuela.

It’s sticky and cheesy Es pegajoso y cursi

It looks like a cinnamon roll Parece un rollo de canela

It’s crunchy outside and soft inside Es crujiente por fuera y suave por dentro

It tastes to cinnamon, vanilla and star anise and panela Sabe a canela, vainilla y anís estrellado y

There is a kind of sirop base don panela Hay una especie de sirop base don panela

It has cheese on the top and inside Tiene queso por encima y por dentro

It’s sweet and savoury Es dulce y salado

It’s a kind of cake. Es una especie de pastel.

It’s soft inside and crunchy on the bottom Es suave por dentro y crujiente por debajo

it tastes to lemon or passion fruit sabe a limón o maracuyá

It’s a kind of cake Es una especie de tarta

It’s crunchy outside and soft and wet inside Es crujiente por fuera y suave y húmedo por dentro.

It’s like a world of chocolate melting in your mouth Es como un mundo de chocolate derritiéndose
en tu boca

It tastes like cocoa but it’s actually pretty good Sabe a cacao pero en realidad es bastante buena


the outside is crunchy and the there is i a cream inside por fuera es crujiente y por dentro hay una

it is filled of cream Es un bizcocho relleno de crema

It’s a cream filled cake Es un bizcocho relleno de crema

It's creamy inside and it's crunchy outside Es cremoso por dentro y crujiente por fuera

creamy and cream Cremoso y crema

what does it look like? ¿Cómo se ve?

it's kind of …. Es un tipo de ….

it looks like... parece como..

it looks like a filled cream cake parece un pastel de crema relleno

it looks like a cookie with chocolate parece una galleta con chocolate

it tastes to Strawberry sabe a fresa

it's a kind of ice cream es una especie de helado

but with cake pero con tarta

it looks like a cake parece un pastel

it's a kind of pudding es una especie de pudin

bottom fondo

It tastes to vanilla Sabe a vainilla

it tastes to cocoa sabe a cacao

it looks like parece que

it's soft es suave

it is soft

It is a soft cake Es un bizcocho suave

it's cheesy como queso=??

it looks like a lemon pie but it is not parece una tarta de limón pero no lo es

it's a kind of lemon pie es una especie de tarta de limón

Activity 2. Look at the photograph of the following different foods. Where is it from? Which one
do you like? Describe each kind of food or dessert by using the different structures given above.
For instances: it tastes… it looks like…and so on. You should also use the vocabulary given below.

1. American 2.Italy 3.Indian Food 4.American 5. 6. Arabic

Dessert food Food food
It’s a kind of It’s so yummy it's kind of it's kind of It looks a
pastry it is eaten rice breakfast soccer ball
It tastes to piping with chicken it looks like it's kind of
chocolate (paipien)hot There is a with a lot of croquettes
It’s bitter It tastes to kind of sauce greasy(griisy) I don't know
It’s the tomato it's little Spicy it’s prepared how it tastes
outside is it's soft It tastes to with egg and It’s just a
crunchy and it's curry sausage(soshe) normal
the moist savoury(seivory) It’s like a as well croquettes
inside usually eaten world of bacon(beiken)
it's really for lunch spies in your I don’t like it at
chocolatey It’s a kind of muth all
it’s like a food that
world of It’s plain but it’s combination
cholate good
Taste and Texture Adjectives
Bitter - Having a strong, often unpleasant taste e.g. coffee, dark chocolate.
Sweet - Usually an enjoyable taste of sugar.
Dry - Not wet.
Moist - A little wet.
Bland - Boring, not interesting.
Spicy - Having strong flavours from spice.
Savoury - Not sweet e.g. bread.
Rich - Rich food has a lot of butter, cream, or eggs in it.
Salty - Tastes of salt.
Tasty - Good flavour and is nice to eat.
Sugary - Tastes of sugar.
Greasy - Containing or covered with fat or oil.
Sour - Having a sharp taste e.g yogurt, lemon.
Piping hot -Very hot.
Crunchy - Firm and making a loud noise when it is eaten.

Plain- Not decorate or elaborated. Simple or ordinary in carácter

Sticky- Tending or designed to stick to things on contact. Adhesive, adherent,


Bready- consisting of containing, or having the taste or smell of bread.

Flavor- odour, taste, savour.}}}}}}

Activity 3. Listening Comprehension

I used to have lots of hobbies , when I used to have time, in Canada. Solía tener muchos
pasatiempos, cuando tenía tiempo, en Canadá.

uh, but here I don't really have hobbies. uh, pero aquí realmente no tengo pasatiempos

I guess my hobbies is she likes playing with maro because whenever I have free time I'm playing
with him. Supongo que mi afición es jugar con maro porque siempre que tengo tiempo libre juego
con el

if I did have time. si tuviera tiempo

and I really like drawing, as wel on the computer. y me gusta mucho dibujar, así como en la

1. Spare time or free time. Listen the video from the link sent it to your WhatsApp and say
What she like to do in her spare time (free time) besides YouTube. Any hobbies?
and I really like drawing, as wel on the computer

2. -Tick (*) the things that you like doing or you like to do in your spare time. Your hobbies?
-Tell me what you like doing and what you don’t like doing from the list.
For example: a. I don’t like watching tv, but I like Reading very much
b. Oh, really? Why?
a. Because it’s boring
b. Why don’t you like watching Tv?
a. What do you like Reading?

3. What do you think your teacher likes doing in her spare time?
For instance: I think she likes cooking.

4. Ask your teacher questions to find out what activities she likes doing from the list other
For exemple: Do you like cooking?

 Going to the beach

 Drawing
 Going outdoors

of everyone
or everyday
No, I don't like playing football/soccer
i like watching soccer match
Do you like going to the gym in quarentine?
or lock down?
In my free time i do jogging but i don't really like it. I do it because i need it
get tan
I like dancing a lot because it's funny
but i don't like jogging because it's boringggg
but i don't really like jogging because it's boring
or because it's not funny
in my free time i like...
In my free time I don't really like...
i like sailing in small ships
i don't like sailing in small ships
In my free time i love going to the gym but not in lock down or in quarentine
In my free time I like spinning but i don't like playing football

Activity 4. Listening Comprehension.

Listen the audio about the things Gaby likes to do at her spare time and answer the
following questions:
 Does she have a specific hobby? And why not?
 R. she don’t have a specific(specific) hobby. because he likes to do many different
things in his spare(sper) time
 What is one of her favourite things she likes to do in her spare time?
 R. her favourite things to do is listen music
 What does she write?
 R. writing little poems or short stories, sort of songs, it’s something she really likes
to do.
 Does she like dancing?
 R. yes, she likes dancing
 What kind of dancing does she know?
 R. she know a little bit of Flamenco and stuffs likes that.
 Does she like going outdoors?
 R. yes, she likes going outdoors
 What does she do outdoors?
 R. she likes going outdoors biking
 How often does she take a nap?
 R. she likes sleep in the afternoon
 Does she like to watch Tv?
 R. yes, she likes to watch Tv
 What does she prefer to watch?
 R. she enjoy movies more than tv shows.

Activity 5. Reading: Read the text about the things Gaby likes to do at her spare time and compare
your aswers with the text:

I think I don’t have a specific hobby ‘cause I like to do many different things at my spare
time, I guess it depends on my mood of the day. For exemple one of my favourite things to
do is listen music. I also like drawing and writing, writing little poems or short stories, sort
of songs, it’s something I really like to do. I like dancing, sometimes I just go with the flow
of the music I’m listening too. I know a little bit of Flamenco and stuffs like that. I also like
to do some things outdoors like biking. Even though I don’t do it as much, in the afternoon
I like to sleep and watch tv, maybe tv shows but mostly movies. I enjoy movies more than
tv shows. So that’s pretty much it. Oh recently(risilin) I realize(rilaiz)that editing photos is
another thing to include(includet) to the things that I like to do.


So that’s pretty much it: It means that you have covered all the main points of the story or
explanation Así que eso es todo: significa que has cubierto todos los puntos principales de
la historia o explicación.
Biking: or ride a bicycle or motorcycle
Outdoors: in or into the open air; outside a building. For instance: It was warm enough to
eat outdoors.
Spare time: free time
‘Cause: because
Guess: estimate or suppose (something) without sufficient information to be sure of being
correct. For instance: She guessed the child’s age to be 14 or 15.
Sort of: kinf of
Stuffs: things (very familiar) cosas
Nap: siesta

Difference Between ALSO, TOO and As well as

 Jeff plays soccer. Greg plays soccer, too.
 Jeff plays soccer. Greg also plays soccer.
 Jeff plays soccer. Greg plays soccer as well.
The only difference is in their placement in the sentence. Too and as well are used at the end of a
sentence. (As well is more formal than too). Also usually goes before the verb or adjective.
He likes chocolate.
 I also like chocolate.
 I like chocolate also.
 I like chocolate, too.
 I like chocolate as well.
The apples are delicious.
 The pears are also delicious.
 The pears are delicious also.
 The pears are delicious, too.
 The pears are delicious as well.
The expression as well as can be used in the middle of the sentence, and is similar to “and” or “not
only… but also”:
 She bought the necklace. She bought the earrings.
 She bought the necklace and the earrings.
 She bought the necklace as well as the earrings.
 She bought not only the necklace, but also the earrings.
You can also rephrase this to use also, too, or as well:
 She bought the necklace. She also bought the earrings.
 She bought the necklace. She bought the earrings, too.
 She bought the necklace. She bought the earrings as well.

5. Practice. Writing: Write a text about the things that you like doing in your spare time or
talking about your hobbies. Use the vocabulary we have studied as well as the connectors.

I live in Maracaibo and it’s very hot here, I hate hot weather but enjoy my job as well I like to do
many different things. for exemple one of my favorite things to do is sing karaoke I olso like
walking outdoors with my husband. I enjoy movies more than tv shows. For afternoon I like
have exercise

6. Reading and speaking.

we have long cold winters. we have a holiday home near a lake, so in summer I go sailing a lot and
I play baseball but in winter I often play ice hockey and go ice-skating. my favourite season is
autumn. or fall, as we say in north america I love the colours of the trees red, gold, orange, yellow,
and brown

I work for pentax cameras, in the export department. I don't have a lot of free time, but I have one
special hobby taking photographs of flowers , especially in spring. sometime, after work I relax in a
bar near my office with friends. my friend, shigeru likes singing pop songs in the bar this has a
special name, kareoke I don't sing I'm too shy
people think it's always warm and sunny in portugal, but january and february are often cold,
wet and grey. I don't like winter. I usually meet friends in restaurants and bars and we chat
sometimes we go to a brazilian bar. I love brazilian music. but then suddenly it's summer and at
weekends we drive to the beach, sunbathe and go swimming. I love summer

Activity 6. Answer the questions about Al, Manuela and Toshi.

 Do they all play sports?

 What do Al and Manuela do in winter?
 Do Manuela and Toshi like going to bars?
 Where is Al’s holiday home?
 When does Toshi like taking photographs of flowers
 What do Manuela and her Friends do in summer?
 Do you know all their Jobs?
 Why does Al like autum?
 Why doesn’t Toshi sing in the bar?

Activity 7. There are six mistakes about Al, Manuela, and Toshi. Correct them.
Activity 8. Writing. Write a paragraph by saying what is your favourite season and why and tell
what you like doing in the different seasons.
I like going to the Mall center

on Mondays

I like to have English lessons

I love to have my
my meeting congregation

i love to have my meetings

i enjoy my Pioneer meeting


On fridays I love to talk with my family by zoom

or by whatsaap

on Saturday I love to rest in the afternoon

I like going to the Mall center with

on Mondays

I like to have English lessons

I love to have my congregation

my meeting congregation

i love to have my meetings

i enjoy my Pioneer meeting


On fridays I love to talk with my family by zoom

or by whatsaap

on Saturday I love to rest in the afternoon

and I also enjoy to study the watchtower with my husband

what do you like to do on sundays

In my free time I like to go to the mall center with my husband usually on Mondays

In my free time I usually like to go to the mall center with my husband on Mondays

Adverbios de frecuencia investigar

I'm really not in shape

but I try...

so I like to do exercises

in the afternoon

I love to eat healthy as well

I love to eat healthy as well

I love to prepare healthy food


i love to drink a lot of water

I love to have dinner early

in his free time he likes to draw he also learns to play the guitar

and he also likes to play the guitar

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