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1) Les effets positifs du sport en étant le plus précis possible.

to develop both physically and mentally /1
improve interaction and social integration. /1
improves the mental level /1
and promotes a healthy lifestyle in adulthood /1
as the habits we acquire as children are often to stay /1
strengthen* their social self-esteem, /1
allow them to understand the importance of having and respecting the rules. /1
prevent overweight and obesity /1
(can help better develop her/his ability to concentrate. )

2) Les avantages du sport pour les parents. /2

-To have some rest 0,5
-They will fall asleep in bed in a matter of seconds and you, dads and moms,
too. /1,5

3) Les raisons pour lesquelles les gens font du sport et quel sport convient à quel type
de personne à l’aide d’exemples concrets. /5

for their career /0,5

for enjoyment and recreation /1
A more timid and shy child is likely to get better at a sport where she/he has to
relate to peers /1,5
To a more active one, an individual sport such as tennis can help better develop
her/his ability to concentrate. /2

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