Profession Portfolio Assignment Part B

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Profession Portfolio Assignment- Part B

Self Identified Learning Plan

Tyra Barr

PRNU 115- Professional Practice

Vancouver Island University



Topic/Focus Area Here is what I know Here is what I need This is how I am
about this to learn more about going to go about
getting that
1.Cultural Safety: I recognize that some I need to learn more -I will read articles
Ethnic groups ethnicities can have about ethnic groups that regarding ethnicities
experiencing inequities negative heath care potentially are having that are known to have
in their exposure to experiences. All though negative health care negative health
healthcare. some ethnicities experiences and what I outcomes. Then I will
experience this I am can do as an LPN to read about the
most aware of people ensure cultural safety importance of cultural
Learning Objective who are Indigenous for ethnic groups. I will competence.
experiencing negative learn better Different Ethnic
I will learn more in health care. I have communication skills Groups and Health
depth about different learnt that some including gestures and Outcomes | Patient
ethnic groups and how Indigenous cultures words that are not Cultural Diversity in
they are experiencing will avoid going to seek appropriate for certain Healthcare: Why It
negative health care. help from health care cultures. Matters, and What’s
due to their history (i.e., Next | Rasmussen
I will develop skills on residential schools). As I will research University
how to communicate nurses its our priority to specifically Indigenous -I will learn words and
with people who are provide safe and history and how they gestures that are not
not receiving proper competent care for were treated in the past appropriate for
health care due to their various ethnic groups so I can understand cultures9 Terms to
ethnicity/cultural. for people to receive why some may not seek Avoid in
the best possible care help in health care Communications with
I will continuously and ensure cultural when needed. Indigenous Peoples
learn how to care for safety. (
everyone of every I will research extra -I will read articles
ethnicity throughout education regarding about Indigenous health
my nursing career. proper care for various care history to become
ethnicities. This will found of what they
allow me to put my experienced Our
knowledge to use and History, Our Health
hopefully help others (
that are experiencing -I will read BCCNM
negative health care website regarding
due to ethnicity. Indigenous Cultural
Safety. Indigenous
Cultural Safety,
Cultural Humility, and
-I will read through the
cultural sensitivity links
located on PRNU 115

Topic/Focus Area Here is what I know Here is what I need This is how I am
about this to learn more about going to go about
getting that
1. Critical thinking Critical thinking is I need to learn how to Study a Case-based
Skills essential in the nursing further my knowledge approach where I and
How to prioritize profession. I will be put about critical thinking other nurses participate
critical thinking skills in situations where I skills while in solving case-studies.
need to critically think incorporating other This will help engage
Learning Objective fast while being able to nurses critical thinking in collaboration while
efficiently prioritize ideas. I would also like in a safe environment.
I will further develop each task. From my to learn how to -Examples Of Critical
my critical thinking first year in nursing continuously improve Thinking In Nursing
skills while learning school, I understand my critical thinking And Why It's Important
safe and efficient ways. ABC’s are priority throughout my whole (
during patient care. But nursing career. -Free Nursing Case
I will be researching managing and Studies & Examples |
how to understand and understanding how to I will learn about self
apply these skills. critically think for other reflecting on my critical
priorities is also very thinking skills. Practice Self-reflection.
I will look at ways I important in nursing as Keep notes from
can practice critical this will help me make I will learn more about situations, how I could
thinking in a nursing the right decisions for thinking under pressure have done it differently
facility. By the end date my patients. and on the spot from and why. Take my
of this course, I will other experienced reflection to seek
confidently be able to nurses. advice from my
prioritize nursing teachers/managers on
situations by using the how I can improve my
knowledge learned critical thinking.
during my research.
Observe other nurses
when they’re working
under pressure. Ask the
nurses why they
performed theses
actions if that was best
for the patient. Then
see if I can perform the
same actions as I
Critical Thinking Skills
in Nursing | Overview,
Examples &
Read Critical Thinking,
Clinical Reasoning, and
Clinical Judgment: A
Practical Approach
Topic/Focus Area Here is what I know Here is what I need This is how I am

about this to learn more about going to go about

getting that
1. Self Care Self care is important in I need to understand I will start journaling
nursing. Becoming how to maintain my everyday before I start
How to care for my self burnt out is very mental health. I find my morning. This can
physically and mentally common in today’s peace in physical help my write my
while providing nursing world. activity which can help thoughts down and
efficient health care Learning how to my mental health but I make sense of my
prioritize yourself to will research ways to feelings. At the end of
Learning Objective provide the best care improve mental health the week, I can reflect
for your patients is without physical on how I am doing.
I will learn how to care essential. If you are activity. This can help me
for myself safely while mentally stable and decided if this is
prioritizing physical prepared to work long I will organize a working for my mental
and mental health. hard days it will make workout plan to health.
Learning how to do this nursing easier for prioritize my physical 12 Prompts for
will help me become yourself and safer for exercise. Journaling for Your
physically in shape everyone else, ensuring Mental Health
while acting as a that you’re always fit to I will research different (
coping agent for mental practice. Being exercises that are
health. physically fit is a bonus recommended for I will start my workout
as nursing can be people who are wanting plan by doing HIIT
I will research mental physical demanding. to spend a limited classes. These are
activities and workout This can help you amount of time doing usually 30-60 minutes
plans to perform over prevent injuries or so. classes. I can rotate
the next semester. injure others. with running for 30
minutes on the
I will plan which treadmill. I will
activities I will do to schedule to do these
complete physical and workouts at least 3
mental health than times a week. To break
reflect on how this up my physical activity
made me feel and what I will take a leisurely
I need to improve. walk outside to get
fresh air. Getting fresh
air can help my mental
state improve while
giving my body a small
physical break.

Read through BCCNM

website regarding LPN
professional standards
for self care. Standard
1: Responsibility and

British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives. (2022, February 25). Indigenous cultural

safety, cultural humility and anti-racism

British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives. (2020, September 15). Standard 1:

Responsibility and



FNHA. (2023, January 12). Our history, our health.


Morris, G. (2022, August 29) The value of critical thinking in nursing.

Janelle Barowski (2021, November 22). Take online courses. earn college credit. Research

Schools, Degrees & Careers.


Joseph, B. (2022, July 29). 9 terms to avoid in communications with Indigenous Peoples.

Indigenous Corporate Training Inc.


Knott, D. L. (2021, December 15). Different ethnic groups and health outcomes.

Nursing (n.d.). Free nursing case studies & examples.


Tanya J. Peterson. (2022, November 25). Journaling for mental health: Benefits, tips, & prompts

to get started.

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